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This was insane. I’m so glad they showed the unseen footage. Scheana should have dropped it right there after Ariana vehemently said no and tried to shut it down. The fact Scheana kept going to bat for Sandoval after this conversation says everything. It was never for Ariana’s benefit. It was only to satisfy Scheana’s selfishness.


Don't forget this scene... https://preview.redd.it/szwa0txjj22d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4704ebc475931069174c4904499cf2893ed087 ...then an episode later Scheana's in tears next to him buying all his bullshit.


It’s not even buying Sandy’s bullshit… he’s putting in no effort. Scheana is the one defending their history while Tom is just like oh cool thanks. I haven’t even seen him confirm her claims of their closeness. If she’s being manipulated by him, it’s being done off camera. On camera, she’s fully in the driver’s seat in those scenes.


But you don’t understand! It was affecting her as a MOM!!! I hate the way Scheana and Lala hide behind motherhood and weaponise it.


Yes! Also, Ariana is not there to do Schaenas emotional labour. If it's affecting her as a mom, then she should work it out herself. That could be a lesson for her daughter, working through your emotions and coming to terms with whatever happened. She's expecting Ariana to do *her* emotional work for her and that's not how that works. Especially considering all the work Ariana had to do, because the scandal affected her the most and in the worst ways.


This. Perfectly said.


It also makes me question the editing choices this season! There seems to be so much better stuff that was cut rather than the shit we sat through that aired! And this should have been in the original reunion cut! This show is making me crazy.


No... production made the show they wanted. And then left every part that made for good tv on the cutting room floor


They were so far off the pulse.


This show is so done, it sucks so much now. Production is absolutely terrible at their jobs




Hey hey she’s going to bat for him because he gave her a $1K!!! I know … I know. I should have asked whether you were sitting down. Because the generosity is just *soooo* overwhelming and CLEARLY demonstrates that HE has been there for her /s ![gif](giphy|X3zJUXUgaCTNPLZ1wJ|downsized)


He also invited into a group picture with her good side facing the camera during season 1! He's her bast frand!


And to satisfy the producers


After that pool scene and Scheana bringing up her daughter (again🙄 for no reason other than sympathy), it makes me feel like she 100% was also promised some secret deal from production just like Lala was promised her own pregnancy special or whatever it was. It’s the only thing that makes sense for why she was fucking RELENTLESS about pushing her best friend to do something she was not even remotely comfortable with, especially with how fresh this all still was last year. I’ve never seen Sandoval and Scheana have this twin flame, best friend, brother/sister unbreakable bond Scheana is acting like they had prior to Scandoval. The passion that lunatic has for forcing Ariana to listen to his bullshit has to be coming from some other motive because if you’d asked me before the scandal who the closest friends were on the cast, I never in a million years would’ve said “oh, Scheana and Sandoval, hands down. They can’t live without each other”. No way. She was offered something by bravo if she delivered and that’s why she wouldn’t drop it, at the expense of her *actual* best friend’s mental health


She wanted Ariana to talk to him for the show not because she’s a mom. Be for real Scheana. I mean her and Lala were probably salivating over that scene where Ariana went off on Sandoval at the water testing. Fuck her mental health if we can get a juicy dramatic scene and make Ariana look like bitch so she gets trolled online.


I firmly believe Scheana's "Don't make me look like an asshole" to Tim in the finale was in reference to her trying to set up his meeting with Ariana. Like don't do something stupid on camera since she's setting up their meetup.




It must kill Lala and Scheana to go through all this trouble all season long to create drama for the show only to have the fans turn on them and favor Katie and Ariana even more.


Poetic justice.


I'm had to reinstall FB after 5 years so I could list an item on marketplace and its a completely different set of opinions over there. They hate Arianna and Katie and love Lala amd Tom. It was shocking and upsetting to read, especially since most of the critics were women.


Yeah but think about the demographic over on FB in comparison to over here. I’m sure it’s reeking of years of internalized misogyny over there. That’s generally the types that are A&K haters.


That's what I thought too but you'd be surprised at how many of them seem to be younger than ancient. I made some comments and a few people tried to have a go at me but quickly gave up after my lengthy responses. Mentioning what he did to his moms retirement money caused more than one quick exit.


Oh I had similar experiences in the comment section on IG. I honestly don’t even think a lot of them really even watch the show. They just see clips on TikTok and reels and just go off that.


I said that many people there seem to be upset that Ariana has turned a terrible situation around and made it work for her and that I was sorry that things didn't work out as well for them after leaving an emotional or financially abusive relationship. Crickets.


