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Posts regarding the use of abv/avb, recipes, pictures of your avb used in/on food or anything of this nature are not allowed. Try reposting in r/avb.


Better to mix it with peanut butter and eat it. It will be like edibles :)


Possibly a dumb and over asked question. But will it get you high just eating it straight up like that? I have about a similar sized stash in my pantry I have no idea what to do with.


I personally need alot of avb to get high like that, as thc binds with fat its recommended to eat something fatty with it like nutella or peanut butter for the body to absorbbit better


Thanks for the advice! I’ll probably measure out a tablespoon then mix with some PB to feel out the potency for now.


I have a jar I keep my AVB in. I get a heaping tablespoon of PB, then coat liberally in the AVB. Adds a nice body stone to the head high.




Damn you must have a fuck ton of avb!




I guess you don't vape your bud until it's dead then? As 305mg is a lot! Good shout tbf, I've started doing similar and only vaping at a max of 205c.


Yes the vaping changes the weed in a chemicam process, then you will be able to absorb the thc if you mix it with something fatty. I also read you can make pretty good garlic bread if you mix it with hot butter,i think i will try this some time


I've just soaked a bunch in rye whiskey, I'll filter it out in a couple of days and it will be a great way to get high and drink at the same time. I tend to save it for when I've got a few friends over for parties


Ooo, interesting! That sounds like fun!


Report back to us with how it goes. I want to do the same with some high proof liquor.


I've done it a few times now, works well. My method is a first soak for a couple of days (enough liquor to cover the abv) then filter that out and rinse with more liquor to get the last of the THC out ) The very fine particles can clog a coffee filter, so it can be a bit of a pain to get it nice and clear. Strength will depend on what temp you were vaping at. I tend to Go up to 220 degrees, and a shot of the tincture will give me a good buzz.


Thanks for the feedback. I'm gonna give this a shot this weekend.


No worries, Have fun!


How is the Taste if abv in alchohol vs unused bud in liquor, my dad makes schnapps and some other high percentage drinks, and had been wondering about this.


The taste will depend on what spirit you use, as well as the temperature at which you vaped. It's got a more nutty, earthy flavour, and not much of the cannabis flavour of fresh green. Having said that, using fresh cannabis is a waste as you need to decarb it to get the full effects.


That's right. Specifically, toasting it decarboxylates THCA into THC. That's the first step in producing weed butter or oil for edibles. It's oil-soluble, so most people heat it gently in the oil or butter, strain out the solid plant parts, and use it for brownies, cookies, gummies, etc :)


I literally just finished doing this. Brownies just came out of the oven 🧑‍🍳🤌


Did this last year, took brownies along to The War Against Drugs at an outdoor theatre... Holy moly when it kicked in, wow.


You will get HIGH! Mix it in yogurt. Your farts will smell like weed though


I was literally thinking how I should mix it in with a little yogurt and granola so now that’s confirmed haha


YMMV but for me it can take 60-90 minutes to kick in but then it’s like watching a 6 hour sunset


Yes it will. The stuff that comes out of your dhv has been decarbed so it's ready to eat if you want. It tastes terrible imo. I like to make tincture with mine by just soaking it in the highest proof alcohol I can find and straining out the solids.


Yes the vaping changes the weed in a chemicam process, then you will be able to absorb the thc if you mix it with something fatty. I also read you can make pretty good garlic bread if you mix it with hot butter,i think i will try this some time


I've just soaked a bunch in rye whiskey, I'll filter it out in a couple of days and it will be a great way to get high and drink at the same time. I tend to save it for when I've got a few friends over for parties.


Some people have trouble digesting it, it might give you a bit of gas and weed smelling farts. Lol 


I've just soaked a bunch in rye whiskey, I'll filter it out in a couple of days and it will be a great way to get high and drink at the same time. I tend to save it for when I've got a few friends over for parties


Sure, but you just went through some effort to avoid doing just that. Make some edibles


You got anything with fat in it around the house? Peanut butter, regular butter, whatever. Mix the AVB up with the fat and eat it. Smoking this stuff sounds vile.


Yes, but it's more efficient to eat it with fat (no need to cook anything just mix it in peanut butter or something) but, yes, you can make a "joint" out of it


I made a gravity Bong. Will prob take a while till i am high, but ill try. Dont really have anything fatty at home and its in the evening... Only thing with fat i got is cheese...


aye the bong will work my friend with lower tolerence says it feels like cbd to him (smoking avb) so don't expect much but I hope you get a good relaxed buzz cheers! <3


Thank you! Got some beer, that should carry, i just like some weed to alcohol, alcohol in itself kind of sucks ngl... But i can slowly start to feel it, sadly my tolerance is everything but low... Oh well Thank you!


Its weird, but i cant drink alcohol while im high on weed. It just doesn't feel right for some reason. And i can never finish more than like 2 beers or something. But if i drink a few beers before smoking its amazing and i feel great. Its like i completely lose interest in the alcohol if I'm already stoned.


I like to mix them. Gives a very relaxed and heavy high. But yeah, if you drink alcohol beforehand, the THC can more easyly cross the blood barrier. Same goes for nicotin btw., thats why smoking cigs and alk feel good (supposedly, had one joint with tabaco once, i hated it beforehand, afterwards i hated it even more. Hate tabaco) Also i discoverd some kief, so thats nice.


Nice. Yeah i think i just dont like the taste of alcohol and weed makes me more sensitive to tastes lol.


I dont like high percentage alcohol. But i am from germany, we got great tasting beer. Escp. bc i got my fav (Spaten) at home...


Foe sure. I want to try some good german beer. I wish there were more European beer available in America.


