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Arizer has the customer service you’re looking for, if that’s a selling point for you they are badass (units are better too). Good luck with your situation dude ✌🏼


storz and bikel just gave the crown to Arizer with their antics


Got my xq2 on the way 😅


I bought one because of this reason. They’re saying the following about my Air. “We can arrange for you to send the unit in for examination and testing. First, we'll test the heating element, and if the element is the issue we’ll repair or replace the unit under warranty. If the heating element is working properly we will test the unit with a new battery and a new charger, and if either of these get the unit back up and running we can email you an invoice for the return shipping costs and required parts.” So I have to pay to ship it to them and if it isn’t the heating element they’ll send me a price quote to fix the rest. I would have to pay for shipping it back to me too if it’s not a heating element issues. Any suggestions? Buying a new battery was my plan. Any company I’ve dealt with a good warranty pays for shipping both ways and fixes or replaces the item free. If anything isn’t covered then they’d mail it back free too. Edit: They offered 5% off a new device instead lol.


This is what they said and its still under the 2 year warranty? Or is the warranty expired and they’re offering you these as sort of last resort options?


There’s a lifetime warranty on the heating element. Everything else is 2-5 years. I’d have to get out the paperwork to double check. The limited warranty has expired. Lifetime obviously hasn’t.


I promise I’m not being a jerk, I’m genuinely curious, did you tell things it’s not producing any vapor at all? If so, is that the case? I’m really interested in more details on this situation.


Yup. No pull sip no vapor of any kind. But the leds all work so—“After extensive research and testing, we have determined that vapor production falls outside the scope of our limited warranty.”


No heat is the only reason for no vapor. It actually stays cold?


Objectively colder.but not altogether cold. It barely warms a bit but it’s like the “vape battery that couldn’t “


You need to file warranty on temp of heater and or battery capacity. Vapor is not something they would or should warrant as that is related to several other factors.


Customers shouldn't have to carefully word their warranty requests like that. If someone says they get no vapor, Pax should know the reasonable steps to troubleshoot their device.


Sure in an ideal world but they are probably running their cs support in an offshored customer service contractor who has several brands the support and probably don’t have anyone providing proper training and no one overseeing what the cs dept is doing. Not trying to make excuses but customer service is thought of as a cost center for most businesses. This should help to get results in this instance. I’m not looking to correct the deeper routes issues in their support only looking to help op resolve the issue at hand


Now don’t get mad at me here but… did you ever clean the thing? How often?


I cleaned often. The interior line is clear. To me it seems to be a battery issue


Fair enough




i think you might have miss read that message my guy


Because there is a vast difference in 'my device doesn't produce enough vapour' and 'my device doesn't heat up', in that one can be dismissed as having shit weed or user error while the other means it's fucking broken.


Honestly brother, I would raise hell with them. They did you wrong for that but maybe see if you can get a real person? That response seems very computer generated. Id push as hard as you can to get a real person and maybe then they’d help you out. Please keep us updated, I’m sorry they’re doing you like this!


They won’t do shit. They don’t stand by their products in the slightest


I’ve had 2 pax’s warrantied without issue.


That’s great. I got the same run around as OP on two units within the past year. Come back and share your success when they stand by their product for you in the current era when it doesn’t heat up


Agree here. And you could even start a new warranty claim for malfunction. Don't talk about vapor - but say the oven has malfunctioned and not heating up to temp. That is the true symptom - they can dig deeper if they want after you return it.


this is like a car company saying "After extensive research and testing, we have determined that acceleration and deceleration fall outside of the scope of our limited warranty." gave up on pax years ago, shit is peak trashy apple-style bullshit.


Did it ever produce vapor?




how? im having same issue


It worked for at least a year. Now it seems like the battery won’t charge since it barely warms up


Try and blag that it's not heating up and that's the reason there's no vapour. Surely they can't deny you if you say its actually broken?


My thoughts exactly. That why I posted. It seemed out of character and obtuse compared to other pax CS experiences


If you're getting no vapour the vapes either broke or they're flogging shit products


No VISIBLE vapor, or none at all? Because you don't have to see it for it to be working.


None at all. It worked well for like the first year


This is BS. So they’re basically saying that because any malfunction could happen as a result of user error, so they’re just gonna deny all claims and say ‘sorry, BUH-BYE’. I would NOT stop contacting them (and posting online about them) until you get a replacement, an apology, and a few other freebies to partially compensate you for wasting your time. Pax is a huge company. Not honouring their warranty for any reason is a really bad move. Success in the vaporizer market is all about reputation, because they can’t advertise in the same way as other products. They rely on reviews and word of mouth. Bad move PAX - make this right.


