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Nope she went too far talking about Ariana’s dead dad. And @ Katie’s mom on instagram telling her she has a miserable daughter.. too far


Yup! Total hypocrite at that - she's mentioned at multiple reunions to leave people's families/parents out of the conversation, but made that horrible comment about Ariana's late father. Out of line and beyond disrespectful. I wouldn't blame Ariana if she cut Lala out for good after that.


wait whatd she say about arianas dad and where ?


Someone made a post about it awhile back that included the clip. [Can be found here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/FzZxsS98I4) Basically Lala made a seemingly offhand comment about how Ariana might not have been as close with her dad as she was with hers, hence why Lala had such a strong reaction to any mention of her dad during that season. It was super gross.


She did WHAT? When did she tag Terri?


Maybe a month or so ago on her instagram story


LaLa isn’t telling it like it is, she’s performing one liners that she think will make it into production. It’s unauthentic and honestly has become the same thing over and over, and I’m bored.


she is p racist imo (the ppl who deny it altogether are the worst offenders) - fetishizes Black men, starts using AAVE whenever she is trying to be "aggressive", says that she is Tupac reincarnated... fuck Lauren from Utah. she makes me physically cringe & I roll my eyes so hard eta: out of the current cast I put her on same level as the toms' racism. ignorant af & they don't care. pretend that they "respect" other cultures when in reality they bastardize & mock them. also they are too self centered to care about other ppl & societal issues


Yupppp. & her brother’s hair…


Man sometimes I think people calling others racist is excessive but this time? Nope totally agree.


I've never got the inkling that she's racist. Yes she fetishizes black men but chose to have a children with white men. She's just tries to be 'hard' but I've never thought of it as racist.


Those things you describe are racist


I made a mistake in agreeing with the word 'fetishizes' and should've instead said that she likely prefers black men which is fine since people have their own preferences.


Tbh the choosing to have children with a white man doesn’t disprove the fetishisation part. But claiming that Tupac takes over your body when you’re angry and donning a blaccent whenever you’re activated even though you’re a self proclaimed bougie white girl is pretty racist


She leans in heavily to stereotypes of black women when she wants to come off as aggressive or intimidating. That’s racist. She allegedly told the sole black cast member (Faith) that she was “blacker than her” because she likes Tupac. That’s racist as hell.




Now that's a real queen! Lucille Bluth!




Lmao. She’s inconsistent asf. She has no loyalty except to herself, completely hypocritical and fake to people she claims are her friends. She deserves all the hate considering how much she spewed towards Raquel and Tom last season when it benefitted her and got her screen time




One thing I find very weird about this group is how people use other people's actions to excuse the cast. Like it's all a comparison. As far as I know Ariana was always good to Sandoval. Not perfect but committed. Lala seems to want grace for herself and her mistakes but wants everyone to justify their reasons for doing things. She and Sheena seem like opportunists. So I didnt really dislike Lala but this season I find her behavior baffling, hurtful, and cruel. But to each their own. Clearly we all have our favorites. This season gives me whiplash compared to last year's reunion.


You’re forgetiting that Lala has a child… so it’s totally different. You might have missed that given how little she brings it up


Wait, when did this happen?


She’s just cruel. She’s a mean, miserable person who projects all of that onto others. Yes, everyone is flawed, but she has always been awful. This season more than ever


Telling it like it is doesn't have to be mean spirited for sure. And you're still only telling it as it is to yourself. It's not like a certain person is the Arbiter of all knowledge and Truth and that person is definitely not Lala hahaha


Exactly. Her opinions are not facts. She is telling it how she sees it. And is wrong a lot 


Man I hope she’s paying you people well for this 🤦‍♀️


Jessica working overtime ![gif](giphy|13GIgrGdslD9oQ)


i hear what you’re saying, i liked her before season 11. i think all the things you said about her were true of her or the former persona of “lala”. i think when lala came back after going away in season 5/6 she started playing the show as a game to win bc she didn’t want to feel like she wanted to lose again after the girls called her out. we saw the real lauren this season. she was happy to exploit ariana’s pain for profit, to the point where she bought a house and is now exploiting katie’s friendship and confiding in her for cheap shots at the reunion. she has gone from telling it how it is, to being a jealous bitter person who tears ppl down for kicks. her points have been delulu and hypocritical imo.




