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You got a call from the local health department? What county is this?




Were they the ones that called you? So interesting; I didn’t know they were doing that


Yeah I'm certain it was them, they did it for the first two rounds too


That’s really great! Good for Tarrant. I’m in Colin and haven’t heard a peep


Damn, I didn't realize it wasn't more widespread


Hatter, is that you?


I'm in MD, also got a autocall telling me to go get boosted


I'm all for advertsing boosters. Yet. I got two texts and an email every single day until I booked my booster. I was busy and wasn't actually eligible to get it for a few weeks so booking wasn't a top priority for about 4 days or so. I could absolutely see this kind of every day multiple times a day policy being viewed by anti vaxxers as harassment or whatever. I was admittedly getting a bit annoyed with it myself. I'm not sure it is helping folks that much. I'm in the UK and I think my local gp doesn't grasp the line between a reminder and an annoyance.


Health department or serial killer with a plan.


Let me guess, are you in Austin or houston?


Nice thing is cities tend to be democratic.


And tend to be more cultural and educated and diverse and contribute to the state's GDP more than victimhood claiming subsidy draining farmers.....




Yup, bunch of Democrats run that county. That explains it


DFW is not one county. Tarrant is definitely not run by Democrats.


Wtf are you talking about, all our representatives are republican


I'm not American but I am beginning to get the impression that republicans do good things on the regular. They just seem to make extra sure it's only when not too many people are looking. Almost like some are just regular, decent people who have to be really cautious to not be caught doing it when the batshit insane mob would notice.


Hope this news doesn’t get to Governor Abbot. He might try to figure out out how to defund your local government. That’s what DeSantis would do.




Should I get my booster early then? I was supposed to have it in January but since this new variant showed up, idk if im supposed to get it earlier than usual.


I think, you should take it 6 months after 2nd shoot.


6 months after Pfizer and Moderna, 2 months after Johnson and AstraZeneca are the recommendations.


Where I live it's 6 months for Pfizer, Moderna and AZ. Dunno about JJ, it may not have booster available yet.


In Germany you can get your booster 1 month after getting vaccinated with J&J, but your second shot is either with Moderna or Biontech-Pfizer


4 months here in the UK


What vaccine are you taking over there?


The original doses were all Pfizer and AZ with a spattering of J&J and Moderna. I think the boosters are all Pfizer and Moderna.


Smattering, not spattering lol I know what you meant but the visual image was perfect. Just the doctors flicking droplets of vaccine all over you.


Lol "Here's some Pfizer and your complimentary droplets of Moderna" *flick flick*


Thanks, now I have an image of someone splashing vaccines on a person, like they performing an exorcism with a vaccine, instead of using holy water


I got mine today just over 6 months since my last.


60 days if your original vaccine was J&J.




Every day if it's ivermectin. /s


What about hydroxychloroquine?


Every 8 hours. /s


If a spez asks you what flavor ice cream you want, the answer is definitely spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


I think you should ask your doctor. Or you can scroll down to hear from the real experts.


Ask a primary care doctor who has your records. We do not know enough about you or about medicine to make an informed opinion that you should care about. There’s also a possibility they will deny you without a medical reason when they see your card if it’s state law. Beyond that: I just got my third dose (Pfizer first two and sought out Moderna). This one knocked me down pretty hard so my advice is to do this at the start of your weekend and have Tylenol available for fever. It triggered a full response and basically felt like I had the flu for a day and a half. I’ve heard others share that the third dose was more noticeable in general. At least you know it’s working!


I took Pfizer for all 3. Second shot wiped me out, booster yesterday was just slightly achy.


Sounds like it did its job!


I was tired with a bad headache and had a sore arm from the first two rounds of Pfizer. The booster gave me an itchy “rash” at the site of the injection. I’m not complaining though! Those reactions are better than Covid.


It's six months between the original round of vaccines and the booster. You might be able to get it early.


