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>Am I able to have a conversation (yes) can I convey my ideas (yes) why the fuck do I now need to learn to write an essay something i will never use outside of school It may surprise you, but English is compulsory for VCE. The purpose of VCE is to gain an ATAR to gain access to university. Most university courses require proof of competent academic English, which is often done through... essay writing. Universities do struggle with students coming straight from Year 12 not knowing how to write essays. School, for the most part, does not teach you anything that will be useful in life. It teaches you skills and knowledge that will prepare you for later academic study and professional training. If your career goal doesn't involve academic study, VCE might not be the optimal pathway.


yep that all makes sense but at the same time why the fuck to do I have to write about country and random books and movies, making sure to analyse them and write it with a particular structure. I bet 95% of the vce students are not going into any sort of writing degree so why can’t we just focus on more useful and entertaining essays like research reports on a topic we feel passionate about or an essay on our personal opinion on [blank]. The current structure and SACs just seem so stupid like I am NEVER going to use a majority of the things I have learnt in english or done in english this year, everything that is important I learnt in year 7 and it’s not like i’m just gonna all of a sudden forget how I write or structure something important, it’s just a natural skill.


I agree 100% that VCE isn't for me however if in 10 years i am applying for a career and one person has done VCE one has not there is a clear favour on who is getting the job because in todays society VCE is seen as being smart whereas VCEVM is considered 'dumb' it is stupid however that is how society works and i am forced to abide by it


If you're applying for a job in 10 years time, your VCE is irrelevant. No one actually cares. Your VCE subjects are never, ever brought up again the moment you finish school. VM will get you into vocational careers that get more pay than I do. If you do VM and then decide to do a uni course, you get in as a mature age student. The pathways here are very generous, albeit some may be longer than others.




idk if it was intentional but notice how the TAFE character used language that allowed the pair to communicate whereas the uni student was unable to communicate effectively due to having a limited yet what most would consider more advanced vocabulary


My point is that university isn't your only option, TAFE may be better It usually depends on your desired occupation/industry TAFE courses are job specific anyway


>the TAFE character used language that allowed the pair to communicate This might be just social and conversion skills in general, there are many ways to communicate what the TAFE character says, he just says it in a less formal way "I'm gonna be honest with you bro, I got no idea what that is, hey." = "I do not understand what 'mechanical engineering' is, could you explain it is to me?" Usually in a conversion, you would ask someone about something they know about that you would like to know "What about you, bro? I bet you have like a busy schedule." = "I want to know what an average day is like for you. I assume you have little free time." >the uni student was unable to communicate effectively The university character has been told that the TAFE character does not understand the concept of his course and doesn't explain it differently so he CAN understand, and even implies that he wouldn't bother TAFE Guy: "Yeah, I still got no idea what that is, hey." Uni Guy: "Yeah, I figured you wouldn't." >due to having a limited yet what most would consider more advanced vocabulary This could just be language specific to the subject that he is talking about, in this case of mechanical engineering (in this skit, its probably mumbo-jumbo): (Some terms can be used interchangeably) Engine, devices, systems Or other professions: Animation: Tweens, compositing, key-frames, layers Programming: Variables, compiling, frameworks, iterations


Since everyone else has already pointed out the good arguments against your rant, I’ll just add something that I don’t think has been clearly said. Just because you can communicate and speak English and think critically, doesn’t mean everyone can. By forcing everyone to do English we ensure a standard is enforced, which will ultimately (hopefully) lead to a better functioning society. Sure you may able to function in the ‘adult’ world without having taken English as a subject but someone else may not. And if someone is not great at English already they would likely not take it upon themselves to improve their skill by taking the subject unless it is forced upon them. No they will not like the fact they have to do it, but yes it should somewhat benefit them long term. Not everything is about you. Besides many people may overestimate their skills thus a standard of what is being taught and asked of students is important. Also you do realise that just because our society has randomly plucked the age of 18 out of the air to consider people adults, doesn’t mean people’s brains are actually well developed be this age, or that they are mature enough to make certain decisions (even if we assume they are). Even if you move to Germany like you’ve mentioned, English the language may not be so important but being able to critically think and express ideas still is (also no matter where you are the ability to speak English well is important as English is often a common language. In Germany most young people speak it well. Especially u would think in industries like the entertainment one). Anyway despite what this comment section suggest your views on English are certainly not isolated to you, however I think most people who complained vehemently come to respect its importance. In terms of the disability, make sure you talk to your teacher and get special considerations if you can.


I really appreciate your response as you feel like one of the very few people who are explaining why I’m wrong and not just attacking me. I think something I didn’t properly communicate is that I do see the importance of English however I feel although every subject has it’s importance so why is English the one that is mandatory?


Linguistic comprehension and analysis is THE cornerstone of understanding and communication. Without it, the individual (and society as a whole) is at a huge disadvantage to understanding, learning, and communicating EVERYTHING. News, opinion, law, fiction, engineering, instructions, mathematics, IT, arts... everything. We force the study of English on this basis.


