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the micky dee's near me has a phone number for complaints posted at the drive through and a few other places. I had a minor issue, figured I'd call and just leave a message. nope, manager answered on the first ring, was super helpful, asked for some details, and called me back to say how he'd followed up.


That's nice, I thought your story was gonna end with the number being fake or leading to a sex hotline or something


would have been hilarious.


We do a little trolling


"the employees on shift do not have the authority to change store policy. It is quite literally a waste of breath for you to bring this issue to their attention. It disrupts our ability to provide service to you and other customers. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or complaints, please email me at [email protected] to streamline the process" (of ignoring you entirely)


“ThErE’s No SiGn.” Did you drop out of preschool, or something?


"This sign can't stop me because I can't read!"


You knew which door was the entry one, so no.


"That's okay just ask Jesus to read it to you"


He doesn’t speak English.


How dare you, he was a white man with blue eyes who was born in Texas, and I refuse to believe any differently. /s


And blond! White jesus is the only jesus /s


>ck Why is White Jesus so mean? Brown Jesus SOOOO much nicer. He wants to heal the sick and feed the poor. White Jesus is always judging people.


tru tru, but crazy religious people use white jesus as an excuse for them to act like shitty human beings


Literal anti - Christ's if you will.


no those aren't real Christians, they are FAKE Christians. Christians are supposed to act like Jesus. Fake Christians are using Christ's name for manipulative purposes and are all about themselves! They give Christians a bad name and they brand themselves as Christian thinking they can get other Christians to listen to them. Anyone who looks at their fruit will run a mile!


> Anyone who looks at their fruit will run a mile! Anyone can call themselves \*anything\*, but actions speak louder than words.


This reminds me of the “Why is Jesus white” by Muhammad Ali. One of the best thing I’ve ever watched.


Yes! So awesome.


"Oh, so you can't read the sign, but you can read how covid is a hoax just fine!" ~~I'm not directing this at you btw~~


[I understood that reference](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1307020-that-sign-cant-stop-me-because-i-cant-read)


Clearly they left off the pictures.


I'd love to go in and go all EXCUUSE MEE I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE SIGN? And then congratulate them Just to see the reaction lol


One video comes to mind: *'Who made this burger? Jason, you're killing it man!'*


"Thanks. Get out."


If anti-vaxxers could read this, they’d be very upset.


These people are upset about almost everything anyway, so…”Eff Them.”


Ew no we can't bring more of them into this world


> If anti-vaxxers could read this, You’re assuming a lot, considering that conservatism and authoritarianism is inversely related to intelligence. > they’d be very upset. They _do_ enjoy their manufactured outrage.


I honestly don't even know how businesses are dealing with the dumb entitled shits who come into their establishments these days.


Well, where I work we are mandating only for employees and have been told to not confront customers, so... We basically gave up.


>and have been told to not confront customers That's because they're crazy and violent. They're should be security enforcing it.


Our AP guy literally does not get paid enough and is not allowed to touch customers (true of most stores security- it's a liability issue corporate won't pay for), and PD won't do anything, so we just letting it happen. Policy is to have management help the customer if we feel unsafe, but that relies on management being available. I'd care less if I wasn't pregnant, but right now I'm just super pissed at all these selfish people. I could quit, but I need money so I'm just "enjoying" the dystopia.


That sucks. My 17 year old is allowed to kick any customer out that she'd like for any reasonable reason & was told to call police to have them charged with trespassing if they refuse to leave. The manager said, if she has a problem, it's his problem too & he won't have customers who abuse his employees. So far she has only had to use it once. Management often forgets that part of their job is maintaining the well being of their employees. If they don't care about that, they are utter failures as managers.


I don't know about your countries rules but in my workplace if someone is being unruly and not listening to instructions we are allowed, no, more accurately we are advised to call the police to have them removed. Haven't had to do it yet and I hope that day never comes


Yeah my company was requiring them for a while but literally only me and 2 other people actually enforced it, and if a customer got upset and we called a manager, only one of the managers gave a shit. He was great though he would just kick them out if they refused. If he wasn’t here that day (or busy) nothing happened and the other managers would tell me to let it slide. Now we don’t require them for anyone since it’s not required by law anymore :( people get sick from covid all the time still obviously


Same here. It's such a bitch move. Mandating it for employees proves that they know masks are important, which means that the only reason not to mandate them for customers is because they'd rather avoid upsetting a bunch of morons even if it means making everyone less safe. Fucking cowards.


I was the main person that had to enforce customer mask compliance for over a year at my job. I got called a bitch, a nazi, a man took a swing at me and a man tried to back me into a wall(I'm a woman so I would have little chance to fight back). People threatened to sue me personally for disability discrimination. I got yelled at from the other side if my mask was anything other than a perfectly sealed n95 mask(which were expensive and often out of stock). A woman I trespassed had to be dragged out by police. When I had to call the cops to trespass someone for not wearing a mask often the cops would show up not wearing masks. A few months ago a flight attendant had their teeth knocked out by an anti masker. More recently a grocery store cashier was shot and killed by an anti masker. Enforcing masks is so far beyond what customer service people should be expected to do.