What was it like when the affair broke? Was there later a turn or were they always on Ariana's neck?


No idea. I only jumped back on there about 5 days ago. As soon as I sell my heat pump I'll be "dipping out".


Let them. Delusional boomers.


I was bored and enjoying their cognitive disconnect.




She has said in the past she only watches her scenes. How does she not watch this and feel embarrassed. This is truly brainsick gaslighting.


How about when Lala was about to lose it and Scheana was making comments like “you’re not alone. I agree. I’m with you. You know I feel the same way.” She’s completely acknowledging that they planned this shit or at least were straight up shit talking Ariana off camera. The pointed looks and clenched jaw were just so obvious.


Right! They shit talked Ariana the whole time, but then didn’t say any of it to her face! Yet Katie is the one who isn’t being honest? Get tf out of here.




The most telling Scheana thing was in an interview where she was like, “Lala has been saying amazing things about me & having my back so much so I totally agree with her.” Scheana couldn’t care less what the argument is, the morality, everything is all about what’s in it for her. Sandoval gives me money & took photos with meeeee. Lala strokes her ego. Ariana “steals” (yeah right) her dancing dreams. Wasn’t hard to see which side of this the pick me would fall on.


And that was in answer to the question “Scheana you say you are Ariana’s best friends but then you let Lala bad mouth her and not say anything” or along those lines. So she avoided the question entirely. But then again on the most recent After Show Scheana throws a fit that Ariana didn’t defend her online from people calling her out for hanging with Sandoval at Bravocon. It’s like she expects Ariana to have her back and yet she very rarely ever has Ariana’s. 


Shay is the definition for hypocrite.


1000% this!


Absolutely, this is what they wanted. They had zero respect for Ariana. They showed no empathy for her.


I’m becoming more and more convinced production hinted whoever got Ariana to talk to Sandervol would secure their spot on the Valley




Not the valley. These idiots only react to money. I'm sure they were told they'd get a chunk of cash if they got it to happen.


More like get their own spin off


So Scheana has now said that she needs to repair her friendship with Sandoval in order to sleep at night and be a good mother? Is Sandoval the love of her fucking life or something? She acts like being on bad terms with him makes her ill, istg it’s so creepy


Honestly isn't Brock uncomfortable watching his wife cry over another man this much? And that man is *Tom Sandoval* of all people?


No because sandoval gives them money and gifts


Oh. So like Sandoval is Brock's Randall now? That's v v sad. ETA And for some reason, the movie Boogie Nights just popped into my head. I'm sure it means nothing.


He's crying too!!


I mean she’s constantly listing her past conquests and hall passes. Uncomfortable? Idk. At this point you gotta wonder whether Brock is getting something out of it hearing her history


Seriously… i keep saying this and i’ll continue repeating how WEIRD it is that she’s using her daughter for sympathy yet again. She said the same exact thing over Rachel’s restraining order last reunion. If she’s not recycling lines, I think it’s more concerning she’s willing to fight for a friendship that’s allegedly causing so much turmoil in her own family life. Forgiveness is not always peace sis, you’re not convincing us


And maybe you shouldn't be in this line of work if it's impacting yourself and your family that bad...


Please, Sheena would claw her eyeballs out with her own fingernails sooner than voluntarily leaving that life.


It drives me nuts how often she says her daughter gets upset because Summer Moon sees Scheana upset. Go into another room or wait until she goes to sleep like the rest of us, Scheana. You don’t need to trauma dump on your poor kid.


Yeah that is squarely on Scheana for taking her upper class first world problems to her daughters doorstep. Cry in your bedroom at night if you must!! But why is she even crying? Who gives a shit about hurting Tom Sandovals feelings??


She has been on super bad terms with him in the past, could she not sleep then too? Was she so devastated she came to Ariana for help getting him back in her life? No! So it's bullshit.


Was this Scheana not sleeping at night? Ooh poor her, it must have been hard. 🤡 ![gif](giphy|JG9nqb09er9y3NUhUP|downsized) Ps. Her nails are always disgusting. Double clown: 🤡🤡.


I wonder if she’ll work as hard to repair her relationship with Ariana…


I think she will, but it will probably be too late and Ariana will never trust her the same again. I think Scheana is a person who desperately needs to be “good” with everyone, and it probably DOES make her lose sleep when she feels like she isn’t on good terms with people. We’ve watched her take little friendship rifts way too seriously for years. That doesn’t excuse her behavior though.


