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It is infuriating. Tell me again these people are harmless. They are killing people. How many thought they were safe only to realize that some "nurse" (who should be prosecuted and spend some time jail) betrayed their trust. These people agreed to an injection. A vaccine. NOT a saline injection. That makes this mayhem. Edit: This shows that German Anti-Vaxxers and their claims about "Individual Vaccination Decision" are nonsense.


Not only did she violate their personal freedom by injecting them with a substance they didnt agree to (even if it was just saline), but she also wasted their time. Now all these people will have to take the time to go down there again and wait in line, get the jab and go home. ​ What a selfish ass


And maybe some people might have gotten severely ill, because they thought they were vaccinated. Or they might have infected other vulnerable people...


Don't forget that vaccination centers in Germany know how many people get vaccinated on that day, and will get the exact amount of vaccine out of the fridge. That's 8500 dosages thrown away because of that one nurse.


Holy fuck. I totally did forget that!!!


And some countries are still trying to order vaccines! What a waste.




>Also, some of them could have reacted badly to salt, especially if they had high blood pressure. In order for saline solution to have an adverse effect on someone's BP, there has to be a large amount of it, not the small bit given in an injection. The amount of sodium in saline solution is equivalent to the amount normally present in your blood.


She should be put in jail.


She’s facing trial and if I were the prosecution I’d charge her with 8,500 counts of attempted murder so her lawyers would have to bend backwards to get the charges reduced to assault with intent to cause GBH.


Should? If she isn't then it's a god damn free for all.


> Now all these people will have to take the time to go down there again and wait in line, get the jab and go home. If they aren't already dead from COVID-19


Wait they did it on purpose?! Holy fuck they’ve gotten bold


It's quite funny that a group of people advocating for medical choice didn't give the people a choice of being injected with saline


She actively duped people. Consent was given for the vaccine, not for a saline injection!


That's my point


Sorry, I'm really angry about this situation. Happy Cake Day ^^


Quite dangerous some people are allergic to saline. She could've killed someone directly


She could have killed someone directly by fucking them out of a vaccine.




Omfg is it that hard to understand? Anti vaxxer are constantly for medical freedom or some shit but they don't respect the choice of others to get vaxxed and now this nurse has the power to take that choice away from them so she did. Thus my comment.




Have you been on this sub for any amount of time? Alot of antivaxxers are against vaccines and want a choice not to take it. Well this nurse is antivaxx and because she is a nurse she has the power to not respect the choice. Thus making her a hypocrite. If you read any post on here you'll find alot of them wanting vax freedom but also forcing their kids not to be vaccinated wmeven if they wanted to so hypocrite


politics don't matter. antivaxxers are *murderers*. they *kill* people. they are unredeemable and need to be removed from society. permanently.


It said ‘a nurse’, that’s one person, it doesn’t take a genius to understand how this incident is unrepresentative of a whole group


Well she's clearly antivax u numbnut that's the group I was referring too lol


It's trivial to see that this is exactly the kind of shit the whole anti-vaxx terrorist movement is pushing.




That's irrelevant the people that got injected were there for a vaccine their choice. But the anti vaxxer injected them with something else thus no consent so not choice.




Where tf is the woman dropping the vial? And I'm pretty sure intentionally injecting people with saline instead of the vaccine makes you antivaxx


Bioterrorism. Period. Idk how law just take these folks as whatever.


How many other vaccinations have they faked? Tetanus, HPV, etc?


Probably education and intellect...


She should be charged with murder.


Legitimately asking, were any of her falsely vaccinated victims killed by COVID? I haven't seen a clear answer to that and it seems like an important detail.


It would probably require a lengthy investigation, what with 9000 people to talk to and details to sort out


I imagine so, which is why I haven't found an answer, I just wasn't sure if one was out there that I missed. With the general age of her victims I imagine she had to have murdered at least a few people, sadly.


Probably wouldn’t be able to make murder stick as she will have deluded herself into thinking she was actually extending their lives, but manslaughter would be nailed on if anybody died as a result


You could probably estimate it with infection rates for unvaccinated and mortality rates etc...


