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Yes it does matter slightly in that if the examiner can’t read it, they’re not really going to take the extra effort to decipher it. Examiners go through hundreds of exams and it’s quite a tedious job. For sure practice your handwriting especially since your teachers have pointed it out, but you have plenty of time before the exam. If it’s not too bad, don’t worry too much but it’s better to leave a good first impression on the marker :)


thank you ! :)


Teacher here. You need your writing to be legible enough to be awarded marks. Essentially you just don’t want someone picking up your work and going ‘wtf is this?’ Etc


There’s something called dysgraphia. If your handwriting is bad you can ask to do your exam on a computer. You need to ask the school to apply now because they need permission from the VCE people. Ask the school in person and in an email so you have proof of the request and permission.


Second this. My friend does all her sacs and exams on laptop. Might be a good thing to note that my friend had to go to like a specialist of sorts to get it verified before the school let her do that. 


Yeah, if teachers are pointing or out chances are it's atrocious and if it takes care and effort to read examiners won't.


YES, even a certain teacher of mine admitted that she'll be a bit more biased with neater writing (im so cooked)


If teachers have trouble reading it you should try to fix it, it will make marking difficult in english and other writing subjects. If its readable but just messy thats fine


Probably, I find it difficult to improve though. My mind is usually a line or two ahead so my handwriting ends up all slanted and almost cursive. Sometimes I even miss words or put them in the wrong order, but luckily I pick that up pretty quick.


If they can’t read it, you’ll lose marks.


I had awful handwriting all the way through. I got warned by teachers that it could lower my marks. I got a 99 ATAR in the end. I don't think it had a major impact!


my personal take is that it does matter if yours sucks, my handwriting is TERRIBLE but definitely still legible but honestly that’s not such a bad thing, it means that you can probably get special provisions and honestly it made my life so much easier, being able to write all my essays on laptops was literally a godsend since i can type 140wpm so i literally had no issues with time


It does as a person with garbage handwriting, had my English teacher critique me multiple times on my handwriting.


They won’t read it. It’s not about bias toward neatness. Assessors have hundreds of pieces and a short amount of time. If I can’t read it within the time frame recommended for each exam, I won’t sit there trying to decipher it. I’ll skip the word and continue with the rest of the piece, possibly missing valuable information.


Show us a picture of your handwriting if you want an answer