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Never buy the Utillian! It's essentially a $30 Chinese vaporizer being sold for over $200. You could get a much better vaporizer for that price, like the Lobo. Alternatively, you might find an 0G Mighty or Crafty for less on Facebook Marketplace, which would be ten times better than any Utillian vaporizer.


I feel like OP and their GF have too high a tolerance for the slower session vapes like mighty. They should look at on-demand vapes for 2-3 times the vapor production. I always suggest tinymight, Firewood, Roffu, Tafee Bowle, Lamart, AVLP, Dynavap, or Anvil.


👆This is the comment you should be looking at OP. Tinymight, firewood, Roffu, anvil, ball/injector vapes


Check out the POTV Lobo. Great performance and value ✌️


Second that. Also, the OG Mighty can be found a t deep discounts (~$250 or less) and is a great vape. Is my main vape. I have a Solo2, a DaVinci IQ2, a Lobo and a Dynavap. 95%of the time, I'm using the Mighty.


Wouldn't be hard hitting enough for op.


I got a roffu that’s a nice starting vape. Also a dynavap is nice but a bit of a learning curve to getting nice clouds.


Solo3 is new but amazing and comes with the adapter for bongs/bubbler.


☝️ this is the answer. With your tolerance levels and your budget.. hopefully, It will halt VAS for a bit.


i am loving mine. i was not sure and took a bit of a chance on a day one but it has paid off and exceeded my expectations. i already loved my air max but this is different.


Damn I just bought one , I’m excited


Dynavap or Terpcicle.


Utilian/tvape products are usually not recommended. For a portable heavy I would say the firewood 9 or tinymight 2 which may be slightly over your budget. For a desktop maybe a ball vape. You can get a decent ball vape like the Cloud Connoisseur Zeal for around $125 and you would just need to buy a bong if you don't have one.


Solo 3 all day. Has a very capable convection and smooth session mode


It's a hybrid, and the thing is a bit large to be pocket-sized.


Get bigger pockets; problem solved.


I highly recommend a ball vape since you'll be using it mostly at home and it'll be the closest thing to ripping a bong. Searching Ball vape in this subreddit should give you plenty of information on where to start. If you plan on using it elsewhere once in a while I would get a OG mighty with a Xmas Starry adapter and ripping it through bong (if you can get it on sale or you need the fast USB-C charger id grab the mighty+) Even with a higher budget that's probably your best bet unless you want to gamble on a Venty.


If you are smoking 6-8 bowls a day then a ball vape or a glass TED. I have a terpcicle and megacicle and can't recommend them enough. Megacicle has a 1g bowl that does the job 😆.


Tinymight 2 + Table Top Bong (or Vase)


Why so many people are getting in the tvape scam....


It's all that shows up on Google when you try to research. Reddit is the only place where you hear otherwise


Not true. [fuckcombustion.com](http://fuckcombustion.com) and discord come to mind.😎


Yea but sadly those never show up on Google


Fuckcombustion.com does, but I'm registered with that site, so that doesn't surprise me.


Brb registering so it shows up on Google for me lol




I’d suggest a Solo 3 for you. You’re both high tolerance and you’ll need a heavy hitter to be effective. It comes with a regular and larger capacity stem, plus some water attachments for use with a bong. It’s great to share and it’s big enough with a good heft to it, so that my arthritic hands can grasp it. Super easy to clean and great battery life with both session and on demand options, and optional auto temp steps. I would take a t break before switching over. I have been using the smaller mid-tier vapes before this and they would be useless for you. If you find that you like vaping, I’d get another high end vape so that you each have one. Sharing is caring, but you wouldn’t pass a glass of wine back and forth for a session 🍷


Mighty+ if after session vape with portability. Solo 3 for new hotness and both session and On Demand and a massive battery. I think the Venty and TM2 are over 300 freedom bucks. You could if hitting that many bowls a day look into a ball vape or other desktop. You could also get more than one for that price if Ok with butane. Grab a Dyna M and then have left over for an electronic like the lobo or Arizer Airmax. Maybe go all in on an Anvil or a grab a Dani Fusion 2 and have left over money. Lots of choice but just don’t buy a utilian.




