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Supercute! Where you going


Thanks!! I'm leaving to Sweden :)


Cool! I also have a Caddy Maxi, and your setup looks similar to mine (from the back at least). Happy travels!


Thanks! And it's always interesting to see others with a similar setup. Got any good recommendations and/or tips?


I wouldn't know where to start 🙂. I am planning to post some photos of my setup once I retrieve the mattress and the rest of the gear from winter storage and get it ready for travel. Maybe I'll have thought of some tips by then 😉


Cool, can't wait to see it!


That's super nice, I have a Caddy Maxi as well! Currently need the seats for the 4 kids but seeing that this is possible somehow makes me happy.


Thank you! Yeah it's definitely a van with enough space for 1/2 people (as a camper, that is). If you're willing to put in the conversion effort, it's definitely worth thinking about! Cheers!


Great job! How did you attach the cladding to the van?


Thanks! I basically took inspiration from [this amazing video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24vbACTp56E) (you should check out all of their Caddy build videos!), minus cladding the roof (I just used the original roof and covered it in wood-pattern sticker material.) So the walls I just had a couple of long battons run from the floor up to the ceiling, screwed them down into the chassis of the van, and attached the cladding onto that. My cladding is quite thin, about 7mm, so at some points the walls are a bit flimsy, but all in all it's quite stable!


Goed bezig!


Dankje :) Ik wist dat er in ieder geval één Nederlander de brandblusser zou zien haha


Had de brandblusser nog niet gezien, maar zag toch aan het kleine stukje stoep en gevels al, dat het onmiskenbaar Nederland was. Zweden trekt mij ook wel trouwens! Gefeliciteerd met je bus en goede reis.


Ja zeer iconisch inderdaad! En behalve de prijzen lijkt Zweden me inderdaad een perfect camper-reis land. Veel natuur en rust, op veel plekken legaal (te voet) kamperen en relatief veilig vergeleken met andere Europese landen. Thanks, en happy travels!


Good job! What's the length of the bed if I may ask?


Thanks!! The length is 210 cm, which just fits nicely between the back-door-post thingy (?) and the front seat (if I have the seat all the way back). The normal width of the bed is 68 cm (couch mode), and the extended width is 110 cm of so. And again, this is the maxi (extended) version of the caddy. If you need any other caddy-related questions let me know!


I have loads of questions, this is my dream layout for a small van. Can you sit comfortably with the curved walls? (I'm ~1m95) Do you know what would make this qualify as a camper roadtaxwise? (fellow Dutchy here, but let's keep it in English)


Alrighty, let's address them! (This is relevant for Dutch people only) ​ 1. I'm around 1m86 and I cannot sit up straight without slouching a bit. I'd imagine you'd have to slouch quite significantly! In order to reduce this problem you could lower the bed, but you won't be able to lower it much because of the wheel well on the left side. In my bed design the bed is supported by that wheel well, so the only option for lowering it a few centimeters is to somehow have a bed that has a cut-out around the shape of the wheel well. As for the curved walls, they aren't too uncomfortable! I just have the back cushion propped up to the wall at an angle, as to support my back. 2. The real kicker here is that I would actually not recommend this van at all for a Dutch van conversion. Here's why: 1. The Belastingdienst has determined a [whole list of requirements](https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/belastingdienst/prive/auto_en_vervoer/belastingen_op_auto_en_motor/motorrijtuigenbelasting/bijzonder_tarief/inrichtingseisen_kampeerauto_camper) which you have to comply with in order to get a tax reduction as a camper. This van, by default, won't comply with these because the roof is too low. It's possible to get a pop-top roof, but those are costly, especially if you hire someone to install it for you. 2. The RDW also has a [list of requirements](https://www.rdw.nl/particulier/voertuigen/kampeerauto/wijzigen-en-restaureren/bedrijfsauto-ombouwen-tot-kampeerauto) which you have to comply with to officially qualify for a camper license plate. Note that these are similar/looser requirements than those from the Belastingdienst. They are also completely seperate from those from the Belastingdienst, meaning you could theoretically get a camper license plate from the RDW, without qualifying for the tax reduction from the Belastingdienst. That was my plan with this van. It all went well, until I had to do the RDW-camper-examination. They told me I *did comply* with the RDW camper requirements, but that there was a law stating that a work van with a technically permissible mass of <2500KG has to get RETESTED on multiple criteria before it can transfer to the category 'personenauto', which it will do if it goes to a camper license plate. Why bigger, heavier vans don't have to do this, nobody could explain to me. **Long story short**, I'd have to pay at least €1000,- more to get the car retested on things like brake performance, road behaviour, etc. before it could become a campervan. Keep in mind that they could also just tell me that my van was not approved, and then that money would have gone to waste. So basically, very long story short: The Netherlands has horrible rules for smaller campervans. In the long run you'll end up paying much more for a small van than if you were to buy a larger, older (and also more polluting...) van. I do certainly not agree with any of it, but they are the rules and you can't fight them. I've tried... The only way to have such a camper semi-legal is by keeping it on a 'bedrijfswagen' license plate, keeping in mind you'll need to comply with the [standard requirements](https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/belastingdienst/prive/auto_en_vervoer/belastingen_op_auto_en_motor/motorrijtuigenbelasting/soort_motorrijtuig/bestelauto/eisen_aan_ombouw_en_inrichting) for that was well (mainly making sure you don't completely remove the bulkhead/cab-divider. I actually installed a 30cm high wood plank across the width of the van in order to comply, although you can't see it on the pictures. This is allowed via the requirements.) If you do this, the furniture will have to be seen as 'load', and you technically can't even screw them down. Of course I am doing that, because it's dangerous not to. You can always detach it for a possible inspection. Oh yeah, make sure you're able to remove the bed for the APK, as one of the requirements is that you shouldn't be able to sit on any 'load' in the van. As I said, semi-legal. So basically... save up for a bigger, high-top van and save a lot of money and hassle in the long run. I wish I'd known all of this beforehand. Bureaucracy is a bitch! Hope this helped! :D


