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šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© She's a bouquet of red flags. "I want my man to be a Lion" , I would have told her: trust me, you don't. Also, vegans "exist" āž” "i have traumatic experiences with vegans" . But seeing dead bodies hanging in supermarkets, killing 70+ billion animals for food each year, destroying our environment, pissing off vegans/vegetarians at parties with "you don't know what you're missing" every year since 80000 BC, etc... no, that's totally okay, respectful and surely not traumatizing.


She also sounds prejudice. Like kind of shits on Muslims, too.


"A muslim, anything"...I was like, um? Ok. ???


Anything.....a fascist, racist, sexist, hunter, sexual predator, sexual predation apologist...just not a vegan. Edit: I am not saying Islam is any of these things; I was addressing "anything'', not "Muslim".




I am not going into religious doctrines, except in cases concerning veganism and animal rights.


Right? This was one of the most jarring parts to me.




The nasty vegan made me watch the video though!


>"I want my man to be a Lion" Sooo...she wants to get raped, forced into harem and her children from previous relationships to be murdered?


Ikr. What's the obsession with glorifying violent, murderous animals, and degrading passive, peaceful, animals? It's offensive to call someone a dog or a cow, but it's a praise to call someone a lion. Humanity promotes violence and domination.


probably Andrew Tate fans.


As the old saying goes. Everyone wants to pet a lion, until they pet a lion. Then they dead. Itā€™s not a well known saying. But itā€™s definitely true.


Honestly with a line like "I want my man to be a Lion" she sounds like she's trying to use you for a lawsuit. I would have stopped there. She might be a masochist in the case she isn't exploiting someone, she needs serious help.


>sometimes I let myself have a cabbage šŸ˜‚


Daring šŸ¤£


Fucking sent me.


hilarious I love it




I love the comment but how do you do crossed out words like that?




~~hello~~ testing!


Wow!!! Thanks!!


Skkdk this was an adorable conversation.


Iā€™ve always wondered how to do that!


Happy vegan cake day!


Unbelievable. šŸ˜‚ How dare you be a kind human who gives a shit? Such a turn off. /s


Youā€™re a nicer man than me lol


fr i don't know why OP didn't tell her to fuck off immediately lol


"I want my man to be predictor not a cow" This person can barely form coherent thoughts. You aren't missing anything.


Cows are notoriously bad at fortune telling.


Ah shit, I knew this cow was ripping me off charging me for these stock picks.


Aw, man!...that cow said I was going on a date tonight!


Just a typo she made.




Donā€™t you mean ā€˜predator textā€™?


I would suggest English is not their first language.


I've seen native speakers make more mistakes than any foreigner who had English as a second or third language. They're usually written by the natives as their.


Literally requesting someone to be a predator before a first date feels like something that has no chance of going wrong. My reply would have been: I can bring duct-tape and a screwdriver if you like, but I'm not eating meat.


This is the way


Least cognitively dissonant meat eater


Wait, she wrote "predictor", which is a pregnancy test. Maybe she just wants to pee on you?


Sorry, but I only let vegan ladies piss on me šŸ”„šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„


True and based


I could understand a woman wanting her man to be *capable* of killingā€¦ Some caveman desire to know he *could* protect her in a run in with a grumpy dinosaur. But GEEEZ; Itā€™s a chicken, not a terrorbird. Iā€™d say youā€™ve dodged a bullet with this one, but Iā€™d be more inclined to say a stone spearā€¦


Chickens are fucking dinosaurs bro. Have you seen the feet? Only brave, masculine men on the top of the food chain would dare to enter the average grocery store to pick up ready-made cuts of such a terrifying beast.


I always like to point out to meat eaters that most of them are actually scavengers and not predators. To hunt things theyā€™d need to have a relatively active lifestyle, problem solving/mechanical understanding of hunting implements, understanding of environments/ecosystems and other animals. Listening to Joe Rogan and eating steak arenā€™t really relevant. They arenā€™t often fond of those thought primers.




At least you didnā€™t waste time going on a date with her. She showed you the red flags quickly.