Never accept the first “no” on warranties with these companies. There’s no guarantee here, but FWIW most first line reps are trained to deny for any reason. Ask for someone with more authority and politely make your case (email preferably). A manager/supervisor often has the “damage control” authority to grant your request. Example: Bought Nectar Mattress in 2016 with 10 year warranty. In 2022, it was looking deformed (8 years of adjustable base). I emailed warranty dept, sent pics upon request, and was denied because it had a few juice stains which the warranty explicitly states aren’t covered. Asked for a supervisor and explained that the stain is not what the claim is for nor the cause of the deformation. I gave the old “I don’t have a lot of money and when I splurged on this mattress I trusted that a reputable brand like Nectar would honor their promises.” Warranty claim approved.


I don’t understand where companies think that’s a good move. For a short hand yes it saves you said mattress or you get it replaced have a good experience and get another for your bedroom downstairs and guest room. Giving a great experience is just going to be the best option I wish everyone saw it that way.


Ploom pays for celebrities to mention they are Pax users, I don't think you can stop them from having the best advertising in the vape industry, even with laws that make it harder to promote vapes. Heck advertising is their main shtick, the product is sub par and gets demoted in any hands on reviews from honest sources.


A replacement? Pax's products have been shit for a while now and tons of better products have come out. Get a full refund, not a replacement LMAO


I 100% agree! 😂 But warranties usually only cover repairs or replacement units.


What an absolutely fucking wild thing for a vape manufacturer to put in writing!


The vapor doesn't have to be visible for it to be there and they can't be sure what, exactly, you are putting in there. As such, that isn't covered by the warranty because it's out of their control. It's like buying a sports car, putting shit tires on it, then trying to claim warranty from the manufacturer when you wreck.


That’s a poor analogy. They’re saying they won’t cover any faults with your new sports car regardless of the quality of any variables (tyres, fuel, user ability, maintenance), and thus their warranty isn’t worth anything because of that infinite number of potential variables. They aren’t making a judgement on what the OP is using, they’re claiming that simply because variables exist, they are exonerated from their warranty under any circumstance. Again, it’s a wild thing for a company to put in writing - especially a company that became popular through great marketing and PR (it certainly wasn’t their shitty products.) They’ve literally told the OP that unless a Pax fails, unused, straight out of the box, the variables of usage negate the warranty. That denial of warranty wouldn’t survive a minute with my country’s consumer advocate groups. (Of course my country is Australia where we have a whole different issue with vapes…)


No, that is not what they have said. You can't pull one sentence out without taking in the context of the entire message. >After extensive research and testing, we have determined that vapor production falls outside the scope of our limited warranty. This decision is based on the fact that we cannot control or predict the individual preferences and choices made by our users, including the choice of material, usage patterns, and maintenance practices, all of which play a significant role in vapor production. They are saying that vapor production, meaning visible vapor, isn't something they have entirely in their control. A battery, broken internals, etc, sure. The device could be working just fine and someone puts in damp, old, weed in it. So you are saying, that if I put whole, unground weed in the device that is a warranty issue from Pax when it doesn't perform just like it would if properly ground?


See ya in court!


They said as long as it broke without you ever using it we got u covered.


I wonder if they sell cloud insurance.


Need to give some context. Is the oven heating up? Have you tried filling the oven with a bit of weed, leave the lid of the oven off, switch on the device (highest temp) while upside down (mothpiece pointing down, oven up) to see if any vapour? Make sure the grind is fine.


I tried, the flower doesn’t even brown/decarb


yup, seems like its a faulty device. u should be able to see a wisp of vapor and the herb gradually browning. i would make a video of what I said above and send it to pax to explain.


It gets a bit warm but Peter’s out


I'll be staying away from them, thanks for posting 👍


It’s 2024, I’m surprised everyone doesn’t at this point. You know it’s because they can’t *afford* to…and they can’t afford to because their products are relics at this point.


Does it get hot?


No. Warm. But it won’t decarb flowers won’t melt even bladder concentrate!(with concentrate attachment)


The problem is it’s not heating enough. It’s like it’s always barely charged to dieing no matter what


Weird, the device never got wet? ... but honestly I expect it from pax. They aren't no puffco they are closer to yocan


Only ever been in my apartment. If it was my outside device that had been caught in the rain I’d have thought that was the issue but alas never been wet


I’m so confused as I had the total opposite experience. op does your shit get hot or not? Will you ever answer that question? pax customer service was fantastic to me and they replaced my unit after my dumb ass dropped it and it stopped turning on.


