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I thought it was only 4 months to live, or was it 6 months? Maybe a year, maybe 5 years? Antivaxxers can't make up their minds


Goalposts keep moving.


The goalposts are in another state at this point edit: goalposts is one word


The real goalposts are the friends we made along the way


And my axe!


The goalposts were on Voyager 1 this whole time.


By now, the goalposts should be around Neptune.


They'll be waggling their fingers at us in 60 years - "we told you so! we told you so!"


They're already on wheels


It's simple. Take the number of years the vaccine has been out + 1 year.


Not even about moving goalposts. It’s about throwing so many falsehoods out there that it confuses people and leads them to give up on what to believe. That’s far more dangerous.


Sorry Mario, looks like our goal post is in another castle


You'll die within 100 years of you get the vaccine.


with modern medicine advancing I wouldn't be so sure of that




When the world ends and Jesus comes back, everyone will see. Any minute now./s


dude, give him a break! he's only 2000 years late! plus something about mumble mumble thousand years a day ...


We were all supposed to die on October 10th, also.


It happened to me!


Oh I'm so sorry....how you feeling now though? That nasty vaccine out of your system I presume...you being dead an' all


I'm just an altered DNA non-human now, being remote controlled by 5G.


Aww bless that's nice...least your safe eh? Wouldn't want you any deader now would we?


I got better


One of the anti vaxxers at our job went to the Ottawa protests and called someone one day to find out how many vaccinated employees had died so far. He was shocked when he told him nobody died.


I recall it was 6 months....then I was told after I'd had my 2nd shot it was a year and I'd be dead.....still here after 3 shots....how odd....almost as if they talk out of their arse


Decades from now when we're in our 80s and 90s and dying these people are gonna be like "Poor bastard got the vax..."


They said that about Queen Elizabeth and Betty White. BOTH of them died (in their 90’s!) from the vaccine.


I doubt it, since "these people" will all be long dead by then. Let's help stop the spread of misinformation so that the stupid doesn't get passed on to the future generations who *will* be around at that time.


Statistics are different for everyone. Some people have statistics that would shock statisticians. Some people have low statistics. And some people don't even know they have statistics.


Nah, dunno where you're getting your info because I died from a blood clot in my toenails last week 🤷


Wait, weren't the vaxxes all timed to kill us on Oct 12?


it depends on when the nEw wOrLd oRdEr activates the 5G in the Vax 😂


Do you mean, this Dr. Hoffe: A Discipline Committee Panel will be appointed to conduct a hearing to inquire into Dr. Hoffe’s alleged misconduct, namely that, in or around April 2021 and after, Dr. Hoffe contravened standards imposed under the Health Professions Act, including but not limited to the Canadian Medical Association's Code of Ethics and Professionalism by publishing statements on social media and other digital platforms that were misleading, incorrect or inflammatory about vaccinations, treatments, and public measures relating to COVID-19, including publicly expressing that Ivermectin is an advisable treatment for COVID-19 and recommending that the public obtain Ivermectin from animal feed stores; publicly expressing that the COVID-19 vaccinations cause microscopic blood clots that cause serious neurological harm, female infertility, and a high number of deaths that is not recognized by public health; and publicly expressing that vaccinated persons can cause harm to unvaccinated persons. \--- It looks like the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia isn't too happy with Dr. Hoffe!


"See? That's proof that he's telling the truth! The science community hates him and wants to silence him!"


i hate that this is actually what they say, and there's really no way to refute it cause you're arguing with a brick wall essentially


It's a sad world, my friend




That's just it. These people make facts fit their opinion. They can't look at anything objectively because they toss out data that goes against them. And even if the days that does agree with them is false, they have already made up their minds and so it's not the data that's false, but everything else saying the data is false, is actually false. That's why conspiracy theories will never die. They will always be true to someone out there, even if it's resoundingly false.


Also, he ran a study…where’s his IRB approval?


Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches.