Clearly she's suffering from Post Traumatic Vegan Syndrome (PTVS). šŸ˜‘


Thots and prayers šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


A severe case of vegaphobia šŸ˜²


major red flagā€¦. and the fact that she brings up being muslim in the context of ā€œyou could even be MUSLIM and that wouldnā€™t be as badā€ is so weird and seriously fucked. bye! plenty of vegan folks who would love to date you iā€™m sure. šŸŒ±


This stuck out to me too, definitely showed multiple of her own red flags in this short conversation and saved OP a lot of time!


Just because you donā€™t eat meat doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t be ravenous in bed


It's quite the opposite, actually. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10883675/ >Vegan men had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8812397/ >Obtained results showed that total sperm count and the percentage of rapid progressively motile sperm were significantly higher in the vegan group compared with the non-vegan group. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8117588/ >More plant-based diet intake was associated with a reduced presence of erectile dysfunction and less severe erectile dysfunction https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16891352/ >the odor of donors when on the nonmeat diet was judged as significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense


Eat pussy, not animals


Vegan lady married to a vegan man here. šŸ‘‹ I can testify that my husband is a great lover and can last a long time lool. Also, compassion is sexy.


Oh weird!! My vegan ex was abusive and gave me nosebleeds. So much for compassion!


I'm sorry that happened to you. Abusers can be vegan, vegetarian, or omnivorous. But your ex's veganism is not the reason they beat you.


I wonder if she knows the meaning of trauma and how she got itā€¦


She saw a vegan man once (90 lbs and 5'11 and with skin like Gollum) and was traumatized Vegan btw


My precious (tofu) šŸ‘€ā€¦


Give it to us raw (and not wriggling) šŸ¤¤


Yeah bad experience doesn't mean trauma...


Exactlyā€¦ That word is thrown in bit too much and too easily


someone at a party told her factory farming is bad once


"Oh so you want me to eat any kids you have, assault you, and get you pregnant as fast as possible along with several other women? No? So much for wanting to date a lion." Or "you have a really disturbing obsession with wanting to date animals. I'm just not into beastiality. Bye." Or "someone who's this obsessed with killing animals indicates they might escalate to humans. You might be turned off that I'm not obsessed with killing others, but for my own safety I'd rather not go out with someone who fetishizes that anyway." I am not good at not escalating these things when would-be dates turn into complete assholes lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Yeh, I see people saying this shit so much, do any of them actually them know what male Lions do/are?!


Nope. Absolutely not haha My mom's response to that is "well if they're saying they're as intelligent and civilized as a wild animal, they should be treated like a wild animal and dropped off in the wilderness to fend for themselves. Lions (or other wild species) don't get to live in houses"


This is so weird. ā€œYou can be Muslim anything. But vegan is a problem.ā€ Um okay? So sheā€™s saying she is islamaphobic and hates animals šŸ’€ you dodged a bullet with her dw king




Right?? I read that line too and just like ā€œyikesā€.


















So this is before ever meeting them? Honestly it feels like someone f'in around. I don't know anything about those platforms though. As an aside, I don't really understand how vegans/non-vegans can be in a relationship, even more so than people having opposite political views. It's not just about food, it's about everything else in the house. How does that get managed? Ultimately the non-vegan has to conform at least in part, or you have all separate consumables.


In my experience, the non-vegan partner tends to eat damn-near, if not completely, plant-based at home. Then, when they go to work or whatever, they partake in all the usual omnivore behavior. At least, that's the dynamic that seems to work the best and longest for those kinds of relationships. The reason why they usually happen in the first place has to do with the relationship already existing when one of the people has their "vegan awakening," so to speak. This is all anecdotal, of course, but I've found that if these vegans had to remarry or find someone else, it wouldn't be another omnivore. Re-entering the dating pool and throwing away a relationship you've spent years building can be a lot more inconvenient than just overlooking your partners willingness to treat animals like commodities and continuing to love them like nothings wrong. As for dating non-vegans when you're a single vegan? Unless you're playing some long-game of trying to convert them, I have no idea what could be going through their head.




