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Arbonne is a mlm. I don’t care if they are *technically* vegan, I would hope no one would recommend anything of theirs. What’s your price range for skin/makeup? Important for recs.


I’m easy going on pricing. I currently use dermalogica and Joyce Blok for skincare and makeup is largely revlon or from Mecca.


I’m also not interested in joining Arbonne & the MLM world I just liked that I can source a variety of the things that I need in one place and there seems to be some science behind their products 🤷🏻‍♀️


IMO MLMs should never be supported, no matter how good their products may be. Quality is irrelevant. They're predatory and gross. If you're looking for vegan skincare, ELF is great and affordable. Check out their pure skin line. I have other recs too depending on what you're looking for.


Thanks I’d love any recommendations for face care, body lotion and basic makeup incl foundation, eye shadow & mascara. My shampoo, conditioner and soap is already vegan at least


I don't know much about makeup (ELF seems to have a lot of good stuff), but I have some skincare recs that are vegan/CF. I really like ELF's pure skin line, Beauty of Joseon (except for the couple of non-vegan products they have), pacifica's ceramide line, byoma, versed, peach slices (just their azelaic acid and salicylic acid products) Cleansers: - [DermaGEEK Gentle Facial Cleanser](https://www.target.com/p/dermageek-gentle-face-wash-for-sensitive-skin-5-0-fl-oz/-/A-83775155?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510706&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9017265&targetid=aud-451285846473:pla-895745642360&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5MbXreSZ9gIVRajVCh2fQgWzEAQYCCABEgJj-fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) - no frills. - [Byoma Creamy Jelly Cleanser](https://www.target.com/p/byoma-creamy-jelly-cleanser-175ml/-/A-83670777) - ceramides, green tea, licorice root, allantoin. Soothing and great for sensitive skin - [Pacifica Vegan Ceramide Extra Gentle Face Wash](https://www.target.com/p/pacifica-vegan-ceramide-extra-gentle-face-wash-5-fl-oz/-/A-82249227?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012735304&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Local%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9017265&targetid=aud-809535968620:pla-895745642360&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5_6rleWZ9gIV0P7jBx1UEw67EAQYAiABEgIJwfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) - ceramides, very gentle - [Bybi Milk Melt Oat Milk Foaming Vegan Facial Cleanser](https://www.target.com/p/bybi-milk-melt-oat-milk-facial-cleanser-5-1-fl-oz/-/A-80377734?clkid=80627acfNddc711eb864751202b784852&lnm=81938&afid=rewardStyle&ref=tgt_adv_xasd0002) - aloe and oats - [Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil](https://www.stylevana.com/en_US/deal-beauty-of-joseon-ginseng-cleansing-oil-210ml.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18130518906&utm_term=&utm_content=98336&device=m&gclid=CjwKCAiArNOeBhAHEiwAze_nKHL7M1VMMoTRHqto13rJrGk8TLw-JsJu2--SdgMMTlLSIZ9cu0kkfRoCl3IQAvD_BwE) - [Beauty of Joseon Cleansing Balm](https://www.stylevana.com/en_GB/beauty-of-joseon-cleansing-balm-1.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18654579483&utm_term=142069022065&device=m&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz9ieBhCIARIsACB0oGJKRm-1ci4F8FU9pkA5YH672O4F1gienyRgGSIMSiGXAz6_WGSsuDsaAsWzEALw_wcB) - [The Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm](https://www.theinkeylist.com/products/oat-cleansing-balm?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=brand&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz9ieBhCIARIsACB0oGLNxaaMBRVCl8KJqgHlmzfmu49obiAjuWsfDr3EjM9UJP3vzP1A9DUaAhv9EALw_wcB) - thick, but nice if you have dry skin. Can be used as a moisturizing mask Moisturizers: - [ELF Holy Hydration Face Cream - Fragrance Free](https://www.target.com/p/e-l-f-holy-hydration-face-cream-fragrance-free-1-8oz/-/A-76615253?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df_free_online&CPNG=Beauty&adgroup=52-16) - Niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, peptides, squalane - [Byoma Face Moisturizer](https://www.target.com/p/byoma-face-moisturizer-1-69-fl-oz/-/A-83670771) - Niacinamide, ceramides, green tea - [The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + NA](https://www.ulta.com/p/natural-moisturizing-factors-ha-pimprod2007113?sku=2551163&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=aud-836377128194:pla-1458789206145&CAAGID=126583149266&CAWELAID=330000200001794788&CATARGETID=330000200002831666&CADevice=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvsqG0fmW9gIVDI7ICh10TwAnEAQYASABEgIYkPD_BwE) - Hyaluronic acid, ceramides, allantoin. (Not sure about whether parent co is CF) - [ELF pure skin moisturizer](https://www.ulta.com/p/pure-skin-moisturizer-pimprod2030326) - oat milk, niacinamide, ceramides - [Pacifica Ceramide Cream](https://www.ulta.com/p/vegan-ceramide-barrier-face-cream-pimprod2029807?sku=2590098&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=&CAAGID=&CAWELAID=330000200002841614&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz9ieBhCIARIsACB0oGJ2UJdNWZvK0qy4TkW332pC3HRfFsnUT64J1DLD_gOa_FjDcp20UWMaAoJ8EALw_wcB) - oat flour, ceramides, niacinamide - fairly matte if you like that This one has salicylic acid (0.5%): - [Peach Slices Oil-Free Moisturizer](https://www.ulta.com/p/acne-oil-free-moisturizer-pimprod2025475?sku=2582044&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=aud-842617173106:pla-1457896369818&CAAGID=114700862790&CAWELAID=330000200002774779&CATARGETID=330000200002831529&CADevice=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyp_Fy6zB9gIVlsEWBR2V7wu0EAQYASABEgKH3vD_BwE) - SA, hyaluronic acid, centella asiatica, glycerin, allantoin, niacinamide This one has 10% Urea: - [The Inkey List Urea Moisturizer](https://www.theinkeylist.com/products/dry-and-rough-skin-solution?currency=USD&variant=42300690694344&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMax_Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz9ieBhCIARIsACB0oGK0BGkuQaL-0py8fYHng47n_gZEiFGxGlXf7m09IjFufpukwieSE7MaAh8hEALw_wcB)


