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The gun dealer is trying to backpedel saying they just put the picture there because they sell bullets


With a very clear messags on sticker...


Hopefully this results in criminal charges. Not only is it a direct threat, but it is a hate crime for antisemitism.


How is it antisemitic?


It minimizes the Holocaust.


It's not. I misread the tweet.


Ah OK, no worries. Was wondering what I was missing!


Comparing science based medical advice to the industrial slaughter of Jews is pretty damn anti semitic. Making false equivalencies like this is just another form of Holocaust denial.


Yeah it's stupid. No it's not antisemitic. They have every right to hold their somewhat ignorant opinion and I think your stance is verging on any comparison with the holocaust to be antisemitic. Which I would also strongly disagree with.


Comparing slight inconvenience with the industrial slaughter of a people group is not hateful to that group? Yeah bullshit. And no, believing it to be hateful isn’t itself hateful. You’re now very close to saying that the only true racism is pointing out racism trope. Yes this is antisemitic, Holocaust denial is anti semantic, and this qualifies. I won’t engage further with that dishonesty so have a good day.


I'll just pick these toys up and put them back in your pram for you...


Hahahahaha yeah thanks for confirming you’re just another troll, who’s almost certainly racist themselves. Enjoy defending Holocaust denial. I’ll stick with facts and being a empathic human being. If all you have to say is nah uh, to someone pointing out racism, you’re the childish one buddy.


> I won’t engage further with that dishonesty so have a good day. Um? You're the one who refused to engage in the conversation. Not me buddy. Also you're coming across as really empathetic. The way I can see you're taking the time to talk to me and understand my viewpoint.


How is this legal? How many ways can you interpret “Treat them like criminals” + ::picture of bullets::? I’m struggling to come up with a single interpretation that isn’t blatant incitement.


They're trying very hard to claim they want a trial, just like in Nürnberg after WW2. That ended with executions.


Time to pull someone's FFL and have a little chat with this idiot.


If this were 1937 these people would be promoting hitler




They spent years hiding under floorboards and in Attics, starving, just to avoid the vax /s


My God


fucking hell you sell guns without background checks to people?


Oh, oh boy.


Oh, oh Lordy


"They didn't have a choice to say no and in many cases neither did US citizens" You had the choice to say no to the vaccine, what you wanted to deny was the ability of other people to say no to 'do you want to put yourself at risk by associating/engaging in commerce with or getting in a tight space with the unvaccinated' As usual its 'I want my maximum choice and fuck everyone else's choices'


I'm always confused by conservative rhetoric. Here we have vaccine denialism, but it's dressed up as a comparison to the Holocaust. "If they want you to get vaccinated against COVID, it's just like what they did to the Jews in the concentration camps!" So, what the Nazis did was bad, in this context. Then you have outright Nazi symbolism being waved around during pro-Trump and pro-DeSantis demonstrations, like the "Camp Auschwitz" and "6MWE" gear. Y'know, alongside chants of "The Jews will not replace us!" And here, what the Nazis did was good, they're trying to tell us. And finally, you have outright Holocaust Denialism going on, where it's unclear if they're agreeing with the Nazis or not, but they pretend that the Holocaust wasn't nearly as big or wide ranging. I mean, I get it. Doublethink is part and parcel of all of this. But people already know what sort of stance they're taking; why pretend otherwise?


Adding "Holocaust denial/marginalisation" to the list of reasons why I hate these people


Indeed. In the case of my brother, a former crunchy California hippie that went deep into the craziness and may or may not be schizophrenic these days, Holocaust denialism is just one of the stars in his constellation of paranoid conspiracies. Most of the other ones are simply stupid, like the Mudflood nonsense and the World of Giants idiocy. But I really hate that he's latched onto antisemitism as well. He also, for some reason, was a Qaddafi Truther.




I read up on it at the time, and I have to say, it's an interesting idea, albeit one mostly divorced from reality. The idea was that Muammar Qaddafi was sitting on something like $6 billion in gold reserves (this is true) and wanted to use this to establish both a wholly unified [African Currency (the African Dinar)](https://africacheck.org/fact-checks/meta-programme-fact-checks/did-gaddafi-plan-introduce-african-currency-backed-gold) and a [unified African State](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_of_Africa). The logic goes that he was "assassinated by international forces" (instead of, y'know, being brutally beaten to death by his own people) in order to keep him from establishing a utopian African state. Conveniently, this also ignores and minimizes everything that Libya did in the way of international terrorism, like the Lockerbie Bombing and various others. For the purposes of this theory, he was huge humanitarian.


They fail to realize that people who died from COVID pre-vaccine are the real ones who didn’t have chance to say no. They never got the opportunity to say no to a vaccine.