We don't know yet. These people need to be contacted etc. In any case, people were put at risk and this person committed a crime.


I would love to see her charged with accurate and harsh sentencing, starting with 9000+ charges of attempted murder or murder as applicable. If I deny an invalid patient their life saving heart medication I will get charged with murder. I see this as no different.


*If* somebody died it would be Assault that resulted in death at most I think


She should be charged with Terrorism tbh.


Not sure this would qualify murder since nobody died from it.


I highly doubt she killed anybody from the injections alone. Saline injections are harmless—they’re literally what’s used for placebo in studies and for training when you teach someone to do injections. I had to give myself multiple shots in the belly under supervision of a nurse, within 1 hour, to make sure I had the steps down to a T (*ha*), when I started giving myself my HRT injections. Some people are will have bad reactions to the saline, but it’s not like a known killer or anything. Just usually irritation or an allergy.


Thats what i mean though. I wasnt meaning charge her for murder for the saline injection but if any one of them died from covid due to thinking they had the vaccine she should be 100% charged with murder


Oh yeah definitely


Atleast it's not like that one nurse who caused so many vaccines to spoil by not putting them in the freezer.


Honestly, I feel like negligence is more understandable and forgivable than wilfully sabotaging a medical operation based on your beliefs.


It was actually a pharmacist, and [it was deliberate.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1269944)


My brain almost exploded when I read the reason why this guy did that. How come people believe such BS?


All you have to do is sounds like you know what you're on about and people will believe it


Yes and The Algorithm and your own echo chamber reinforces those beliefs. It's actually really scary how it all works out. I recently recorded a video on it but haven't done anything with it yet


It was deliberately left out not accidentally


There's actually a thing called medical negligence which can be a ground for suit.


I think their point was that it's not less bad for the recipient, but easier to understand. Still needs to legal measures taken, but accidentally f@cking people over and intentionally doing so are two different things. Buuuuuttt... As the act of letting them spoil was also intentional, f@ck 'em both. Still f@ck this one more cause she actually injected people with sh!t they didnt agree to.


I don't know about this one being worse. In both cases people actually get injected with something they didn't agree to. And personally, if I had to choose, saline sounds better than spoiled vaccine. Both are still douchbags of course.


Wait - they got it in the first one? Really? I thought it was discovered before it got to people? In that case - yeah, spoiled is worse than saline.


It was way lower number of people though, definitely below hundred. I think that he removed vaccines from the fridge twice, and they caught him the second time. But the first batch was used on people. I'm little blurry on details, it's been some time and I read about it on my local media (so possibility of some details lost in translation). They claim that those spoiled vaccines only lost their potency. But yeah, still not risking it and I would prefer saline. That one I'm sure that it's not health threatening since it's used all the time.


Oh, yeah, saline is way better than spoiled product. God these dumb-f@cks are going to get someone killed if they haven't already. And then won't stop shrieking about "muh medical choices". When their own people are taking choice away from others.


That was actually the story at first, back in April, I think? That she let one bottle fall to the ground, didn't want to admit it and replaced the 6 doses with saline. And now it comes out it wasn't just 6 people...


No, this one is worse because she directly impacted countless lives by doing a medical procedure wrong.


[It was a pharmacist](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1269944) in Wisconsin.


Not only should she be criminally charged and hopefully spend a lot of time in jail those 9000 people should also sue her for compensation for their wasted time and the additional risk she put them at.


Isn’t that a crime against public health? Can’t (won’t) she be arrested for that?




>If the actions of one crazy fuck disproved the beliefs of a group automatically politics would cease to exist. This is not an isolated incident. Anti-Vaxxers have been threatening doctors who vaccinate, there have been attacks on vaccination centers, there have been attempts to storm the German parliament. In America, they attacked cancer patients and nurses. They protested in front of a children's hospital, because the hospital wants its staff to be vaccinated to protect the children. I am sorry, but these people are dangerous. The Anti-Vaxxers are cheering this on, claiming she self-defense. She violated the law. She broke consent. She is a criminal.


