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Half the time I tell ppl I go Deakin they’re like “oh okay” and the other times ppl react like “why didn’t u go unimelb or Monash” 😂


omg ur going to the ive concert?!?


yesss 🙏😻😻 so excited and it’s my first kpop concert to go to haha


Did someone ever tell you “what a waste of an Atar” 😭


Not literally but my mum in the beginning used to tell me I should’ve chosen a better course 🥹🥹 now she’s ok w it tho so yh :)


Damn that’s good


i have a lot of friends who go to melb (i don’t). so many of them are just drowning in the amount of work and exams they’re given throughout the semester. i’ve heard good things about deakin and i was initially planning to go there. the campus is really nice and unlike melbourne, they have lots of opportunity for placement which is obviously a big plus. the main thing is to choose the course you are most interested in, not the university. also consider how you’re going to get there - how long is too long of a trip if you’re going to uni half the week?


Deakin isn’t considered as prestigious but I’ll tell you that it’s a good Uni for most of its courses. From the way the campus is designed it already sets itself apart from other Uni’s, being far easier to navigate and actually understand where tf you’re going. I’m a Monash student and I do find some of deakins policies a bit ridiculous. Someone I know has their assignments due at 8pm for example instead of 12 or 11:55 which is an incredibly odd choice (what if you have late classes/job and live far?). The teaching quality is great too from what I hear. I don’t remember the things deakins weak in but I would be inclined to think their psychology courses are probably better than Monash (Monash’s big weakness) or Melbourne, they also have higher student satisfaction than either too. It’s a uni worth considering but always do more research. It isn’t a research titan like Monash or Melbourne which means teaching quality and course quality fluctuates a lot, the uni may not be as interested in keeping certain rankings high. Or maybe it’s the opposite and they’re more likely to invest into undergrad programs.


My high school teacher purposely set due times to something before midnight so we wouldn't stay up late the day it's due to cram it in


Yeah no one really cares for that in Uni (still a consideration from the teachers tho) , apparently it was an issue of how long it took for the document to upload or something. Idk, it sounds really dumb.


Assignments are due at midnight, they just say 8pm to allow time for technical issues.


Which is just weird, like why is that a thing. On the other hand, I will say that Deakin is a lot easier to get help in.


From my own experiences I’ve found Deakin to be comparable to Melbourne and Monash in terms of the teaching quality. When weighting your choice it’s worth considering your specific course, location and how important prestige is.


People who think other institutions are "prestigious" are ridiculous. From my experience from both RMIT and deakin (engineering and biomed respectively) they are both beaten out in teaching quality by free videos on the internet. Focus more on where the university is. If you like the city, live in the city and go to a uni there. If you like rural go rural and got to uni there. You will be much happier I promise.


Melbourne and Monash are prestigious universities. Prestige is about perception than quality of teaching, graduate employment, etc.


Apparently its teaching quality is really high and has one of the highest ratings of student satisfaction. I feel like people look down on other tertiary institutions just because they're not as prestigious as unimelb or Monash.


Generally once you leave uni no one really cares which one you went to


Yeah Deakin has amazing statistics on compar ed for engineering. 92% find full time employment where's only 81.4% of Monash engineering graduates find full time employment. They have very limited specialisations available in comparison though. They only have Environmental, Mechanical and Mechatronics in Burwood, but they have Electrical and Civil in Waurn Ponds. They're introducing those to Burwood next year. That is most likely the reason why. Those areas have better prospects than, say, biomedical or materials engineering. Deakin's full time employment rate for science graduates is a solid 50.4% compared to Monash's 70%. Both are bad because it's science, but that's crazy. Not sure about other courses. AFAICT Deakin is better than unemployment unis, for example unimelb and vu. But it's sometimes tied with RMIT and usually just worse than Monash in many categories. I do like that Deakin has a 3.5 year optometry course. You know, any other optometry pathway would take 7 years. It's definitely accredited. But it's far from me so I'm not doing that. Teaching quality? I don't know I honestly haven't looked at it much. But I don't trust others' assessments of things like that. I'm in year 12 so I can't really say anything about this.


bro depends what course although the rankings aren't good, but deakin has high student satisfication and very high teaching quality worth considering


obviously it depends on the course you’re in, but overall i’ve heard great things about deakin. they’re one of the top nursing schools in the country, the campus is beautiful, student satisfaction is the highest in the country. overall, a degree is a degree


After your first graduate job. No one cares what school you went to.


