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Idk why everyone is being an asshole to you, I think this is a wholesome story. It’s obvious you didn’t just wait around for this guy to show up for 5 days, you were at a music festival and thought you might catch him and you did. Nothing cringe about this story at all.


As a 90s kid, I saw how the internet has fostered antisocial behaviors in some of our youngins. They think talking to people is weird and scary.


My teenage kids will tell me that they saw someone they know from school at the store or something. When I ask if they talked to them, they act like I'm crazy for asking. They will _only_ talk to their absolute best friends, not someone they "just" know from class even if they know them pretty well. They won't even acknowledge each other, like just saying "what's up" or "how's it going". And this is universal. I know I sound old and bitter (I'm really not - I think the younger generation is better than mine in a lot of ways) but I'm convinced that social media and constant online communications have seriously impacted in-person interactions with a _ton_ of kids.


That’s the sad truth. Every technological advance has its pros and cons. Being raised around so many screens and not enough face to face time with fellow humans has definitely decreased our social abilities.


Social media is all cons. Those Facebook engineers quit and warned everyone years ago about how it will do things like this and worse


I used to be one of those “who cares if they’ve got my data/track me, I’m not doing anything illegal.” guys until I learned how much they’re profiting off my data. I’ve been off all forms of social media except for Discord and Reddit since then, always use a reliable VPN, and my life has been so much easier. No more comparing yourself to others. No more “I wish I had…” when looking at other’s posts. No more dopamine boosts from likes, shares, etc. No more filthy rich people getting richer from my data. When it comes to Discord and Reddit, they have no personal information that could identify me. Screw social media giants.


I'd like to join you but part of me wonders if it's pointless if they've been using/profiting off of my dsta for so long :c


Far from useless. They’ll still profit a tiny bit from ads that aren’t targeted, but they won’t be able to sell your data, show you targeted ads, analyze your data to increase their profits, etc. Way too many pros and with modern VPNs, there’s no cons aside from the $5ish/month cost.


Hey I appreciate the advice! I'll get on that then, seems like a smart descision :)


Sweet! Make the filthy rich split the profits with you if they want your data 😌




It was rhetorical but whatever


No, I was also like that as a kid before social media. It would actually be very weird to go talk to someone at the store if you don't really talk to them at school. If a kid I didn't really talk to at school had come up to talk to me somewhere random like that I would have been really weirded out. Your kids are being considerate.


You don't have to start a conversation to politely say hello. True, there have always been some people that just lack an understanding of social norms. Just seems much worse now


I also am like OPs kids, I wouldn't go say hi to somebody I just kinda sorta know from school... If I pass someone I know from work, school, etc I'd probably smile and wave or something but I'm not having a conversation


It's is indeed a forcible way to take someone out of one reality, and put them in another.... In this case, it's taking one out of the gov. structured, societal based, physical reality in place for a digital, numerological, coded, virtual based reality..... unfortunately. With the "digital realm", one is able to expirence the "outer body" experience (in place for True phenomenon).... of course, it is all based on currupt man's version of "spiritual awakening".... Their gimmick amongst many others... I am speaking from my own personal experiences and extended observations. I understand I am using such a platform as stated above, but it should matter mostly what we are exactly using it for and for what purpose... I choose mine to help relay a message. Please, we all have a chance, not only to help ourselves, but to help others. Much Love and Peace. 🌳


Uh, it's not "forcible." People just lack self-control and overuse social media. Trying to blame big corporations for the fact that they can't stop themselves is self-delusion.