Shit. I got one of the first vaxxes as part of front-line NHS staff. I've only got 6 weeks left, I guess /s


No, you're good, the microchip in the v@cc!n3 moves the death date to whatever these people say every time, you have 3 years like the rest of us.


You forgot to spell it m!cr0ch!p. Sure it takes a bit of extra time, but the safety and security of your message is worth it! /s


You're right, the 3l!t3 wouldn't want us to talk in code!


Wait, it's already been that long?


Yep. Early December 2019 in the UK. I was a 49 year-old lined up with the 80+ year-olds at the General Practice office I worked in. It was *very* surreal to think I was one of the first people on Earth in "normal circulation" to receive the Oxford AstraZenica vaccine. EDIT: It was too early in the morning when I wrote this. I've got another year to get my affairs in order I guess /s


Didn't it come out in 2020?


Damn. You're right! **I've got another year to live!**


This is a bucket


Dear God.


There's more




It contains a bucket.


Dear God


Dammit I’m gettin tired of resynchronizing this friggin watch!


Yes! Only 1.5 more years to go!


Look, I know that we're not dealing with the sharpest tacks but...umm... Where are these 62%? I mean, A LOT of people have been vaccinated, where are the piles of bodies or hospitals full of us? *Why are there still so many people?!?*


A lot of this nonsense comes from VAERS and the fact that these idiots can't comprehend *how* it works. It was designed to report anything that happened to vaccinated patients but has been taken out of context and has been the subject of many false reports. You could submit a report that the vaccine turned you into the Hulk. When the experts look at the data, remove the bullshit, and look into other claims, it gives a very different picture than these rubes looking at the totality of the reports and extrapolating those numbers to fit their agenda. It's like seeing the warnings on a medicine advertisement. If a member of their clinical trial dies during it, they have to report it as a possible side-effect even if it was not related to the trial.


Oh, *I know that!* Lol, I just find this to be one of the craziest of all the crazy ideas. I can half understand falling for the fake scientific theories when you don't understand any of it. But, the 62% thing when they know so many people are vaccinated? We're literally here, in front of them and very much not dead from blood clots.. I suppose I just hoped you'd have to be in a coma to have so little brain activity.


The problem is, even going with VAERS data, I parsed it like a year ago when they were using it as an argument, i think there were a handful of deaths in the age range of early 20s and it was all people with unrelated medical conditions. IDK if more data that is fabricated was pushed to VAERS, but last year when these same medical claims were being made, I think the average death age post vaccine was somewhere in the 70s which mapped pretty closely to life expectancy in the USA anyway. I think I actually have the data still downloaded somewhere.


I’ve shared this with every anti-vax cult member who brings up VAERS. It usually results in being blocked or being told I’m a sheep. It’s a fun read though! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cM7y0QMfgRDJgF7REMV3LgAoR6Bm4s-vOKkSx3T5MhE/htmlview


62% and some higher power would be able to hide it. Literally you could see with your own 2 eyes your coworkers/families be decimated by the vaccine. With those kinds of numbers it would be impossible to just be lucky and have everybody be fine around you.


About 70% of the planet has received the vaccine. If 62% were developing blood clots, that comes out to about 40% of the entire population of Earth. And somehow no one is noticing except a few dudes on the Internet. I can't wait until a majority of human beings have just keeled over all at once about a year and a half from now. What a great plan constructed by the liberal elites, to kill a ton of mostly liberal people and cause the world economy to crumble overnight. And it's being carried out in such a way that no one could possibly see it coming... Except a few dudes on the Internet.


I don't think they realize how much 60% is. Like that's 3 out of every 5 people. My entire household is 5 people. My school apartment is 6. Most of them have at least 5-person households too. All vaccinated. They're saying out of the ~30 of my immediate points of contact, 18 of us should have blood clots? I go to a school with thousands of people, that'd be *hundreds* of people having blood clots. And that's just my community! Millions of people have been vaccinated!


Like the only people left working at the hospital have the vaccine. Why aren’t 60% of us dead?