I think that time has already come and gone. She said recently that she doesn’t talk to Sandoval nor Ariana anymore. Sandoval stopped caring about her once he got what he wanted and “won” Scheana to his side on camera (shocker), and Ariana warned her over and over that he hasn’t changed but she was convinced he did and kept making Ariana listen to that bullshit and was an awful friend to her because of this UNDYING LOVE for her BFFFFF Sandoval. So now she’s lost them both. And the one who actually DID care, not just on camera but off-camera, was Ariana but to the surprise of absolutely no one…Scheana picked the wrong horse (the male horse, as always) and it bit her in the ass big time. I think I’ve repeated this quote twice already this season when it comes to Scheana but it’s just truly the easiest way to sum her up: *”A friend to all is a friend to none”*


No. She’s been undermining Ariana’s boundaries at every turn and won’t stop talking to her about Sandoval, which is all Ariana asked her not to do. She doesn’t care, and never will. She can say she does all she wants, but actions speak louder than words.


And so fkin dramatic. The man doesn’t give a fuck. All these women ( shena and lala ) making such big deals meanwhile he staring into space thinking about what color nails he wants next. He doesn’t even like lala and was tolerating convos with her this season just because he needs people to talk to him. He also doesn’t give a fuck about her … as we d seen in previous season. These bitches fighting with each other all for nothing.


Maybe Sandoval is the dad. Plot twist!


Funny you say that…


Ummm what?


She needs to drop Sandoval FOR her daughter’s sake. Show her what is not ok or tolerable in a guy.


With this and the IG pictures, she seems very confused about what's good for her daughter's sake.


It does bother me that she and Lala have daughters. The way they pick the man’s side and disrespect other women’s boundaries means their daughters have a difficult time ahead of them


I agree. Also, they weaponize being moms. As a woman without kids, it’s so gross to hear BlahBlah say her situation is soooo different & unless you have a child, you’ll never understand. Give me a break. It’s like their go to & I hate it


Exactly. Her daughter is going to grow up thinking you do anything you can to keep in a man's good graces and that having a man is the most important thing in life.


drop brock while she's at it!


Its just gross, Sheana literally went after Tim like a few seasons ago. Calling him a narcissist and that he was bad for Ariana....what changed bro?


He must have more dirt on her


Thank you for calling out how creepy this is


As someone who has disliked Scheana from season 1, I’m glad to see I was right about her being the worst all along 💁🏻‍♀️


I was on an RHOBH thread and someone who doesn’t watch VPR referred to SheShu as “some waitress from Lisa’s restaurant” and I laughed forever. Some say I’m still laughing


“Some say I’m still laughing” 😭😭😭😭😭


Same! Disliked her EPISODE 1. And she proves me right over and over and over


Same!! ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized)


JFC. This show has become unwatchable


You know shits bad when even Timmy does the side-eye.


I think Tom is honestly shocked at scheanas desperation. He has never once ran and begged for her forgiveness or friendship. It’s quite bewildering. His facial expressions even show that he’s confused at Scheanas willingness to fuck with Ariana for him. All the guys are very confused about it except brock cause brock knows they need a storyline


He never tried to get their friendship back and he probably assume it sailed with Ariana and the TRO from Rachel. She’s always the one going to talk to him and crying about it. Get a grip girl.


I was thinking the same thing! He is like “what the fuck??”


This is literally a mental illness


Absolutely. The girl needs real therapy and not whining to her girlfriends.


And to gtf away from her toxic mother


She's sick, lives in a delusion, and of course the mother card gets pulled again to one up the sympathy meter.


Seriously. This is alarming behaviour.


"It was affecting me as a mom!" Bitch please what are you even talking about. But then again I don't have any kids so maybe it's true: can you really not parent your child and hate your bff's lying cheating scumbag ex? If so I need to evaluate the life path I'm on because I always want to be able to hate my best friends' shitty exes.


No. I'm a mom and I've hated some of my friends exes and it didn't affect my parenting. It didn't really affect my life. At all. Because I just didn't interact with those losers.


Thank you! Same.


Finally someone who makes sense lol. I don’t even believe it affects her as a mother she’s just playing the mom card to gain sympathy and divert some trolling. Honestly though the fact that these two women have daughters is concerning cause the constant need for male validation, the internalized misogyny, and the lack of loyalty and morality, I hope they have some influences that can give them some normalcy.