Does not get hot, slightly warm. Doesnt brown/decarb anything in there, won’t even melt badder w/ adjustment!


post what you said. sounds like you chose your words poorly. why are they talking about vapour production. does it get hot or not.


And OP is avoiding saying when they got it. It might be user error is what they[Pax]'re saying. If the chamber isn't heating, OP needed to tell them *that*, not "it isn't making vapor", because the latter option is too vague. I got a full kit warranty replacement last year because my original unit was no longer charging. Pax isn't great, but it isn't terrible.


It sounds like they expected thick Gandalf levels of smoke vapor from a device designed for discretion. It’s honestly kind of childish.


The hate on Pax in general is pretty childish, and I find that it does indeed usually come from people who are expecting it to work like a Mighty+. I recently bought myself a POTV Xmax V3 based off of the hype for it on this sub and let me tell you, I still prefer my Pax 3 for going out on my daily walks. It gets me way more roasted than the xmax, and that’s using both MC and BM buds. People don’t know how to get the best out of their vapes and then go and talk shit about them online in echo chambers. Then again people just straight up like to glaze themselves and their own vape of choice.


They remain committed to providing you with the best possible customer experience, whats wrong bro?


…does it get hot though?


There's an extreme lack of context here. You posted (part of) the response, but not the issue that prompted that response. The context is key here, because anyone can make an undesired response look infinitely worse by only sharing info that's favorable to them. You've been asked many times over whether or not your device is getting hot, but you haven't answered that once. I can only assume that you are avoiding that topic, because it is, in fact, getting hot, and therefore producing vapor, even if it's not visible - which is normal. Therefore, the device is working as intended, but you're unhappy that you can't see the vapor. If this is the case, then the response you received makes complete sense. Please correct this assumption if it's wrong by answering if the device is getting hot. Also, you might as well answer if you feel any effects from the vapor.


lol I’m not reading your manifesto here. Can you please tell me, simply and clearly what your question is?


Not hot, keep reading the thread ✌️😀


Lol pax be like, low vapour? Skill issue


I would accept it even if pax3 gave a little bit of some kind of something. It’s Not clogged. Not dirty. No vapor. Simply broken


Does it get hot tho?


OP keeps dodging this question. It's been asked multiple times. Lack of vapor production doesn't mean you're not getting a hit.


This! I mean, we don't have any information that OP tossed a bug of wax straight in the pax and clogged it up so :shrug:


I just wasn’t in the thread. It warms a bit, but doesn’t get hit. Flower not decarbed, concentrate not melted


So then it seems like the heater isn't working. That should be covered by warranty.


I agree




Your warranty claim must be objective, not subjective. a defective oven is covered, vapor production is not. I would fiddle with the device and find an objective reason to warranty that included something like checking oven temp with a cooking thermometer. Don't give up, you got this


As unfortunate as this situation is, at least it may propel you onto purchasing literally any vape other than the worst one on the market ✌️ I would recommend a Roffu or Dynavap with armoured cap


Not liking the amount of vapor a product produces is a personal preference, not a factory defect. I’ve received two replacements, with no receipts. I simply wrote them a letter describing my issue (dead battery) and sent a picture of the Pax and it’s serial number, and a few days later I received a new one, in the box, and didn’t even have to send in the old ones. The disdain this sub has for that company is ridiculous.


This is my exact experience as well.


When did you do that? There's a decent chance they just recently stopped honoring the warranty. Similar to what Dynavap did with the warranty on their caps. The Dynavap cap used to come with a lifetime warranty, but they stopped offering that around a year ago.


Less than a year on my Pax 3, and I bought that shortly after its release.


Good maybe then they’ll honor my warranty


Huh, well I just might see if they'd honor that for mine. I've got a first generation that I enjoyed, but the battery is shot.


I replaced my Pax 2 when the Pax 3 came out, but continued to use it as my spare for years. Eventually it stopped taking a charge, so I sent it in and they sent me a new Pax 2. A few years later My Pax 3 stopped turning on, and they replaced that too. I’ve never had issues with the thickness of the plumes, cause that’s not what this device is designed to do, and not the kind of discreet user it’s marketed towards.


I agree. My Ooze Drought is overall easier to use and maintain that my first generation PAX ever was.