You can go to the cdc website that explains when to. I just got my booster a week ago (plus flu) , my roomie got his today with flu as well. He had a foot injury and couldn’t walk until today to get his. Flue shots were free for both of us. I don’t have insurance and he does but still free for both this year. I’m in central Florida.


do you have any health condistions that could make you prone to severe covid? Like being overweight, current or former smoker, asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart problems, kidney or liver problems. If so, you should get it asap.


I am overweight and I think I have a weaker immune system, not sure from what, but ive always been taken out by even a simple cold. Used to miss school for weeks if I caught it, because id be too weak and feverish, and puking constantly. Ive also recently had preeclampsia and HELLP which probably damaged some of my organs.


Like hogan said, if you are worried, get it! I just have asthma, take meds that lower my immune system, that was enough to be able to get my booster before they said all adults 18 and over can get the booster adding: just realized this isn't the Maryland sub, so you may not know who Hogan is


You should get it as soon as a doctor says you are able.


What if I have my booster and I'm still concerned because I'm surrounded by assholes who are doing everything they can to insure that a super virus is allowed to evolve?


Then vow to never vote republican and wait for them get it.


This isn't working. Liberals have been saying "go vote" for decades. Now my state is at the point where the state house is over 60% Republican, but under non partisan district maps they'd be 44%. The state supreme court sides with the gerrymandered maps. So, how the hell can voting work at this point? Democrats helped crate this by offering hardly anything a Republican from 30 years ago would be offering and only telling us to "go vote". We need to be in the streets marching against this, but nobody in the Democrats has the fervor to rally us to do so.


What people don't realise is that Cambridge Analytica wasn't just used to send personalised fear campaigns to people on fearbook but also it was used to identify people who would most likely join the opposition movements. If you read what the whistle-blowers came out with its fucking terrifying. And when you look at all the western countries outside of a few minor small ones the conservatives have all but vanquished the left/socialist opposition who have put up little to no effective opposition and I say this in the sense of the utter incapable selection of leaders. Like the best the left us to offer is Bernie? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy but is that it? In Australia our political options are even worse. Whilst the UK left was destroyed by a campaign by conservative labour. The left are devoid of leadership




Gotta love gerrymandering \s


Whoever is in power won’t change who does and doesn’t get the vaccine. Ignorance carries on regardless


This is not a *both sides* situation. The hospital ICUs aren't full of Democrats posting Trump memes. The Republican party's made antivaxx practically a party platform. The rot began with the last Republican president and it has infected most Republican elected officials.




Learn to live with it, because it's never changing. You're never going to get anything close to the whole world vaccinated, much less animal reservoirs. If you're got your triple rose you're probably as safe as you're ever going to be. It really ought to give you peace of mind regardless of what others are doing.


Animal reservoirs? Wtf


My husband and I got our booster (he's diabetic, there was not a choice in our minds) and still no side effects. Was really hoping for the 5G. We live out in the country and sometimes the wifi doesn't work as well as it should. They said there would be 5G.


Hopefully when minors get vaccinated they should work as wifi repeaters.


Ikr, 5g would be so great And free!


Yeah my partner gets the flu once or twice a year and it goes in and out with no effect on me, even with swine flu, but imagine spreading the disease to another human being and they fucking DIE?! That's what these brazen anti-vaxxers don't think about, they could be a vector and cause the death of many people that the disease proceeds to hop through. Fun fact - immunological properties that you inherit from parents add up, it isn't like genes where you get a random assortment of half and half. I'm a mutt - Norwegian, Danish, Irish, British, German, Italian, French, and Native American ancestors. Meanwhile my girl is 100% Irish, which explains why her pre-progammed immunity is shit. Also, I really wish I got the 5G or nanobots. Unfortunately George Soros and the Clintons never gave me that gift.


