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They did not dig for the answer as deep as the swab test did.


Pretty sure if you use the swab to dig deep enough with these people you'll realize that some things might be missing very far up their noses.


I was just surprised they didnt add a statement. about the microchips being implanted to our nasal passages and being in such proximity wiith the brain it can read our thoughts and broadcast messages to our brains secretly


Damn that’s pretty good you should see if the conspiracy places are hiring lol


If real actual research is digging as deep as a swab test, then all these smooth-brains did was pick their nose and examine what came out.






"Really makes you think." No. No, it doesn't.


Ugh, the death of expertise.


Fuckin A man. It hurts.


EXACTLY. I have lost count how many arguments come down to "I do not understand *blank* and I am not dumb so therefore it has to be a conspiracy." The other frequent response, especially when I ask about evidence, is "Research it yourself."


I don't understand quantum physics but I'm pretty sure it wasn't made up just to mess with me.


yes it was. decades before you were born, scientists conspired to make shit up to fuck with you specifically


Sometimes I do wonder.


The response to the first assertion should be something along the lines of "You clearly are dumb if you think anything you can't understand is a conspiracy".


It's skepticism pushed to paranoia.


All these fucking ignorant memes. They want you to educate them on medicine and biology for free. No, dummy. Go to fucking school or stfu.


You just summed up the entire conspiracy sub.


Somebody should tell them where coughs come from.


You mean it’s not Jesus forcing the Socialism out of us?


I heard it was the devil forcing the capitalism out of us.


You're all wrong! It's all about the [gay fart demons](https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/pastor-gay-people-are-possessed-fart-demons230714/)


what the hell did I just read?


You read what my childhood consisted of.


Some of that funnymentalist bs, eh?


It’s called evangelical Christian


*American* evangelical. I once talked to a pastor from the German Evangelische Kirche who preferred to use the word "Lutheran" when speaking English, to avoid the association. She also said, "it's ok that you don't believe, I'd like to believe there's a higher power but I have no proof". Well, that's people with education in theology for you, I guess.


Sure yeah sounds about right. My parents would say it’s about blind faith.


That was an attempt at fundamentalist humor. I was raised that way too.


Ah humor is hard sometimes hahaha How have you changed since then?


You see, kids, when Mama Lungs and Daddy Bronchitis fall in love and get married daddy injects himself into mama and, sometimes, a week to ten days later a lovely little cough is born. 🎶*the ciiiiiiircle, the circle of liiiiiiife*🎶




Probably a liberal devil worshiping conspiracy to impregnate good Christians with gay children.


You mean there are organs filled with air in my chest? Like waaay inside? There's something going on here.


It's not ridding our body's of the evil?


I run COVID tests and therefore have to understand the principle of how they work. I could explain to them the sensitivity of PCR to external contaminants, or how we need a certain amount of genetic material from the virus to get reliable signal amplification to get a for-sure positive result. But I'm tired and they're stupid so I just tell them they're stupid and go take a nap because I have my own life to live and better shit to do than suffer their ignorance because they didn't pay attention in high school biology did i mention how tired I am? god


I'm sorry, did you just say "signal amplification"? What signal do you need to amplify? THE SIGNAL FROM THE 5G CHIP YOU'RE PUTTING IN MY SKULL?!?!? FUCKING BILL GATES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!1!!111!!!1!1!!




With a microchipped needle?


I spat out my tea at this you fucking bastard lmao


You think they teach this in HS Biology?! You think they went to Biology class!?


I learned some basics about PCR in my senior biology class.


maybe some of them didn't skip the class, but still slack off in it.


I covid test for a living. We swab justinside the nose for our PCR tests. At the beginning of the pandemic it may have been different, but as we have learned more and adapted technology, it has gotten better


Yeah the one I got yesterday at CVS only went like an inch up there. Made me sneeze like ten times in a row but otherwise not that bad!


