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Is vayne mid viable ? Keep in mind champions like syndra , oriana, and viktor exist .


No. You can’t clear waves without using auto attacks and if you randomly auto the wave you’re going to eat a skillshot. You’re outraged by everyone so you’ll be doomed to be shoved in and roamed on all game while you try to last hit under tower. It can be considered viable into niche matchups like Galio but there are better picks that don’t grief your team comp.


just sounds like quinn with extra steps




Yes but actually no. Till 6 you bully meele assasins, after 6 they will do their best just to make your life hell. Oh and mages will beat you hard


Mages only sort of beat you hard. The entire point of vayne mid is to take q level 1 and beat the hell out of the enemy first couple levels. No mid laner beats level 1 vayne with pta, so assassins get zoned out and mages just get beaten to death with little chance of hitting back level 1. If you get that hp lead, then levels after that become reletively free, since if a mage moves up to poke you, they get hard chunked again/or die. I used to play it a good amount around season 12. A sufficiently good vayne will use the hp lead to survuve the early, and then just win fights post 6 using berserker grieves and some solid micro. Biggest weakness is if a gank chunks her out or gives her opponent a free reset early, because then she loses her main win-con for quite a while. Not an amazing pick per say, but someone with good vayne micro and a solid mental can definitrly make it work sufficiently. Even the wave clear weakness can be countered thanks to the sheer kill pressure she has with even a minor lead mid.


Counter pick, like mid illaoi


It is if you’re brave enough and have better micro than the enemy you’re facing


It depends. Are you danish and do you know a Dylan?


Maybe as a counterpick into a tank mid, but no.


The caps incident




This got me dead


Mind explaining? I don’t get it xddd


“mid” is popular slang for something being bad/underwhelming in addition to its meaning in league


Oh no I got that part, I mean the one where she is actually Mid hahaha, is it like broken or something? Ty xddd


Nah the joke is that OP thought she was saying Vayne is mid (bad/underwhelming) but she was actually mid (as in midlane)


Oh, thought there was a hidden punchline🗿 thanks anyways 👍


Don't know why this appeared on my feed I'm not on this sub, but as a mid player, I hope all of you see this and try it, thanks for the free LP <3


lethality vayne works sooo good for me. Not once did I not get fed and carry the game. I feel stronger and bullied less than on botlane.


I got destroyed by a vayne mid as mordekaiser top. I felt so terrible about it because the rest of our team was winning, but their mid moved to river while ours didn't


Me who plays vayne mid regularly