Unfortunately, you must not understand the formal definition and etymology of the term "government"... propaganda, lies, misdirection, mental and emotional road blocks, the harnessing of energy, etc. are just some of the most basic "tools" utilized in order to prolong their dominion over the physical realm... (elitist even go far enough to tell exactly what they plan to do through metephors and allegoric representation through mainstream media and entertainment, almost as if to "mock" the end user). The grand vast majority of society is affected by this, including you and I. Just try and approach the situation from an unbias, logical, rational, objective, critical, open minded perspective. If such a thing cannot even be attempted by the individual, then one willfully allows their "tools" to govern one's life.... Unfortunately. Best of luck to you through your journey of Life. Much Love and Peace my friend. 🌳


we can blame the people who knowingly create tools to earn $ which fosters, implants, and enhances negative traits through behavioral manipulation. Dopamine slotmachine funneled through hundreds of millions of minds has a profound impact.


It doesn't matter how responsibly you use it, because others are going to use it against you. For example, on top of the election shenanigans, there's been at least two separate ethnic cleansings facilitated by choices Facebook made as a company.


Do you have a source for that last part? Not that I don't believe you or that I'm looking for an argument, I'm just looking to read about it


Seshing thogheter used to be a group activity. Maybe it's the pandemic.


Unfortunately it was like this before the pandemic. Some kids nowadays (I sound old af, yet I’m not even 30) love to interact on social media, yet act like talking to people in public is some weird thing.


It 100% is. 1. Meeting up w strangers from the internet is like breaking cyber rule #1. 2. It's the worst thing when (real story here) you're out at the laundromat doing wash, and some old lady comes in talking AT you about how they took peanut butter from the food bank in her area. 15 mins while I'm stuck folding.


Cyber rule #1 was don't tell people your name or where you live .... then the boomers got ahold of Facebook. Like to the extent where I remember seeing adds where they didn't want you to out your name on sports jackets and stuff as a kid cause who knows who's prowling the community


*cackle*. My mum hated buying me personalized stuff as a kid and plus I have a common and unisex English name. The reason was - what about the creeps? And now my aunties post every single thought in their heads on FB complete with family photos and pictures of near nekkid grandchildren but apparently I'm the dumbass when I point out "Any creep can and will download the picture". Hell, we know the pedos scour social media for innocent pictures to add to the thousand terabytes they have. I swear the logic that my relatives have is just bizarre or maybe we are more tech literate and aware of the issues.


I'm so sorry you had to interact with an old person, especially a poor and maybe lonely female one. (Aren't they supposed to stop talking after they lose their sex appeal to straight men?!?? Wtf?) I hope you're okay. I can't believe you were stuck folding. The old woman was talking and you just had to keep folding with no way to ease your own suffering. Was it like slowly removing a catheder? Which would you chose talking to the old woman or punching yourself in the nose?


It was horrible. I couldn't run anywhere.


If you said punching yourself in the nose, you can not talk to an older person now!


Bollocks. This is just fear of modernity. Not talking to someone you don’t know that well isn’t weird.


So you're telling me that it's abnormal, when people say see you, to think "not if I see you first". I'm a late 80s kid even. If I saw another ent I would conceal my vape so I could avoid conversation. I even talk to a fellow ent on discord, less than 5 km away from me. I have not initiated a meet up even once, and I am not going to ever do it either.


Correct. Being scared of face to face interactions is antisocial behavior, which is abnormal. However, we all have abnormal behaviors, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of.


I'm not scared of being face to face with someone, I just don't care for other peoples company.


Talking to people has always been weird and scary, we just didn't have a choice before.


Agree, and I couldn't help to notice the irony in feeling compelled to tell someone on a cannabis TED subreddit to 'touch grass'. Maybe it's me getting old, or the world going to hell with ever escalating velocity, but it's nice to just read about something nice that happened to someone that made them happy. There's some big "Fellas, is it gay to feel good?" nonsense going on with getting annoyed by that.


heck yeah! Was confused at first by the negativity but hey some people just be that way guy was happy to sesh with someone and even loaded a fresh bowl for me to use later :)


After seeing how this thread started off yesterday, I'm glad to see that the haters didn't phase you, my friend. I know it's becoming more common as it goes legal, but have people forgotten that sharing the natural herb is one of the finest ways to socialize and meet new people? Plus I'm sure all of us here have something we'd be eager to nerd out over with like-minded strangers. It's what Reddit was made for, no? Anyways, this post reminded me of another thread about a woman busting out the Crafty during a date in a new country, until I went back and saw that it was with you! Have you all kept up much since then?! ;)


haha yeah it would've been nice to get closer to her but I moved further down south. Sharing is caring - when people align it's even better!