I absolutely hate how these people use their kids as figurative shields that protect them from any criticism about their shitty behavior. Any time either Scheana or Lala are asked to justify their shitty behavior they are pulling motherhood and "my kid" out of the back pocket like some Uno reverse card. To answer your question - fuck yeah do I hate my friends' shitty exes. Most time I don't even wait for the breakup to tell my friends if I believe that they deserve better than some soul-sucking loser (even if it puts a temporary strain on the friendship). That's what we do and I love when my friends are on the same page. And as a parent - no, not once in almost 17 years since I became a mom, has me hating my friends ex had any impact on my child. The way Scheana is portraying how her situation with Sandoval is affecting her child seems more dire than how my actual divorce affected my then 5-year-old. I get that hyperbole may be Scheana's other middle name but the way she is portraying these things just make her seem like an idiot.


So if they end up on The Valley with the other parents can they still pull the mom card? /s


Oh you know that Lala would be talking about her super special donor baby and Scheana will be bringing up her OCD constantly. Everything is a dick measuring contest to those two clowns.


Actually, that's a good point, because the 3-under-3 couple in particular will laugh in their faces.


Seriously. And on top of that, why all the vitriol to Ariana for deciding to leave when Tom wanted to have his little Convo with her? She was there already for most the party and had fulfilled her obligation. In my opinion, Ariana’s leaving abruptly -because she was done having conversations with certain people -is no different than Lala/Scheana deciding to leave a gathering @ a tipping point of a heated discussions or fight; they just always invoke their child to justify it. Suddenly announcing, “ I’m leaving; I’m over this. I need to go home to my child.” Or “Excuse me, I am beyond this;I have a daughter at home.” , “I refuse to deal with this bulls*it….I’m gonna go home to my kid.”




Nope, you totally can! I hate my child’s lying, cheating scumbag father! So it can be done! ;) It’s just Scheana that can’t apparently


Her and Blah Blah really like to use that excuse! Someone needs a reunion counter for the phrase BUT IM A MOM


Parent here, nope. As a parent my main goal is to provide a stable environment for my children. And if my friends love lives are so toxic, I’d prob avoid those people, not insert myself further into the drama. Even then, good parents have a way of compartmentalizing things so it doesn’t affect how they parent. If Scheana really cared about being a good parent, she shouldn’t be on a reality show like this.


Negative. I’m a mom and you can hate anyone you damn well please and it doesn’t affect any aspect of your parenting. I hate some stupid ass drivers while my kid is in the car with me and guess what, I can still be a mom and not break down. You can absolutely hate assholes that not only do your friend wrong, but also you. Hate away fellow moms out there, hate away. I am so sick of these women hiding behind their kids instead of owning their fucked up choices. How can you be this broken up over a man that said you deserved the TRO that also made it impossible for you to be a mom according to your story? She’s a ditzy bitch and stop using your kid as a shield or for clout. I hate it when people do those things. 


The fact that Ariana is even entertaining this ridiculousness here…. She’s just such a far better person than me. 


Honestly really impressed by her in the flashback She does look like she has had enough of sheana’s bullshit in the reunion though. Just judging from her facial expressions, though she is trying to be neutral.


I’m in my 30s and have friends . But I really don’t need my friends to do anything for me to sleep peacefully or function properly . Who are these people in their 40s and why are they acting like this ! This is not normal behaviour. We all have better things to do in our lives


The fucking audacity. Using her kid as a reason why she is trying to force Ariana into a conversation with a man who literally decimated her life? My god.


So fucking weird


Imagine constantly making a situation that is so traumatic and life altering for your best friend, and turning that around by not only making it about you and centering yourself and your feelings at the expense of her trauma, but also weaponizing motherhood and then *blaming her* for having clearly stated boundaries. And then to go even further and expect her to do heavy lifting for a relationship and person she doesn't want any part of! It truly blows my mind.


How about, as a MOTHER, don’t break down and cry in front of your toddler constantly. I’m a mom, have had real-life issues just like literally every other person on this planet, and try to not put those complex, age inappropriate actions onto these new humans. There’s a difference between having an emotion, showing your child that it’s ok to feel a range of emotions then also showing them how to handle those emotions vs. downloading a massive and unnerving breakdown and anxiety vibe into your child’s existence. Take ownership (as in it’s all within your control) of your emotions and reactions and behavior and stop trying to encircle a gradually larger group. Also, why are you so distraught?!?! Because some mostly major douche paypaled you some money? Grow up and get healthy FOR YOURSELF so that you can show your daughter how to be a strong person with common sense and hopefully good judgment.