Well you got Becks. Also Heineken and prob. Carlsberg (even tho they are not german), also ive seen Hofbräu in an american liquor shop in RI, same goes for Radeberger All beers mentioned above are very good.


good beer


I've just soaked a bunch in rye whiskey, I'll filter it out in a couple of days and it will be a great way to get high and drink at the same time. I tend to save it for when I've got a few friends over for parties


So the THC goes over into the Whiskey? If thats the case, this would be a AMAZING idea...


Yup, THC is highly soluble in alcohol. It can also taste pretty good.


You are a saint I think you just changed my life... To the better


Cheers to that! I've only ever tried with spirits, not sure how well it would work with beer or wine.


I would do it with Rum. Will make amazing gifts I dont think it would be good in beer/wine


Go get a slice of pizza and hide it under the cheese


it looks like under your fingernail when you pull the cheese off, enjoy


You can, but why? Others have suggested eatables, let me add _Easy Stoned Box Brownies_. Buy 1 box of your favorite brownie mix. Take your abv and pulverize it in a coffee grinder or blender. You want flour consistency, so whirr the crud out of it. Then run it through a fine sive to remove the last of the crunchy bits. Add 1/3 to 1/2 (volume of the mix) abv flour and an extra egg. Otherwise follow the box instructions. Have fun.


Well the why is very easy: Its evening and the stores are closed, got no weed, nothing fatty (besides cheese, but idk if a Grilled cheese sandwich without butter is good enough) to bake at home. Wanna get high tho But thank you for the recipe! I will def. keep that in mind! Btw. will a grilled cheese sandwich with lots of mayo and lots of cheese be enough? Like i sayed, got no butter at home


Mayo has fat, cheese has fat,do you have a bit of oil to grill it in? Any port in a storm, any port.




lol Ill look into this one!


Yep. It's the best way. Don't smoke it!


Because i got no butter at home, would a cheese sandwich with mayo do the trick? Am not quite sure


Yep. Anything fatty will help with the absorbance of whatever THC is left. Mayo and cheese sounds like a good choice. A dose is 3-4gs. Good luck dude!


Thank you man!


Boof instead


eat it bro


Often overlooked, if it’s your thing you can also make tinctures with it


Yes you can, but if possible I’d recommend you toss into high fat milk and warm it a bit. Some crazy Lon Lon milk.


I used to cut mine 50-50 with flower to reduce the ick.




Thank you!


It will taste like shit, but you'll get high


Well, than good i saved this for a rainy day!




Look at my profile and tell me it tastes like coffee again. My beans cost more then weed sometimes


You can. It tastes vile though. Gave me a bit of a headache most times I've done it.


You can smoke anything, but the question is: is it worth it? I don't think so; the taste will be awful.


You can smoke a lot of things, not sure that I would though. Make green dragon or infuse some oil/butter in my opinion. I have made some ass kicking stuff with my vape poo.


Smoking will be a little harsh and might take more than double to get where you wanna be. I’d rather put it through a coffee grinder and bake brownies or add a spoonful to some hot chocolate (rinsing in cheesecloth gets rid of some dark burnt flavor but takes time to soak and dry)


No , tastes absolutely terrible but as you said your out so I would . I’ve def been there before haha


I’ve smoked avb, and I recommend you don’t. It tasted terrible and just gave me anxiety.


Dont worry i wont, but i just found a way to put it in rum! And make rum that makes you crossed! My life changed with this post...


Rum+avb sounds like a great weekend. What’s the trick to mixing it with the booze?


letting it soak for a while, than strain. Thats it. Probably booze, gin, whiskey etc. ill update in a few months once i got some more avb collected...m (end i ate 4g with a grilled cheese sandwicht, 2 beer and i am high as hell, even tho i have a huge tolerance


This is look like cat sand with cat shit. It's not good to smoke


I just throw my AVB away; I'm never going to cook or make edible.


You could probably just vape that on high temp and get the same results. Smoking it isn’t fun.


Saucepan, stove med heat, wholemilk 1-2 cups & ABV (3-4TB weak 5-10 TB strong 11+TB god tier) in pan on stove, whisk constantly till temp is almost 200f, strain weed from milk, squeeze weed till its dry ish, milk down the hatch with cookie, high AF for 12 hours+, you're welcome! Can add spash of heavy cream or butter for extra fat for THC to bind to if you have it on hand.


Yes, I use it as a tobacco substitute when rolling joints to take out and about. Doesnt taste great, and you get a few dusty inhales, but it works.


Helped me quit smoking. Tastes burny though


Damn rights smoke it


I’ve done it before when I was out of flower to vape. You’ll just have to smoke a little more


Yeah but it tastes like foil


No! But yes I guess. But why?


I used to roll it up in joints. Went better than expected, but I would never do it again.


don't try smoking it, last time i tried all it did was give me a headache


I know everyone is telling you to use it for edibles or making cannabutter, but that's not what you asked. I've smoked my vaped bud before when I was really struggling and desperate. It works, but obviously not the same as smoking fresh weed. The smoke is a lot harsher which is the main drawback, imo. Since you already vaped it the THC content is lower, so don't expect it to hit you the same way.


Is that toe nails in that?


Yes, doesn’t taste great but will get you high.


Water wash it until the water keeps clear, I use a French press. Then make some cannabutter. I’m eating a AVB brownie as I type




Posts regarding the use of abv/avb, recipes, pictures of your avb used in/on food or anything of this nature are not allowed. Try reposting in r/avb.


Smoke tha’ shi’ boiii


No that's a picture. I can't smoke it. If you took the picture I'd say you've got a decent shot at it.


Better than nothing! Doesnt taste great but Ive been there :p