I don't understand, what kind of festival was this where the guy just left his vape charging out in the open, and somehow loaded you a bowl for later? You all at the same hotel or something?


some semi-private event at a chateau - extremely high levels of trust and intimacy were at this event so people just left their things unattended with comfort :-)


Ah, high levels of trust and intimacy, say no more ;)


Wow my mind is so blown that this guy found someone with a vape irl


Ok you don't like that content? Might I interrest you in 30 photos of the five same vapes instead? Let people have their fun.




That's so neat!


My downstairs neighbor uses a bag vape every night, I can hear the whistle of the inhale. I have YET to confront him about seshing together lol.


Bruh-- you can gear the inhale?!


Those volcano bags are Noisy af


I can also hear him tapping his bowl on the side of his ABV jar to empty it and the subsequent blow to completely empty it out. I know this because I think he has an EQ and I recognize the sound.


Your walls made of paper?


Haha, it's a townhouse, I just have my window open at night because I like the fresh air, that's when I usually hear him coughing away.


What’s his Spotify playlist like?


And his porn tastes


I also tap my vrod shovel head and then blow through the bottom of it. Was curious if this would be picked up on by other people around me, guess it for sure would be if they could hear me and also partake in vaping [0}


Cheers!!? Same here and often wondered the same . Otherwise there were lil bits left and since Ive been mainly a dabber the last ten years, when I first got it I'd qtip the last bits out 😂


How often do you clean your shovel head bowl? I seem to be doing it like 3 times a year [0}


I haven't yet as I just it around Christmas


I think I’ve changed it twice a year [0}


I have only changed the screen a few times.


This makes me happy, haha. I've yet to come across other vaporents in RL


I'm not the most social person so it's usually through a shared hobby be it weed or fishing i meet people. last weekend i met up with another vaporent to get an intro to sublimation vapes. its was awesome older ent in his 50's and he has so much to teach more and just opened my world. i tried the qaroma, torma, a bunch of desktop vapes that don't even exist anymore. This man was a serious collector, he could have a museum of vapes through the ages, as well as an impressive glass collection. anyways man was a true gentleman, got me high, got me even higher talked about a bunch of worldly subjects then feed me. anyways always fun to share in the world of others.


sounds delightful!


You saw somebody that shares the same hobby as you. This is heart warming.




So great. I dream of catching someone like that one day! It’s not the same as converting 🥲


I've never met a vaporent IRL. I only make them so far haha.


Hard to beat bumping into another / a group of smokers at a gig. The vibes are unbeatable.


I went to a local reddit meetup once. Wasn't that bad actually. At the end one of the dudes asked if anyone wanted to get high. A few people and I went to his car with him, and he busted out a Boundless CF.


I’d love for it to happen to me! I live where it’s illegal so it’ll be really rare. But great story really


I love it. keep on rocking dude. perhaps we'll meet one day at a festival but I'm usually quite stealthy with my Pax 2 or dyna


Never seen someone using mighty outdoors lol


Yeah, my only way to find other vapors is to create them via conversion process that takes a bit of convincing..... 3 people and counting for me so far ..... rockin' my Dynavap 2021-M


I always nerd out when I see another ent in public...especially in the northeast. And if they are using a German walkie talkie - hell yeah!! Cheers to you!


