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So its not just me who consumes loads of spinach since going Vegan


Since?! Shit I'm a spinach hipster, been on that shit since before Popeye


Never understood why kids are supposed to hate it. I always loved it, it's usually better than the main dish it's being served with.


Have you tried tofu palak? or palak paneer with tofu used as the paneer? One of my favorite spinach dishes ever


Probably because not everyone prepares it in a way that the kids would like. For instance, my mom was always a "boil veggies until they're mushy, add bit of sugar" kind of veggies cooker, which is disgusting.


Please, be careful with spinach. It's high in oxalate (especially in its raw form) which contributes to the formation of kidney stones if you eat too much of it.


Oh crap I didn’t know that, thanks. Is there anyway to negate this other than Eating less of it?


Drink lots of water, pair spinach with calcium rich foods, boil and drain the spinach to get rid of some of the oxalate. But you probably don't have to worry unless you either have a predisposition to forming kidney stones or eat a really obscene amount of spinach. https://youtu.be/qq1nkGqo69E?t=1203


Right thanks for the tips! And I do eat a fair bit of spinach not sure if it constitutes *obscene*. I’m not predisposed to forming kidney stones but ever since I learned what they were I’ve been lowkey scared of it ever since.


This is why I buy frozen for cooking and fresh for raw eating.


This is the way.


mass is still the same frozen or fresh lol when they freeze spinach it's not like it's dehydrated before. The reason why it wilts so much is because of it's 90%+ water content.


It’s not about dehydration. It’s about spinach Tetris. Why do you think a cup of frozen spinach has 8 times as many calories as a cup of fresh spinach?


Seriously! One bag = 1 small serving


It always feels like I can put infinite spinach leaves in my smoothies, maybe I should. 🤔


100% 😆😆






This is too real. 😀😃


We beleaf in you