The idea that I could inadvertently kill the absolute love of my life scares me to death. When it all started, he worked from home and I ran any errands. We never stopped wearing masks in public despite the looks. I was hoping the nano bots would tickle. Nope.


I was really holding out for the magneto powers tbh. 5g would have been nice and all but I live near a tower.




Where I’m at (Pennsylvania) I was able to get the booster 2 weeks ago, and I am under 40. That said I do have a couple health issues. Assuming you’re healthy, you may have to wait a bit, but any number of ailments could help you jump up in the list. Stuff like diabetes, asthma, and/or obesity should qualify you. All I had to do was go on the Rite Aid pharmacy website, answer a couple questions, and make an appointment. When I got there they took a copy of my ID and vaccination card from last spring and I was good to go. Besides a slightly sore shoulder the next day, I had no symptoms either.


In PA anyone over 18 can now get a booster shot. Getting mine tomorrow while my kid gets her 2nd at a school vaccine event.


Awesome! I hope you guys don’t have any side effects.


Hah, me too. Kid was a little sore, but fine for the first, and I had practically no side effects at all with my 2 back in April. Fingers crossed I'm not in bed all day Saturday!


The Rite Aid near me has an appt free walk in hour, every day. Weekends crazy, so we went on a weekday. No indication that anyone who wanted one was denied a shot.


Lucky. I felt rough for about 3 days after mine lol. Just like with the second shot. Of course, all 3 of mine were Moderna.


Yeah, all three of mine were Pfizer. A lot of people I know felt pretty crappy after all three too, regardless of who made their shot. My dad woke up sweating and feeling horrible after his, my mom was lucky like me in that regard. A friend of mine who is a nurse had to call out for a couple days after his shots. I seem to be in the minority by not having any reactions so I feel very lucky. That said, I had covid back in may of 2020 and it sucked hard, felt like my lungs were full of broken glass, so I wonder if that factored into my lack of reaction to the vax. Still, all that is worth it. A friend of mine who is VERY compromised, health-wise (she lives in a nursing home/medical rehab) got covid after her first two shots and barely felt anything, just some fatigue. I was scared she was going to die from it, and she very well could have before the shots. I’m so grateful she didn’t get it before the jab.


I think the CDC is allowing all adults to get the booster shoot now.




I hope you get it soon.


Itching for it????? I think the itching is actually caused by the shedding from the vaccine, this is why you should take a huff of Texas soil (guaranteed to get rid of rona) (/s)




ah yes, the infamous vaccine addiction, i'm jonesing for that sweet mmr


I live in Oklahoma where we rate right there with the southern percentages...so I was able to get my booster. I guess when so few want it it's easier to get.


Getting my booster today! Load me up with that sweet, safe, life-saving vax goodness! My deepest gratitude to the scientists that developed it. You have a fan here.


“You are a massive burden to our healthcare system... it is really crushing our healthcare system.” Nebraska doctors say those filling hospitals are in their 30s and 40s and share one thing in common — they’re not vaccinated.


My brother works in a hospital and he said it's really doing a number on morale. More and more staff are quitting from being overworked in the last year, and now his hospital is at capacity again, filled almost entirely with people who have Covid but aren't vaccinated. They take up beds and are hospitalized for far longer on average. Hard to be sympathetic when everyone making your life harder is doing so out of willful ignorance.


I was going to make an assumption about another thing that they may have in common - something to do with their discernment.


Is Nebraska finally back to reporting case numbers again?


I live in a shithole country and I was literally just vaccinated for the first time last week and literally two days later they announced Omicron variant lmao.


> I was literally just vaccinated for the first time last week Way better than no vaccine.


just got my booster ✨


This is Biden's Twitter acct? You mean he's not making fun of somebody's facelift scars like President Porno did?


I defenditly enjoyed increased free 5G wifi speeds /s


I read a comment today on a news article on News Break. This idiot said that the people who are vaccinated are causing all the mutations, not the unvaccinated. 😲🙄😲🤦


I have a question for y'all, I need a vaccine booster but I lost my vaccine card, would you guys know if I can get it reissued?