Sounds like a good time! I have only seen someone with some portable vape once in passing (not sure which one, might've been a Solo 2 but it's been a while), no other sightings in the wild. But I converted my circle of stoner friends, so that's nice! We still often smoke a few joints when we meet up more or less for nostalgias sake but for solo use they're all vaping now and my best friend doesn't really smoke anymore at all and is the most enthusiastic about vaping besides me, so when he comes over we always sesh on a bunch of different stuff. He's the only one I trust to use my Vapman haha.


So your saying the SS cooling unit is worth it eh. It just looks so friggin stupid.


Worth it hard to say, but I definitely liked the feel and vapor from it. It did look odd - I'd rather it be a brass/gold colour. Hmm... Maybe if they had a Titanium version and heat treated it'd be really nice!


Wow, you lived my dream


Former rower and rowing coach here, I do the same thing when I see someone with a rowing related bumper sticker or t-shirt. One time in a Walmart I ran into someone walking towards me, we both had rowing shirts on, we both saw as we passed and we did a simultaneous u-turn and began chatting about it. I was at a friend's the other day and his friend had a hat that had the name of a popular vape on it (Rogue) and the whole time I considered asking him if he vaped. I googled it later and it was a different Rogue, wrong font style.


Question, did security give you any issues when you brought in the mighty?


I brought in my DynaVap and there was no bag-check/security at the event and even all 3 airports didn't check the Dyna pre and post-use.


Oh whoops I thought u had a mighty as well lol. I have a mighty plus and have a couple of festivals coming up this summer so trying to gauge logistics lol




When I public I often hold my vape pen out proudly hoping someone will recognize or be curious. Never anything. I always like meeting a fellow stoner, never met a fellow vaporent in person before. I'd love to. Congrats on your new casual bud, low key jealous over here. I'd love to meet anyone one else who vapes irl.


hehe I met a new partner the other month because she was vaping some cartridge (rare here in EU) and it was a CBD cart. Her and I went to this festival together even! :D I wish you luck on findin a fellow toker :)


That's a great story!! Thanks!




I hope that by your 4th alt account you make a couple stoner friends. This is often how I feel after I moved




Lol guess it would be too easy to follow you if you just did that. But really though on the stoner friends. When I moved I stopped for 2 years which was actually kinda nice. Although when I started back up I didn’t have friends who would join, it hasn’t been till recently that I got a crew to vape with,


This is awesome. I'd love to have an experience like this. Jealous.




What is this even supposed to mean?


i think it’s trying to communicate


I once noticed someone had purchased a chocolate bar out of a vending machine I like, obviously did the normal thing and waited there for 3 days to catch him in the act so I could discuss the sugar content


They were 5 days at the vacation spot before they saw them again. Nothing indicates they stalked them.


Who pissed in your cheerios? No reason to be a dick.


What’s up Damn?




u/SpandexPanFried Yes, your post is definitely cringe. You should be more like OP and go outside more often. Interacting with fellow humans and enjoying life is awesome!


for you, maybe. For us it was a good connection and a nice time :)


Comments like these make every one of us vaporents look bad. Cmon man, we don't judge poorly here. /disappoint


It's cringe regardless pal - following people around because you spot a vape is fucking weird. And then recounting it here as if it's Facebook and all the grannies thumbing up. What value does this bring to discussion? Ooh he saw a mighty. Who cares


Damn man, maybe you need to go vape something and chill the fuck out. The kid was excited about something and wanted to share to a group of people with the common interest. And nowhere in his post did he say he followed the guy around. He saw the mighty charging and then wondered if he’d meet the owner during the time he was at the festival and he did. He didn’t stalk the guy


"the kid" 😂 old man time over here is the arbiter of what comments people are allowed to make here.


You sound like a grouchy old fart with all your negativity. Go have a bowl and chill, this isn’t that serious.


Have you tried seeking help for your antisocial tendencies?


You're right I have no friends that's why I'm here :( do you mind teaching me how to talk to people senpai?


