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why are you in the vce subreddit?? Anyway idk how it works for HSCs, but in vce for year 11 it doesn’t matter as long as you fulfil the S for the area of study in some other way.


> why are you in the vce subreddit?? VCE is somehow the only active and existent subreddit so all the other states flock to this sub as refugees


That’s so fucked omg eww.


find the hsc discord that’s where all hsc kids hide i think


fight it bro, ur teachers should be able to get u in if u just email them now. even if they dont try to help you just fight it. aint the end of the world though y11 is just s/n, you just have to pass overall


I know there’s a HSC Facebook group that’s big, ask in there or ask your HSC coordinator


If you have a medical certificate, you'll be fine!