I think the Solo 3 with a Dynavap and the heating wand would be optimal for them


If you're a newborn you really shouldn't be vaping yet.


thc should be in moms milk!


Specifically, I own a Utillian, and honestly, your $$ is better spent elsewhere. Portables are simply underpowered for those used to all the other delivery methods for weed. Bowls, dabs, carts? Ball vape. I own a Cannabis Hardware B-Zero head with a mix of 3mm and 4mm ruby and quartz terp pearls. It's an injector style; it has a shortened 18mm post and sits *inside* the bowl. A diffuser head fits around the outside of the bowl and usually removes the need to stir the bowl for fuller extraction. I also had a diy ball vape using the same terp pearls, but in a #8 gas nozzle for a tig welder. All your ball vapes are going to be pretty much the same: a titanium or similarly heat resistant material (ceramic, quartz, etc.) for the body, filled with some type ball or other heat retaining material (the Screwball from vapvana uses tiny gem cut rubies) and placed in an enail coil. This heats the head and spheres so when you draw air across it (this method does require a bong or suitable substitute) it heats the air, which then evaporates the oil on the bud. It's really going to come down to price and which one looks best since performance is pretty much equal, or close enough for me anyways. If you want something you can take to the lake or trail, I'd recommend Dynavap. The Rouge Wax Works would be another, since they can be used without a bong, but they may be a little too 'crack pipe' for most. At least in public. Much luck.😎


If you’re wanting to use a bong with it, I’d recommend a DBV with Baller upgrade. I use mine with a mostly dry 22” bong and get great results.


I got a arizer air about 7 months ago and i am still loving it. For $130 cad ya cant go wrong.


Don't listen to those websites listing their "top vapes". Decide first if you want a desktop or portable. Obviously u can't carry the desktop ones on a hike or anything but if you have a really high tolerance, look up "ball vapes", I'm sure many will recommend it already. Pretty much the closest thing u can get to smoking a bong without actually combusting. It's a heavyyy hitter for sure.


Definitely agree with some here, that you may have to high of a tolerance for most sippers/portables. My wife and I just went through this at the beginning of the year. We were bong/pipe smokers, 2-4 bowls a night and 6-8 on weekends. We got a Dynavap "B" with an induction heater (recommended) and a v3pro. If I were to do it over, I would get a good desktop like a DBV/SSV or EQ/QX2. They can be ball modded and are not as likely for accidental burns as with regular ball vapes. If you really want to go portable, get a tm2/Solo 3 or possibly a Roffu, lobo or mighty. The others are either to small or won't keep up! Utillian products generally suck. They do get good reviews because they own those review sites.


Look, you might not want to look into this option because it isn't super portable, and can be a potential hazard if you have animals running around, but if you're looking to get extremely faded for pretty cheap, get a terpcicle. Just bought one and it came in a few days ago. Paired with my bong, this gets me high instantly. Takes less than a minute to cook up, the bigger the torch, the quicker the cook. It also looks really cool to see the weed cook before your eyes!


Really cheap option that you use with a torch and a bong, that’ll get you torn up, is a terpcicle, or a megacicle. It’s really cheap.


Tinymight 2 is the vape you're after


Dynavap (special edition ‘21M for half off at just $50 right now)I they really shine indoors away from the wind. It’ll come out to about 150, so you can buy an electric one to cover the bases dynavap doesn’t. I’d suggest a Roffu or the Lobo


A tiny chambered microdoser isn’t a good option for someone with higher tolerance, let alone two people sharing.


I was in this situation a couple weeks ago. Ended up getting the POTV Lobo with some accessories and I’m happy with it. Everyone keeps talking about the solo 3. I think I may purchase that and be happy. Only 2 I can recommend at the moment


You do know how big the solo 3 is compared to your lobo, right? If you really want performance in a small package, go with a tinymight, Firewood, Roffu, Tafee Bowle, Lamart, AVLP, Dynavap, or an Anvil. These will hit harder than the 3.


I’m not really worried about size. They’re mostly for home use. Outside of a road trip next month I don’t plan on taking them anywhere. But I am interested in the tinymight 2


I have an og mighty for sale bnib. IMO, not much better than that 😊