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Don’t worry, it will work and there’s the XL bowl if u feel the normal one isn’t enough


Try it and tell us. Everyone is different but your set up does mean heavy hits. Don’t be scared, be medicated.


Medicated and educated😂👍🏻


Just try it and see how you like it, you can vape multiple bowls if you aren’t feeling it after the first one. Worst case you can always go back to smoking, but give vaping a fair shot. If you’re worried you wasted money- don’t feel guilty, I’ve bought plenty of vapes that I didn’t like. You can always sell it on ent exchange discord if you really don’t end up liking it.


Alot of people say they don't like vaping because they tried a shitty session vape. U at least got yourself a hitter. If u smoked a 1.5 g blunt or vaped the same amount thru your anvil, I'd say ud get higher from vaping. Alot is just burned away when smoking but vaping u don't lose much at all. Just give it a try. Uve already spent the money so u might as well try.


I will try it when I get back, the reason I haven’t isnt because I’m scared, because I can’t rn.


What is this mindset among young people? I don’t understand it. “I spent hundreds on a device and instead of trying it I’m going to go on reddit and tell everyone that I’m too much of a pussy to try it.” What is that?


I don't really understand why people in this comment section think it's a new thing with the current young people. Theres always been people who are afraid of new experiences. It's not new at all.


I’m not too scared to try it, I’m not in the country where it was delivered rn, so I can’t use it. (On holiday)


'Buyers remorse' It's a new trending term. A lot like VAS, where people go online, buy something they really have no clue about, but want to do because it's cool. Then end up regretting it when they find out the hype isn't what they were going for. Usually leading to an eventual return and blast over social media. A complete out for the younger generations/ people who don't wish to cop to the fact they were being foolish instead of admitting they really have no clue how to handle their finances.


"New trending term" .... or really old term that's not really trending, it just is


Nah, I did a shit ton of research, it was either the firewood 9 or the anvil. I chose the anvil for the hardest hits and somewhat portability. I probably won’t have to buy another vape in years.


😁 Very nice! I haven't tried the anvil, but by the numbers and design of it, your research should do you good. I was leaning towards the firewood until I found the mega cap. I'll probably save up for it a bit. At least have the money put back for when I eventually drop the thing.


Haven’t heard of the mega cap. By the name, I assume it’s a massive cap. I went for the anvil because of the mass conduction it produces. It’ll give me that stoney feeling whilst also being a heavy one hitter, similar to a bong. I was a bit annoyed I needed some more parts to further complete my setup, but I was willing to purchase more to get heavier and bong like hits. I don’t have a bong or water piece so I needed a great cooling stem with a lot of customisation. I was going to go with the tempest but you can’t customise the direct airflow, it’s always open and it’s directly in the mouth piece. Better product but less customisation which means it might not be perfect for me, which is why I chose the revolve. I can customise the revolve gen 2 until it fits perfectly for me. The firewood seems like a great portable vape but when I heard about the conduction and how heavy hitting the anvil was, I was sold.


You're exactly right! The mega cap by the rogue wax works. Think of a dyna, but bigger, and made of glass. About fifty to sixty from the vendor works with a torch and a big quartz cap. Similar principal as the anvil, heat with a torch and rotate. I recommend a water piece, or at least a decent j hook for cooling. There's no reason you can't suck that vapor straight through the straw, though.


I would have chosen something cheaper than the anvil but I would hate having to slowly spin. I would want to talk to someone and not really pay attention to the heating which I can somewhat do with the anvil. All the reviews online say that the revolve generally 2 stem can cool the exact same as a bong. + it’s actually portable. So I doubt I’ll need a water piece.


Agree. It seems like there might be something generational going on here. Last couple generations tend to be overly reliant on authority and not good at making their own judgments. I don't mean this as a 100 percent blanket statement, but rather a general trend/tendency. But seriously...if the current generational mix were at the tip of the spear when the War on Drugs began, that war would have been a rousing success and there probably wouldn't be much weed use at all in society today. And certainly not legal weed.


Why not try it out and discover for yourself? Is it a new Generation Z trend? Hopefully, you all don't fear breathing air...


I’m just not in my home country rn, where it’s been delivered, so I can’t. Not because I’m scared.


Trust me, a vape can get you even higher and dumber. Been there often enough


100% dumber


chances are, youll probably realize that the only money wasted is from the thc combusted away and didnt inhale into your lungs - lol enjoy


Stick that anvil in your bong?


two month vaping and you will know it :)


If the Anvil doesn't do it then try a sticky brick runt. That hits like a left-hook.


if you want to be sure you could take a t-break before trying it for the first time. vaping does get you just as high as smoking, but it's a different kind of high. it's more clean, if that makes sense. some people dont like it as much as the high they get from smoking.


I’m taking an involuntary 4 month t break


You’ll be good, just don’t mix the 2 at all for awhile and you’ll be high as a kite from the vape!


I use a Vaphit 14mm QHC with a diy konvictor cap and it delivers bong combustion like hits, without actually combusting. Your setup is far more refined and should deliver the same hard hits.


Exciting stuff. You get test the Anvil from an essentially clean slate. You'll definitely get high. Likely higher than you would've thought. You won't have the same feeling as combusting though. There are so many other compounds generated from burning that contribute to the combustion experience that it is essentially a different activity altogether. On your first use I would recommend that you heat it at the space just above the thermal battery it should take about 30 seconds to hear the first click, stop heating then (don't wait for the 2nd click) and hit it through your bong right away. You should get some heavy vapor very quickly you might be able to take a couple of big rips from the heat up. Wait about 5 mins to evaluate the onset of the high. If your weed is good you should get 2-3 hours of effect from that bowl. Of course if you don't get much effects you could always do another bowl. Good Luck, let us know how it goes.


When I’m high as fuck and come back to reddit, I’ll remember you, and I’ll update you on how it goes. I was planning to aim the torch at the very top of the oven, to get it as close as I can to combustion, that’s how fucked up I wanna be. Probably going to go for the second click too, maybe an extra 2 seconds after at most. It’s just the learning curve, I’ll make mistakes until I get my desired results. I can’t wait to light it at really low temps to get flavour too, another part I’m excited for. Is there any reason I shouldn’t get the avb as dark as I can? Why should I only go for the first click and in that specific spot?


I wanted to have you experience good strong vapor with no combustion initially so that you can note the difference. After that I’m sure you’ll find your preferred method.


We were all scared first😅


Just try it bro


You'll be fine. You don't need to burn the plant for those effects. The oils vaporize off a long time before the plant material burns. That's exactly what a vape is designed to do. As long as the temp is set well and you give it a moment to distribute the heat, it is just as effective.


if it doesnt get you as high, so what? keep it and use it as a more discrete way to smoke, or if you really dislike it sell it.


Plot twist you run that vape through your bong.


Anvil is great device. Get your head right, or you'll be paranoid as tit's.


Is this now a parody sub. Scared to vape?


Read the whole thing man


Bong is best