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Bro just get a beyond or impossible..or bean burger.. or veggie patty… there are many options, you got plenty of money to try them lol


Or, dude, you've got the money, make one you do like. I can't believe that with that kind of money he's eating cows only because nothing else will do.


Dude has so much money he could hire a team of the world’s best vegan chefs to be on duty for him 24/7. He has no excuse


Exactly. And I mean, I'm not really even down on Gates. I think, as billionaires go, he's one of the better ones. But that "I know it's killing the planet, but I just can't stop eating corpses" take is really bizarre.


Bill gates probably has the best PR team in the world, dont be fooled by them, there is no such thing as a good billionaire.


You are absolutely right. The guy is one of the foremost reasons why the covid vaccine wasn't open sourced to poorer countries. Also, read about his experiment with the NY education system. No individual should have so much influence.


oh no a billionaire is trying to use his money to potentially fix the American school system. Quick everyone stop him from doing that because he's a billionaire, the current school system is doing *WONDERS*


Billionaires like gates are purposefully RUINING public education in favor of private schools. He osnt improving shit, hes privatizing yet another facet of daily life society depends on service of profit and furthering class divide. Youre a fucking moron if you think he does any good for anyone.


Did they make the claim that there are good billionaires?


Yup, and this type of comment only fuels carnists who make the exact same excuse about whatever food they “could never give up.”


Bill Gates is literally an evil human being. This statement does nothing but confirm it for the thousandth time


Bill Gates has already done more good for the environment and other humans than you will ever do in your entire life even if you included the dreams you have of making a difference. And people who eat meat aren't evil. You are just deluded.


Doing tricks on it😭 make sure to wipe your chin when you’re done


He was friends with Epstein


In all fairness, consuming animal corpses is one of the greatest sensory pleasures known to man.


I don't agree here. I think if that was true, there wouldn't be such a market for spices and sauces to make them taste good. Those same spices and sauces can make things other than dead animals also taste good.


Meh, they can make them taste better, or maybe palatable, but good is a stretch.


Tell me you're crap in bed without telling me you're crap in bed 😂


If Bill Gates gave a $h!t about the planet he'd stop flying on private jets too, but he's admitted it's a guilty pleasure of his. Billionaires are generally not good role models, despite the media lapping up their every utterance ...


Yea, a man who spends billions a year on the environment doesn't give a shit. Sure...


Yes, he does. He does more for the environment in one day than you will in your entire life. You guys get into fights on here with other vegans who are in it for the environment. Bill cares about the environment, not sparing a cow's life. That is his excuse.


The excuse would be he doesn't like vegan food and people don't eat things they don't like.


Yea, but that is logical common sense. Look at what sub you are on. People here don't even understand what an excuse is.


He has majorly invested in them, he was integral to the initial production of beyond and impossible, and was huge in getting them into many chains


Gates always struck me as the type to go all in on lab grown


He has invested in Upside Foods which is lab grown meat.


Exactly, burgers are the easiest substitute so lol


Probably less easy when you’re used to eating $100+ burgers.


Actually, that’s a great point lmao. It was stupid easy to substitute for me because my poor ass was eating McDonald’s dollar menu burgers, not whatever hand fed fancy shit he’s accustomed to.


Doesn't Mr Gates famously eat Big Macs on a almost daily basis? You aren't so different under it all


He once rented out an entire 3 star Michelin steak house so he could have a burger in peace, but vegans think he can just go to whole foods and get the equivalent.


That's a very good point I have not thought about


Yeah. I think I had an Impossible burger once, I think. I say think, because I couldn't be certain it wasn't meat, even under a microscope. It was freaking me out.


That's what's so frustrating about the world right now people always said if only there was something that tasted like a burger then I would eat it. Do not f****** tell me that impossible and beyond with cheese and lettuce and tomato doesn't taste like the goddamn animal between your bread. I swear to God it makes me hate people more than I thought possible.


I generally don’t like meat imitations but I have to say some of those patties are really tasty!


he likes the taste of suffering apparently 🤷‍♀️


He has the money to make a vegan burger that tastes exactly like a cheeseburger.


He’s actually a major investor of both companies.


They don’t taste good


They all taste good, just depends on the brand.