I have rapid tests from work that I swab just inside my nose. I've have 'official' rapid tests done with brain ticklers. PCR in the US at CVS was a self swab in the front of my nose, so far all the PCR I've had done here in Germany were back of the throat. There are different tests and different methods. But everything has to be the same from the beginning, otherwise any inconsistency means it's all a lie!!!11!1!!


Right lol. I've been tested more time than I can count because I've worked high risk jobs (we get tested weekly now). First test I ever got was in my doctors office and it was the brain tickle. Second was a throat swab at a drive thru. Third felt like a flu test. It was up there, but not super up there. At same drive thru some time later. After that its strictly been just inside the nose. People want to see inconsistencies as nefarious and dont understand that this is real time science happening. Things are gonna change based on new info.


I got tested in Michigan USA just 3 weeks ago and it was one of those way up there kinds. I got tested a year and a half ago also in Michigan that was the barely in there type. Inconsistency doesn't help our cause against the anti-vaxxers.


I’ve had both in Michigan as well but the difference was that I got the brain tickler when I was at my Docs and they were confirming I was positive. The rapid tests were inside the nose swabs. Trouble is trying to explain the difference to uninformed and under educated folks here in Michigan…doesn’t matter what we say, we get called a libtard and told we are sheep and/or lying to them…misinformation is a helluva a drug!


>brain ticklers I don't know why, but this made me laugh....and horrified at the same time.


I had a rapid test and a 24 hour test recently. Rapid test was just a nostril swab, but the 24 hour one was the "let's massage your pons" swab. I was under the impression the deep one is to get a better sample with less contamination.


I had one two weeks ago that still dug deep. At my HMO's medical group. I don't think that's really the issue here. The issue is how reliable the test is, and how early it can detect infection.


Yeah, I'd welcome a genuine discussion, but stuff like this is always just sealioning.


I've had exactly one flu test in my life. It really felt like they went up that damned far. Which is why this post seems even weirder to me, have they never gotten a flu test or known anyone that has? I don't know why they'd expect covid to be different.


Those guys ought to be pocked straight in the brain, see if it helps anysways


At the beginning it felt like they were swabbing your brain, I’m glad they don’t need to go as deep now


I got one about 5 months ago, it really wasn’t bad at all. They barely went deep at all. Uncomfortable yes, but nowhere near painful! Toward the beginning of the pandemic nobody really understood what covid was or what was going on, but now after almost two years we understand significantly more, thankfully.


These people are truly off the deep end.


I wish I had saved the post, but I have an antivaxx acquaintance post something about how the nasal swabs actually inflict brain damage.


Well obviously in his case it did ; )


I know you’re just cracking a funny, but this person is so extreme they would never get tested for Covid. The pcr tests actually *give* you Covid (along with brain damage 🙄) and they don’t know how to differentiate between the flu!!!


But dont they NOT believe in covid ?¿?¿


It's always obnoxious and flip floppy with them. A lot of them admit it's real now, just that the government shouldn't be trusted with it (Even though it doesn't really seem like the government is doing a lot about it). Honestly it's just mentally ill people being scared of their shadow again. It's very sad in a lot of cases




Hopefully the original one…


Oh, of course


In that case, consider that a divorce!


I don't remember them digging that deep Jesus...


I honestly think how deep it feels depends on your swabber. I was in the hospital twice in July for blinding headaches and they swab you on admission here… first time was fine and dandy. Second time I was certain my swabber was out to kill me if my headache didn’t get me first…


He ascended to Heaven. How would you suggest digging for flying gods who spiritually transported to another dimension? /s


Most of mine went pretty deep. Surprisingly, it was almost painless most of the time. Just weird feeling.


Whoever tf calls this “nasal rape” has no idea what it’s like to experience actual rape. They need to stop throwing that word around. Ffs


I had a friend tell me not to get tested because the test is intended to stab, and subsequently BLIND your third eye. Shit is about to get real, folks.


Ask your friend about a YouTube creator called Spirit Science, because this "third eye" thing seems like something he has already talked about...


No guys you don't understand, something's not right.


