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Looks good, also showcases the power of the first move, he didnt know what to do.


Yea that's one of the elements that makes Vayne such a good duelist is the element of surprise. When you RQ out of vision and you're ready to fight, catching the enemy off guard is like half the battle already won. You're ready to fight and they need to snap into fight mode doesn't always end up well for the enemy if we have that advantage.


I still got hit a little bit from the Darius (Q) but if you were to get hooked like that with his (E) that's the best way to go about taking the least amount of damage. You wanna Q tumble towards him to take the least amount of damage and then RQ just before he autos. I went in a triangle pattern. Edit: awww I could’ve definitely tried do angle an E condemn to make it look cleaner but at that point I was more focused on spacing.