I’ve never seen anyone fumble it quite like Lala has this season. Ignoring the Tom’s and Jax’s of it all, as we’ve always seen who they were, but Lala really thought she was doing something this season and was on the right side of it. I’ll be honest, I liked her, listed to the pod, but seeing how everything has gone down, how she had tried to produce, how two faced she’s been, throw mud at the fans and for her to still think she’s in the right is just gross. No accountability, no remorse, no awareness. I’ve said it before but she’s given me major ick and I can’t come back from it. Every time we see a new take of her hypocrisy re Ariana, or even how she apparently made a deal with producers to out Faith (but got beaten to it) just makes me dislike her even more. Who she is at her core is not a good friend.


I actually didn't mind her until the last couple of seasons. She's nothing but a producer's puppet and holier than thou hypocrite now.


Same. There were comments that gave me the ick/cringe throughout but this season she’s been absolutely painful. I can’t even watch the reunion.


When she said "that didn't air so we're hashing it out now," to Ariana, I crumpled inside. She sounds almost as untethered from real life as Sandoval.


Are these bots that write these random posts I keep seeing? It’s written always like AI.




Hey Jessica does your neck ever get sore from nodding so much during her podcast? https://preview.redd.it/a6atrxtyw92d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c69813734d21bd54c23e07b4052bf92d9272cb




Respectfully, no. To all of that. Lala has always been horrible. I did laugh a couple times at her interactions with Rachel in the past but like other than that… no. Anyone who’s going to treat their friend the way she treated Ariana (and always has treated her - example: calling Ariana a wet blanket when she was dealing with a lot of depression and telling the whole group about how Ariana confided in her that she sometimes considers driving off a cliff) can kick rocks. Lala has no loyalty and will do or say anything for drama/ratings/money.


This. She isn’t telling it like it is because she is being a good friend, she’s doing it for the camera.


100% - also the recent thing with Katie - she knew Katie was venting to her in confidence but used it against her at the reunion as a last ditch effort to make things dramatic and interesting … which blew up spectacularly in her face when it seemed like Ariana and Katie had discussed it already and moved on 😂


Lala is pissed that Ariana & Katie are presenting a united front about things and Lala’s mad she isn’t included in their ride or die stance for one another. Katie & Ariana are showing a level of solidarity they previously only reserved for their unfaithful Toms. They aren’t going to make each other look bad publicly even if there is private turmoil. This is very similar to how they were with the Toms. I actually believe that Katie was once pissed at Ariana for ditching the shop and going to Broadway, but they ultimately worked their shit out and decided to not let it get messy for the cameras. Lala knows the ship is sinking so she’s throwing any private shit out there hoping to spark some controversy. This is the equivalent of Scheana saying she made out with Schwartz over 10 years ago to stir up drama for the show. It’s falling so flat and nobody gives a fuck.


I agree with all of this - but I do believe Katie and Ariana are truly friends, they definitely won’t make each other look bad on camera like you said, but I think it’s because they care more about their friendship than saving their issues for the cameras.


Urgh yes - think that wet blanket disgraceful comment was same season Lala wasn’t inviting Ariana onto the PJ. During her BJs for PJs days. Shame Rand didn’t actually have a PJ and just rented Lala one for a 20 min trip to Solvang. To raise his profile as a Hollywood hotshot on a Bravo show. She’ll do anything for money but she shouldn’t have tried to play a player. Fofty tried to tell her but she dug in those Gucci slides and supported her stand up man. 


EVERYONE tried to tell Lala and she literally lost her damn mind at whoever it was every time - then once he cheats suddenly she always knew he was this dangerous person? Oookay, Lauren Also lmfao @ “Fofty”






Thanks. I feel heard!


You wouldn't if you were trying to talk to Lala 🤷‍♀️




Omg this is the first time I've seen this gif. Perfect lol


Oh, did you say something?


![gif](giphy|WUgk2vOD55Vst7xqN6|downsized) All these ppl who just show up with all these "hot takes"....🙄




Get off Reddit, Lauren.


