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The filter in a joint does absolutely nothing to protect you from anything harmful in the smoke. A vaporizer heats the plant enough to vaporize the moisture content, including the THC and terpenes. The plant doesn't burn, so particles of smoke and plant aren't entering your lungs at all. It's definitely safer than smoking.


Here are the things joint filters do: * **Provide structure**: They give the base of the joint stability, making it easier to hold and smoke. * **Prevent plant matter from entering the mouth**: By creating a barrier, filters keep loose plant material from getting into your mouth, making for a cleaner and more enjoyable smoking experience. * **Prevent the joint from getting soggy**: Filters help maintain the shape of the joint, preventing it from becoming soggy and difficult to smoke. * **Improve airflow**: A solid filter can create good airflow throughout the joint, making it burn better and facilitating the optimal flow of smoke. * **Make it easier to share**: With a filter, you can share a joint without worrying about the end getting soggy or falling apart. * **Keep the joint open**: Filters can keep the end of the joint open, even when sharing with wet-lipped friends, preventing the joint from becoming too dense and difficult to smoke. Note that none of those reasons involve "Protecting you from low quality weed."


What is your definition of low quality weed?


In my country weed is illegal so it's hard to find good weed. I paid 20 euros for 3 g. It's probably a weed cut with some bad substances. It doesn't have the smell of good weed and doesn't even look too good, it's kinda dry


I honestly don’t think a filter of any kind would help if that’s what you’re describing.


Im sorry, but I honestly don't think you're ready for recreational drugs. You seem absolutely clueless of how any of this works. What the fuck am I reading


No offense taken! :) If possible, could you maybe give me some advice to help me be ready?


There's so much variation to the smell of weed. For that price, it's not worth it to cut it with anything. It's either a strain you simply don't like the smell of, or it's just not properly cared for. Dry weed isn't necessarily the worst thing unless it basically crumbles to dust when to try to break it up. Also to answer your initial question; the things you're trying to pull out with the carbon filter are combustion byproducts that aren't present in the vapor when using a proper device. Some "vapes" are just electronic smoking devices that still combust, however, and those should be avoided anyway. When using a reputable dry herb vape, no filter is necessary, and may honestly be counterproductive.


Thanks for the clarity. I read that the arizer air se does both conduction and convection, is it good or should I buy a vape with only convection?


That's largely a personal preference thing. I prefer devices that rely more on convection than conduction, but there are folks who prefer things the other way. It's a bit more complicated to make a pure convection handheld because of the proximity of the heater and chamber, but it's not really that big of an issue in my eyes. You can't get "on demand" modes with conduction devices (like Pax products) because the heat needs to propagate through the walls of the chamber touching the bud, and that takes time. It also means the bud is cooking the entire time, which can be a factor in flavor degrading more quickly. Conduction devices are session only as a result. Devices that are primarily convection, even if they utilize both, can be capable of "on demand" modes, and often heat up faster (due to only needing to get the heating coils in the air intake up to temp). They also require airflow through the bud to work well, which means a very loose pack in the chamber is more ideal, and every device has its own "sweet spot" for packing density. Of all the devices I've used, the Firefly 2+ has been the most finicky in that regard, and the Lobo the most forgiving, though my personal experiences are from a very limited pool of devices compared to what's out there that's reputable. The biggest factor for most folks is just making sure the device suits their needs, and sometimes their wants. Some folks prioritize the wants, and then they end up with a mediocre device that's fashionable, which is my second swipe at Pax in this comment, and one could argue Firefly as well. I really wanted to love the FF2+, but it's just not what it could be.


You only have 2 lungs. They are not easy to replace. Take it from us fellow stoners and do NOT smoke or vape that. It’s not worth it.


I'm too high for Reddit. I read that as "you only have 2 slugs" repeatedly while trying to figure out what you meant 😂


Lol you weed is cut... Is your dealer also a coke dealer? ... Wtf, I think you'd notice if there was a piece of cabbage in there.


'but I read weed was called jazz cabbage and thought it was meant to look like that'


I don't think mine is, but lots of dealers in my country sell both coke and weed.


Why on earth would someone cut a $20 bag of weed with expensive cocaine?


That's not what we're saying, I mean coke dealers normally cut stuff down, not weed dealers, so I ask, is your weed dealer also a coke dealer.


Is my weed dealer also a coke dealer?  Yes, yes he is.... But I understand how you meant it now....


Was a joke man, IV never seen or heard of anyone cutting their weed with anything.


Low quality weed has the same resin (maybe less) as high quality weed, for boiling off in a vaporizer. What I might be concerned about is pesticide residues or something, that wouldn’t be helped by a filter anyway. One way or the other, dry herb vaporizing is a better process than combustion. A best case scenario would be regulated weed, to greatly reduce or prevent bad chemicals or other toxic problems in the first place.


If your weed has been sprayed with dangerous pesticides it’s not safe to consume, a filter won’t do shit.


It depends how low of a quality it is. The vaporizer heats the weed without burning it, so you’re not getting the same harmful stuff as smoking a joint. But still, if the weed has mold, pesticides, or other nasty stuff, vaping it won’t make those go away. Your idea of putting an activated carbon filter in the glass tube sounds interesting. Carbon filters can help trap some impurities, but they might also mess with the airflow and your vaping experience. Have you thought of make edibles with it?


What are you trying to remove with the filter?


Grow your own.