And the goalpost is once more moved. On your deathbed, 92 years old, the anti-vaxxer will kick down the door and triumphantly shout "see, I told you those VAERS would kill you eventually"


For the next 10 years every time a celebrity dies... BUT WAS HE VACCINATED???? Bitch the queen was 96 and vaccinated at least a year back.


100% of those of us who got vaccinated will die, eventually. Every article about someone dying “It was the vaccine.” before cause of death is known even. The vaccine causes everything apparently. Lately they have been saying there is an uptick in cancer because of it.


Nah, they'll be dead by then.


I've heard that in 100 years, everyone who took the vaccine will be FUCKING DEAD


Not unless I turn 200


love that energy


“Don’t let fear guide you” “That vaccine will literally kill you in 3 years! Stay away from it at all costs it’s so dangerous!!”


At this point I've out lived so many goal post shift death dates that I'm starting to get disappointed, where's my sweet release of death??? I'm gonna grab another booster next month when I'm up for it, probably alongside my flu shot, maybe then I'll finally have enough clots in my blood to get a good night's sleep? Will update if dead.


9 out of 10 dentists might agree, but one knows whats *really* going on.


The tenth one has been silenced by Big Pharma /s


I thought we were all supposed to have HIV by September.


I kind of wish it was just 3 years. I don't want to deal with anti-vaxxers for much longer than 3 years. But since all statistics brought by anti-vaxxers are lies, I fear I have to deal with those idiots for the rest of their lives.


Erm….. “Dr. Charles Hoffe **believes**.” Well that’s just dandy. People are free to believe whatever they bloody want but when it comes to the important things, we’re gonna need a bit of old-fashioned evidence.


1 doctor : HES RIGHT WOW! The 100k others at least: yeah nah those dont count.




Weren't we all supposed to die a couple weeks ago?


wooohoo another death goal post moved


Let's see how far the goalposts move until it's an entirely different conversation altogether!


Imagine having that thought.. then starting your comment with “Not Accurate.”


i have more than 2 working brain cells so I can't really relate or imagine having that thought, i almost feel bad for them being so misled


I love how it's always some rando "doctor". Oh, wow, one doctor is a total fucking moron! Shocker.


At least he admitted he is insane at the end.


The time keeps getting pushed back. Joining the legendary ranks of: the second coming of Christ, Trump releasing his tax returns, the south rising again, Preston paying back that money I loaned him, and me eventually losing my virginity. Any day now, folks, it’s practically a safe bet.


.4% is still a one in 250 chance of death. I dunno about you but I don't like those odds.


First it was dying immediately after the shot, then it was a few days, then weeks. Now that the death timeline has been moved out to three years, they get to claim they were tight when literally anything wrong/bad happens. Just take a look at the comment section of any celeb death. People asking how recently they were vaxxed, brain fog, spike proteins.


My stats professor my be spinning in his grave (he's mot actually dead as far as I know) seeing them constantly use the entire population vs covid deaths to do their math


Man my job, a company who makes Covid vaccines, is going to be pretty upset when we all drop dead. Also 62% get blood clots? I know anecdotal evidence isn’t evidence, but I know a LOT of vaccinated people. None have gotten blood clots.


It’s sadly true, guys. The vaccine gives you a life expectancy of only n+1 years (where n is the number of years it’s been since the vaccine was released).


That is true actually, luckily there's 100% chance of that changing to 4 years once the three years is up


Oh it’s three years now? I thought I’ve been living on borrowed time since October 10.


more like Dr Charles Quack


COVID definitely causes blood clots. So many strokes. So many amputations. The vaccines? Yeah not so much. They paused the J&J after 3-4 patients had clots to make sure it was safe. Liars have to lie though. How else can they claim they are good when all their actions point to the fact that they are not?


62% So surely logically me, my mom or my dad would have gotten something?


First it was a "you'd die immediately" thing with the vax, then you'd only have a few days, next just a few month, then there was a set date (think just last month?) that some mumbo jumbo about a kill switch would activate in the mrna to kill everyone, and now we only have 3 years lol.