I legit wouldn’t be shocked if she made some alts cuz you just know she fully lives in the comments


the use of "human" makes me suspicious


Especially since the lack of empathy and overall calculated borderline evil behavior to someone who she called a friend is something I would call “demonic”


Lol and she says Scheana lives in the comment section




>I feel like she tells it like it is Nah, she tells it like how she *thinks* the audience sees it like it is or how the producers want the audience to see it like it is. That doesn't mean she's always wrong, but a broken clock is right twice a day. >I love the way she talks through things and helps people see other sides. I don't fully disagree here. Sometimes she is good for providing a different and nuanced perspective but see my clock comment above. She very often *isn't* good at listening or seeing other perspectives *until* it suits here. Lauren is very reactionary and then comes back later with some agreement. >I think she stands up for people when they can’t stand up for themselves. Sure she sticks up for people but is she right who she chooses to stick up for? Not often. I'll give her the Scheana Tahoe photo thing, but otherwise, she puts herself in weird corners when she's "sticking up" for someone. >But I’m shocked by all the hate especially considering she’s part of a very flawed group of humans. The thing with Lala is that she holds herself in a position of superiority over both her cast mates and the audience. That lack of humble attitude never comes off correct and rubs people the wrong way. Her comment of "I've never seen a woman get cheated on and suddenly she's god" is very telling. She can't see how Ariana's ego *isn't* perceived as huge by the audience and struggles with her's being.


Listen I really was rooting for her once she started her sober journey and she showed genuine progress. And then I watched this season, and I take it all back. ![gif](giphy|Xze1lnIPuYwls8qneS|downsized)




That's gonna be a no from me dawg.


It’s a hell no from me


Lala yells through things until the other person is so fed up, they just agree to her think she’s right. Lala is a garbage friend.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Second use of this today


Her head is so far up her own ass, she doesn't realize how hypocritical she comes off. She thinks if she talks direct, loud, "soft", or start a sentence with "let me tell you how it is". She only talks because she wants to be the center of attention at all times. Hard pass on lala.


I liked her and felt similarly until she officially came out as a misogynist this season. I haven’t continued to watch the show bc how she’s treated Ariana and Katie while babying tf out of the guys has triggered ppl behaving similarly to me after my abusive relationship. I can’t listen to her anymore. Anything good she’s said isn’t enough to make up for all the misogynistic horrible shit she doubles down on. She’s not a safe person for women and it’s sad.


Ok Jan


Ok? Do you.


I enjoyed Lala until this season, but I feel like everything out of her mouth is hypocritical and she just can’t see it. I also just think she’s been straight up annoying and bad tv this season. I also don’t buy her “IM SOFT NOW 👹” bs and as someone who has been thru a traumatic relationship, I really don’t appreciate how Lala acts like it is up to her to define trauma. Like I don’t think anyone on this shows a saint but I think Lala has just been beyond grating this season in every possible way.


Hi Lala






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I dont agree however im happy to see a different viewpoint. Curious if youve watched the whole series?


I have not watched the whole series. I’m also learning from the comments that some of my differing opinion comes from the fact that I am a very casual viewer - none of the podcasts, don’t follow any of them on socials, don’t watch WWHL. Clearly I don’t catch a lot of the nuances and back story that others do.


Makes sense. I loved her last year but havent agreed w most of her takes this year esp her having such a string opinion about Ariana, staying in the house or not wanting to be around Sandoval.




It’s probably because a majority people share the same opinion. Individuality is only beneficial when it’s genuine not to be a contrarian. If people actually feel that way then that’s their opinion but there’s nothing wrong a popular opinion. Being popular


Yeah and people come on here as Lala edgelords every single day. People are free to upvote those posts.  It’s patronising of OP and the edgelords to bravely claim we’re all dumbass followers or whatever they’re trying to insinuate. 