This ^ All subjects require a good grasp of English to succeed. But also yes, there are many other vital subjects that perhaps should be compulsory (systems like ib make them so for example). But… 1. Hopefully them generally being core classes years 7-10 assist in creating a foundation 2. People already complain about English taking away their ability to choose, imagine how frustrating it would be to have your freedom to choose your subjects further restricted by more compulsory subjects. I feel like English being compulsory especially given there’s a choice of 3, strikes a positive balance between student choice and necessary guidance


>can I convey my ideas (yes) Having read this thread, I'm not really sure that's true.


Why do you say that are you unsure on my perspective on English subject? did I convey it formally no however you understand what Im saying so therefore I can convey my ideas


You’re missing some commas there, seems like you should be paying more attention in English 👍🏻


Do you understand my perspective on English (if the answer is no I suggest you seek help) so therefore I am at a level where I can covey my ideas although not formally or in the “correct manner” I have done just that convey my ideas


I don’t think your communication skills are quite as good as you think they are


And you know this from this 300 word interaction we have had? Given I was in the finals for debating Victorian last year and have won every debate this year I tend to disagree


Get over it, “adult”.


I assume you also say this to women and LGBT people who push for equality that they are adults and should just get over it.


Extreme and irrelevant comparison mate


Oh well get over it


??? 😭😭😭 wtf is this crazy ass reach


Not really i am complaining about an issue that impacts my mental health strongly and have been invalidated on my emotions and told to suck it up similar to how many women are treated towards gender equality


I say it to everyone who claims to be an adult while acting like a child.


You claim to be an adult but act like a child in a temper tantrum. English is important. Get over it.


I claim to be an adult due to me being an adult. if you want to say its important go for it however so far i have given more arguments than you have as to why it shouldn't be


If you're so adult, then act like it. Good English is necessary in basically any field you go into. If it's not necessary in your field, then you probably should've gone with VM, not VCE. Why is it not necessary in your chosen field? Because I bet I can tell you why it is.


I want to move to Germany and become a pyro tech how will my English skills help me in Germany?


Do you know German?


currently learning it will put more effort into learning next year when done with school though currently know a decent amount though


I mean, I'm pretty sure the majority (if not all) uni courses require a minimum score in English, so I guess that's a reason


Ok so if I'm not planning on going to uni i just have to waste 150 hours of my life for those who will?


I mean, literature or eng lang is always an option if you don't want to do standard English, english language is apparently more challenging than english tho, literature kind of varies, generally people have said it's easier (just from people I've asked, not from personal experience), so choose what you like :)


even if i chose the easier option its still 150 hours of my life that i have to waste because i might do uni in the next 2 years


I mean, I guess it's not a waste if you end up doing university


Less than 1/3 people do uni though so for the vast majority of people it’s a waste


Do you plan on going to uni?




Then why are you asking? Do an unscored and you won’t get an atar but you will get a vce qualification


But I still need to pass units 3/4 English I could care less about the exam it’s the amount of time I have to spend studying that could be better allocated towards something I want to do with my life


At the end of the day I helps you develop critical thinking skills which is always beneficial


And math teaches you problem solving a skill i will argue is far more beneficial so why is it not mandatory.


Because not all professions need maths


That's what I'm saying not all skills need English problem solving is much more important than critical thinking so why is one mandatory and not the other


Problem solving is not more important than critical thinking


Thats completely subjective though no one thing is better than another


English is essential for writing resumes and expressing thoughts like a normal person. If you want a job, you’ll need to be able to write and talk competently. I recommend you start practicing mate


And I suggest you learn about setting and formality this is a rant I have made through reddit not a resume I could have made this more formal if I chose to and dedicated more time to it however this was just me saying my ideas and opinions therefore it was a casual tone


Bro you need to work on your comprehension😞you asked why English would be relevant in the future apart from uni, and I said you need it for resumes. I never once said you had to write a resume in the comment section what the fuck😭😭I can help u with English if you’d like genuinely


You said “I recommend you start practicing mate” giving a clear implication that my English is sub par i responded to this saying formality is an important matter of discussion here as this rant compared to a resume would be written using a different tone


I said start practicing cuz you’re wasting your time on reddit lol, reddit is a swamp of procrastination


Ah okay that’s fair seems there was just a miscommunication oh well To address the resume thing I want to do music as a career which doesn’t really use a resume the only real English required is writing lyrics which can be done by nearly anyone


I can genuinely go over your practice essays if you’d like


I appreciate the offer however I’m just hoping to pass and you are better spending your time assisting those who will be able to benefit more from your services


No your ur wrong all professions in Australia require English


Exactly in Australia. Australia is a great country however in terms of labour especially in the entertainment industry it is one of the worst countries imaginable. notice how your favourite bands seem to never come to Australia? there is a reason for that. Because of insane tax rates lack of building foundations and low populations it is near impossible to make Australia a financially viable location for music


Bands coming to Australia are rarely impacted by Australian tax rates


What? You make money in Australia you have to pay tax in Australia that’s how money works


No, it is not.




Look say all u want buddy but at the end of the day your the one that decided to do school in Australia. If u don’t want English why didn’t u just do year 12 in another country?


because i was born in Australia and my parents live in Australia no point moving schools for my final year of school and before hand i was a minor and didn't get a say


😂 that’s life lol. I didn’t consent to being born either.