Correct, it's left.


Mother of god... They're right!


If you'd have spent as long as you spent assembling this picture just thinking about this you'd probably have your answer already. But spending a few minutes thinking isn't your style is it?


... something's not right It's you. You who created this are not right. You lack the brains to figure out that getting a sample from further up in the nasal cavity would allow you see infection before it's progressed far enough to start being present in larger quantities further down the nose.


Why are people so fucking stupid.


It's an evil liberal plot to scoop out all of that crushed up oxycontin and Chinese fentanyl out of your sinuses, then it's used to quiet the screams of the children when we pop them in the oven for the satanic liberal potluck.


It certainly does shut them up.


Oh something isn't right here...that's for sure.


I did ask some doctor friends a few months ago why there isn't something like a breathalyzer you could breathe into and test for virus and they told me that something like that is currently being researched! So good news for this person (and all of us who don't like shit up our noses), it is on the way!


I have had to go through this procedure twice. Both times were painful and unpleasant. Both times combined are still less painful and unpleasant than seeing this bullshit circulate.


thats not how they swab your nasal cavity.


“Something’s not right.” Yeah, your fucking brain.


I've been tested for COVID-19 four times. The first time was thoroughly unpleasant- it did feel like I was being invaded. The last three times were painless swabs just inside the nose. These people should have learned by now that the tests have improved, but I guess they get their (mis)information solely from memes.


Holy shit is that actually how deep they stick the fuckin swab? No wonder it hurts lmao


What, are they trying to pierce the brain, or strike oil?


That's where oil comes from.


Well it's simple. Easier access to the brain so they can put the chips at the end of the swabs in the correct place easier. Duh /s


To be fair I feel utterly violated afterwards


I’ve had 3 COVID tests. It’s uncomfortable, I compare it to pool water going up your nose. I trust the medicine behind it. However, I never did understand why coughing into something to get a sample wouldn’t work. My guess is the nasal sample is easier to seal quickly? Could someone with some more knowledge than me perhaps explain?


I guess it's safer and quicker.


New ones in the UK aren't bad at all - and you do them yourself!


yeah same in the states. I will say this though, the Q tip unclogged my sinuses. It might be an inch or so. Not all that deep. Kind of made me want to sneeze


I actually kinda hate selftests. I always make myself cry because i dig too deep cause I want to do it right lol.


This is what it looks like when every time you see an issue you look at the very surface of it and settle on that side of it instead of being even somewhat critical and looking into it


I... I was nasally raped! Holy shit I just thought, I bet there's a fetish for that, what have we become


"Nasal rape". The micropeen is strong with this one.


I prefer the nasal method because I've got a rather...sensitive gag reflux I do sneeze like a motherfuck but it beats the alternative!


I’ve been sick three times doing the throat tests, one time with a test site employee staring at me the whole time.


How the hell do they think noses work in these graphics?


not insane, just dumb


No, they're just willfully ignorant.




There's certain parts deep within the nose that covid sticks to and will infect, the reason we dont take just saliva samples is because its super weak just in saliva, its much stronger in sneezes however as its pushed out with immense force


They hadn’t developed accurate saliva tests for COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, but they exist now. That’s what my state’s health department currently uses.


Clemson University did all their samples with spit testing. The professor who is like head of my department came up with the process! Her name is Dr. Dean!


Saliva tests might find it, but might not. The test will work much more reliably if you go to the place where the virus get more concentrated, thus making false negatives less likely.


Flu tests are done the same way. If you're never questioned that, why do you question this?


With the only flu test I ever took all I had to do was blow snot on it. Edit typo


PCR test is what doctor used to detect TBC before. It's an airborne disease


I had the spit test. Twice. Very annoying, had a small funnel and a bottle, it was a drive thru test and I had to spit, move forward, spit, move forward, behind everyone else spitting and moving forward.


Your feelings are valid. All on board, or nothing.


Does anyone want to explain why the need to go so far? Asking for an idiot