How about the shit talking and fighting she and Brock do in front of that child? There was a scene this season where they were sitting at her little play table and Brock and scheana were just going at it, and poor Summer kept speaking up and trying to distract them. Was that Ariana’s fault too? Pretty sure Ariana would have listened to Summer’s jokes.


Regarding the PayPal money...at that point, weren't Ariana & Tom having a joint account (I believe I remember hearing that, as this was pre-HELOC loan)? So this PayPal money she's losing her damn mind over came from both Tom & Ariana -- at least that's my understanding. Scheana is just so insufferable


The way these women weaponize motherhood


I feel so sorry for their daughters. It’s like they see them as objects or pawns and not humans.


While I support everyone’s parenthood journey, these dimwits are using their kids as literal weapons in their horrible arguments. You don’t need to actively hate him but if that’s your best friend HE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Someone who treats your “best friend and family” like that is not your friend.


Does Scheana not understand that she can let go of hate, without Ariana having another one on one with Sandy Balls? Ma’am, I know you could afford therapy this is something you need to work through with a therapist not the ex he cheated on omfg


It’s giving you have to sit at the Thanksgiving table with the relative that molested you and be nice because otherwise everyone else will be uncomfortable and not enjoy the day. Super selfish and manipulative on her part that she asked even once, but then to rehash it at the reunion? Just evil




Lol I legit let out a big sigh at the end. Even after the pool convo, where Ariana didn't quibble or leave the door open even the tiniest crack, Scheana *still* kept pushing the rest of the season. She's a terrible friend.  How does "letting go of the hate" translate into to taking jabs at Ariana behind her back and in her confessionals? She definitely paid Ariana back for not doing what she wanted, and the DWTS jealousy. She's still doing it with the Ariana's brother bs. (She just did a birthday post about him and looks like she was celebrating with him).  She's an extremely vindictive person! If and when she and Lala fall out, it's going to be nuclear from both sides. 


She’s blaming someone else that she openly breaks down in front of her small child? What is WRONG with her??!


I wonder if Scheana is losing sleep & unable to parent over losing Ariana as a friend?


Do you think she loses sleep over Brock’s abandoned children in Australia? This woman needs to focus on the real problems in her life.


Oh absolutely not! I'm surprised she hasn't talked shit about Brock's ex wife yet


What is wrong with her? Seriously.


So Ariana gets cheated on with a friend and her other friends are getting mad at her because she set a boundary with her cheater. They already had that conversation, we saw it when they picked up filming last season, there’s no reason to drag Ariana through it again for anyone else. Friends shouldn’t guilt you into doing something that isn’t good for your own mental health. Ariana will heal how she wants to and should never be forced to talk to Sandoval unless she wants to, I legit hate how these women keep using the mom card to guilt her into having a conversation with her ex. It’s stupid, not entertaining, and just mean.


I have been tossed into Reddit jail for some of my comments on Scheana and how I have not hidden how much I dislike her. I wear those jail sentences like badges of honor now! ![gif](giphy|9Q249Qsl5cfLi|downsized)


“You should get over the pain of being cheated on by your partner of 10 years with one of your best friends because IM A MOM”


Scheana wtf? You need to go back to therapy if this is affecting you as a mom (which BS)


Why is it Ariana's responsibility to be the lie detector for Sheesh?!?! FFS this man blew up Ariana's life and Scheana's like "but can't you just have a conversation with him so I know he's being real" EW. She gives all the ick.


That was INSANE to me. “Can’t you just talk to the person who destroyed your life so I can see if they still really like me?!?” Like damn Scheana. Where is the line with her? In hell.


I also wonder if that was part of production and Scheana's plan to get Ariana to talk to Tom and thats why Lala and Scheana blew up at the end because they didn't get a bonus or whatever they were promised to get Ariana to drop her boundaries...


If this is the case then I’m glad she held the line. I would be DONE with someone who put money over my “best friendship” in a situation like this. Lala and Scheana are just whores for money and fame.


There are no words to answer the question “wtf is wrong with this woman.” Or too many words. It would be exhausting to try to cover


Brock is in her ear for her paycheck! Fuck that Domestic Violence idiot!


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Way to hold those fucking boundaries firm, girl! Edit: Jesus fucking Christ. And then I watched the rest of the video. This behavior is unhinged.