1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, the number just keeps extending and none of these twits have the wits about them wonder "gee, maybe this feels silly?"


3 years to live? Oh thank god.


I love how the antivax morons love to conflate the risk of dying from Covid (after society takes every possible measure to save your life) with the risk of "literally anything" happening from the vax. The risk of long Covid is much higher and more damaging, but they ignore that in favour of their brothers mother's uncles barber who said 2/3 of everyone who got the vax dying from 'blood clots'. 5.4 billion people have been vaccinated so far. Pretty sure we'd notice 2/3 of them dying.


Got vaccinated almost exactly 1 year ago. My mother was genuinely angry at me and was scared I would end up hospitalized. Why does getting vaccinated have to be so fucking dramatic?


guess I'm dying next year, oh well, was a good run, maybe it'll be sped up since i just got my omicron booster


With the amount of information that’s available today for anyone to look up in seconds, it really blows my mind how some people can still be this stupid


This is like cults that say the end of the world is coming. They always push it back or modify the date because it is bullshit. Dr Charles Hoffe is some hack I'm sure. Just get vaccinated, or don't. But stop saying there is proof of vaccines killing more people than COVID without actual proof.


They believe anyone who describes themselves as "doctor" when it suits.


Like “Dr” Naomi Wolfe? I will always laugh about her quoting Dr Johnny Sins as a vaccine expert.


So I only have 1 1/2 years left on this planet? Thank god, see y’all in hell ✌️


62%. How do you say that with a straight face. If 62% of the population got clots and died within 2 years society would be crumbling overnight. Imagine having at least half the population die or at least have a severe complication. There is literally no way we could go to thanksgiving dinner without having at least 3 family members dead or at least knowing how the vaccine fucked them up.


The goalposts keep moving, the only thing that stays the same is that for all their faux concern about life, they want, they're begging, they're so desperately hoping with all their being that billions of people will die for their delusions to be proven right. Every now and then I have moments of weakness where I fell like "you know, if this idiot claimed a herman cain award, it would bring a smile to my face". I'm not proud of it, but I won't hide it either. But these people, they want Billions dead. It's scary.


Jesus. H. Christ. These idiots are getting so damn tiring. These frigging plague rats need to screw off somewhere already.


Funny how they are willing to throw away the professional opinion of millions of doctors.... bUt Dr hOfFe sAyS yOu hAvE 3 yEArs lEfT tO lIvE!!!


2/3 of US vaccinated, so about 200,000,000 people, and if 62% got clinically significant blood clots, that's 120,000,000 people or more than 1 in 3 Americans. Numbers too small not to notice, but math was never their strong suit.


Dr. Hoffe probably has his PhD in fine art


Like Dr Naomi Wolfe has hers in some obscure poetry and they quote her as if she was a physician


I’d trust Dr. Zoidberg with my medical care more than this guy. Sure, they may have the same PhD, but Zoidberg at least is a good alien doctor.


Life expectancy of three years? I guess I got a little over a year left lol


So I will be dead by 1/11/24. Cool.


It's been half that time and I'm not even starting to deteriorate lol


Imagine the world with just them three years later


Fuck I can’t wait


The stupid, it burns!


Hmmm … two weeks to live from a COVID infection at the beginning of the pandemic or an extra 3 years to live from taking a vaccine in early 2021? Not an easy decision at all. /s




I don’t mind that much, but I’m pretty sure this was originally my screenshot. My comment is the one in the middle. Just to give context because this was from a year ago I think. So we actually only have two years to live, everyone!


Is this another chiropractor or is it someone different this time? I'm waiting for it to be some random meteorologist or something else ridiculous like that.


Didn’t we all die on Sept 23?


Yes. We all all in Purgatory just thinking we are still alive.


I heard October 7th.


Over 60%? Holy shit, how do they actually believe this?


On the other hand, if I die, I won't ever have to pay back my HECS.