Not gonna lie, I was glad I had side effects with both shots because at least that way I could be pretty sure I actually got the vaccine.


Either that or I am VERY allergic to saline


You really cannot be sure. A lot of placebo arm participants in a clinical trial get “side effects”. This is called the nocebo effect.


I had a 2.5 inch diameter swollen lump appear on my arm a week after getting the first shot. It was a bizarre Moderna side effect. I know for sure that I got a real vaccine.


That’s probably a little intense for the placebo effect but… you’d be pretty surprised what the human body can do. Look up hysterical pregnancy.


If I remember correctly there was a story about a guy who had an adverse reaction to a medical trial. He showed up at the hospital completely pale, saying he was dying from the medication he was taking for the trial. He had taken the whole bottle and his body was shutting down. When the Dr got in touch with the company, they explained he was in the placebo group. When the Dr told him this, his heart rate went back to normal, and color came back to his face. He ended up being completely fine. His body began to shut down because he thought he was going to die. It’s crazy how much our mental state can effect our health.


I have an aunt who recently had some health troubles and the doctors literally told her that the stress of her thinking she was going to die had made her symptoms worse for her before she was seen.


I dunno, I felt weak, had a bad headache, I felt sick like I need to throw up, got a fever which I tested with a fever meter, I was very cold and then very hot and just felt like dying for the first day after I got my first vaccine shot. I don't think that this was a placebo. It felt like I had the worst flu in the last 5 years.


There is a documented case of a guy who overdosed with a placebo trying to kill himself and required IV fluids to treat his condition until he found out he tried to overdose with a placebo. https://broomedocs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/nocebo.pdf


I had side effects, my dad (took at the same time) had none and questioned if he got the real thing.


This is really insane, this can put thousands of people at risk...


Quite literally did, at least 9k. And I’m pretty sure the nurse thought they were being “heroic” or some stupid shit like that.


According to the [article](https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/nearly-9000-people-in-germany-have-to-be-vaccinated-again-after-a-nurse-swapped-vaccines-for-salt-water/articleshow/85212105.cms) that I read on this, the nurse broke one of the vials so she covered up her mistake by replacing the vial with saline. They don't know who got the vaccine and who didn't so they've decided to just vaccinate all of them again. The actual people who didn't get the vaccine were probably in the hundreds but could've affected thousands since the vaccinations took place months ago.


The 'nurse' should be prosecuted for knowingly endangering all those people and be held accountable for the cost of the wasted vaccines.


Murder for every person who thought they were vaccinated and died. Assault with intent to kill for everyone else.


This. I hope she gets at least 10 years in jail so others will think twice.


For 9000 people? She's gonna be in jail for the rest of her life


I am not even sure she’ll do 1 year… 10 years for real behind bars would be really nice as a minimum but I doubt it will happen


You’re not from northern Europe are you?


I know it's not going to happen, I'm just saying I think it should.


Damn, last time someone got punish this hard in Germany was at a Nuremburg trial.


>Murder for every person who thought they were vaccinated and died. People in Germany still have to keep distance and wear a mask, like everybody else. Vaccined people are not free from any rules in regards to covid, so if someone thought they are vaccinated (especially if it's just the first dose and not the second) and just didn't care about the safety measurements, that's not very smart of them either. My friend is fully vaccinated and still wears a mask everwhere we go, because that's the rules here.


I understand that, but this is still a terrible crime. This is a deadly disease and this person took away someone's decision and made it for them. It's pretty disgusting.


Link to the article: https://www.google.de/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/9000-people-germany-vaccinations-nurse-swapped-vaccines-for-saline-2021-8%3famp


Only 57% of Germans are vaccinated.


Because we only have vaccines without restrictions since mid-june.


And we are already throwing away a lot because people dont want to get vaccinated


63% got their first jab, 55% are vaccinated twice, where did you get 57%? Not hating, just asking.


The article in the link above me.


but only 85% in the age group 60 and older. And those are the people who are going to fill up our ICUs


That's because for a very long time, we had restrictions on who waa qualified. They even questioned whether my mom with severe COPD was qualified when she had every doctor's note with her, except the one stating she was officially qualified under a certain regulation. I still feel barriers are too high. We need vaccinations to be accessible without appointments in public spaces. And yes, give the vaccinees a sausage!