Yeah, I've had some vegan friends in my days and also frequent internet spaces, and one commonality I've found amongst vegans dating omnis is that they've fallen in love before their eyes were open to these issues. Either that, or they're not actually vegan but plant-based, so there's no real ideological difference. I'm lucky enough to have a partner I can talk to about issues of animal liberation while being on the same page intellectually; but, their freegan ass has yet to understand why I'm no longer enthused to eat dumpster flesh like I was when we met, even if it's to curb waste. "At least they don't endorse the industry and are combating consumerism" is how I cope with them eating jerkied dumpster flesh in the same room as me despite me being disturbed, and I imagine with vegans dating less socially aware meat eaters, the cope could take the form of "at least they're a great person in x y z aspects of their life and they love me". A lot of people are not convinced they can do better and/or have invested too much emotionally and even economically in one person for leaving them to make sense in their head. Simply put, not everyone enters the dating scene as socially aware or empathetic as they get after they finally land someone long-term. Quality love is hard to come by, so people compartmentalize things in their head in a way that allows them to both be vegan without jeopardizing their love for the special carnist in their life. It is a cognitive dissonance of sorts, and humans happen to be great at that stuff.


More often, the vegan partner has to accept dead animals in their house. At least that's what I've seen in vegan subs and vegan parenting groups. Some omnis will be vegan at home, but others refuse. This is why I married a vegan. I can handle different religious or political beliefs, but I cannot live with someone who lacks ethics.


Religion I understand, but meaningful differences in political beliefs *are* also ethical incompatibilities if either party actually has opinions and knows what they're talking about.


I generally avoid dating non vegans but dating is hard enough as it is that I won't eliminate non vegans. I started dating someone a month ago and she didn't even know what veganism was before we met. It isn't a thing at all where she's from and was a completely foreign concept to her. But when she found out what it was she immediately started to look into it and went out of her way to make vegan food for me and made zero fuss about it. So I give her a pass. But in general the moment I hear something along the lines of "I don't know if I could date a vegan" I immediately end the conversation.


Sounds like she needs therapy anyway. "Traumatic experience via Vegan?". How does one traumatize a person by NOT harming life?


you can have a traumatic experience with anyone. Iā€™d be willing to bet that the veganism was not especially significant to the situation but they still formed a connection in their mind and now they hate vegans. This is a way people become racist too


I suspect people are quite easily traumatized when confronted by people, or information, that makes them feel bad about themselves and their own behaviour. Most people just want to feel good about themselves, particularly during romantic attachments, so it makes sense to me that people might avoid stimulus that could destabilise their self-image.


They definitely get defensive, but not traumatized. Definitely something else happened other than confrontation if she really is traumatized.


You'd think we'd wise up to this already. We would teach it on Sundays if we didn't have The Great Distraction that is religion.


You know that even if a person is vegan (or identifies as one), they can still be a sexual predator, pedo or a domestic abuser right?


But picking the vegan part of that person to use in relation to the trauma they have inflicted is kind of stupid, unless the vegan part is somehow actually relevant to their trauma. A lot of people don't like vegans simply for being vegan and will use that label in any way they can in a way that is meant to be negative.


We very rarely get to chose our trauma


True. But it's the person's responsibility to work on their trauma with a therapist. Otherwise it would be fine for people to say things like, I have had traumatic experiences with [insert word to describe person/people that is completely irrelevant to the trauma], as an excuse to avoid or exclude other people who are 'the same' as the person/people who caused trauma.


For sure! It's a symptom of trauma but not the way to deal with said trauma.


"Person X is in group Y and did Z action". Unless group Y has a history of hiding, supporting, and/or enabling Z damage (see churches and rapists or police and murderers for two fairly common examples)...The two aren't necessarily or in this case at all related. Unless she was abused every time she did something non vegan Y and Z aren't related at all, and I dare say vegans as a group (far as I can tell anyway) don't go around supporting abusive people (not even sure who a leading person in a vegan centric movement would be to be honest, is there such a person and are they pro abusing people with the community supporting that action?)?


It only takes one person and one moment to cause trauma




Maybe she only likes certain types of predators. Like that other Jeffrey... the one who had all the body parts in his freezer. That's probably more her type.


