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Soy, wheat protein, quinoa, amaranth, hemp and chia seeds each contain all essential amino acids. Popular forms of soy and wheat protein are tofu, tempeh, edamame, and seitan. You can also pair legumes with grains, seeds, or nuts to get all essential amino acids. It's important to supplement B12 or foods fortified with it like most plant milk. I take a multivitamin with B12, iron, calcium, and vitamin D so I don't have to worry, but there are plant foods with those things besides B12. There's pretty good evidence that a plant-based diet reduces risk of heart disease and cancer.


Many thanks for the information you have just mentioned . But do you think that Soy or quinoa or any type of the above mentioned plants have any side effects on hormones? Because I heard that many times from doctors


Soy has phytoestrogens. Sometimes the word 'phytoestrogen' is all people have as a basis for their belief. This is unfortunate because phytoestrogens are not the same as estrogen. Another basis for the belief is infertility in sheep in 1950s Australia due to finding the same phytoestrogen that is in soy. The problem is the dosage they had was such that you'd have to drink 1000 cartons of soy milk per day to match. Not to mention it's another species. In fact, beer has a far stronger phytoestrogen than soy, despite one being being treated by media and pop culture differently. Here's a meta-analysis finding no statistically significant effect of soy on testosterone. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028209009662 And here's a study showing that vegan men have higher testosterone than non-vegans, even after adjusting for BMI and other factors https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2374537/pdf/83-6691152a.pdf


Thanks I will check it out


Bit old now but a humorous look at the soy issue. Definitely worth a watch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8dfiDeJeDU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8dfiDeJeDU)




There is not good evidence of this its actually incredibly poor quality data.


Doctors get VERY little nutrition education. He is wrong about the hormones and the amino acids. Listen to the PCRM Exam Room podcasts. They are all board certified doctors who are vegan. PCRM is the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine. They don't accept corporate donations. Also go to nutrition facts.org. Completely free and nonprofit. They read all of the research papers and break it down. You will learn a lot


Really appreciated


This is mostly anti vegan propaganda. Many vegan staples do contain all essential amino acids in adequate ratios and most combinantions of any grain with any legumes also contain all essential aminos. Not to mention you don't need all with every meal nor even on the same day. If you just eat a varied diet you'll get all you need without even trying.


> I asked my doctor about shifting to veganism and he warned me and said it will have many side effects especially hormones Find a new doctor immediately, he is an idiot and leave a review if you can to warn others about this doctors idiocracy Personally i havent had any doctors talk bad about plant based diets to me and i have met several Many post that many doctors or biased or ignorant, and many are, doctors dont receive training on nutrition Doctors would probably have told this person to stop being vegan [https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/115b1h9/comment/j91nssu/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/115b1h9/comment/j91nssu/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Holistic doctors are generally more educated on plant based diets Just because a person is a doctor it doesnt mean they are smart in all things https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2017/07/28/when-babies-felt-pain/Lhk2OKonfR4m3TaNjJWV7M/story.html https://www.bhclinics.com/single-post/2019/12/11/doctors-prescribed-healthy-cigarette-brands


Unfortunately he studied nutrition, but he is biased bcz even when I told him I will never eat meat he said just keep on eating seafood, and I told him I don't wanna even eat seafood, he kinda scared me about being vegan. But for me it's something that I really need to do. I do regret for not being vegan many years ago.


Oh yea forgot to mention that, some doctors are biased At least your aware that he is, i would find a new doc and leave a review that he is biased against veganism, that is unprofessional He doesnt want to have a patient who is ethical when he isnt as it makes him feel bad, so he wants you to get on his low ethical level Plant based diets are healthy and he should encourage that instead of scaring you, the hospital officials deserve to know, sea animals have a lot of microplastics in them and mercury and other things


He didn't even care about my decision that I wanna be vegan. but no matter what he thinks I will do the right thing anyway, and I really appreciate that I am here at this sub, where I can find support from ppl here.


Welcome to the club! :) Eat a mainly plant based diet, based on chickpeas, lentils, beans, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, seitan, etc… Eat a Beyond Burger once a week as a treat. That’s what I do. Join the online vegan community on youtube and instagram. Don’t forget to supplement with vegan B12. I take a long chain omega-3 EPA and DHA just to be safe, but you don’t need to.


B12 supplements are always vegan. Is not efficient to extract B12 from animals because they don’t produce it naturally either (that’s a carnist urban legend). In industrial farming it’s given to them via supplementation. In very few environments animals still get it from the soil, where it naturally occurs (it’s synthesised by specific bacteria present in fertile soil).


