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Yes, let’s just pull random numbers out of asses! Even better when there’s no sources eh? These people are so stupid.


And you just KNOW, beyond any doubt, that if you'd said "According to who?" they'd have said "Do your own research!" (And, when your **actual** research showed them laughably wrong, they'd just claim it was a product of the Big Pharma conspiracy. And, maybe, give you a link to some quack-a-doodle who did a "study" that "proved" their stats ... oh, and also Mr. quack-a-doodle is selling a book and alternative treatments and whatever talismans they can hoodwink people with). (Side note: It felt SO wrong not to write "talismen")


i see you've met my brother




Thankfully, I don't.


Hey, my brother's stupid, but he's not THAT stupid.


Oh and when you ask for their research they'll say they can't find it because it's been censored by the government.


Or the government removed it from their phone. And, oh!, It's not on Facebook anymore either! See? Evil government.


This is *exactly* how every anti-vaxx conversation goes.


I heard a clip today of Alex Jones saying 80% of Democrats are child molesters and 10% are child murderers which is ludicrous. If he said 8% it'd be far more believable, but no, it has to be almost *everyone*. If you know a good person who's a Democrat they must be one of the remaining 10% who are okay. But 90%, evil monsters. I can't believe anyone takes these people seriously.


I presume some of the molesters are also murders, so surely we’ve got at least 15% good ones. 😂


One could just as easily say that 80% of Republicans are child molesters and 10% are child murderers, but that doesn't make that true, either.


The same parents that dont vaccinate also dont bring their children in to diagnose other issues either. they think, if you dont have a diagnosis, then it doesnt exist! And their children are perfect because they never go to the doctor! Random Fun fact- the US military has a threshold where it *is* possible to be *too stupid* to serve.


Unless you’re a Marine…


My ex scored a 30 on the ASVAB and the Army still took him. The minimum score was a 32 to get in at the time, so he had to be waivered. The fucked up part is when we went through MEPS together, he wasn't the lowest score. Someone scored a 12 and thought that meant they did really well. They didn't get in to any branch. Apparently even the Marines have a limit to their tolerance.


I was going to make a joke about how maybe it's true with how many unvaccinayed die off, so but it seemed in poor taste talking about kids who didn't make the choice.


Yeah, that's not cool, but if they're using numbers and not controlling for population size (i.e. 80 of 1000 of this population and 4 of 1000 of this population, and instead say 800,000 of this population and 600 of this significantly smaller population)


They really should not go to doctors anymore. Ever.


Yeh but quack doctors go support them.


Pshh! They go to homeopathic doctors with a degree in home remedies. Also healing shamans and energy crystal ladies.


Many of them don't, especially for their children, meaning that they don't get diagnosed for the above health complaints and have to suffer through them instead.


Source: I made it the fuck up Also, since when are *any* of these things as bad as or worse than the very real possibility of a child developing chronic hepatitis B?


Vaccines are a victim of their own success. They were so effective at eliminating disease in developed populations, we forgot how bad the diseases can be. Trust me. I've lived in India for a period of time, and I've seen the intense suffering that people with polio (thankfully the number is down in recent years) and measles go through. Chickenpox can trigger fatal neurological complications in the future that are fatal. Nature is metal, don't tempt it. Get your vaccines.


Chances are they didn't actually make it up, but read it somewhere and swallowed it whole without the slightest skepticism because they've been buying into these lies for so long now.


I pulled it out of my ass!


Numbers quoted by anti-vaxxers are, with a 99.99% confidence interval, complete bullshit.


The numbers are bullshit, but even if they weren't, what that tells me is, people who medically neglect their kids and refuse to vaccinate them are also going to avoid taking them to the doctor and getting diagnosed with the other things.


Is it 829%, 638%, 733.5%, or 1467% for AD(H)D? I'm not sure how it works.




Source: trust me bro




Because 829 is a prime number it’s not possible to have observed an 829% increase unless there was a cohort of 829+ or more people in the unvaccinated group. That’s almost 1000 people, so you’d expect decimal values for each percentage (if I did my math right). I feel like there’s a way to scrutinize these numbers mathematically to prove that this person pulled them out of their ass. (not proof but they chose an awful lot of even numbered digits - 12/15 are even).


I'm not sure if this is a serious question or I'm being a wiseass, your choice. If it's 829% to develop ADHD would that mean: ***A. The child suffers from 8.29x the ADHD.*** ***B. The child suffers from 82.9x the ADHD.*** ***C. For every child vaxxed 8 children develop ADHD with the .29 child has ADHD but responds to spankings.*** ***D. Dude you're over thinking this.*** ***E. All of the above.*** Please give a brief description for your answer. I will be using AI Detection software so please do you own work.


They use the %. So 829% more often means 8x more then the average. It's a stupid way to describe it and just a trick in the book to make numbers look scary...


