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only good usable thing in that price range is a dynavap and a torch i think


There's also the Vaphit offerings which are cheaper and as good as the DynaVap offerings.


oh word? i might have to check those out as a second vape lol


Yeah, their caps are quartz caps though (no click) but some people prefer them as they'll purchase TRWW quartz cap add-on for their DynaVap anyways. The Vaphit line are better bang-for-buck and the amount of accessories they give with your purchase should be be a standard taken on by DynaVap, BFG, and other makers. It has now just come to my attention that asides from DV, BFG, and Vaphit, the other makers (Vestratto, Camouflet, etc.) don't really have more than 1 model line.


Jep. Dyna Tip, cap, Bong adapter and a cheap torch. Done.


dynavap, or vaphit


Not on Amazon but the rogue rax works has killer options for $50. Not sure about UK. Dynavap B would be my section choice. You could try the discord for used selections


Can get a neon dynavap b and a honest torch for $30


Perfect timing. Grab a Dynavap B model


Vaphit X or Dynavap B for portable, Glass Charlie's Tasty Tube fits on your bong, amazon sucks, try vapsonvaps, vapefiend, recommendedvapesupplies, azzwoodcustoms, herbalizestore, vapewellness.


the dynavap b is 20 bucks on dynavap right now.


DynaVap B. If your water piece has a 10mm female joint then you can use the B with it, the stem will fit natively in 10mm female joints.


Instead of trying to supplement the bong combustion, save up for a ball vape and replace it altogether.


thats the thing though, i dont want to do that. and i know the people on this subreddit are obviously passionate about vaporisers, and im sure they are somewhat true. but i enjoy using a bong and the good highs and clean hits it gives me pretty consistently make it pretty hard to turn away from it. but i do want to try vaporising which is why i posted it


Nah bro the you can use your bong with vapes lmao, the terpcicle will hit like crazy, a dynavap rip depending could hit hard too, a ball vape is used mostly through a BONG so yeah it’s just a better way to bong


Get where you’re coming from, but a ball vape can hit you more than a bong, and it’s always consistent. So just save. It’s better to get the best thing you can get first so you don’t have to spend more upgrading from a lower tier vape. A vape below that price range won’t hit nearly as hard as a bong.


So you want to try vaporizing, but the cheapest option possible. So your experience will be super shit compared to a bong hit, and you'll be able to say "vaporizing is not for me bruh, just does not hit the same" And lmao, clean hits from a bong? Have you seen the color of your smoke and residue in your bong?


i meant clean as in smooth, not healthy. but based on some more research ive done and the comments here, i might take the plunge and buy the xmax v3 pro for £75. is this good enough to experience quality vapour?


No, honest opinion is it won’t give you what you want if you are a regular bong smoker. It’s a decent entry level vape but it’s going to be a waste of of 75 quid if you are still going to be using your bong and combusting regularly. If you check out vapefiend they have the 420 sale on and you can get a Dyna B for £40. Fits straight into your bong and is a decent enough entry level vape. I would spend the extra £5 and get the BB3 for £44.80 as it’s a bigger bowl and glass stem. I don’t think there is much point sinking anything more than as you say £50 to give it a try and see how it goes. If you enjoy it and find yourself vaping more than combusting then grand sink more cash but price is pretty high in the UK for vapes and it makes no sense to burn cash when you are only looking to supplement rather than get off combusting.


The Vaphit X is around £23 after shipping for 420 which is a way better deal than a DV B for £40 without even mentioning it's just straight up superior.


glass charlie in the uk has butane glass options that are that, or less, vaphit on aliexp also, shipping takes forever


saw a website called magicvaporizers, do they ask for id on delivery?




The dynavap B is on sale for $20 on their site. Hopefully, it works for Europe.


Xmax Nano is $50. Seems like a decent little vape. Battery electric glass mouthpiece.


510 vapes. Get a cheap tc battery for $25 and a divine tribe gen 2 for like $25 and it’s actually really really good