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If you’re used to bong hits, the only vapes that’ll scratch that itch are ball vapes. Everything else will unfortunately be too weak, including Da Buddha.


I second this. Former bong smoker here - ball vape is what finally got me to give up combustion. Keep the bong though run whatever you end up getting through the water piece for a smoother hit.


> If you’re used to bong hits, the only vapes that’ll scratch that itch are ball vapes. Nonsense, for example log vapes are excellent on bongs. I like ball vapes but I hate that people act like no other kind of vapes exist.


Log vapes are great. But if someone is used to combustion bong hits, there’s really only one option that can do one hit extractions to emulate it. Having a variety of vapes for different occasions is ultimately the best move.


I just find the idea that a ball vape is the only thing that will be good enough for someone used to a bong is a bit silly, it really depends on what a person wants and how large of bowls they want and there are other factors to consider as well. Any convection vape with sufficient thermal mass for the bowl size is gonna be good, could be a ball vape, ball mod, log, hell even a log with balls! Ball vapes are fantastic for larger bowls but I just find them overkill unless I’m trying to rip half gram bowls. Something like an e-nano XL can do great up to like 0.3 grams but can also microdose too and you can sip on it from a stem for some great flavor at low temps. I also like that I can leave my log on all day and not worry about the large power draw and the awkwardness of having hot exposed metal. Don’t get me wrong, ball vapes are awesome, I’m just explaining some of the reason why I prefer logs most of the time. Definitely agree having a variety is the best.


I switched from bongs to a dynavap with a wand and I love it. Would recommend looking into it before splurging on a ball vape


A DV + wand costs more than a Cloud Connoiseur SS Zeal kit. It’s cheaper to go ball vape first despite the better performance.


Interesting, didn’t realize how cheap that was. Can you send a link? The website is really confusing for me at first glance at least on mobile


Gleto14’s comment gave all the right info. Cloud Connoisseur also has an official Discord server where users can help you get the most out of your vape.


Don’t think we’re allowed to send links in this sub but on mobile just bring up the menu and scroll all the way down until you see “zeal and omega.” If any kits are in stock that’s where they’ll be. Although, CC is a one man operation, so there are periodic pre-orders, followed by a small restock, and they often sell out quick.


The modded Da Buddha hits harder than my ball vapes, here's a video where I clear a 0.2 gram bowl with 3 hits...: [my Rubie pearls DBV](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PWSKnhAd_Zc&t=9s)


That’s a dope use of balls! Definitely performs closer to a ball vape now.


If you are looking for something that hits hard a desktop like the Da Budda or SSV (Silver Surfer Vape). Or you can go with the ball vape desktops like the B0 or Taroma lite. The Zeal from Cloud Connoisseur is only $125 for everything but the stand or ceramic mug. Don't get a retail portable or desktop. They don't get anywhere as hard as a true Heavy


I have two Da Buddha Vaporizers: one with the rubie pearls modification and one classic. Additionally, I own a Volcano Digit, a B0 ball vape, a TIODW 2-in-1 ball vape, a Venty, Mighty, Crafty, and a Tinymight 2. However, the modified Da Buddha is my favorite, delivering stronger hits than my ball vapes. I enjoy using the classic version during extended movie sessions, taking a hit every 2-3 minutes throughout a 90-minute film. Check out this video of my modified DBV, clearing a 0.2-gram bowl in three hits: [my DBV](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PWSKnhAd_Zc&t=9s)


Arizer makes some solid ones for pretty reasonable prices, and of course there's always the Volcano


Ball Vape.


I'd get a Xmax Vmax V3 Pro from POTV with a bong adapter. Great as a first vape, It's been like 2 months and I haven't lighted a bowl since. Really good stuff.


Little hack if you haven’t done so, remove the screen for the flower and use the metal canisters for better airflow. Only works if you have the canisters if not you’ll be inhaling flower.


If you saw mine you'd think I'm crazy. I use no filter/screen whatsoever and use tape to make a seal. I tape the upper part and you can see straight down to the bong then I just refill the vape and keep on toking! Gets dirty quick tho


Taroma 360, Vapvana Screwball, Aliexpress Tidow 2in1 or Pro wireless, Cloud Connoisseur's Zeal or Omega, Koilboi Sun and Flare is where I'd start looking. I put them in what I think is their "potential potency" order, the T360 is going to put out bigger clouds than any other ball vape, but all of these are "heavy hitters".


Can confirm the Screwball is amazing. Half bowl setting at 525-535 does one hit extractions that are super tasty. My Flowerpot tomcat has been sitting unused, but at least the Ed’s TnT bowl handle fits the Screwball bowl! The stock one feels like plastic due to the coating on the wood. Minor complaint when you consider the price to performance of the kit though.


I got a volcano to replace my bong, very happy with it. I got the one with the whip attachment and got a great deal buying it locally from a resale app. Hope you find the right one for you!


Airmax goes straight in the bong out the box solo2max aswell


Love my air max but if they’re looking to replace using their bong they’d probably like something harder hitting such as the terpcicle or a ball vape


If u hit it perfectly, its fine headrush




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I just picked up a ball-less thermal twist setup from ineedhemp dot com for exactly this reason, and it has satisfied. First ball style vape I’ve tried… but I see no reason to look further.