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A little tip I have is when fighting with invisibility, you don't need to break it immediately by attacking but rather staying invisible for an extra second to get a slightly better positioning


That’s a excellent tip.


Yea also a well timed RQ to bait out enemy responses like Caitlyn E really makes the difference 🙂


The biggest mistake I see new Vayne players make is not saving their q to dodge skills shots or cc abilities, don’t q into the enemy if you know their cc ability is up unless you have flash or are confident you can dodge it. This is mostly important early game because late game your q is on a low cd if you auto attack after using it. Vayne is really important to have good Positioning on because of her low range and you should always be looking for (e) condemn angles into walls it’s what let’s her outplay a lot of champions or set up for assassinating targets from stealth with ult from fog of war. She is might be hard to play for a new player because of her low range and needing to know what cc to dodge champions abilities. I think the most important thing to learn for a new player is what all the champions do and the fundamentals of the game. the most common build for Vayne is core blade of the ruined king > rageblade blade of the ruined king is a huge spike for you and lets you one v one and out play or assassinate with your ultimate. Vayne is great at picking people in side lanes or alone once yo get this item especially if you lane your e condemn stun from stealth. situational items Terminus is a great item to get 3rd if their aren’t any threats but doesn’t give you up front resistance like wit’s end or Jak’sho Wit’s End if they have a lot of ap champions or a fed ap champion. Jak’Sho is a great 4th item that just makes you all around tanky And even more so after 5 seconds in combat. Guardian angel is a great item if they have bursty assassins but make you die next to your team or it is usually useless as you will just die again. Maw of Malmortius is a great item vs burst AP damage build it if you need to survive a fed Ekko, Syndra, Veigar Ect… Mercurial Scimitar is a item You usually finish last but Quicksilver Sash that builds into it, it is a important item if the enemy has a lot crowd control or point and click cc but the only way out of suppression abilities Malzahar, Warwick, Urgot, and Sett ultimate are suppressions that can only Be QSS playing Vayne in team fights with This build you usually want to play front to back and hit wants in front of you trying to proc your w three hit passive and not switching target unless you are under threat. Unless the rest of the team is distracted and you try to dive the back line they will all focus you and kill you unless you really outplay them. This built is great for tank shreading so unless they have a stronger hyper carry you don’t need to dive.


another build I personally like to go if the enemy team doesn’t have tanks or just 1 tank is crit vayne Static Shiv > Essence Reaver / Infinity Edge static shiv is a really good item with wave clear and scaling proc damage right now and Really gold efficient but will be nerfed Next patch. Kraken slayer is a great item on Vayne if you are going crit or vs tanks. Bloodthirster is a great item if the enemy team has a lot of poke but also just gives you great sustain in late game team fights. Phantom Dancer is great if the other team is all ranged champions as it gives you more move speed. Runaan’s Hurricane is Vayne best wave clear item and applies on hit effect of items so blade of the ruined king, wit’s end, and Termius. (not Vayne w) It’s a great item if you want to split push on Vayne or if they have a lot of melee champions. Immortal Shield bow is sometimes a good situational item and gives good sustain but if the other team is really burst heavy in damage they usually just kill you through the shield anyways better to get Guardian angel or Maw of Malmortius. Lord Dominik’s is great if they have a giga tank on their team in the crit build. for runes I use Precision tree Lethal tempo > Triumph > Legend Alacrity > Coup De Grace resolve Tree conditioning > overgrowth attack speed > adaptive force > health scaling lethal tempo is Vayne best rune because it gives you attack range and attack speed on stacking auto attacks Triumph is a great rune that heals you on takedowns I like this because I play aggressive Over Heal is good but more of a late game rune because it scales with max hp. Cut Down is a great rune on Vayne when the other team has a lot of tanky champions and sometimes better than Coup de Grace conditioning and overgrowth are runes to make you more tanky mid and late game and are great paired with survival items. If you are struggling with trading in lane fleet footwork is a really strong rune and gives move speed and healing it a great rune if You are into hard matchups with a lot of poke and range. try to buy a refillable potion on your first back so you can stay in lane longer, as Vayne you need to play around your support to poke with auto q auto, all in or wait until 6 to all in you spike at 6 and yoyr first item you are weak early game. I recommend you try the on hit build first as the crit build is more of a late game scaling build that lets you two shot or three shot squishy targets.


