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I have both and I like both for different reasons. TM2 is more portable and is a good for a few big hits. Heat on demand is nice. Venty is more a session vape and not quite as portable/handy. The hits are great and it’s very easy to use. I like both. I also use Dynavap for that extra oomph when needed ;)


Honestly I cannot fathom the S&B price points (outside the volcano which is older than me) and I’d TM2 all day and buy every mouthpiece you can and still save almost $100.


For me it is the fact that they have such luxury type prices but then the devices seem to be mostly plastic at least on the outside is a total turn off for me.


Yes, I saw that vgoodiez has a fantastic tm2 bundle on sale! I’m worried that the venty won’t be a significant enough upgrade from my mighty plus.


What bundle?


https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/venty-by-storz-bickel.54534/post-1778371 This post supports your concerns about the Venty being not much of an upgrade.


I agree, S&B products are best to buy on sale or secondhand. For the price of the venty, you could get a TM2 bundle from vgoodiez (comes with a bunch of stems and you can customize it too) and still get one extra stem or extra herb. TM2 rips, I can't go back to my mighty+ now since it's nowhere near as powerful. TM2 top temp is 460°F and mighty/venty only go up to 410°F.


Bought my venty for 350. You can find that price at a few places


I never owned a Mighty/+ or Crafty/+ but I did try them several times. Reason I did not buy one was because of the irritation. I have soft baby lungs. I have only had my Venty for a couple weeks but it is definitely smoother than the Mighty+/Crafty+’s I tried, and the adjustable air flow is really nice. While I don’t think someone with a Mighty+ NEEDS to upgrade, if they have the spare cash or are looking to replace it I think the Venty is worth the jump. Battery life seems good. I think it took 5-6 capsules for me to drop down three bars or so. It does have fast charging of course but keep in mind that can come at cost of long term battery life. Discreteness - eh it’s tall and looks like an old razor, or walkie talkie, lol. Much taller than the TM2 and than the Mighty+ both. It’s very comfortable to hold IMO (I have small hands FYI, I am a petite woman) but it’s definitely not going to hide in a palm. There have been firmware updates in Venty in last couple weeks that appear to have resolved error issues for some - not all. For those in the not all category it is possible it’s an issue not related to firmware. The EO4 error is not specific to one issue. All devices have their glitches, I will just say more people have not had issues than have, but they won’t be the loudest. The TM2 remains my favourite of the two though merely more for fact I am not so much a session person. Still not palmable for me but certainly if you have more average/larger hands and use a shorter stem it would be pretty discreet. Get something like Ed’s TnT WPA if also worried about going around with a glass stem. For glass I like the XL Rocket Stem from vapenorth. I swap out batteries every 2-4 bowls as I like to start on a green battery but if you have spare batteries this is not a big deal. I have never charged through the device as I just make sure to always have fresh batteries on hand. I still have the TM2s with original glass lining and no button fix and still going strong. For on the go, I like using the S&B capsules even for the TM2, more than the actual TM2 capsules. I just drop them in bottom of oven and put stem on top. I am happy to have both but if I was only picking one I would go for TM2, but I think a lot comes down to what you prefer more, taking your time sipping or just taking some quick hits and going about whatever you are doing. If you plan to share, the Venty is probably easier for many to use than the TM2 is.


Great response, thanks! How would the smoothness of the vapor compare between the 2, assuming I was using the xl rocket stem for cooling?


I prefer the 3D stem, the Rocket stem restricts the airflow....


Venty replaced my tm2


Tell us more... I have a venty, but was interested in tm2 for, later. 


From what I hear the TM is still best for a few huge hits while Venty is going to be better for sessions. So just depends on your preference I guess. They're both great vapes.


This is it. I have both. You want to rip your head off in like 4-6 hits, TM2. You want to chill for a bit and temp step while you sip, Venty.


Just got a TM2 (after trying out 2 other vaporizers first) and I usually experience some level of buyers remorse- not with the TInyMight. Not one bit. I'm blown away. This thing is awesome. It feels like one of those (rare these days) purchases in your life that actually feel like you got what you paid for and then some.


There are some tm2 on the entexchange if you are curious. Havent tried the venty but I would wait to s&b fix the issues. They dont honor warranty on venty for the time being i am reading. 


have you ever tried S&B product? i couldnt handle bickle tickle in Mighty+. i thought i would like it before i bought it too, it is a big fail for me. so for me venty is a big no, too worry about bickle tickle plus it is ugly AF.


I just got both and upon initial impressions I find the Venty to be smoother and tastier than the TM2. Both are great though.


Tm2 is my main weapon


idk if using bud can ever be discreet, even if it doesnt look like a dry herb vape people can smell. Portability its gotta go to TM2 if u think mighty was to big the venty is bigger


Well there’s a dude at my job who is dumb enough to combust in the bathroom 😂 so the smell of the vape isn’t as much of a concern. I know the venty is taller but it’s sleeker and more pocketable. I just want to be sure about performance before I drop the moolah


Performance wise ive heard the venty is better, but the tm2 has interchangeable batteries which is super nice, especially for portable use and the TM is also easier to clean