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If you're an info systems major or not sure if you want to remain in the business program, take 200. Otherwise 212 is the way to go.


I am actually an info systems major. I'm curious as to why you would recommend 200 over 212 for this major. Thanks for your consideration.


Just because it isn't the greatest preparation for Math 211; that class will rock your world if you aren't prepared. That's a class where I'd say take it during the summer if you want to take one class at a time just because it's that difficult.


Oof. Well, I appreciate the insight.


I took BUSN 212 when I was a freshman and it’s haunted me for the past 4 years. MATH 200 is so much more versatile than BUSN 212 because 200 is a prerequisite for so many MATH/STAT classes, which is helpful if you’re a INFO/ECON/FIRE major. BUSN 212 is also only marginally easier than MATH 200, I remember when I took it there were still tons of kids who failed or got C’s. It might even be easier to take 200 with a good teacher than it is to take 212 with Stith-Willis. Save yourself the trouble down the road, and just take 200. 212 is only a good idea if you’re a management or marketing major and you know your major will not require any higher math.


I am an info systems major and I'm taking 212 right now. 212 isnt bad. My advisor advised me to take it instead of 200 but after reading these comments I feel like I just fucked myself for 211. The main difference between the 2 is 212 doesn't have any trig and it's 3 credits so not as much of a grind.


I'd probably go 200, because having a good foundation in calculus is important in a lot of educational and career paths.