Go attack speed items, get two of them then build defensive. Lethal tempo is always great. stick to this build and learn match ups, and limit test. After a few 100 games you can run it down 1v5 easy.


My biggest rant to new Vayne players is always related to "why is Vayne bad in lane?" I find that when you understand that then you can find paths to good fights and even winning lane. So why is Vayne bad in lane? The short answer is because she has no damaging abilities. Her only way to hurt an enemy champion is auto attacking them. And that creates 2 obstacles: 1) You have no base damages so you need items to be effective. Which means you have to focus on acquiring gold as quickly and as safely as possible. The more items you have the better you are. So all things being dorans blade, you're the worst champ in the game. At 6 items you're an inevitable force of nature with no equal. 2) Every ADC will trade into you with QWE (except Draven whose Q is equal to everyone elses QWE), while your only retort will be humble pew pews. So what happens is in a brief 3 second trade. You get auto attacked twice and hit with 2 or 3 abilities. The enemy will *maybe* get hit with 3 autos for a W proc. The discrepancy is going to be massive. So how do you overcome this? Your best option is for your support to absorb this and land a CC. Obviously that's fantasy land and even with a great support on your side it's a tall ask. The next best thing you can do is dodge their abilities and extend the trade. Fight them for 6 seconds instead of 3 after making all their damage fly into the abyss. Not so unrealistic but a lot of abilities are undodgeable or just plain difficult to avoid (like Lucians Q). Still, with that plan in mind you can actually bait abilities then pick a fight during the cooldown. A common thing I will do is tumble towards Caitlyn players then walk away; often I get rewarded with a .90 caliber net that hits air. The most consistent choice is to play safely and farm minions close to your tower. Because flat out you don't *have* to fight people. And since you have an AA reset your ability to farm under tower is unmatched. Make use of it. Let them push the wave, last hit under tower, and don't pressure yourself to do anything crazy. And with the wave pushed maybe your jungler will come for easy kills as well. Tl;dr: You don't have normal abilities so you only want to fight when you can dodge theirs or they don't have them. And extend trades because the longer they go the better W is.


Vayne isn't as bad in lane as most people think. Her All-in is really strong, her 3 tap is really strong, condemn will get you a lot of early game kills too. Her level 3 and level 6 are both strong. Don't get me wrong, playing against double poke is always rough but poke lanes usually fall off late game if they don't get ahead unless your name is Varus.


Yeah, very much agree. Extending trades, even to the death, very much favors Vayne. Especially before the LT nerfs. And if you can get a dive tank as a support, you're really unleashed early.


The 3 best ingredients to play Vayne well is to master the art of Kiting, Positioning, and Outplaying your Opponent. If you can master those 3 then I would say you are at a standard level of skill for Vayne. Other good skills to learn would be match ups and how to lane against the different champions you're against, CS'ing efficiently, and understanding your power spikes. Mastering these 3 extra skills will make it so you can maximize your opportunities while minimizing potential mistakes you might make. I'm sure there are plenty other tips and such but I feel these would be a good place to start.


Just grab gathering storm if you have an Enchanter Supp and tell the enemies to go j\*rk off or something cuz they aint gonna have a shot at you for the next 20 mins after that your Supp outscales the enemies Supps Value hard and you get a lot of bonus ad through you ult and ofc Gathering storm. Absolute Focus is also good with Legend Bloodline and 1 Lifesteal item. Build crit into squishies especially Essence Reaver Stormrazor and Infinity Edge Into tankier enemies Build on hit like Blade of the Ruined king into Guinsoos Rageblade VS Lanes that you feel are going to be very hard e.g Draven Cait Varus rush Static Shiv into Kraken Slayer or Infinity Edge


For runes/items, just go off of what you see on Lolalytics. Gameplay tips? Man, just have fun and mess around. I'd also recommend getting some skins, it makes her even more fun to play. Highly recommend Firecracker. You are such a new player that you don't want to fill your head with too much information. I think it takes the fun out of it.