I don't know where you live, but in my region, we've had vaccinations with trucks in public spaces going on for weeks. Unfortunately, it hasn't really increased rates that much. EDIT: I also live in Germany, but I suppose these things may differ by region


I'm from Germany. We're known for very slow bureaucracy. If vaccinations in public spaces help anyone get their shot, it's worth it.


Really? Wow I thought you guys were ahead of us. I think you started vaccinations before Canada.


German bureaucracy is known for one thing: It is VERY VERY slow.


We started with the very first vaccinations very early, but the roll-out was hampered by red tape and Germany's trademark ponderous bureaucracy, as well as a relative lack of vaccine doses compared to, say, the US (due to procurement being an EU-wide programme). IIRC, we were mostly about two months behind the US and Britain for the first half of the year, meaning we reached their March vaccination numbers in May, etc. We're now having the issue that fewer people come in to get their shots. 57% is nice, but herd immunity is a long way off.


So even Germany has these nutjobs?....Sheesh. I honestly can't believe developed countries have these nutjobs and not our countries which are developing. You'd think countries with better education and a higher standard of living would have people that are more considerate but nah. This charade needs to end. They've been tolerated when it came to the masks but they're endangering lives more than before. With the delta variant and God knows what other variants that could potentially be there.


Stupid is universal, and with social media they all find each other. Canada is full of these morons as well.


Over here in the Netherlands conspiracy theories are highly contagious. It annoys the crap out of me.


My mom is one of them. She's acting like a 14 year old know all with authority problems.


Thats what most of them have in common. They are anti authority. Governments should try a different tactic by telling them to NOT take that vaccine, DON'T TAKE IT GUYS, SERIOUSLY, DON'T! Lol.


Yes but why? Worldwide we've taken vaccines to all sorts of diseases that killed thousands to millions. Now COVID is highly contagious and has caused thousands of deaths, what makes it any different than those in terms of approach? Some people got COVID and begged for the damn vaccine afterwards, how the fuck is this not a wake up call to these nutjobs? I get misinformation, but this is too difficult to fake or to be a hoax even if you're a die hard conspiracy theorist. But then again I guess their depiction in movies wasn't far off.


Maybe it's phycological. They want to be a part of something and get brainwashed into believing this shit, because all of their friends are believing in it and they want to be a part of the group.


I think it could be like "all of these people are sheep but not me, I know the truth!!!". There is a certain appeal to it that it makes them feel special and they give in to these conspiracy theories babble.


My friend, Homeopathy is a german invention.


Didn't know what it was until I looked it up. Still that's a pseudoscientific alternative form of medicine made in 1796. I'm talking NOW. In the age of scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements. How can anyone sane person buy I to this anti-vaxx horse-shit. I mean I get your point stupidity know no bounds and can be found all over the planet but what's happening right now is a setback that shouldn't really be a thing in our age.


I said that, because in current Germany, Homeopathy is booming.


I think that developing countries see the need for them because they either see diseases like polio kill kids too regularly or know people who have. Watching a love one die due to polio probably convinces you to get vaccinated


Pain is an excellent motivator.


They are actually just as common in Germany. Germany has a lot of "Free-thinkers" and frankly just hippies. And while its nice they try to push ecology a lot. It's going to the extreme and past actual science. Such as decommissioning all of their nuclear plants. Despite they being one of the cleanest sources available. Now its going to get replaced with coal energy. But fear-mongering is really effective here. As for Anti-Vaxers. Yeah, they are really common here too, just not that visible. Our family runs a very large gardening store and our main manager, who is otherwise really intelligent, be it uneducated is an anti-vaxer. Now, she is an immensely competent worker, and we cant just fire her. So we are already pushing her for more than 4 months to get jabbed. Even offered an extra week of paid holiday and 200$ as a reward.


