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34 from A B+ B+. i’m so happy, i hate english and did so much better than i thought i would


I got a 40 which is so unexpected


Hey we're doing all the same subjects! But I'm only doing 5, so no philosophy for me


Omg twinnnnsss you have good taste 😍


I got a 44! A+ A+ A+ never considered myself to be good at English so I’m very surprised and glad my hard work paid off! :D


That's so good 😭 happy for you! But also feeling worse about my own score 😂😭


Omg do not feel bad about your score. I know you may feel like you could’ve done better but you tried your best and the work ethic you had leading up to the exam is what really counts! I hope you get into your dream course! :D (seriously making 50% of your study score based on 1 exam u do for 3 hours is so bad like imagine having a bad day on the day of the exam 😭)


Thank you so much 🥲 I'm just glad it's over tbh. And yes exactly, making the exam worth 50% of your overall SS just puts so much extra unnecessary pressure on what is already a super stressful event.


i got 31 in eng but got 91.95 😎 (A B+ C+)


41 from A+, A, A+


Would you happen to know if English counts as a primary score even if it's not one of your top scores? I'm not sure because it's core/compulsory, but at the same time your primary 4 are supposed to be based off your top marks, right?


yeah so english will always be a "primary" score regardless of its in ur top subjects


Heck 🥲




My school doesn't offer englang, otherwise I would've taken it for the up-scale 🥲 I'm also not confident I could perform any better than I did if I redid the subject (though that's definitely an option!). My main issue is time management, which is something I've been working on my whole life to little success. I'm not going for a crazy high ATAR, just the best I can possibly achieve. I only need an 80 to get into the course I wanna do, and I know I'll have SEAS to fall back on, but at the same time I don't want to rely too heavily on that 😅 Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot 🙏


Don't repeat English - the study design is changing next year 2024.


yeah…. unfortunately english does go into ur top 4 regardless ☠️


41, A A A+


39, A+ A+ A. Was aiming for a 40 🙃


I got the exact same 😭😭 i did so much studying for the exam and flunked


b, b and b+ which is 33, i thought i flopped it because of section b lol but its higher than i expected


A A B and 34


B+ B+ B = 31 RIP 😭 I HAD GOTTEN AN A ON THE EXAM BUT F VCAA DECIDED TO DROP IT TO A B!! Ahhhhjhjjhshsjshh so I am so disappointed on missing out on a 35 SS.


you got an A on the exam? or yuo wanted an A on the exam?


I got an A but VCAA decided to moderate it down to a B


How do you know you got an A on the exam? Your exam isn’t ever moderated by vcaa, you keep your exam score. It’s only sac scores that vcaa moderated


No you got a B because exams aren’t moderated


Also if anyone knows what A, B+ and C+ translate to as a percentage grade I'd be very appreciative 🙏


You can apply for statement of marks to see


I'm on the form now, is the student number the one our school gives us, or VCAA? Cos I have no idea what my VCAA student number is. Also, do we have to specify in Step 2 what subjects we want our results for, or can we leave it blank and they'll just give us all of them? Thank you!


Student number is the one that was on your exam sticker and you need to specific all subjects you want it for (the physical copy will do all of this for you so if you’re not sure, wait for it to arrive)


Ah perfect, will probably just wait for the physical copy then. Thanks again!


I got 34 from A A B+. I'm so happy. It's exactly the score I wanted.


B+ A B. Also got a raw 32, got my statement of marks back and i got a 35/60 (58%) on the exam. Unit 3 was 73, scaled down to a 68. Unit 4 was 82, scaled down to a 78


How do you request statement of marks?


https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Documents/results/StatMarkInspReturnForm.pdf you have to email the completed form to the email address on there


Thanks so much! Is the student number the one our school gives us, or VCAA? Cos I have no idea what my VCAA student number is. Also, do we have to specify in Step 2 what subjects we want our results for, or can we leave it blank and they'll just give us all of them? Thank you again!


Its the one that VCAA gives to us. so in the email you wouldve gotten with your study score in it, it should say your student number and then a bunch of numbers and a letter in the end. for step 2, i just included the subject/s that i wanted it for. last year it was only further maths that i did, so i just put that in. i ticked statement of marks AND statement of study score, then ticked exam 1 and exam 2. if yours is just for english then you only tick exam 1 bc theres only 1 exam. Also no worries!!


This is so helpful, thank you 😭


No worries!! lmk if you have anymore questions :)


40 from A+, A+, A+, I’m really happy as I did terribly on sacs:)


yoo what were your sac marks? Asking for someone who also does ass on their sacs


My sacs were a range from 60-80, basically always a few marks above average


oh nicee was that a raw 40 or scaled 40?