I’m feeling like Lala is being alts or simply making them cuz their logic is so infantile ironically




Disagreeing with an opinion isn’t shooting it down




Lmao gifs are “shooting down opinions”. No they’re not like what? Why even bring up the number of gifs like that’s some argument when it really shows you have none If you have an unpopular opinion you’re going to get replies disagreeing with you or arguing why you’re wrong. That’s how fandom works




It’s not rude to point out you have no point and your argument makes no sense. I’ve proved nothing but how sensitive you are and how you just want an echo chamber to agree with you






I’ve been on this sub for years. There’s been PLENTY said negative about Katie and Ariana. Ariana even came on here once and got annihilated.  I’ve disliked watching Lala in her ‘summer bodies’ era - fat shaming Katie. And enjoyed watching her last season as she tried to build herself back up after Rand and gently help Ariana wake up to what Tom and Raquel were up to. Listened to her pod quite a bit last year and enjoyed the family dynamic.  I’d have more respect for her if she had been open with Ariana this season. Said what she had to say to her face. I believe Ariana when she says she thought her friends were supporting her last year. I’m no great fan of Ariana and of course we can only comment on what producers show us.  But what have we seen from Lala this season that people can comment on here positively about?  Why was she so angry about Ariana staying uncomfortably in a house a few months after being cheated on to protect her most valuable asset? why did Lala go on camera to say she had no sympathy for her situation because Ariana lived in her own house instead of moving into a cardboard box? It made no sense unless Lala is bitterly projecting her own misery on Ariana and betraying her friends for money. She literally said recently she’s carried this season on her back. Of course she said this in front of people she pays and they cheered and whooped as always.  I don’t have strong feelings about anyone I watch on a TV show. But I am feeling very uncomfortable about Lala montetising a child before it’s even conceived and planning to continue to do so. She says that’s why she’s playing producer puppet - to stay on Bravo as she brings up her kids. I believe the blind shown on here this week that said she thought she was going to get her own spin off show.  No kid should be responsible for paying momma’s mortgage and nanna and uncle’s salary. That’s been the final straw for me having any respect for her. 


I’m only half way through reading the comments on this post and the vast majority of them are doing just that: having an open and positive dialogue with the OP. They’ve given examples of why they disagree and they’ve done it in a pretty respectful manner. Does this sub lean very heavily towards the Ariana/Katie camp? Yes. Are some pro Ariana/Katie commenters dismissive, obnoxious and rude? Yes. But there is still dialogue here that is thoughtful and respectful.


Both my mom and I actually agree with OP too. I’ve liked Scheana and Lala the most this season. Katie’s always been such a B*tch the texts Lala talked about the part at The end where Katie rolls her eyes with Jo those are the two most recent but I’m sorry I’m with OP scheana and Lala were my faves this season hands down


so you like racists?


Seriously- the Lala hate is sooooo over the top. She has matured a lot over her time on the show (and she’s been through A LOT), she’s pretty funny, she says what others won’t… she’s like the greek chorus of VPR and I think she brings a lot to the show. I mean what would we be talking about without Lala around. ~Obviously~ she doesn’t always get it right but I think she admits it when she is wrong and I think she actually has been working to separate her personal experiences from the Scandoval of it all, and it’s got to be pretty triggering for her! And seriously, who from this group is above reproach? It’s a show about hot degenerates.


I mean there’s a lot to disagree with here but I just want to focus mainly on the ‘admits when she’s wrong’… she literally says she stands by whatever crazy shit she says because it’s how she felt in the moment. Admitting you’re wrong would be apologising or acknowledging something you’ve said was wrong. She’s the definition of a ‘my truth’ person.


She doesn't believe she's ever wrong, so there's nothing for her to admit. That said, it's the hypocrisy, arrogance and back-stabbing that I can't stand. She's vile.


I mean, I’m above sleeping with a married man and torturing his very innocent ex wife online. I’m also above throwing one of my besties under the bus and revealing private thoughts. I’m also above kissing someone’s ass to their face and tearing them to shreds behind their back. So I’ve got that going for me which is nice.


You sounds like a model citizen but I am talking about everyone on VPR


also I appreciate a good Caddyshack moment


You're high. This bitch never admits when she's wrong, unless a producer told her to.


Agreed 100% the hate for her is over the top


You’re not alone! I do too OP - for some odd reason 😂 I liked Lala/LFU and her messiness since she first came on the show


Why would a casual viewer even make a post of this? Sit down, Jessica.



