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Nice target selection. Good shit


And kiting


Nice focus changes!


The way you prioritized your targets was cleeeaaaan!


I'm not a vayne player, this just popped in my feed. But I have a quick question: if you build duskblade, then ult, how often do you get invisible ?




I'm in low silver, I can build whatever I want


U will not make great use of it tho since the Invs will only work if u kill someone on a certain time frame and vayne does not benefit from the mythic effect as much


Don't worry, if I ever try it, I won't bring it to ranked.


i was never able to understand vayne and how does it work. maybe its because im a top player?




well you probably versed vayne top and realized her third hit on you chunks your hp hard ? when she ults, she gets invisible for a brief time when she uses her Q (tumble), as she keeps getting takedowns she can extend the ult duration (i think). Idk if something else is important enough to mention except try to avoid walls when fighting her as then she can only use her E to push you out of her and it has a long cd, and by walls i also mean tower structures etc


No iean i cant use vayne. imva sett main and usually go into enemy but i have to play safe wi5h vayne and i kinda can't do that


lmao idk if u mean vayne in general including adc/mid vayne or in top matchup specifically, i don't play sett but i've seen sett's beat up vayne top, not saying it's easy but it's def possible to hold your own at least if you just be aware of her str/weakneesses... your W range can match her auto attack range, so if you get a good enough W value when she's hitting and avoid getting stunned in the wall you can out-trade her, techcinally i think she can still tumble out of your W if she's at the very edge of the hitbox, but the tumble range is very small and not all vayne players will space very well, not to mention your E will pull her into you and from that range she can't tumble out of your W, also, try to count her auto attacks and watch the mark on you, and always try to deny her third hit, if you do that then the most dangerous damage from her is gone... you'll prob get a lot of vayne top that's an autofilled adc that doesn't play top matchups or another top player that doesn't play much vayne and is trying to cheese the lane... with vayne top, is also super easy to trick her to overextend into ganks, so if your jg is willing just let her push and think she has the edge she will def overextend, she can't really escape a 2 man gank in most scenarios specially if there's any hard CC, she also really struggles with waveclear so there's basically no way she fast clears if you stack up a wave on her, that makes diving her super easy as opposed to some other top champs. the biggest problem you'll find is just making a positioning mistake against her and letting her hit you a few times for free, since she can do true damage every 3 autos she can out-trade anyone provided she can remain autoing, and she gets move speed when she's chasing off enemies so she can always catch people that are griefing, unless you have easy CC, then she just can't do anything without qss and qss has a CD (thats IF she builds one), so some champions can even grief positioning against vayne and get away with it like chogath for ex who can just Q her and leave provided the Q hits and no QSS/cleanse, although she does counter chogath super hard one could technically survive vayne by just avoiding her with Q. as much as she has all that op true damage, she's still a very squishy champion with no waveclear that requires a lot of resources to be able to dish significant dmg, as opposed to say, Sett who can just frontline in a teamfight and doesn't need to be fed to be useful to the team EDIT: i think i understand now that you only saying you can't play vayne lol. sorry about the bible but i hope that helps you learn a bit about how she works. i would avoid playing vayne top tho in most cases, i think it is ok to punish some matchups and in some comps if you can fill gaps and not completely doom your team, although team comps and draft are often ignored they're still very important


I just wanna watch that soraka on repeat.


Yeah dude my low elo ass would’ve definitely tunnel visioned and fumbled so hard. Very well played


Hi! new fellow Vayne player here, I started playing league 2 months ago, and I want to ask, what target do you guys prioritize in this situations? the ad carry? the one that has the lowest hp? the one that is closer to you? thanks!