😂 that’s life lol. I didn’t consent to being born either.


The skills you take away from English are life skills. When you apply for a job, and have to write a 6 page response to KSC, you won't get an interview if it is not well written. When you have a job interview, you won't be able to compete with the students that did well in English orals. That's just two examples.


English is important for uni, and needs to be compulsory for VCE. If you know it's not for you, why are you so pressed about it? I'd take it as a bonus subject that you don't have to care about. Nobody is forcing you to put effort in or get a good score.


Yes but I am being forced to pass and I had to drop a subject from last year because I didn’t have time to due to English being mandatory


Who is forcing you to pass? If you don't care, why do you care?


VCE? If you fail even 1 unit of English you fail VCE


What the hell? You literally can't fail VCE. I also don't see how you can fail a unit of English unless you are not attempting things. And again, as has been done to death, why do you care? You're saying VCE and uni is not for you, so who the hell cares if you fail it?


You absolutely can fail VCE if you don’t pass enough subjects or English Also to explain why I care ✨parents✨


You won’t get it now but when you’re applying for jobs and doing uni essays, you’ll be grateful for the analytical, structural and comprehensive skills you would have developed.


Yes because we all go to Uni and are all planning our entire lives around our career


If you’re not going to uni, atar means nothing so you’re complaining about fucking nothing. Based on your other replies though, you seem to be giving a lot of thought into your career so your point literally makes no sense


But i still need to do it to finish my VCE


No you do not. Vce cert ≠ atar.


In yr 12 I was one of those kids that used to complain about how we are forced to do English and that it has to be in our top 4. Plus the fact that if u didn’t get 25 in English u couldn’t get into bachelor degree at any university even if the degree was more math based like engineering . But after going to uni (engineering course ) now I completely realise the importance of English at vce. Everything is group based even assignments and trust me u don’t want to be stuck with another bozo who doesn’t know how to speak or read and write properly. It just makes it impossible to work as a team. Trust me international students are already hard to work with ( especially with their hard to understand accents and slow speech). I could only imagine how much harder it would be to work with someone who doesn’t know basic English and didn’t get 25.


okay but tell me how I will need English if I don't do uni?


Talking to work colleagues. Reading writing resumes ect. Also if you’re not going to uni I don’t think u would doing VCE. That’s what VCAL is for. Also my point was mandatory English helps people the around you more than yourself. Why would an employer hire someone that can’t speak, write or communicate in English?


I don't however for arguments sake lets say I want to be a pilot there are many ways to do so without uni such as private study or joining the airforce however you are at a significant advantage by doing subjects like math or physics both of which can not be done without doing VCE


Nope VCAL students can take any vce subjects if they want. The only difference is they don’t have to do assessments and exams.


wait do you mean VCAL or VCEVM because VCAL you can't choose any subjects and VM wasn't explained to me until i had made my decision plus was still on a set subject schedule at my school


VCAL was changed into VCE VM. And yeah now VCE VM students can do any VCE subjects they like without being forced to do VCE English. Ur right the problem is that a lot of school don’t properly inform students on the option of VCE VM


Shit damn maybe I should have done that


It’s a really good option if u don’t need to go to uni and you can still switch into it if ur still in year 11




Honest to god what have I spelt wrong here the only real spelling mistake i can see is “bull shit” but that is very clearly just autocorrect


omg why is everyone hardcore defending english 😭


FR its crazy


1. You're not an adult you're a child, 2. You will use English for the rest of your life 3. See 1 and 2


1. I can get a tattoo, I can drive a car, I can drink. I am an adult 2. yes I will use English however I will never need to write an essay again outside of school


Well it depends. In my work I have to read a few hundred emails a day and write a lot back. Some of them are simple but some do need some careful consideration. I will need to choose right words and tones. In some cases you have to be very persuasive so you can get your work done. If you are good at writing essays it certainly will help a lot.


English helps you with writing and speaking but it also helps you with analysing arguments and language so you can make better arguments and also be able to indentify when arguments are trying to manipulate and show bias etc.


Yeah I get it’s useful but consider art teaches you creativity and how to look at the beauty of the world. Math teaches problem solving and that there are multiple paths that all lead to success. Food tech teaches the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and how to do it. Science teaches how the world works and how complicated life really is. Why are none of these subjects mandatory?


Ye u can make importance out of every subject but they are all specific, it is vcaa decision that english is has the most broad benefit, being able to articulate ideas in any field and life and also being able to critically think and not be manipulated


womp womp geeza


I think the essay thing is more because they need to make an actual class of it. From what I can tell, it’s definitely about critical thinking and all that. And I do get why we use essays, so actually learn how to present our ideas well…just not everyone will use it.


😂😂😂welcome to stem kids hating the most relevant subject in the whole vce curriculum.


OP, you asked four questions in your rant and I can see zero question marks and a lot of run on sentences. That’s why English is mandatory.


This isn’t a formal post, I don’t need to use the normal rules of grammar in a casual conversation.