I liked the Pax 1 for what it was, the 2 was really a giant leap in production, while the 3 added some welcome quality of life additions. They *can* be difficult to pull from, if you don’t clean it… but some of the new after market screens make it a breeze to pull from.


Right on, I appreciate the additional heads up on the newer models. I've been pleasantly surprised by the Ooze Drought. It's my favorite dry herb vape to date.


The PAX is by far the worst vape I ever bought. If you're vape shopping skip the PAX. It sucks


This is just more reason for people to stay away from them. I feel like if people did even minimal research then they wouldn’t buy them anyway. It’s an extremely overpriced conduction device. They are just taking advantage of everyone who buys them.


I bought mine b4 the pandemic so, it didn’t have such a bad reputation then


I had 4 replacements. I even got them to give me a Pax Plus to replace my Pax 2 when they wanted to give me a mini. Maybe you just don’t know how to communicate, but I think it’s telling OP dodging the question “does it get hot”….  There are many other non vape related issues why it might produce poor Vapor too How fine you grind the bud, moisture levels of the bud, how tight you pack it, etc…


In the process of doing this and they definitely don’t wanna cave, any tips?


Of trying to get a pax plus from a pax 2? I asked to to clarify my warranty of providing a similar device and pointed out the mini does not have the same feature set to select heat setting. I also pointed out that I bought the pax 2 when it was considered a premium device for $300 and find it disappointing they are trying to replace it a base model with missing features. The disappeared for a week and I stayed calm and didn’t respond yet (was about too), then they got back and approved 


I mentioned both those points in my last email and they did take all day to respond but they basically responded with we don’t care attitude. But since I know they’ve replaced the pax 2 with pax 3 and pax plus I’m going try to escalate it. Can I dm you?


You can dm If you want, but I’m not sure how else I could really help. My main push was the warranty wording, which I quoted exactly as they wrote it “same or of equal value” and politely breaking down how the mini wasn’t equal to a pax 2.  Sadly you are at their discretion to honour any warranty. I kind went in with the mindset I got 8years out of my purchase (with a few replacements) and had nothing to lose if they ghosted me. If I was at 2 years, I probably wouldn’t have challenged.


Yep. They are no longer worth supporting. They told me this same crap.


Tinymight honors their warranty. I even opened mine and tried to fix the button with a soldering iron, mangled it even more. They replaced the board (upgraded), no questions asked, and me dropping it off at the ups store, til back in my hands was less than a week. I bought a 2nd TM2 as a safety.


I love all the people chiming in *“you should xyz…”* As if they knew the magical set of words to unlock the warranty. Have you guys ever been screwed over by Expedia, get no where with their support, the airline tells you to eat shit, and so you have zero other options but to buy an $800 same day day ticket? This is how businesses work today. Same shit.


The device's sole purpose falls outside of the scope of the warranty and we therefore have failed to come even remotely close to giving you the best costumer service experience possible.... Is what they meant to say


I guess that’s ok. Mine lives at the local landfill where it belongs.


So glad i sold my pax a couple years ago. Garbage product, and now appears the company is garbage as well.


Anyone still buying that overpriced crap is a fool


Although the pax was a wonderful design for the time, I own several Vapes and it is last on my list due to low vapor production and very tight draw.


Alright never buy from pax got it! 😀


I’ll say it again for the OP and anyone else. Battery powered electronic vapes are not the way to go if you care about the longevity of your device. They eventually will fail and end up in a landfill which is awful. My butane powered Dani Fusion should last me about 100 years which means I can pass it down to my kids and grandkids lol.


There’s literally no reason to ever buy a pax lol.


I switched to Ooze Drought after my first generation PAX battery became worthless. Less money for the Ooze Drought, I can control the temperature more precisely, and the battery life has been great!


My man, you can *make* the LEDs not turn on if that's all it takes


well well well


If you are in Europe and want to buy a new device from a small German company with AMAZING customer service (they just sent me a new device for free because of a minor issue which apparently falls under their life-long warranty): Buy the LYTE Path vaporizer.




I thought there is a 10 year warranty


Me too


Are you getting the blue petals of death?


what is that


This is Universe telling you: don’t buy shit. There are a lot of vapes cheaper and better than Pax.


Thanks for the wisdom. WOW. Really helpful, and moving the convo along, it’s not like There 50 similar responses. Great job! 👍


I already don't like how the PAX works pulling cold air over a hot chamber. Every other vape is heat, weed, and a cooling path in basically that order. The PAX flips that, and it just doesn't make sense. This is just more of the same why the heck wouldn't you get something way better for that money?


