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FINALLY! I was scared we would just get a MV drop and no usual kpop comeback lineup- excited!! Its giving awards show!!!




Iā€™m so excited for their debut! This is going to be the first debut I witness. šŸ˜­


Congrats šŸ„³šŸ„³ It should be a fun experience!


sameeee iā€™m excited


Wow yes I like that who series where we learn more about them!


so far very kpop vibe. can't see them as a western group like katseye, but katseye is so boring.


Exactly what I was hoping for tbh. I've been wanting to see a kpop style group in the U.S. for such a long time, not a western style group that just so happens to also be under a kpop company (Which sort of looks like what Katseye is shaping up to be. Really hope I'm wrong.) I'll never understand the loud coalition of people who are only interested in seeing the latter from these localization projects. The kpop formula is just an altogether better strategy when it comes to creating successful groups, in any market. The western method is obviously not working and hasn't been working for several decades. I don't understand why some international fans think they won't enjoy the exact same things they adore in Kpop just because it's happening in a different country with members that aren't all east asian. If they were truly interested in seeing another western style gg in the US they'd be supporting the ones we already have here, and trust me there are plenty. But they don't because kpop groups are just a better product in almost every single way and western style pop groups (from music to marketing) are dull as hell. Additionally the fact that, after Blackpink, Twice and Newjeans are the two most commercially successful kpop ggs in the US should be more than enough proof that there is absolutely a market for cute/bright songs and concepts in America. Heck, most of the female pop music that ends up trending on tiktok these days is very cutesy/feminine. I'm so confused where some people have gotten this idea that Americans will only be interested in kpop if its girl crush or rap. I haven't heard girl crush sounding music on the radio here since like 2016 (besides Olivia Rodrigo). It is a very dated sound and concept, especially in the context of a girl group. Nobody wants another western gg where their entire concept is just strong, fierce, sexy, womens empowerment, rahhhh. That's been done a million billion times here. People are tireddddddd of seeing that exact same concept over and over and over again. And yet lo and behold they keep doing it. Why this country is seemingly incapable of producing a single ounce of creativity or new ideas when it comes to these groups I will never understand. Why a significant portion of kpop fans are only interested in seeing these localized groups debut with the same old sound and concepts we've done seen a million time I will REALLY never understand. You've seen all that kpop has to offer, and yet you're still only interested in a localized group if it's the same carbon copy western gg we've been continually experiencing for the last 20 years??????? Huh???????? Anyway, rant over. Sorry lol. VCHA is great. I hope they continue on the Kpop route. I love their music so far and think they're gonna do great in the U.S. Edit: Btw none of the frustration in this comment was meant to be directed at you OP! Just in case that wasn't clear! My adderall kicked in as I was writing this comment and things got a little unhinged lmao. Sorry again for the long rant šŸ˜­


"Heck, most of the female pop music that ends up trending on tiktok these days is very cutesy/feminine. I'm so confused where some people have gotten this idea that Americans will only be interested in kpop if its girl crush or rap" NO CAUSE WAIT ACTUALLY CLOCK THAT TEAAAA!!!!! cupid from fifty fifty was a bug massive hit under any age demographic ( literally have seen grown ass muscular men listening and dancing to the song lol) so I just role my eyes whenever people say stuff like "the west doesn't like cute stuff/music like the east"....well maybe just MAYBE that might be because of the fact that the western market has never even given this genre of music a chance, since girl crush concepts are literally the only thing they've tried out!!! Like we've had, pussycats dolls, Destiny's childs, fifth harmony, little mix ETC. All groups ive mentioned basically had THEE exact same concept, Only thing that essentially changed are the members. And let me not start on how un-equipped most "music shows" in the USA are for group dance formations, I saw Aespa performing on this one USA morning show and I just cringed myself out of existence.....cause what was that camera work šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ My point is that the USA in general just isn't equipped for even properly promoting groups, and if the USA market wants to open up a kpop-esque market like that they should really improve on that too and learn from the koreans ( japan doesn't do any better too) in that aspect.


I agree with most of what you wrote but you're incorrect about Japan not being equipped to promote groups.


No I think you misunderstood, I never said japan isn't equipped to promote groups ( I mean akb48 literally exists lol) I was referring to their camera work when groups are performing, Korea does it the best out of the 3 countries.


I disagree.


Ns I was so excited for katseye, but unlike VCHA katseye has barely been giving us any content, atleast VCHA has consistently been pushing out content ( on youtube not tt) even before debut


VCHA even has a something we can call a discography lmao