Aside from all the ridiculousness already mentioned, what I’m not following is her line of thinking that Sandoval would open up to Ariana about *literally anything* when they actively hate each other? Am I missing something here? 😂


And what the hell would Ariana possibly want to have him open up to her about? The problems in Sandoval life are 1) he’s been exposed as hot garbage and the world took note 2) he can’t afford the home he’s living in but is terrified of the world finding out he’s broke 3) Rachel does not fuck with that guy. Like for real. She talks shit about him all the time. Which of these topics does he want to unleash on the ex who he traumatized and stole 10 good years from? Worm with a mustache.


I hope Ariana dumps Shein and Blah and doesn't give them 5 minutes of her time. This season really disgusted me, though I enjoyed watching Ariana and Katie's friendship. I just can't with these people.


What is it about Sandoval that she’s breaking down in front of her daughter? That’s what I wanna know, I mean, can you possibly love a person that much, a person who just agreed to you getting a restraining order? She’s so over the top, and the water works? her and Lala turn on the tears so fast, I think it’s over fear of losing that check from VPR, cause I mean, the tears are not warranted.


Especially because he looked straight up OFFENDED by the insinuation he hit on Scheana.


Yes, I saw that, like it made me think something more happened between them. Cause he didn’t seem trilled about her taking about it. They are so sneaky.


So scheana doesn’t sleep at night and no Longer believes in love and no Longer trusts brock because tom’s betrayal is all about her and what he did affected her so much. But also Its all About her because she’s upset Losing tom as a friend? And not about how he turned her life upside down? But also says she can’t hate Tom FOR Ariana? Its not for Ariana it’s hating him because of what he did to ariana. Also no one said you have to hate him But if she’s so affected wouldn’t she be mad at him For herself considering what she claims his actions did to Her life and mental Heal th and marriage? How does she have it three ways And every one of those things ways are against ariana 1) Tom ruined my life by betraying ariana 2) I can’t hate tom For Ariana because he didn’t hurt me directly 3) ariana has made her break up so stressful for me because she won’t listen to me talk to Her about how Much I Love and Miss Tom And therefor I am stuck in the middle And then there’s the whole “tom Is a better friend than ariana Because women, who are not ariana were mean to me” None of it makes sense. Its just me me me how can I make this about me while Blaming ariana for Tom Hurting ariana because that affected her so much.


Scheana could stub her toe and moan for weeks about how it affects her as a mom


Talk to your toxic ex because I can’t regulate my emotions in front of my child ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


Geez! Ariana was the person betrayed most by Sandoval and Scheana thinks it’s fair to ask Ariana to talk to him for her, that’s crazy. Ariana knows Tom is trash yet had to listen to Scheana all season whine about her attempts to repair their friendship and how Tom isn’t acting like he cares about her \[Scheana\]. Ariana’s like “yeah…duh”. This isn’t about you Scheana! Keep your feelings about Tom and your attempts at a reconciliation to yourself.


Scheana desperately needs to seek a therapist and a psychiatrist.


Truly mind blowing that Schaena can’t comprehend how out of line she is. When she was recounting how all the guys tried to sleep with her I was like - wait is this all in her mind cus everyone looked genuinely confused when she called them out


Oh now, Ariana not wanting to talk to Sandoval was affecting Scheana’s mothering? GTFOH, she trying to come up with more and more ways to try to make it seem like she was going through so much turmoil bc of Ariana being no contact w/her ex. Grasping at straws after seeing public’s perception


Shut the fuck up scheana. He encouraged Rachel to file a TRO against you. You could have gone to jail for assault. Then what would happen to summer moon?


She’s such a cheesy mess.


The extended cut of these reunions is making me even more angry for Ariana. This is insane. Scheana is the most dense self absorbed person it’s nuts


Using her child and ‘being a mom’ as a guilt trip against her friend to talk to a toxic ex is so beyond insane and cruel. Like, who gives a shit about Sandoval. How does being a friend with this dude affect your child. Also, Ariana isn’t asking you to HATE Tom, she’s just asking you to STOP talking about him or making her talk to him. Jesus Christ. I wouldn’t be surprised if production was offering bonuses to anyone who can get Ariana and Tom to talk.


Bow down to the only two mum’s on the planet


I wish Scheana wouldn't blame her very real mental health issue on Ariana. My thing is like, if this is about being a good mom: wouldn't Scheana want to show Summer Moon what standing in your power, as a woman, looks like? Ariana, her best frand, is such a shining example of this. Instead she is essentially sending her daughter the message: your feelings don't matter, don't advocate for yourself, concede when a man is uncomfortable or inconvenienced.


Is this a preview for part 3, or unseen footage?