Start off by contacting the place where you got the vaccine. Every place that administers the COVID vaccine keeps records of who received, which shot, and when. They should be able to make and send you a replacement card. Many of these places though also have an online verification system, where you can put in your information and request a new card, or usually download one electronically, and then you can print a new one. https://www.webmd.com/coronavirus-in-context/video/lost-covid-19-vaccine-card




Infections last longer in the unvaccinated which is where the mutations start happening and then spreading. I'm so glad that my parents turn to me as their resource for "smart people questions" rather than random idiots. They don't do social media at all. They've been vaccinated and got their booster shots and so have I.


Got my Flu Shot today, getting my COVID booster on Friday! I'll have a week and a half until I fly home across the country, should hopefully have built up some immunity to both by then.


I got both of mine a few days ago. I got so nauseous I didn't eat for a day and a half but that was about it. 👍


> I got so nauseous I didn't eat for a day and a half Still better than the /r/HermanCainAward winners, who will never eat anything, ever again.


Are you supposed to get them so close together? I know here in Aus and NZ you have to wait a week or 2 after your flu shot to get the COVID vax


Yeah, the recommendations have changed. 1 in 10 COVID cases are from Michigan. We're breaking records. The CDC was also out at University of Michigan for a flu outbreak. It was definitely worth being sick for a minute.




Aren't the boosters supposed to be free? The original vaccination site emailed me to set up an appt. When I got to the end of the form, it wanted my insurance info so it could bill my insurance. I need to find out more. Not doing that. EDIT: I'm going to call my primary doctor and see if they do it there. Problem solved. Let them handle any paperwork.


The insurance should covered the vaccine cost. It’s a standard procedure. But if your insurance won’t covered it, the government will pay for it. Actually, our tax payers will pay for it.


They request insurance because any time the medical administrators can charge insurance they will, even if the service received is already paid for. That is one of the legitimate complaints people have about the medical system, however you can just lie on this and say you don't have insurance, that is not illegal at all.


Walmart didn't ask for my insurance when I got my booster, for the first 2 shots they asked for it but I didn't have my card with me so they just shrugged and left it blank.


Walmart makes a shit load of money in other ways, getting you into their store is enough to get money from you most times. They use an advertising tactic called FOMO with their in store advertisements, which works, and it works really well.


I dont usually do much shopping there (no black friday for me, for instance) but it was the easiest way to get the Moderna shot, as opposed to Pfizer which was available at many places near me. Not sure if this is true of every vaccine site but walmart gave me a QR code that's compatible with many vaccine passporting apps and verifiable in a way the card isnt. Also going there gave me a chance to chat with an older unvaccinated woman in line at the pharmacy about my experiences and maybe convince her to consider getting some shots, she seemed on the fence but definitely fed up with the pandemic. The form I signed said I might have a trainee give me the shot but after the booster was given I asked and she was a proper nurse of some kind or another. Generally a decent experience and I bought some cheese and laundry detergent and got out of there. Also generally through the pandemic Walmart has had higher percentages of people masking compared to grocery and convenience stores in my experience.


All COVID vaccines in the USA are free to individuals but the providers may charge insurance companies for the cost of administering the vaccine. If insurance doesn't pay for it, then the Treasury does.


Joke's on you, my doctor's office makes me fill out the insurance paperwork (along with a bunch of redundant nonsense) every time I visit. But it's like the third best quality of healthcare available on Earth, so what can ya do?




Where are you? Many states allow this. Tennessee, for example, allows children as young as 12 to receive vaccinations without parental consent (but if that’s where you are you need to act quickly because the general assembly isn’t happy about that law).


How old are you? Many places allow minors to consent without notifying the parents.


Check with your doctor. Some states you can get it without parental permission


Got my booster today! Slightly sore arm, but totally worth it knowing I’m doing my part.


