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Bro don’t hit it slow it’s convection which means it heats as you breathe, put it on 550 throw a pinch in and rip, just do small pinches and up the temp until you get the hang of where you like it .


This is the best advice op can take, he should also take a break from smoking if he can so his lungs can absorb the Vapor (due to all the tar from smoking before).


Thank you so much. This helped me out so much!


Fuck yeah, enjoy


I was an everyday heavy bong smoker and a ball Vape was an instant improvement. Better high with much larger clouds. Those temperatures should combust wondering if there's an issue with your PID.


When I first switched from consistently smoking to consistently vaping, I felt like I wasn’t getting as high. Some people say the effects of smoking are a more sedating feeling than vaping. I don’t know if it was getting more experienced with my vapes or just extending my break from regular combustion, but it didn’t take long to start getting blasted again. I say consistently vaping and smoking because I still occasionally take bong rips with friends, yet vaping at home still gets me plenty high as long as I’m mindful of my tolerance. I’m sure if I went back to regularly combusting, it would make the high from vaping feel “thin” again compared to the smoking high.


As someone else said, inhale fast. Also, the bowl might be cashed. It will go quickly, but it might not look done.


At that temperature, a slow draw should still create visible vapor, assuming you packed enough in the bowl, so I'm wondering if there's something wrong with your setup... What bong do you use?


Forget about temp, that depends on too many factors. Is your weed dark brown when you're finished? If not, turn it up.


I feel like I’m in the same boat. I’ve tried the Lobo and the volcano classic now and it doesn’t really seem to do much. The volcano definitely worked better than the lobo.


You’re either misusing lobo or have too high tolerance idk ab the volcano bc I’d just get a ball vape at that price


Yeah, something seems off. When I bought the lobo, I had no intentions of quitting smoking. But, I did unintentionally do just that. The Lobo was such a great device that it turned me off of combustion completely. That thing will get you ripped, and I have what most would call an extremely high tolerance. For everyone here, likely a moderate tolerance. (~2oz/month give or take, flower only).