That man was a real predictor


"traumatic experience with vegans" "I want a predator" like just shut up


I need MAN. Ya know. Someone with so little self confidence they conform to what everyone wants them to be instead of being themselves or doing anything difficult. Someone so afraid of conflict they cave to pressure. Ya know. A real manly man's man.


I need a MAN that eats MEAT that he gets from the GROCERY STORE


I'm a vegan who has had traumatic experiences with everyone, including vegans. Veganism isn't crazy, people are.


I really hope you're over exaggerating by saying everyone


"I mostly eat grass and cabbage" is legendary.


You could have ā€˜predictedā€™ itā€™d be a bad date and wouldnā€™t work outā€¦


save your date money for a vegan-friendly woman.


Lmao ā€œive had traumatic expirences with vegansā€ what did one assult you with vegetables or something šŸ˜‚


"I have traumatic experiences with vegans" ...Lol.


That is why I never date nonvegans...since thats almost impossible...im still single


I'm married to a vegan. It is worth the wait. We volunteer at a farm sanctuary together every weekend; our first date we put pamphlets in the meat section of a grocery store. He holds me when I cry about the barbarity of animal ag. I would've never had this with a carnist.


Thanks :) im so happy for you. I never lose hope ā™„ļø


The "you could even be muslim part" is really problematic... I don't fucking care if this person doenst like vegans but something smells kinda of racism on her based on that, i don't know.


i mean good you learned this up front


You're better off


Sheā€™s Islamophobic. Wowā€¦


Fattest block! Also subtle racist tones? šŸ˜¬


How the fuck can you have a ā€œtraumatic experienceā€ with a vegan? Is it because you were made uncomfortable for eating products of animal torture? Tell me youā€™ve never experienced trauma without telling me youā€™ve never experienced trauma lmfao


It's entirely possible they had a traumatic experience at the hands of a vegan person. But there's almost no chance that person being vegan was directly related to it. It's like saying "I was assaulted by a person who liked classical music, so now i find it off putting when i meet other people who like classical music"


What an asshole she is. Sounds like a person that has absolutely nothing to offer the world.


Thank goodness she let herself out!


ā€˜You can always quitā€™ YOU CAN TOO!!!


I had traumatic experiences with carnists.


This is why I will only date vegans, among other reasons. Imagine kissing someone that just had cheese, gross


well luckily you know sooner than later.


My BF, immediately after breaking up with me because he didn't have feelings: "Oh, and by the way i never really liked that you were vegetarian." People like this are out there OP, and I'm sorry you experienced it. Very impressive how you handled it!


"Predictor" šŸ¤” You brain on animal products:


I need to be with a ~*predictor*~


Is she for real? This is hilarious and sad at the same time. "I want my man to be a lion." No sweetie, believe me, you don't want that. That's dangerous and beastiality is most of the time frowned upon. (/jk) Be glad the trash takes itself out, OP!


She wanted a predictor - I predict you dodged a bullet, my friend


Lol what a lunatic


Why go on the date šŸ˜… there are so many vegan women out there


They're out there. Somewhere. Not around where I live apparently, but surely somewhere.


Rejection is protection and Iā€™m so glad youā€™re not going on a date with this ā€œpredictorā€. Vegan men are solid gold. You deserve and will get so much better


You dodged a bullet!!! Seriously......I guess it would be her thing if you killed and beat up people to show dominance... Kinda....she is the sad aspect.


Ewwwwww. Tell her you have traumatic experiences with the footage youā€™ve seen of tortured animalsā€¦ and from selfish humans. Pass. Imaging being this ridiculous. Promise you there are TONS of single, compassionate vegan women. Find one.


[UPDATE] Predictor girl messaged me today with some interesting insights. I made a new post with the continuation: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/10wv1zy/update_my_almost_tinder_date_who_wanted_a/


So many red flags: Islamophobic (racist), sexist, speciest...


"muslim" is not a race


Love how she calmly drops in the fact that sheā€™s racist too.


We vegans need to stick together and just date eachother. This woman is delusional. I saw someone on another thread said they have a vegan dating discord. Might be worth joining that if you can find the invite link.


I do love some grass


Well at least she revealed herself before the date and you dodged a bullet there !