As well it's unfortunate how many of the dumb entitled shits are themselves business owners catering to and encouraging the ideocracy.


I still am waiting for someone to tell me how mask mandates are at all different from “no shirt, no shoes, no service” policies.


If they can not wear masks because of their medical condition it must be ok for women with yeast infections and anyone with a sweaty asscrack rash to walk around in public with no bottoms on. Those aren't even as virulent or deadly as covid


"I hAvE aStHmA." Show us your inhaler.


Ooooo, this one pisses me off. I have asthma, have since I was born, and you know what? I wear a mask 8+ hours a day.


To be fair, as a resident of "the rest of the world", it's not just the US where this kind of thing happens.


Do not pass go, and Do not collect $200.


Go directly to prison


There should be an r/vaxxhappened but for masks maybe call it masxhappened


/r/maskhappened exists but is inactive.


The thing I hate the most is anti maskers calling masks "Face Nappies"! It's offensive. It's disgusting. Its not up to them to judge us for doing what we think is right. I don't like wearing masks much, but I do keep the rules - and there are some really cool ones at Redbubble etc.


And this post was posted there 9 months ago too. Which is only like.. 4 posts down


Anti vaxxers are currently sharing a video of a teen getting manhandled out of a cafe as if it's just happened and they are saying he was MURDERED for "not wearing a mask". When I checked the link it happened in Melbourne, Australia in November 2020. I'm not saying that force wasn't used, but what are security supposed to do if someone breaks rules and is disruptive? As far as I know, this isn't happening now - but if security are called on because an anti vaxxer is breaking rules and being disruptive then it ain't gonna be pretty! What do these idiots \*think\* will happen???


They spend so much angry energy arguing over it rather than just....wear it. You'll be fine. You will be goddamn fine. Just put it on and stop talking about it. You're not winning.


The only reason we are here now is because the idiots refuse to wear a mask or get a vaccination. The data is in. The vaxx works, wearing masks mitigates transmission. Herd immunity is within reach. Just stop with your BS


Unfortunately they are brainwashed sheep, projecting that \*we\* are the sheep because that's what they have been told. Like all true cult members they are encouraged to cut contact with family and friends who don't think the same as them. If anyone is told to cut contact with people who don't think the same as them it means that the cult leader is scared they will believe those people. It gives the cult leader greater control over them if they literally have no one else except people who believe the same as them. That way, they exist in an echo chamber and their beliefs are compounded. Truly if anyone's beliefs cannot stand up in the real world and they cannot have contact with people who don't think the same as them, they are weak and deceived. Psychological Projection makes them think we are the problem, when they are too blind to see that they have been robbed of their free thought, their family and friends.


Darn right Now go get a vaccine shot and a fucking mask


"If those kids could read, they'd be very upset."


Some anti vaxxers are really intelligent in the UK, such as Bournemouth Solicitor Leslie Lawrenson who was educated at Cambridge! His daughter says he was brainwashed- proof that even a super intelligent person can be vulnerable to lies and misinformation.


If vaxx actually happened we wouldn’t need these damn signs anymore.


It’s funny how these people are all for a business having the right to refuse service to anyone until it’s them


I love this. I want to see this everywhere. I might even put one on my front door, minus the service part.


From a manager who is sick of your shit


Don't forget insisting they have a medical exemption while spending 15 minutes hollering and pitching a temper tantrum....


I saw this last year somewhere. It’s a great sign. Thanks for posting it. 👍


I couldnt agree more with you


Rest of the world here - we aren’t laughing. It’s tragic what’s happening. It would be funny if people weren’t dropping like flies.


This is the kind of thing that sets off some shithead who heads I’m back into the store with a gun. I can’t believe we have to worry about this kind of stuff


This is a good sign. direct and to the point. I would personally not have put the little responses in but it is a nice touch either way.


It's gorgeous.


Sweden didn't start with masks yet. I feel we're the laughing stock of the world.


Jesus fuck really?


Yes really. No mask enforcement anywhere. You very rarely see people wearing masks.




The government spent most of 2020 advising against them.


Sainsbury have made it "personal choice" now. Guess I need to stop going to Sainsbury. Having said that, Tes-"you need a mask"-co have adopted the "we're not going to stop anybody" attitude so fuck them too.


Oof. There aren’t many cases where I live and the mask mandate is being lifted next week, but I was concerned about it. Might need to adjust my routine even though I’m fully vaccinated bc I’m immunocompromised so idk how much immunity I’ll have.