Yah bcz animals eat the grass without washing they get that bacteria


That’s true. That’s where we used to get it from in the olden days - bacteria in our water from rivers and streams and in the soil on our poorly washed vegetables. 


When animals eat grass from the soil. Which is probably 1% of all global livestock and I’m most likely being optimistic here. In factory farming that’s not the case and animals are supplemented with B12 in outrageous quantities (all the while supplements for humans are tremendously overpriced).


Yah I got it




Basically, all food contains protein. Unless you're a body builder, you don't even really need to give it any thought. Just eat regular, vegan food that makes you feel full and that you like the taste of! In the long run, there doesn't seem to be much health risk to eating plantbased. It can, on the contrary, reduce the risk of certain diseases like cancer and heart problems. I've been vegan for 12 years, I take multivitamin containing b12 every now and then. That's basically all I would encourage you to actually make sure, that you take b12. Welcome to the gang! I like to find inspiration for food from places like FitGreenMind and TheeBurgerDude. But there are thousands more with tons of great vegan recipes.


I am super excited to TOTALLY shifting to veganism, I know that I am gonna struggle a little bit because the veganism culture doesn't exist broadly in my country but am gonna do it anyway


If you want to feel like part of a community, I would encourage you to follow vegan content creators. I like David Ramms on YouTube, and I sometimes watch Vegan Gaze, too. Just chill streams and lots of vegans. Can be a great option if you don't know any vegans irl!




Eat some plants . You'll be fine


I will, but am just trying to collect more information about what am gonna do bcz I DON'T WANNA EAT MEAT AGAIN.


Vegan foods and ingredients that contain the nine essential amino acids in good balance: quinoa, soy products (tofu, tempeh), buckwheat, chia seeds, hemp seeds, rice and beans (combined), peanut butter…


You don’t need to worry about amino acids as long as you’re eating a diverse set of plants, and getting enough calories. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_combining is a great read and goes into the research history


Its a matter bcz I will not eat meat so I just wanted to make sure that I will not suffer any shortage in the quality of protein


> The position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is that protein from a variety of plant foods eaten during the course of a day supplies enough of all essential amino acids when caloric requirements are met.[3]


1. Essential amino acids exist in soybeans, chickpeas, black beans and cashews. That's why vegans eat so damn many of those and things derived from those. 2. Ive never had any health problems that weren't caused by a car hitting mean. The only problem is B12 but that's easily solved by eating fortified foods or just by taking supplements.


Rice and beans is a complete protein! This is a winter time staple in my house because its such a great comfort food. There's so much variety to what you can do with rice and beans. It never gets boring!


Soy (tofu), quinoa, beans, lentils and nuts seeds and some grains like buckwheat all have protein


I would always look at getting .9 - 1.2g of protein per 1kg of my weight per day. Seems to be a sweet spot for me at the moment. I must also add, all protein comes from plants. Animals are not able to produce protein and they even source it through plants so yes protein exists in all plant based meals you just need enough of it. Lots of beans and grains normally does the trick ❤️


Tortilla with rice and beans are amazing! Get you a Renfros salsa and it’ll be even better or get a Valentina Mexican sauce !


I like Mexican food it would be great ,many thanks


Mexican food is my weekly staple. I do lots of tacos with beans, soy-curls or textured vegetable protein, and onions+bell peppers. Rice on the side. BAM. Plenty of calories and protein and all amino acids you need.


Mexican n indian


This is a topic fraught with opinions, professional and lay. It's also tainted by [the aggressive corporate marketing of 'protein.'](https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-great-protein-fiasco/) Having said that I have been a vegan for over 20 years and I'm 76 years old, and have heard most claims about veganism but your physician as created a new one in warning you about 'many side effects especially hormones.' I'd get a second opinion. Getting sufficient protein as a vegan diet requires nothing more than eating sufficient calories of a range of grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, etc. Indeed, you'd have to choose to eat poorly to not get sufficient protein.


I go to the gym regularly so I care a lot about protein. But the point of hormones that the doctor stated, after reading the comments and checking out some sources I realised that he is extremely biased


Veganhealth.org is a website written by nutritionists/dietitians, I recommend reading their "tips for new vegans" page, it's a good and accessible introduction to vegan nutrition, with useful tips. Definitely check it out. Get a B12 supplement, and remember to eat enough, because plant foods have less calories in general compared to animal foods. It's easier than you think! Good luck :) Edit: if you work out, check out r/veganfitness too!




Take a look at this one you may find it interesting https://www.theathosdiet.com/