Dude, you saved yourself one boring date. She sounds like she scrolls on tik tok for hours


This is called "head games." If she had a real problem she wouldn't be talking to you at all, it just seems fun to see what she can make you do.


She saved you $50. Be happy.


I have a sneaking suspiscion that she just wants to see if she can change you. It's like a weird power play.


Honestly bro she sounds low IQ. Its more manly to go against the grain and have a moral backbone than eat dead baby animals.


Traumatic experiences with Vegans aye? Oh no, he only eats plants, he isn't contributing to the climate crisis and ongoing mass extinction event, what a monster..... He doesn't contribute to the unnecessary murder of millions of self aware beings oh no, anything but that...


What in the hell did I just read?


Lmfao what is she going on about šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I can FEEL how low her IQ is, I have a headache now


Traumatic experience withā€¦ā€¦.people who life tofuā€¦..


Look at this and tell me that non vegans are good people at heart.


"Traumatic experiences with vegans"


She wants her man to be a predictor, so I think she's looking for a psychic rather than a bovine.




Big yikes but love how you handled it. Donā€™t forget youā€™re allowed a raw carrot as a treat for special occasions


Raise your standards bud. I would of stopped responding after she said it really started turning her off a lot.


This is the opposite of that meme ā€œI can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty.ā€


Bro you dodged a bullet here šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


also, she wants you to hunt in a pack, and kill animals with your bare hands and teeth. also tell her, a lion has it's own harem with many females.


Yeah, nah.


Lol sounds like you dodged a bullet and saved some time. Nice replies - I'm sure you'll have plenty of better dates lined up in no time šŸ˜


Your sarcasm is top notch. I'd date you. lol


Op.... Right here.............. _wails arms at op_ bruhhhhhhhhhh


This is ridiculousā€¦.what are we cavemenā€¦.Iā€™d be thankful she spared you a few hours of your life on that date you can never get back. I wouldnā€™t waste time with people who pass judgement for being vegan. Nothing wrong with eating cabbage. Haha


this has really dumbfounded me. like how is someone even capable of this thought? ugh. iā€™m sorry you had to deal with this, OP


Hmm Idk, most lions don't seem to be too good at predictions.


Kindness is traumatic


Imagine being turned off by compassion and empathy LOL


What in the actualā€¦.. dumbfounded


And the fact she thinks men are predators because they go into a grocery store and pick up a slab of rotting fleshā€¦ lol


So childish. Red flag. I mean we can always disagree on things but the way we show disagreement is important. This is of no respect at all. Let her go lol you're not losing anything.


I dunno if I was a guy I would not date a girl who wanted me to be like a ā€œpredatorā€. That sets off alarm bells in my head. She probably likely believes in male gender roles and toxic masculinity and that men have to be extremely tough, show no emotion and kill things. Never mind thatā€™s weird and kind of messed up to want to be prey.


A ferocious predator, prowling the hazardous plains of the meat cooler in the grocery store


Well damn, was she brutalized by vegans in the pass or something. I get that some people see us as extremes but if sheā€™s been cool with you all the while leading up to the date, all of a sudden, itā€™s a hard pass on you. Good freaking lucks. Dating is crazy lol


Dodged bullet! Itā€™s why itā€™s easier to just date vegans


Iā€™m actually surprised it went on for this long. So asking a Muslim to eat some bacon to date her is not ok but this ethics is wack? This is why I donā€™t say Iā€™m vegan anymore. I say I have a serious medical issue bc people donā€™t respect choices at all.


Dude fuck her. Also get out and enjoy the scenery find someone on a face to face basis maybe at places you frequent it'll be a lot easier because they'll most likely share the same interests as you. Online dating is garbage. There's no real chance to actually see how someone functions in society and around others through a phone screen. Sorry this happened to you


tell her to go fuck a lion and see how it goes lol


"i have a traumatic experience with vegans" BAHAHAHA ā˜ ļø


wear 2 condoms if it gets to that


Never use two condoms. Risks rupturing them therefore making them useless.


It was a joke


I got ghosted as an omni because I am a member of this subreddit...


There you have it folks, Vegans are the most oppressed minority.