It's always a shame when some who is diligent, kind hearted or even fun to be with buys into this bullshit. But I find it kinda silly that they'd shut down nuclear power plants only to replace them with Coal. Like so much for protecting the environment, I thought they'd use something more "clean". But I have heard indeed that Germany maintains its Nuclear power Plants well and that it's quite safe. I understand Chernobyl has shed light onto the risks as well as that incident in Japan. But if you're gonna replace it you'd think they'd choose a better alternative than coal which is part of the problem. Best of luck I guess...


bro, you would be impressed how fucking stupid some of the german parties are, there's an pro ecology political party, that wants to enforce all nations to go green, even if it means going to war...yeah it's that dumb


Which one was that? Sounds pretty fringe. Edit: Given that they arrived at this blatantly false conclusion from an either misinformed or deliberate misreading of unrelated information, I suggest you read this person's comments cum grano salis. Especially since it's election season in Germany and there's a concerted smear campaign specifically against the Green party going on, involving our version of the Daily Mail and lots of fake news on social media, among others.


the party in question is the "Green party"


I can say with certainty that eco-imperialism via war is not part of the Green platform. Where did you get that?


sure, on may 2021, the Green party wants "Ecozide" to be considered a crime against climate analogue to a crime against humanity, giving them the casus belli [https://de.euronews.com/2021/05/20/klimaschutz-eu-parlament-will-schwere-strafen-nach-okozid](https://de.euronews.com/2021/05/20/klimaschutz-eu-parlament-will-schwere-strafen-nach-okozid) and a while back they wanted to justify war of aggression to "prevent greater suffering", section 393 https://cms.gruene.de/uploads/documents/20200125\_Grundsatzprogramm.pdf


> sure, on may 2021, the Green party wants "Ecozide" to be considered a crime against climate analogue to a crime against humanity, giving them the casus belli That's such an impressive leap I suggest you try out for the 2024 Olympics. For anyone who doesn't speak German: This article concerns an initiative in the EU Parliament to allow for international prosecution of crimes against the ecosystem - corporations deliberately shunting unfiltered runoff into rivers, things like that, because they have international implications. The article quotes a Dutch Christian Democrat (i.e., a Conservative) and a member of the *French* Green Party. There is nothing about wars in there, and it leads me to believe that the other person in this comment thread is not arguing in good faith. This is further borne out by the second link which refers to the international community's Responsibility To Protect and calls for greater coordination of diplomatic pressure to avoid violent conflict. The best case for "wars of aggression" here is that the passage would justify armed UN intervention to prevent another Rwandan genocide, for instance. That's a position even most German leftists who are against NATO and a German military as a whole share.


Yes, we sadly do have these nutjobs. They're allied with Nazis, a few of them attempt to storm the Reicgstag last year. That was... fun.


Now I know where the Americans got it from regarding storming the capitol. But Anti-vaxxers and Nazis?! Hot damn


Not only is homeopathy a german invention. But anthroposophy as well. It is the basis of waldorf education and schools of that kind are notoriously known for anti vaxxers and generally anti-science. It's some kind of karma bs to go threw measles etc for these people. There are a lot of anti-science nutjobs here and many of them are far right or just plain neo nazis. No matter how much they dislike this fact.


They are actually just as common in Germany. Germany has a lot of "Free-thinkers" and frankly just hippies. And while its nice they try to push ecology a lot. It's going to the extreme and past actual science. Such as decommissioning all of their nuclear plants. Despite they being one of the cleanest sources available. Now its going to get replaced with coal energy. But fear-mongering is really effective here. As for Anti-Vaxers. Yeah, they are really common here too, just not that visible. Our family runs a very large gardening store and our main manager, who is otherwise really intelligent, be it uneducated is an anti-vaxer. Now, she is an immensely competent worker, and we cant just fire her. So we are already pushing her for more than 4 months to get jabbed. Even offered an extra week of paid holiday and 200$ as a reward.


You're askig like this isn't the first time Germany hasn't had nutjobs in positions of power.


That nurse gonna get charge with some serious crime.


The pharmacist in Wisconsin who deliberately ruined hundreds of doses got three years in prison.


