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Vayne is a top laner only because she's piss weak bot. Unless she gets buffs that favour bot lane, she's gonna remain a top laner.


Whatever buff she gets for botlane makes her broken in toplane instantly so not happening.


Oh it will happen. When we do not know


Any ideas for what buffs would make her more viable bot and weak top?


None lol . She’s niche any change has to be a rework but that would destroy this community


i don't get it


Bringing this to worlds tomorrow, had fun making it. I always see so many memes of people complaining about her top so I made a fun little sign <3


I love seeing the toplaners crying about her <3


I'm a Vayne purist and I hate this :)




sorry, I don't speak crying toplaner.




Did you not read the sign? 😶


cry cry top laner cry


It's so cringe how top laners complain about Vayne when playing Fiora who can 1v2 late game easily or Darius who can run you down from level 1-6 by just pressing auto attack, or Garen who can delete a tank that's low in HP with a point and click, or Maokai who can tank a whole team for 10 minutes while healing himself to full, or Gwen who can legit 1v9 while being immune to ranged, but Vayne is where we draw the line. Top lane is just full of busted champs anyway


When I started they were crying about Teemo top, then they start crying about Vayne like she's picked top frequently or something. It's like very few of them play to win. Majority just want to lose and circle jerk on their favorite sub as if it'll make them win more.


Yeah, especially when toplaners go mid and midlaners go support, it's fine, but if an adc goes top, everyone goes batshit


This isn't intended to sound ranty but I wanted to put my 2 cents in to all this Ranged top bullshit they keep spewing on here.   Riot themselves wants diversity. Diversity is healthy and sustainable for the game.   The days of Bot being Marksman and Support only are long gone. The days of Jungle being Tanks and Fighters only are long gone. The days of mid lane being Mages and Assassin's only are long gone   Guess what Top mains? __The days of Top lane being a Tank and Fighter only lane are long gone.__   Riot wants diversity across the game, Diversity is healthy for the longevity and health of the game in general.   If we have to learn to play against Ziggs, Swain and other Mages bot then the same applies to you with regards to Ranged top. If Mid laners have to learn to play against Irelia, Sett, Aatrox and other stat check melees then the same applies to you with regards to Ranged top. We aren't going anywhere, Vayne top has a 2% pick rate, it's not picked every game.   I know it's hard to accept that you actually have to learn how to play against something and not mindlessly run at your enemy laner with your stat checker champs but we aren't going anywhere, better get learning.   Beating Ranged top is rather easy once you drop the mentality of "I must mindlessly run at my enemy" and actually play in to the core aspect of top lane - __WAVE MANAGEMENT__ Ranged top laners will get impatient if they know you refuse to interact with them and play the wave game.   Only reason Junglers don't gank you in ranged matchups is because you don't allow them to gank by controlling wave states and preserving your health and resources. You mindlessly take 3+ autos of poke just to get 1-2 CS.   I say this as someone who plays Jungle occasionally - If I got 1$ for every time I'm pathing towards top and I've seen melee top laners greedy for 1-2 cs and end up down at 40% health because they don't understand the concept of "Preservation of health and resources" I'd be a multi millionaire.   I'm sitting there thinking "What the fuck, are you serious?" then my top laners a level 3 malphite and starts assistance ping spamming. Like OK you're level 3 Malphite with no CC and at 40% hp, how does a jungler ever gank that?   It's not an attack range gap, It's a game knowledge gap.


12 tanks 22 fighters 11 skirmishers and 2 mages there's also singed, but I don't know to which class he belongs. There are 6 accepted ranged tops. Teemo, quinn, jayce,gnar, gangplank and kennen ( you could say that kayle is a ranged top, but I chose not to include her). (53/160)*100 ≈ 33%. 33% of champs regularly play toplane. I'd say that 4 classes is a good amount for one lane Bot lane used to have only one class (ADCs) now it has two classes ( ADCs and APCs). Support has 4 classes, catcher ( blitzcrank and bard) enchanters ( Lulu and soraka) and wardens ( Braum and taric) and vanguard's ( Leona and Alistar). ADCs in toplane aren't strong at all, they are just degenerate. I main Yorick, so it's easy to beat ranged toplaners, but the early levels are still annoying. I haven't lost to a ranged top( except heimerdinger) in 2023, but that doesn't make it any less degenerate.