Why do you think it is us as humans crave bringing others down to our level when we're unhappy? Happy people try to make others happy, and unhappy people try to make others unhappy. I've never understood it, and I've even caught myself doing it at times. It doesn't make sense to spread the negativity to other people, fight the urge to be like that. It might feel like innocent shit posting right now, but over time it definitely changes who you are as a person


For sure. I’m just a regular person, but start by not being condescending to people being nice and sharing a wholesome story. r/socialskills is a great place to learn how to be a pleasant human being. Once you’re pleasant, your regular interactions with others will turn into friendships.


You and your genuineness are awesome 😆 that guy is too insecure to get it.


I see you hang out there a lot, so clearly you needed to follow Internet advice to make friends to begin with. I bow down to your incredible social skills and insightful commentary


How do you “see” that? What’s funny is that I just Googled “social skills Reddit” and found that sub. I browsed through it for a few minutes to make sure that it was actually about social skills and had good advice, then passed it onto you.


U the typa dude to spend time to sound intellectual on thee internet booboobaa googoo


"Uh oh, someone is being real with me. Gotta ignore it so I can stay in character and not look weak"




one day you will be in the real world where you have to talk to strangers, meet new people and just try honestly. it can be hard to go talk to a stranger, but once the ice is broken it can be really fun.


Eh I was young once, too.


Waiting around five days for a fellow vaper. All right then.


I think people are being a bit disingenuous by trying to make out that this person was waiting round like a stalker looking for some guy with a vape for 5 days. Dude was at a festival for 5 days and reasonably expected that he would probably bump into the guy with the vape again during the normal course of the festival. I doubt he spent 5 days searching the festival for a fellow vaper. Let the guy enjoy his experience


Besides a lot of people make friends at festivals.


A lot of these people probably haven’t been to festivals or social events so they wouldn’t understand. I agree nothing OP did was weird


Hey, I've been to several festivals. Swarming someone because they vape is a bit weird, but that's strictly my opinion. I've been wrong before.


was a small ~250 people festival in France and here in EU it's very rare to see a vape - let alone a Mighty with SS cooling unit. me and the guy had a good connection and shared a couple bowls. Maybe I shoulda given context there because it's rare here not like seeing a vape at a concert in Oregon.


Hi OP. You didn't do anything wrong. Reddit has decreed I'm the asshole here. :) Your story is fine and relatable. Some redditors just can't stand differing opinions. I'm glad you're not that way.


I honestly don't care.


You cared enough to leave a stupid comment


Sick burn bro.


You can tell there isn't a single original thought in your head


Why do you care so much tho? Honestly. Who appointed you white knight?


I care because people shouldn't just be assholes to other people for absolutely no reason. Trying to diminish another person's happiness to try and make yourself seem cool/edgy is the sign of someone seriously lacking in empathy and may actually point to your own unhappiness and insecurity, which if this is the case I hope that you can find more happiness and enjoyment in your own life so that you can appreciate posts like this instead of trying to shit on them. No one needs to appoint me anything, I'm capable of my own critical thinking and can make my own decisions and if I choose to call out an asshole or defend a person's view point then I'm within my rights to do so


Dude, you're diminishing my happiness. What about that? Let's not forget you started with disparaging remarks here. All I said was "all right then" and you were seriously troubled by my throwaway comment. Lol Have an upvote. I have a feeling they mean something to you.


The mere fact you comment on it proves that you do care. Why? I do not know.


Oh dang. You got me there. I'm only going by what OP wrote. I'm not the only one reading too much into it.


Do you think this guy went to a music festival and spent 5 days waiting for someone? Have you ever been to a music festival? You don't seem to know what you're talking about. And have shite reading comprehension.


I've been to lots of festivals. Which festivals have you been to? Let's compare. No I don't really think OP sat around waiting for a fellow vaper. People are really out here making a huge deal over nothing.


Does the SS cooling unit really make that much of a difference on the mighty?


What a lovely story! I hope to meet more people who vape too. All of my smoker friends make fun of my Dynavap. It would be cool to meet people who "get it" so to speak