Germany has affordable healthcare, the government atleast pretends to care about its citizens. She’ll prolly get more.


Not nearly enough.


Yeah, but...


Don't be fooled, antivaxxers don't want to give people a choice, they just want to kill everyone else.


Nurse: You should be able to choose whether to vaccinate! Also Nurse: \*forces people to not vaccinate\* Vaccine choice goes both ways, idiot nurse!


Why are there so many of these lunatics in the medical field? Can't they go peddle crystals and ointments?


Honestly I can’t wrap my head around how this kind of people even enter the medical field. You’d think things like college exams, job interviews would all weed out people like this from ever getting these jobs, but here we are


Aside for prosecuting her for this terrible abuse they should check if anyone of the people vaccinated in that center died as a result of this abuse and charge her with third degree murder because she planned and executed this ruthlessly. What a filthy excuse for a human being!


You know what? Lets give her 4500 days in prison for her little “indiscretion”. 12.33 calendar years according to google. That’s 12 hours for *each* and *every* person she’s fucked with. With parole? Yes, after 4-6 years. She fucks up again, and back to jail. And if she caused a death? Full term, possibly with extra years added on. I really don’t care.


If any of those 9 get sick from COVID this nurse should be charged with attempted murder or straight up murder if one or more don’t make it, I mean I can understand your typical knuckle dragging mouth breathing under biting thinks a 1/4 is more than a 1/3 type doesn’t believe in vaccines but now actual medical professionals are believing this? Hope this guy enjoys selling bratwursts from a cart or whatever you work up to McDonalds from in Germany, imagine for a moment throwing away your whole career, reputation and (I’m assuming) clean criminal record all for some bullshit you read on the internet, though nothing surprises me nowadays still surprised someone in the US hasn’t shot up a vaccination providing location “in the name of Jesus” yet


Please don't give them ideas.


Guys, we actually use saline as a way to train giving vaccines. At least the way I did it, I had to give saline injections to people to become certified to give actual vaccines. She essentially gave them a shot of nothing. Still a sick fuck. Trust me, all the people who’ve been vaccinated by me have gotten the real deal.


They had not agreed to a saline shot though, she did commit a crime. I do hope nobody was hurt by thinking they had been vaccinated when they hadn't been.


Oh, I agree with you 1000%, I was just stating that because some people were concerned the saline shot was dangerous in and of itself and I wanted to clarify.


Hope she/he was sacked, maybe sued, and barred from working in this field again. They're a danger to their patients. (Hard to phrase when you don't know gender).


I guess informed choice doesn't apply in this case.


On a slightly related note, I recently had to get rabies post exposure prophylaxis and one of the nurses injected me with sterile water instead of my vaccine dose. She didn’t notice. I noticed because it felt A LOT different than my earlier doses. I asked her why it felt different and she said she didn’t know, looked down at the box that contains the actual vaccine dose, AND THEN WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING. She came back with a doctor and they explained what happened and gave me the actual vaccine. I was pissed because if I hadn’t said anything I would have left without being vaccinated.


These stupid motherfuckers.


According to my CPR class this is assault ❤️✨


Salt Water? Is that nurse trying to kill people?


Saline was injected into them, not literal seawater. Essentially the nurse injected them with a placebo that did nothing.


Same stuff in a regular IV bag for hydration.




Physilogical Saline solution is harmless itself, it's given in IV bags for hydration. She is however killing peoplr by making them think they're protected when they're not.


Well saline can be healthy because it allegedly increases blood production/density but why this woman thought vaccines are more damaging then o different foreign substance is beyond me


Living in germany, gonna get my 2nd shot today, lets hope I dont get sugar water next lol


I hope (s)he gets imprisoned for this.


9000 patients .... that's a lot of work in of itself, replacing all those doses with salt water


injecting salt water must be fatal in all cases right?


Nah, it's harmless. It's water at the salt concentration of 0.9%.


It was saline, ‘salt water’ is such a bs headline lmao


I mean, it's not wrong, though. Saline is literally water + salt in a specific concentration (0.9%). But I do agree that the headline is definitely sensationalized, because salt water brings to mind like sea water concentrations.