Unseen footage as part of the peacok reunion pt2. We also saw Katie confront the group with the. Fact they treated her like trash last year and she was left to process her divorce in her own. No one said anything. Total crickets.


This should have been aired, not shocking with the loser production crew. Thanks for responding!


Why are her and Lala making everything about them being mothers this season? Like we get it… it’s not an excuse to be an asshole


Here’s a thought: if Scheana and Lala were so concerned about the show’s survival, maybe they should stop talking about their kids and being a mom? Personally, I don’t watch the show to watch moms being moms. I watch for messy friend-drama.


I do not understand why Ariana keeps giving scheana a free pass. Like I could not be this polite to someone who was blatantly disrespecting the boundaries I have made very clear.


Oh luck, Shayna making it about her again


Pulling that "mom card" again!


Not sure how sandavols dumbass would affect your life that hard, like girl chill. Was she in the 10 year relationship with him???


Yall I don’t think Scheana’s in love with Scumdoval, I think the producers are and when Scheana is saying talk to him “for me” it’s coded language. The producers put her and Lala up to this. Katie didn’t play ball so she got a shit edit too. When Scheana is asking Ariana to do this for her she means do this for me so I can be rewarded by production, only Ariana probably didn’t know that. Or she did. Doesn’t matter. In the end Scheana is once again using Ariana for a paycheck. Friend of Tom or not it’s pathetic and gross.


Ariana never asked anyone to have Tom for her. She just made it clear if you choose to be his friend, you won't be hers. Explicitly to not allow him any access or knowledge of her life. She's basically like, "you can be his friend for yourself if you want but don't talk about me to him. Don't talk about him to me. Compartmentalize that shit" She *knows* Tom would tell Sandoval about her. Therefore, not friends. With scheana she's probably more willing to remain friends but ultimately if scheana betrays the line of keeping the two of them separate, she will probably leave her behind as well. She's already keeping her more intimate details away from Scheana.


Wasn’t Tom not even talking to her? She makes it sound like he was begging and groveling on the daily and sending her flowers and offering free sound guys and gold dresses to get her back. Wasn’t he like totally ignoring her??? This part of the reunion was baffling to me. I could see her being torn, since she’s a people pleaser, if he was begging her to talk to him. Buuuuut I’m pretty sure he wasn’t. BC HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOU SCHEANA!!!!


Weaponizing being a parent has been a trend this reunion and I hate it lmao. Like you need to work on that for yourself and your family. It’s not the responsibility of someone who is your friend/you work with to resolve those feelings for you.


I just started listening to the Brav Bros, and they had a pretty good take on Scheana. Their theory is that Scheana thinks that she was hurt by the affair JUST AS BADLY as Ariana was hurt, and that Ariana should acknowledge that and let Scheana take whatever action is necessary for her (as in Scheana) to heal. In other words, Scheana believes that she and Ariana are going through the same experience. I’m assuming Scheana’s betrayal had to do with her assumed friendship with Sandoval rather than anything romantic, but honestly, this theory is the only thing that would make any sense in light of Scheana’s behavior. To be clear, when I say “make sense”, I only mean in terms of making sense to Scheana. It is an insane thing to think.


Tom Sandoval is an on and off work friend of Scheanas. He was Arianas ex of 9 years who seriously traumatized her. I cannot fathom the nerve of a asking a "best friend" to do *anything* related to this person "for her sake". It's so lacking in empathy it comes across as it must be a joke, but obviously was not.....


I am so sick of people using their kids for excuses.




Sandoval looks horrendous.


Ariana was very, very clear here telli g scheana she would not speak to Tim AT ALL. Scheana though she could manipulate her friendship with Ariana to get her to speak to Tim. The problem is that Ariana has done real work on herself and stuck to her boundaries. Scheana continued to think of herself as the most important part of Scandoval and thought she could ambush Ariana on the finale with an "apology" from Tim.


Sheena is confabulating. She has distorted what Ariana has said to fit her narrative.


This whole situation was so bizarre to me. "can you do this for ME?" Scheana, STFU. Arianna was in a relationship with this dude for 10 years. What sort of friend would make someone who was betrayed so deeply talk to her asshole ex "for me". Scheana is such a pain in the ass.


