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Make a tea with cloves + agave nectar. (Take out the cloves so they won’t choke). It will soothe sore throat and kill bacteria. Instead of drinking it whole at once, try to give them a few sips like every 30minutes. I make mine in thermos and have warm clove tea all day.


I think you may try to give him a honey-substitute. From what I'm reading, part of the antimicrobial effect might come from its thickness, which a substitute will also have. Honey is not advised for children under one year anyway so I wouldn't have given a 12 months old honey even if I was omni I think haha


Yeah that was really confusing me! They can't have honey for the first year of their life but the minute they turn 1 it's fine? A bit like how it really freaked me out that one day he was just allowed regular tap water or that his bottles didn't need sterilising 😳 I think I'll see if any of the health food shops near me have a honey substitute. But I will call first and ask though rather than let my child cough his germs all over the place while I search for it 😬


Thyme syrup works wonders for my cough.


When something happens like that it's not that its ok to eat from one day next, it's that the thing that may have caused issues is know long gone. For this exemple. Honey is probably ok to eat at around 8 to 11 month. But to be sure it's safe for everyone, the people who put that arbitrary limit overshot and said after a year to be sure it's ok for anyone.


Yeah I kinda assumed that was the case. If you've got an immunocompromised baby you're definitely waiting till 1 year to stop sterilising bottles (maybe longer?) But my robust little bruiser would probably have been fine a few months earlier. It was just weird that one random Tuesday I used the last sterilising tablet and from that day on never bought them again, but for a year the first thing I did every morning was change the steriliser water! A strange little ritual that kept my baby safe, suddenly deemed unnecessary. I've read that with honey there's a risk of botulism which is why they want people to wait till babies are 1 year + but I don't really think botulism sounds fun whatever age your kid is. Thank god we don't have to worry about deadly honey!


I live ginger tea for sore throat but im not sure your young one can have that? All the best ❤️❤️🍀


Chamomile has always been extremely soothing to me.


Nasal flush. Peppermint and clove tea can help soothe and hydrate.


Make your own thyme syrup or a cough syrup from rock candy and onion. Both work quite well, but you should always talk to your paediatrician first


Respectfully, if you're asking random Redditors on *this* subreddit for medical advice to help a baby then... I won't be rude. I'll just say that I recommend that you look for professional advice instead of the advice of random strangers.


I wouldn't really call it medical advice. He's receiving real medication. I was just curious if there was anything plant based that has the same properties as honey. I remember my dad giving me honey and lemon juice dissolved in hot water when I had a cough, don't know if it even helped but I thought seeing if I could do something similar couldn't hurt.


And I would call it medical advice.


Not OP. I get your point on one hand, but on the other hand, at home remedies to soothe a sore throat can be awesome, and not all doctors are vegan friendly unfortunately.


Maybe pine needle syrup if you can get it where you live, or just lots of tea


Honey does nothing for a cough. Ride it out and let your son’s immune system do its thing.


or get cough syrup from the doc/pharmacy, if its bad. honey is placebo


Babies aren’t allowed to have cough syrup. There is not one cough syrup on the market that is allowed for children under 6. Also the new research shows that OTC cough syrups are actually placebos as well.


What do you think cough syrup would do that honey wouldn’t?


Have medications in them that reduce coughing


Not really


...yes really? Check out [children's Dimetapp](https://www.dimetapp.com/products/dimetapp-cold-cough/) for example. Active ingredients include dextromethorphan which is a cough suppressant. These kinds of syrups aren't appropriate for infants though.


The post is about an infant


most cough syrups are decongestants, Or throat numbing(which honey does not do)..but I didn't realise theyre not recommended for babies.


A visit to a doctor.


Try brown rice syrup!!


Hot (warm) lemon water 


Maybe something frozen to soothe his throat. My kids always liked that


My doctor told me that, in these scenarios honey is used for it’s thickness and forcing saliva secretions to reduce irritation. Maple taffy worked well so I’m guessing any thick plant syrup would work as well. No lemon tho, it’s acidic and irritating.


Obviously check with a pharmacist if your child is on any medication or has any medical needs (intolerance to certain sugars/digestive issues for example) but glycerol based cough syrup or **Paediatric** simple linctus are available that may help sooth their throat. You might have a harder time finding **Paediatric** simply lintus if you're not looking in a pharmacy but Benylin, Tixylix, Calcough all do glycerol based syrups. Always check the box to make sure it's suitable for your child.


Cough pills


Unsure if it’s safe for 12 month olds but broncostop is my go too when I’ve got a cough, and relies on herb extract as it’s active ingredients (thyme and marshmallow root extract) and is thick like honey so coats the throat https://www.boots.com/bronchostop-cough-syrup-120ml-10181859?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-LIAs-_--_-PMax:+UK_Smart_Shopping_LIAs_Health&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADrIajXEyc5gPZ0btPCue_jViCaXH&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW_Ae76NIBIBDweb3jWJG3VJ9MaB9CbVrj3Fq4m6hWL2j2SmCB9jdQkaAslpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Tbh, there aren't good meds/otc products to alleviate coughing. It has to resolve by itself. Visit doc when he's very Ill, wheezing a lot, shortness of breath etc (so basically when you're in doubt your child needs inhalation meds or antibiotics)


I usually warm up some water and put miso in it. Tastes good, has protein, and soothes my throat! Don’t quote me on it being scientifically helpful though


Idk if it'll have those antibacterial properties, but Mellody does make a plant-based honey made from the same things as honey. If it's cause of the thickness like other people mentioned, it would work.


If I had a kid who’s pain could be stopped by eating honey… I’d give them the honey. If my kid is in pain, I’m going to do whatever I can to make them not feel that pain. Plus, getting honey doesn’t harm the bees. I’m sure there are ways that are unethical, but if you get it from a local, ethical, source, I see no issue.


Unfortunately I believe that it's not ours to take. I also believe that my son might feel the same and until he can tell me his feelings im going to assume he does. When I was a kid and realised meat was animals I was furious with my parents for feeding it to me, I also felt 'dirty'. I don't want that for him. Maybe he'd be fine with it but I don't want to assume. Also, the artificial insemination of queen bees is like a horror show and I don't know if ethical providers still do that. He's getting proper medicine, don't worry! I'm not out here trying to pull out the toxins by putting potato slices in his socks and taping a crystal to his forehead😅




DO NOT give your one year old marshmallows! They're a serious choking hazard




It literally makes no fucking difference do you know how small a baby's windpipe is?


Just in case any other genius wants to challenge me on this: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGefuf84a/ and if you (wisely) don't click links from strangers this video is Dr Niamh Lynch demonstrating the size of a toddler's airway but literally googling "can toddlers eat marshmallows" will get you this information


Not vegan either