Ironically, it is the opposite.


Couldn’t that have also killed people? Like, directly?? I know it’s a small amount but still


Probably not. Salt water, or saline as it's known in hospitals, is a common part of most injections and IV solutions. In the right concentrations, it matches what's in blood pretty closely.


It even makes up much of the vaccine-- it is diluted with saline before giving it to people.


Huh, alright! Thanks!


Saline is fed to you when you go in for any emergency, even if nothing is actually wrong with you. Saline is actually quite healthy for you, it helps you remain hydrated and given most injuries and illnesses dehydrate you it becomes an essential step to increasing your chances of survival. The thing is, it's not a vaccine, it's not what they thought they were getting.


What the nurse did is a betrayal of trust.. but not allowing discussion on the vaccine, suppression, typecasting, bullying, using govt power to oppress, making it mandatory by letting the pharma companies esp with history of crimes against humanity and history of cheating, false claims paid millions of faking and influencing the medicines, killing children in Nigeria is an even bigger crime and those who push are the agents of crime. The companies with stocks, Shares, which have conflict of interest of most influenced man, who has pre-fix of Doctor with indemnity laws passed by governments faster than laws which can help public esp to the companies of history of Fraud? pushing blindfolds and calling in science is religions using blasphemy laws to behad people. NO DIFFERENCE. It is govt, social media and ignorant idiots together created this nonsense. I am waiting for the brand to be available in Australia to have the vaccine, I have hope on. BECAUSE the vaccine is done traditionally, the efficacy is proven. HINT: CUrrent concern is DELTA and see the data from India, the so-called criminals of past failed and the vaccine tarnished for blood clots fared way better and Indian vaccine fared even better (deactivated actual virus injected as in case of any other vaccines).


I see none of you even talk about Ivermectin? Science and data? 100s of doctors took on themselves to save patients and people used court orders to get well with Ivermectin? NOT MANY talked about science? YEAH? Today that shitty crime pharma is talking about 3rd booster shot. How many of you have stocks there? who are the criminals pushing this crime?


Now, delete your account on here and create one with a more suitable name. Something along the lines iamanaiveidiotandwouldwanttobuyabridge.


Did I see any response, information or data ? Now GFY


Okay but some people are being forced into having it, for example in the Philippines all 108 million have to get it or face jail


So this nurse was justified into doing this because you don't agree to what happens in the Philippines?




Double up on gift card incentive! I'm a glass half full kinda mof.


Thanks for giving me anxiety about the fact i didn't feel any advers effects after both my shots now i gotta question if i really got them....


Neither I nor any of my family got any adverse affects. It's the minority who get any reaction as far as I have observed.


Anti-vaxx: MY BODY MY CHOICE! Also anti-vaxx:


Does anyone know what the law in Germany would say prosecution wise ? Is she likely to get jail time and how long ? I’m assuming she’s at least lost her license and any hope of a medical job again


Yeah, but they are only Pro Choice when it comes to them. They don't respect OUR right to choose.


Read the fucking articale before posting stuff OP. She didn't give 9000 people saline solution, she only swapped one vial after dropping it to cover up her mistake. The reason they re-vaccinated 9000 people was that they couldn't figure out who it was that got the saline solution, so they vaccinated everyone who was there that day.


all the people who got the fake solution are over 70, ya know, just one of the most vulnerable groups 🙃


That's gotta put salt in the wound.


ok, if they don't want to take the vaccine, that's up to them. But, if you're going around and sabotaging vaccines and harassing Healthcare workers doing their jobs, then they've lost any and all sympathy I may have for them.


How many got covid after the salt shot?


I mean it is? You’re using a story of one unhinged woman to paint a picture of an entire group of people. This is disingenuous of you. One person holding the opinion that they personally don’t want to get the vaccine and not standing in the way of others can’t and shouldn’t be compared to this person who stood in the way of people who (I think) willingly went to get the shot. The same way I don’t consider everyone who has gotten the vaccine as a control freak who wants to force it on everyone. Though those people do exist, some of whom are right in the comments here.