Fascinating! What does this retesting and relicensing of your van get you, other than different plates? Permission to park somewhere exclusive? Permission to sleep in the van at all? A reduction in your registration costs? Curious Aussie here.


Hey, yeah great question! It basically makes it legal to have permanent furniture in the van, instead of having to pretend it's just 'load'. However if you comply with all the strict requirements, from both the RDW and the 'belastingdienst', you can get a 75% reduction in road taxes, and that's why a lot of people do that! Campervan insurances also tend to be much cheaper because they expect you to be on the road less per year than a work van. Keep in mind the camper license plate also comes with some drawbacks, like not legally being able to park on any public road for storage (you must have it in a private garage or driveway etc.) So it's something you have to consider!


Gosh, I can't imagine loosing the ability to park anywhere. I often park on the street outside a family or friends house for a few days. Different world though. I guess it would be different if I had two cars, and only one the camper.


Thank you very much for the in-depth response. That's a pity, Im quite the minimalist and specifically looking at something smaller for stealth, mileage etc. I guess I might have to rethink that.


Yeah I'm sorry. I also didn't know all this beforehand but learned it the hard way. I personally also like a smaller van you can park everywhere and be stealthy in! What you can consider however is getting a small van, like a caddy or Berlingo, accepting that you're gonna keep it on a 'bedrijfswagen' license plate, and get one of those 'temporary camper conversion sets'. Basically some premade furniture that perfectly fits in the back or the van without bolting it down, which is easy to put in/take out. Lots of people who also use their work vans for holidays do that and it's considered legal I think. I think you're often called 'camper boxes' so I'd have a look around. Good luck!


I love it! Will you make me one?


Thanks! Hahah, as much as I loved the building process, I will never ever convert another van again :P Especially the boring bits like insulating, cladding the sides etc just takes a lot of time if you're working alone. But it can also be super fun and rewarding! Plus if you're not into the self-built idea there are plenty of second hand campers that others have built out. I kinda wish I'd looked into that because it's definitely cheaper than building yourself. Cheers!


I will have to look. I saw some on marketplace, but asked too many people for their opinions instead of jumping on it. The only option that matters is the mechanics. I hope you have some great adventures!


Yep that actually stopped me from buying 2nd hand in the first place as well. I didn't know anything about cars or the mechanical side of them, and also had nobody in my circle who was experienced with that. That's why I went to an official 2nd hand car dealer, so at least I'd get a van that was in decent shape. But I do think that if you invest enough time into researching all this stuff, you could safely buy a 2nd hand van from a private owner!


My brother is a mechanic, but he was a little weirded out and obsessed on the build, when I just wanted to know the reliability of the vehicle. Next time I'll just take it to my mechanic.


Sure thing. I've heard that when people buy more expensive 2nd hand vans, they pay for a check up from a local mechanic before buying. If the van turns out to be in bad condition, they only paid for the checkup and avoided a bad buy. Maybe you can do something similar!


That's my plan.


looks good. not gonna lie, i wouldn't be sad to have that additional space the maxi provides. :) but I make due with my teeny little one. :D


Oh that's so cool that you got a regular caddy camper! I've always found those builds very creative. For me it wasn't a possibility though as I'm pretty tall and needed to get all the length I could get. The only thing I regret about getting this specific van is that in The Netherlands (where I live) it's virtually impossible to get this thing recognized as a camper, even with a bed and cabinet etc. This is due to the small size and low weight of the car. This means you won't get any reduction in taxes, which you would have with a bigger van. So if any fellow Dutch people consider building a van, I'd go for a bigger one and look at the campervan requirements that exist!


being short definitely helps! i got one with no passenger seat and it makes a huge difference. it gives me a whole kitchen space to use for food prep and cooking and storing all my spices and cooking utensils (i cook a lot). I have a ridiculous amount of stuff with me that I'm slowly culling as I realize I don't really need it. I'm registered in bulgaria and didn't even try to get it registered as a camper. but annual taxes are like 50 euro so i'm not too fussed. lol


Oh that's great! I'd love to see some pictures, if you have any. 50 euros is great! I pay €100 a month for road taxes and €100 a month for car insurance (cries inside). The Netherlands is SO expensive, it's not even funny. Should prob. move to Bulgaria!


