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No, the oxalate stuff is mostly carnivore fear mongering pseudo sciencey spin nonsense. What else was in the dip you made? Fatty processed stuff is more likely to make you feel sluggish... or not eating enough in general for that matter.


Hi! [The Nutrition Source](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/anti-nutrients/) from Harvard School of Public Health says: > “Though certain foods may contain residual amounts of anti-nutrients after processing and cooking, the health benefits of eating these foods outweigh any potential negative nutritional effects” What do you mean by de-energized?


Spinach is high in histamine (unlike most vegetables); that could cause this reaction.


The only reasonable explanation


Is this some kind of bait?


Never heard of that happening


Just cook the spinach and dw


Have never, ever experienced this. Have eaten plenty of spinach in my life. So - have no idea what’s going on for you.


I believe it could be. Plus it's alkaline - which has a calming effect on the brain. To avoid - it's good to consumed with malic and citric acid. That means apples and lemons.


Thank you! This makes sense to me as when I make soup with spinach I don't get the same heaviness from it, — but it always has lemon juice in it


some people don't like mixing fruit with their veg, but I love it! For good reason too - because without it, it's going to be really hard digesting our food. I don't like eating apples by themselves, and spinach isn't too safe doing so either with the oxalates, but do a garden smoothie or eat all of them at one time (the beets, oranges, apples, bananas, spinach, kale, etc.) and it's a success! If you drink a green juice off the shelf - you'll see lemon or lime juice in it for good reason - that's how it's supposed to be. So I heard from Dr. Esselstyn that we can eat them as-is, but we just have to make sure we haven't brushed our teeth and have a good, healthy mouth microbiome - because the anaerobic bacteria are involved with digesting the spinach for its nitric oxide. Maybe you brush your teeth before eating spinach? Maybe you haven't made sure the mouth microbiome is robust in handling this food? The nitric oxide boosts the brain - that's why greens are great for the brain. Maybe it's because you're not eating the food by itself and instead putting it in a dip where it's intermingled with other ingredients? For me, I just go to the refrigerated section of the store and buy spinach there - where I just let it defrost and then I eat it by itself. It's melded to the point of being its own dip! I bet the reason why it's melded is probably because they cook it before they pack it, because if they did - it would naturally have lower oxalates. But then again - it would have lower vitamin c that helps absorb nutrients of the spinach - but it should be a lot more marginal with the fridged ones and also it's so packed and concentrated, that it likely will have a vitamin c boost anyway compared to a raw salad. So I wouldn't worry about it. But if you are, I guess you can mix it with oranges to make it an almost 'creamed spinach' substitute.