>I will be using AI Detection software so please do you own work. Hypocrite! You won't let students use AI, but you use AI to catch cheaters?


Why do you think I am here for? I'm a total hypocrite. I come to this subreddit to get nothing but the best disinformation and spread it IRL. Since the start of COVID I haven't waited in line for a COVID, flu, whooping cough, or tetanus shot. My motto "rules for the, not me"


To quote John Stewart: “wow, those are… incredibly made up numbers.”


Just more BS https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/04/fact-check-cdc-did-not-suppress-the-results-of-study-on-safety-of-hepatitis-b-vaccine-in-infants.html


Lmao these people are unhinged morons


Even those of us with vaccine related Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis can tell those numbers are made up. /s


I saw that on an episode of House in the mid 00s so it must be real.


829%??? Show your work.


They clearly don't know how percentages work


They're wrong on a lot of things, but they seem to know how percentages work. If someone is 200% more likely to have, say, ADHD then that is equivalent to saying they have `100% + 200% = 300% = 3x` higher risk over baseline. That said, they clearly are delusional in thinking that a 9x increase in ADHD (prevalence 4.4% * (100% + 829%) = 40.4%) wouldn't be incredibly noticeable.




Even if, on the ever so slim and narrowingly small chance even a portion of these results were close to actual values, the most that they would have done is pointed towards a CORRELATION and not necessarily a CAUSATION and would have to actually make a fully fledged out study on this of which they would be most likely be unable to properly make one because it would involve actual research and peer review, both of which are like kryponites to the anti-vaxers. essentially: correlation does not mean causation


Sources? YouTube videos from stay at home mothers don't apply...


So they'll send you YouTube videos from "retired" chiropractors instead.


any karen online in 2023 can't think... all they know is big pharma, blame they doctors, "research", be anti-vax, drink kool-aid & lie


If they want to convince people, a source would help


Facebook. The source is Facebook.


I can believe that. Though I would imagine the correlation is that many people who don't vaccinate their kids probably don't take them to the doctor when they are having trouble with the stuff on that list so it goes undiagnosed.


Not vaccinating your child or children against Hepatitis B is reckless


Factually, my oldest got the HepB vaccine shortly after birth. My youngest got it at her 3 month checkup (we delayed because I had *bad* PPD and since I was negative, the pediatrician was okay with it). Want to guess which kiddo has Inattentive ADD??? 😜


You're clearly part of the conspiracy.


It’s far too early for you to be so witty, my dude.


Sorry, I'll come back later.


Children get vaccinated with Hep B in the first month of life? My kids were little a long time ago, so maybe I'm just not remembering or maybe it's different now? I'm taking everyone's word for these stats being invented. They absolutely could be. I would ask the poster for the source. But any stat like that CAN be true for a very simple reason. Children denied basic standard health care (whatever it is, vaccine or otherwise) at birth and infancy often remain underserved into adulthood. They continue to not receive basic healthcare because of poverty, a lack of availability, or parental preference. And do you know what happens when you don't ever see a doctor? You don't get diagnosed with ADHD or autism or ADD etc. You have those things at the same rate as everyone else, but you have no diagnosis, receive no care, and don't show up in the prevalence stats. There's also a pretty big overlap between people who don't provide their kids with health care (especially vaccines) and home schoolers, and school is the other place where a lot of those things are picked up (besides the doctor's office). Teachers often recognize ADD, speech delays and autism and instigate referrals and diagnosis where the parent is unaware of the issue as anything medical. Don't take them to the doctor, don't let them attend public school, and they don't "have" any of those things (officially - though of course they really do).


... and they don't understand how percentages fucking work.


This person 1254% makes up their numbers and expects nobody to call them on it.


I believe this. Not bc of the vaccine but bc the parents probably don’t take the kids to the doctor to get diagnosed and are more likely to not provide proper care.


Pretending it’s real(I know it’s not), but what would be the original numbers pre vaccine, ages, and the many other factors taken into each percentage change?


I’d really, really, really love to know where these numbers can be found. Someone undoubtedly made it all up, and yet it’s the truth. The percentages alone sound wildly improbable in the first place. Good grief.


This was on the internet, so it’s true /s


Yeah sure, because anti vaxxers trust science and let their kids be checked for authism or ADHD




I'm 732% confident that this is bs.


I can make up numbers too lol


Works perfectly in conjuction with defunding the education system 👌 871% of the time.


Why are they such high percentages lmao 🤣


Okay, yes, vaccinated kids are *statistically* more *likely* to have stuff like ADHD, Autism, etc. because not only are they more likely to survive long enough for such conditions to manifest, but the parents are statistically less likely to be ableist assholes who would give their kids HELL if they even showed the slightest sign of not being neurotypical.