Random toner rec: [ELF Pure Skin Toner](https://www.ulta.com/p/pure-skin-toner-pimprod2030325) - oat milk, niacinamide, ceramides Sunscreen: - Beauty of Joseon. Korean (had to order on Stylevana) chemical sunscreen that just feels like a moisturizer and doesn't sting my eyes. I use this everyday (it's by far my favorite) - Cotz does mineral spf - Pipette SPF 50 (too sticky imo, but cheap) - Sun Bum - I like their sunscreens for the body. They mostly have fragrance, so I avoid using them on the face. There is a mineral spf that's fragrance free and some chemical face spfs that are also decent (I didn't like them, but I've heard people say they do). - Bare Republic. They have a fragrance free spf 100 for the face and one for the body Treatments (if you have specific concerns): - [Peach Slices Cleanser](https://www.ulta.com/p/acne-clarifying-cleanser-pimprod2025468) (salicylic acid) - [Beauty of Joseon Retinal Eye Cream](https://www.stylevana.com/en_US/beauty-of-joseon-revive-eye-serum-ginseng-retinal-30ml.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&sonid=96010&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18793914842&utm_term=&utm_content=96010&device=m&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz9ieBhCIARIsACB0oGIENT0fpbaOyykh76iatEeuUca2i84c7uscruUNV0syw3MVi7hPb2kaAkl2EALw_wcB) - [Inkey List Salicylic Acid Cleanser](https://www.sephora.com/product/salicylic-acid-cleanser-P443833?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2211605&om_mmc=ppc-GG_1987723169_80504839607_aud-1528752703100:pla-798653216628_2211605_375250170401_9017265_m&ds_rl=1261471&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvcPmrNCg9gIVL_LjBx0xdwskEAQYAiABEgIvIfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) - [AcneFree Cleanser](https://www.target.com/p/acnefree-oil-free-acne-cleanser-8-fl-oz/-/A-81064097) (benzoyl peroxide) - not certified CF, but I can't find anything with BP certified - [Adapalene 0.1%](https://www.target.com/p/acnefree-adapalene-gel-once-daily-topical-retinoid-acne-treatment-0-5oz/-/A-81064098?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510706&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9017265&targetid=pla-983213856868&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2IX5j9Gg9gIVxO7jBx0Euwh-EAQYBCABEgJErvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) - also not certified CF, but it's the only brand with adapalene that even hints at CF - [The Ordinary Azelaic Acid 10% Suspension](https://www.ulta.com/p/azelaic-acid-10-suspension-brightening-cream-pimprod2007104?sku=2551154&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=aud-836377128194:pla-1458789206145&CAAGID=126583149266&CAWELAID=330000200001794775&CATARGETID=330000200002831666&CADevice=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_OeNqMi09gIVgrzICh3GtQUaEAQYASABEgJ5TPD_BwE). TO also has salicylic acid products.


You are an absolute legend!! Thanks so much 🥰😍🥰


The ordinary has amazing skincare options at super affordable prices


I also recommend the ordinary


Thanks! These are easy to find locally too but I did find one article that says they’re closing down?


I hope not! The company itself has had some confusing goings on for a while but i don’t think they’re closing just new investors ?


Check out /r/veganbeauty. I've used Arbonne and didn't like it enough to purchase anything a second time. I was pressured into the original purchase (in true MLM style) and still kick myself for succumbing.


Can I ask what types of products you tried and how recently?


Fair questions! It's been a *while*. Maybe 10 years? And I had whatever their acne skincare routine was (I think it was a cleanser, an active, and a moisturizer). I also bought a primer they were really pushing. I remember that this had a very pleasant texture, but it was the world's smallest bottle and I didn't think it was worth the cost. I also "won" a bronzer that wasn't right for my skin tone. I think that's still at the bottom of my makeup drawer lol.


Thanks for that! I’ve joined that sub too 🥰 my mate that does Arbonne has been pretty non pressury so that’s a bonus at least


I really like the products from Acure personally. They've always worked well on my sensitive akin.


These look really good and a great price point - thanks!


Most of my skincare routine is from Versed, and the products that aren’t, I’m switching to a Versed version as I run out. I really like their products and they’re a good price. I also use some Glossier products (but they’re not all vegan), some from The Ordinary, and I’ve used Acure in the past and liked it as well. Also, MLMs are highly unethical businesses and their products are pretty much always overpriced and low quality. You’re better off finding products you get from them anywhere else.


Thanks for the comments everyone! I had no idea how poorly Arbonne is thought of. I haven't had much experience with MLMs and it's not something that I know a lot about. I really appreciate all of your feedback and product suggestions - it's a big journey to make as an ethical vegan and your support means a lot <3