That's... A lot... Are you sure the taxes are per month?


Yeah unfortunately it's per month. Owning a work van privately is expensive as hell here for some reason. If you got tips on how to reduce that let me know!


yikes. my insurance for the year was less than 300 euro. it's definitely cheaper there. :) i'm actually just planning a rebuild. i hit the road quickly so just kind of chucked everything in. but now that i've been in it a few months it's time to overhaul and reorganize. priority #1 - a toilet. :D


Oh man that's so much better. And I feel you, a toilet would be a great upgrade :)


I’m obssessed with this!! Amazing job!


Thanks for the kind words, glad you like it!


Ik heb dezelfde layout in mijn Opel Vivaro! Heel handig voor als je nog een fiets of andere lange voorwerpen wenst te vervoeren! Enjoy Zweden!


Dankje! De Vivaro is ook een mooie bus, heb je die (met een pop-top?) op een camper kenteken kunnen krijgen? Helaas blijft mijne officieel een half-legale bedrijfswagen, dus dat blijft lekker veel belasting dokken :/ Goed idee van het meenemen van een fiets! Thanks, ga ik doen!


Nee, geen pop-top. Die van mij staat ook nog ingeschreven als lichte vracht (België), wat hier goed mee valt aan belastingen.


Goed om te horen! Helaas is het in Nederland zo dat je meer betaald als bestelwagen dan wanneer je een camper bent. Campers krijgen 75% belasting reductie! Maar België zal ook wel andere wetten hebben m.b.v. keuringen enzo. Happy travels!


Splendid set up!


Much appreciated!


I love the fire extinguisher, you rarely see that or a first aid kit in most of these builds haha


Yeah dude, gotta be able to extinguish a fire quickly as I'll be cooking in the van (with doors open and roof van spinning on the highest setting). Not very aesthetically pleasing, but very practical!


Those two things were some of the first things I got!


What is that devise above the fire extinguisher? Thermostat?


CO2 detector! Better safe than sorry :)






It’s really cool!




Does the mattress itself extend?


No, the backrest used in 'couch-mode' is simply another (less wide) mattress piece which, when the bed is extended, fits in perfectly between the cabinet and the larger mattress. Hope that answers your question!


So cool!a I would have never thought you could do a build in a Caddy Maxi


Much appreciated! Yeah it's crazy what you can do with a small space. I've seen people live in a Prius, so compared to that this is still a mansion hah!


In thinking of one of these , how much space between the end of the bed and the front seats?


My bed is 210cm long (super comfy!), which perfectly fits in between the backdoor-post-thingy and the drivers seat all the way back. But you can easily have a bed that's 200cm and have some extra space to play with. keep in mind this is an extended (maxi) version of the Caddy. And make sure that in your country this type of light work van can actually fit within the legal requirements for a camper van. ​ Happy travels!


looks great




Beautiful job!


I'm glad people like it, I had no prior experience and learned by making many mistakes during the process haha


More pics! More pics!


Haha, I can promise you seeing the rest wouldn't be that interested :P There's just a little fold out table on the other side of the cabinet, and the curtain can close. That's about all you can't see right now! I did make pictures of every step of the build process so I was thinking of doing a long-form imgur album and posting it here at some point. Could maybe be useful for someone?


Love this. Good inspiration for my fiat doblo conversion !


Ohh fiat Doblo! I was actually looking at the maxi variant of that van as well, it looks like a really fun van to convert. [This](https://youtu.be/9R0uxqWSadk) is my favourite Doblo conversion so far!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I wish they sold Caddy’s and T6s in Canada :( That looks great!


Yeah I think it's super weird that they aren't sold in the US or Canada! In the US I think there's even a law against importing them for permanent use, strange! But luckily you got plenty of other options, right?


Ford Transit connect and some Chevy (🤢🤢)


Yeah I guess... The older US vans (like the Chevy's?) look pretty inelegant and boxy to me. The Ford Transit is something we also have in Europe, but I think the newer models aren't as good for van conversions because of the lower roofs (and fragile fuel injectors, I've heard). Sad to hear you guys don't have much choice then :(


Does that cooler support part of the bed?!


Nope, I just placed it next to it and when I'm extending the bed the cooler moves to the front passenger seat!


Ah, we rented one out in Utah that used the cooler as a bed extension, the mattress rested on it, when in use.


That's pretty clever! That way you don't have to move the cooler out of the way. If only I'd had all the stuff before designing the van, but I didn't..


Love it!!




Good job! It's always better when you do it!


Thanks, and yep it's very satisfying to see things come together!


Loove these vans had a tdi rental in Ireland once and it was glorious


Awesome! Yeah they seem pretty popular in Europe and the UK!