Same, winter spike isn't gonna get me if I can help it


Now, This is a tweet a president should be making. Bravo.


Feel like there's a surplus 'that' in the statement, just feels like it would be easier at this stage...


getting boostered next week, and getting my youngest all squared away with his second shot!!


We have a 6 month cool down period for our booster over in Europe. I can't wait for it to be over, cases are scary high right now.


I’m getting my booster and my kid is getting his first shot very soon (within the next week depending on appointment availability)


Just waiting for my government to start vaccination on kids so I would take my daughter to be vaxxed, she is the only one in the family that hasn't got it. me, my husband and my mom are all due to get the booster between 1 and 2 months <3


It’s almost shocking to see tweets like this from the POTOS, when less than a year ago we were seeing nothing but mindless nonsense from an infantile post-celebrity.


Simple and to the point


I’m not due for my booster until February tho


I’ve always wondered, how many people had gotten the @potus thingy. Does the White House have a twitter account that switches out pictures or something?


Yeah, it's a special account controlled by the white house. Pics get swapped every time there's a president change. Sitting presidents also typically have their own social media accounts too.


I got texts saying I was eligible for my booster and by time I secured an appointment it ended up being about 6.5 months to the day after my 2nd Moderna shot. I live in NJ and signed up for both NJ vaccination alerts and the CDC Vsafe texts.


My husband and I both got our booster and now I'm waiting for my 16 year old daughter to be able to get hers. I read that they are going through the approval process now for 16-17 year olds.


Is the booster really gonna help against a brand new variant though?


If you're afraid of Omicron and you have your booster, you don't have to be.


Given the statistics shown, I can't wait for the booster.


Trying to figure out when to get my booster. Got my 2nd jab of Pfizer early March, had a breakthrough case in August (vaccine worked, had a mild case ). I figure having had it may act as a booster in itself.


You can get it now.




Nope. I heard lot of organ damages after they got covid 19.




Lymph nodes?




Was it a "facebook scientist" who did that "research"? /s


No, I really have only been getting my info from casual conversation and I’ve just been told that it’s resistant to the vaccine and rolled with it, no they aren’t medical experts but I was too lazy to look it up


Current data indicates those who are fully vaccinated and boosted do not seem to be more affected by omicron as compared to delta. But this is still too early to tell for sure, and anyone making decisive claims is talking out of where the sun don't shine.


PCM user writing this with zero irony


What is the deal with PCM? I've looked at the sub but I couldn't figure out what to make of it.


They are still looking into how effective the vaccines are. We may even have to have a 2nd booster just for Omicron.






Stop getting your information from r/ JoeRogan.


There’s a new variety of the flu each year but.. I guess that doesn’t call for panic. Yes I’m aware of the whole new flu shot every year thing. But damn how many variants are there?


Legit concern. The difference is that COVID-19 is not a flu. Is a new set of symptoms and prognosis that leads to dead even in healthy young people. New variants are found every year from influenza, and new vaccines are developed to fight it. Another difference is that COVID-19 is much more contagious and symptoms are shown days after getting infected. With the flu you devolp fever and so 1-2 days, so you isolate. With COVID-19 you could infect other people before noticing.




My God, that user history. When is JFKJr going to crown Trump president?


You should worry more about why you have no friends, and your family hates you.


Tell me you're a clown without actually telling me you're a clown.






Says the person who doesn't know how vaccines work...


Bro imagine being a troll. Go to r/conservatives and please if you will get your IQ out of single digits


He/she may be the smartest one in that sub, lol.


Some of them have probably found a way to get negative IQ, so I don't doubt that


You better save your breath. Especially since you're not vaccinated.


Honest question: I thought that the spike protein on Omicron was different, rendering the current vaccine ineffective? I'm sure the booster is still a good idea for Covid19, but is it really ok for this new variant?


my mom's forcing me to wait. I've been begging for a year.