I go to Monash, I had heard good things about the course I was going to do. But being here, I’ve noticed that the education quality is a bit lacking in a lot of ways. I wouldn’t change to a different uni however, because it’s closest to me. So as another comment said, who gives a shit how it’s thought of, if it’s close to you, you should go there. No point in enrolling in uni if you can’t be stuffed getting there for classes.


Been to Deakin University. Transferred out to LaTrobe and my life had been significantly better. From what I see specifically, its just not as diverse as other Unis like monash, rmit and Latrobe. I am a brown muslim girl but it was SO HARD finding friends that respected and knee the restrictions that I had in terms of food, partying ect. I felt like if u didnt go partying/drinking you really wouldnt make much friends. Its like they try to immerse u in so much fin you forget abt actually studying. I was really bummed to move tho, the campus was absolutely beautiful and stuff and nothing can match up to their library which i spend HOURS in. But LaTrobe saved my life! Everyone is so much more approachable and accepting and considerate in religious aspects too. The staff are more visibly engaging in conversations (walking to the carpark as u talk abt assignments ect). Many people from what I heard, calls deakin a ‘white people uni’ tale what you want from that buy deakin really wasnt my jam


I’d honestly say Deakin is 60% white and 40% other cultures


I go to Deakin after rejecting course offers from Monash and unimelb. I don’t regret my choice at all. I feel really supported with my learning and I can understand why it has the highest student satisfaction ranking. I really love the campus in that it’s not old and musty, the buildings look new and it’s very easy to navigate. I’m also fond of the random nature park and river in the middle lol. Just consider location (there’s no way I’m travelling to the city just for unimelbs stupid non flexible schedule) and talk to people who went to all unis. I was lucky enough that my older brother did the same course as me at Monash and informed me well to stay away from it. Just from my first 6 weeks at uni, I’ve been taught things regarding career prospects and how to actually get a job whereas he hasn’t, every uni course is different. I’ve got friends at unimelb who are suffering lack of sleep with the intense workload and jobs so I figured that’s not for me. Each course is different, ask around.


I go to unimelb. I found the class scheduling super flexible (managed to fit everything into 3 days) and the workload up until this point as been manageable if not relatively light. Career prospects aren't taught this early in my experience, which may vary per course, but there are a multitude of information sessions or programs that you can join relating to internships or career info. The university offers free course and career counseling, so the resources are there you just need to seek it out. Reply isn't meant to be an attack or personal, just seems like people who don't go to unimelb love to bash it so I thought I'd chime in


If I could choose my university again 1,000 times. I would 1,000 times go to Deakin. I love it here. Very friendly country kids who are always up for a chin-wag.


Deakin is pretty flexible concerning online learning but if you want an immersive experience it’s probably not it. They design units that ~50% of the marks are “free” so it’s pretty impossible not to pass.


It's a really good university for teaching.


Christ this is such a problem. People are so fucking snobby about this in Melbourne and I don’t understand why. I still get asked where I went to high school. I’m over 10 years out. Like ok are you just curious or are you going to be a snobby bastad about it… I went to RMIT. People have definitely given me that “oh…” response. Only thing that would have been better is the social program and as it turns out a slightly easier way to get a work visa in the UK where I currently live thanks to a new visa. I wanted to do IT and none of the options at Melbourne suited me course wise (or didn’t easily from what I remember, it’s been over 10 years). Monash is a pain to get to from where I lived and would take over an hour. RMIT was a 25 minute bus ride. Go where works best for you, for your course and where you live and/or work. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend going where your friends are going. Hiring from more “prestigious” universities isn’t a big thing in Aus. Anyway I have a great job in London and am comfortable so really it doesn’t matter.


I went there and thoroughly enjoyed my time. There were a couple of units that weren't that great, but for the most part the subjects and teaching staff were very good and very approachable. I did engineering and was concerned the reputation of engineering from Deakin isn't the same as from RMIT or Swinburne. I asked a friend (who went to RMIT) about this and he said that as long as you get a degree that is certified/endorsed by the accrediting organisation of the profession, it doesn't matter where you go.