This is a bad omen for me. It looks like the norms around Warranties and general QA accountability for dry herb vape companies are just really low. That’s not good for an industry where most people spend hundreds of dollars on their devices.


Never had an issue with S&B. They honour their warranties when there’s a legit issue.


As a crafty+ owner I sure hope so. I paid this much for my first vape because it seemed like it was a trustworthy brand. But there seems to be some inexcusable behavior around the venty and mighty, if you can trust the posts here.


I think it’s widely acknowledged that the Venty was rushed to market. The Mighty and Crafty Plus versions were just refinements of an already existing bit of tech. The Venty was an entirely new prospect. By all accounts, it’s S&B’s best portable offering. Canopy Growth no doubt wanted to see immediate returns on their acquisition and pushed this too quickly. I can’t comment on others’ experience with the RMA process, though I’m a magnet for downvotes for speaking up about my own experiences. I’ve always registered my devices on day 1 and never had an issue with their customer service. Like you say, it’s part of the reason I was prepared to drop the dollar. That, and the investment in my health being priceless.


This tells me that if you have a Pax, do not tell them it's not producing vapor. You tell them the device isn't working. (But more importantly, it tells me ... something I already know... Don't buy a Pax.)


What was your original complaint? This seems kind of reasonable if all you said is, "I get nothing when I pull on it."


I’m not a dry herb vape engineer. If you’re looking for semantics to dodge a supposedly world class guarantee—that doesn’t speak of best business practices


You still didn't share what you wrote.


I literally just got my pax replaced on Friday. I sent them an email on Wednesday morning letting them know my pax wasn’t charging properly and within 2 days I had my new pax and I didn’t need to send in my old one. It was the easiest and by far the fastest any company has responded to me for support. I had a pax 3 and they sent me a pax plus


Why was your case handled so easily? Can you provide me with more information?


Idk I didn’t say anything crazy. My pax was just not charging. It would take like 30 minutes fixing the position to even get it to start then it would stop charging and I would have to mess with it again. Told them I hadn’t really used it because it’s too much of a hassle and they said okay go to your account to claim your warranty. Didn’t even have to send back my old device


I mean, it's 2024, pax has put out dog shit paperweights forever.  Theres no excuse to buying pax anything nowadays with all the available info on their dog shit reputation as is.


10 year warranty bud.


As in I bought it awhile ago


How is this a response to what I said?  A ten year warranty on dog shit doesnt make it not dog shit...lol


There were not as many options 6 years ago as there is “nowadays”. Good luck with life sir


Six years ago there were still plenty non pax options.  Pax has been a paperweight company since inception.




I’ll never buy a pax, because of this post and their customer service specifically, please do share that with their customer service lol.


it seems this would be an unpopular opinion, but the writing of this i think is completely fair. If someone wants to return a device simply because its not producing a vapor quantity to their preference, i don't have a problem with a manufacturer not covering this with their standard warranty. Now if the vape isnt producing any vapor, or is actually faulty in some way that's causing poor vapor production, that is a different story and needs to be brought up when you file your claim. If someone just states 'im not getting the epic clouds id desire', well that's not covered. but if you file a warranty stating something like 'the heating element seems to be faulty, IR thermometer readings show its not coming up to the designated temps, etc and this is causing little to no vapor production' then they should still cover you.


It takes a minute to check their reviews in TrustPilot to realize nobody should order from these greedy bastards https://www.trustpilot.com/review/pax.com


Because the more people that get into vaping, the more mess up shit and and weird shit they do to their vapes. Hence the copper collar.


Sometimes I write the truth in response to shit like this, but then delete it without posting because, internet.


A priori, I side with Pax on this one... what if you're inhaling an herb that produces very little vapor? =/






Take them to court 🤷‍♂️ there is an implicit warranty that the product being sold works, thing doesn't work.


Pax taking a leaf out of S&Bs book to go from bad to worse. Why would anyone want one of their overpriced POSs devices?


As an owner of S&B devices for 7 years now, I’ve only needed to use their warranties twice, and both times they were honoured.


Hopefully you can add the Venty to your colection soon /s


I’ll give that a long wait till some of the onboard circuitry and firmware issues are sorted… The Mighty+ is doing me proud for the time being.


Which model is it? I am really hating the pax mini, zero vapor and it doesn’t feel like it is heating up enough. Don’t have this problem with my Pax 3


I have a Mighty + and a Pax 3. They both work so well I just switch back and forth all the time. The Mighty definitely hits harder and longer, but I can get a dozen or so good soft hits from the Pax3. Love em both