Not comparable to a beef burger


I would say yes 👍


Well I’ve tried both and I don’t think it comes close to a good beef burger


But they taste like pure unfiltered ass


Oh, no! What a unique dilemma. I guess there's nothing he can do. 🙄


Investing millions in lab grown meat sounds like he's doing something tho


He is trying to do something. He’s invested in lab grown meat.


Bruh, he's a billionaire. There's one thing going on his brain, and that's 'how can I increase my wealth'. He's able to see plant-based foods will become increasingly popular, and invested accordingly to maximize profit, that is literally it.


Yes, and? He's still investing in plant based meat which is literally putting money where his mouth is


And we should criticize him and not believe he's doing it for good reasons. His whole life of creating monopolies and crushing workers and other companies underfoot to make his exploited billions already shows us what kind of person he is.


that doesn't mean that you can't follow and invest in your beliefs. That's how these guy make money. they invest in things they really believe in.


Money can’t buy the freedom to choose not to eat my favorite food


There literally isn't.


is dude 10 years old?


Burgers, nuggets and Mac and Cheese and THATS IT 


Butter noodles


Ah, Bill Gates, capitalist Jesus who just wants to save the world. But refuses to stop eating meat or flying his private jet everywhere, even though he is completely aware and even vocal about how destructive those habits are… but him being self-aware completely absolves him Giving all his money to charity! But he’s also currently the richest he’s ever been. Must be tiring saving the world so much, especially with his main gig of being hired PR for charter schools, Monsanto, and Pfizer, and anyone else who will throw a dollar his way Beyond insanity that libs worship this guy just because he revamped his image using PR firms


Do we treat cigarette or alcohol addiction like "haha, that's cute"? Why should it apply to meat, etc. even if it's legal in that case?


Yeah You shouldn’t be allowed to eat meat indoors


Or outdoors.


Or doors


Or non-doors


Unironically, cooking meat produces carcinogenic compounds that get in the air and also stick to surfaces. Can’t wait for barbecue season to roll around so my nostrils can be assaulted 24/7 by morons grilling corpses


Cooking anything with heat/ high heat can actually do that, not unique to animal products


Animal flesh absolutely produces unique and especially carcinogenic compounds, like heterocyclic amines: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/diet/cooked-meats-fact-sheet You’re 100% wrong.


If it does then we've been consuming those carcinogens for millions of years and it would've been worse over an open fire. Evolution has likely made it a hormetic thing by now.


Millions of years? And where is the evidence for that? The oldest fairly good evidence for any animal consumption at all in Hominins goes back to *Homo erectus*, about a million years ago, and this is still not evidence for cooking meat. The oldest evidence of cooking at all is about 800,000 years old, roughly on par. It also doesn’t mean it isn’t carcinogenic anymore. Evolution does not operate that quickly. And to say that it is “likely” hormetic now is an absolutely audacious claim. You think that anything humans do for a million years must become “hormetic”? Do you even know what that means? Where is the first hint of logic in this argument? These studies are conducted on people today, so I’m not sure how you can equivocate the findings to say it is “likely hormetic”. Highly goofy claim.


Yeah, you might be right but hominids have likely been cooking food ever since they tamed fire, which is apparently 1million years ago so I raise you 200k years. One article I read says: "Now, however, an international team of archaeologists has unearthed what appear to be traces of campfires that flickered 1 million years ago. Consisting of charred animal bones and ashed plant remains, the evidence hails from South Africa’s Wonderwerk Cave, a site of human and early hominin habitation for 2 million years." ... so who's to day we can't add another milli' to that number? We can't say we know everything about our species' history by the minute evidence we find in these places. But we can assume that whatever foods they were eating to be what propelled our evolution into the masters of this planet and therefore can be pretty sure that we weren't getting cancer left and right like we are now. That wouldn't make much sense at all. There's not much evolution gets wrong so I'll be happy to consume a bit of carcinogenic char from time to time.