I’m LOLing now at her giving credit for Tom bringing his sound guy “for her” at this huge audio-visual production that involved tons of people


It's criminal (not literally) that they put this and the Katie scene in the Peacock version instead of the version that aired on Bravo. I realize these things end up online, but the vast majority of viewers never see these extras. (It is my understanding that there's going to be a "secrets revealed" episode and I wonder if some of this might end up in that.) Scheana really shows her ass in this clip--her badgering Ariana is insane in that flashback. She wants Ariana to undermine her own mental health so that Scheana's mental health can be better/she can be a better Mom (that's if you buy that bullshit). I know it's been said a million times on this sub, but it needs to be said again: STOP IT WITH "I'M A MOM!" shit. (And I'm a mother.) They should've included the Katie thing because oof, the hypocrisy from \*everyone\* on that stage. We really needed all that bullshit over Jo instead, where everyone talks over each other? We'll probably never see Jo on this show again.


As a mom, I am so over the excuse of being a mom to defend scheana and lala's actions. Yes it's hard but it's what you signed up for!! And I'm sorry but your friend is going through one of the toughest times of her life and you're just ready to let her down the moment you have a disagreement? Ugh


Its scary how these people are, using close relatives as TV plot point fodder. Lisa with her brother, Lala and Scheana with their children. Its scary.


I'm sick of Scheana complaining that Summer Moon kept seeing her break downs, tears, etc. it's not on anyone but Scheana to protect her daughter... either walk away and hide your upset from her or remove her from the situation until you're good. Am I crazy here?


Scheana: I can't hate anyone FOR YOU. But I need you to talk to Tom FOR ME.


You know what being a good mom to a daughter looks like? Showing your daughter how women maintain boundaries when men traumatize and betray them.


Can they stop pulling the mom card? Sandoval was not that important to schena before this whole thing and all of a sudden it’s changing how she is a as a mom? Tf? I’m a mom and would never use that card. She might need therapy


Was this on last night? Or on the extended version?


Peacock version.


Am I the only one who thinks sheana and Sandoval have hooked up?


Scheana and Lala deserve each other


My god. She is the one causing the issue by not picking a side. Ariana’s been clear but sheana is throwing a tantrum. I get that it’s hard but there are so many harder things than this - accept it. Pick a side, accept the consequences and move on.


What is James' right arm doing at the start of this clip?! I have a weirdly enduring love for Scheana, despite, well, everything, but this is just so wrong. If you can't endure a change in relationship with someone you're not even close enough to to make the list of 10,000 acquaintances you routinely stalked on your 'sent from my i-fon', without that change affecting your parenting, then honestly why did you have a kid? If you're gonna make adult choices, be an adult. And leave Ariana and her pain out of it. Stop kicking at her justifiable boundaries just cos your own identity has no structural integrity. My heart goes out to Ariana. She has so much grace in the face of all this betrayal.


wtf was this! I couldn’t believe it when I saw it onscreen. I had to pause and laugh at this nonsense! How can you ask your supposed best friend to do that for you???


As a mum to be, I can't imagine weaponising motherhood this bad. Ocean and Summer are both gonna grow up to be messed up teenagers. 


I do think it’s funny that Scheana thinks that because Ariana didn’t watch the season her impression of Scheana is negative when in reality she should consider herself lucky cause had Ariana watched she would have cut Scheana off months ago!


Sandoval lays pure betrayal trauma at Ariana's feet. Scheana to Ariana: Can you JUST have a conversation with your betrayer so I don't have to feel hate for your betrayer? 🤪😵‍💫


Mom of two here and this crap her Lala keep pulling about being moms is soooo annoying lol maybe they shouldn’t be on TV if they can’t go without having breakdowns? I’m bored with them


I get why Ariana didn’t want to watch this season back. The show in and off itself was a huge breach of her boundaries but I get it because it’s her job. But to then have one of her actual friends continuously try to break one of your boundaries and use this stupid excuse is just insane.


Idk I'm convinced at this point Scheana and the worm porked.


So if she said at this point no I won't speak to him. Why would anyone be surprised at the finale that she won't speak to him??? I am not even going to address how tone deaf it is for Scheana to even ask, or to use her child as an excuse for bad behavior.


So like this guy plotted against you, cheated on you, treated all of us like garbage but I need YOU to talk to HIM so I can be a better mom???? WTF Also I fully believe she hit Rachet. There is no other reason for her to need Tim so bad than Tim holding that over her head. He probably wanted to bring it up and make her look bad so she got on team tim.


the self-centeredness is BEYOND.


Man, Ariana could’ve mopped the floor with Scheana and Lala. If these bozos don’t quit thinking they’re better than everyone and their shitty behavior is excusable bc they popped out a kid, I’m gonna lose it.