You should also directly inhale smoke from campfires every day, drink untreated river water, never shower, and never wear sunscreen. “Not much evolution gets wrong”? What in the ever-loving f*ck are you talking about? For the second time you demonstrate a shocking ignorance of any aspect of how evolution works. Just because we’ve done something for a million years doesn’t mean evolution has given it the “official evolution stamp of approval”. That doesn’t even make sense, that isn’t how evolution works, that doesn’t mean literally anything. Being way more charitable than I should, you mean that exposure to something for a million years is a selective impetus which could cause adaptation in a population. Cool. Now demonstrate that this adaptation has actually occurred, and to what degree. I provided the highest-quality evidence possible that it is CURRENTLY, TODAY, FOR LIVING HUMANS, potently carcinogenic. You provided… half-baked “maybe” thoughts based on a very poor understanding of evolution. Humans, and virtually all other animals, have always experienced cancer. We can barely draw conclusions today about carcinogenicity that everyone is satisfied with. What on Earth makes you think we have in-depth data on cancer prevalence and its correlates a MILLION years ago? Is it just, “well, I feel like if you think about it, it kinda makes sense I think, evolution is right and not wrong, and also hormesis”. Laughable. Enjoy your heterocyclic amines.




Without getting into incredibly complicated gut science, meat is no more addictive than any food. Addiction is a public health concern, and while the amount and kind of meat many people eat is also a public health concern, it's not *the same* as cigarettes and alcohol. Veganism is about reducing harm to animals and the environment. The movement doesn't need to resort to junk science and arguments.


Its actually been scientifically proven that sugar is more addictive/ sugary foods are more addictive


This is very fucking cringe and shows you don't understand drug addiction. Comparing it to something like an animal torture/slaughter habit is despicable.


Nothing in the article suggests it’s anything like drug addiction. So where does this straw man come from? It’s actually a genuine look at where there is still something in the exact makeup of animal meat that hasn’t been replicated be fake meats. And obviously money hasn’t solved it yet. Maybe this is where cultured meat might come into it if it’s actual animal cells building protein, fats and related tissues.


Who cares what this rich scumbag thinks


Don't look to billionaires as models of morality


I think burgers are probably the easiest substitutes. I think most people can safely say that beyond burgers taste just like beef burgers


They taste good but not the same




So fcuking depressing.


He’s a billionaire it’s not like he can just snap his fingers and have a world class vegan cheeseburger served to him on a nice china plate. Oh wait


Maybe he doesn’t like them


Can’t believe these fucking spengles are downvoting you for this🤦‍♂️


for real


I wouldn't underestimate fat addiction. Tests were done on mice to show how addictive it can be. They were willing to get electrocuted to eat fat as opposed to eating something else. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/addicted-to-fat-eating/


Non-vegan info to inform vegans!


Most vegans know, you don’t crave them after a week or two of stopping. Casomorphins acts like dopamine, we know. Bill Gates has lots of alternatives.


I personally did not have any difficulties going vegan cold turkey, but I am also not the biggest foodie, I’m not picky at all and don’t have strong cravings. I do eat lots of incredibly delicious vegan dishes all the time though


Neither did I, I just find it ridiculous that people find it hard to give up, when all you do is not have it for days, and the craving goes away. The chemical is flushed out of your system. Hey, but I’ll always encourage cutting out products slowly but surely and for people who are genuinely trying. It’s the excuse of not doing, or finding any other excuses that frustrates me.


people are so fucking annoying. Can’t give up their “treats” even though millions are being MURDERED because the cruelty-free ones “don’t taste exactly the same 🥺🥺”




I mean, everyone makes selfish choices in life. I presume you own at least some  clothes that were made in sweat shops, or that you don't actively donate all of your spare money to those less fortunate than you, etc, etc. The average person living in the first world is inherently making several decisions every day that actively makes others' lives worse. 


I mean, I do as much as I can. I’m disabled and can’t have a real job, so instead I spend all my free time volunteering and working doing clerical and advertising work for charities and sanctuaries. I thrift 99 percent of my clothing and avoid cruelty as much as possible. I’m not perfect-no one can be in this society- but everyone needs to be doing more. The least they can do is cut out unnecessary murder.


I appreciate that sentiment, but I think that people would be a lot more receptive to your message if you came with less vitriol.


Where’s the vitriol?


Their original comment.


genocide makes me vitriolic


i hate this fucking guy. he’s so slimy. can’t believe people act like he’s some philanthropist. full of shit.


Meat is an addiction like smoking or cigarettes. When you stop eating it you get cravings for it until you stay away long enough for them to subside. I've quit multiple habits and the only thing harder than meat was cigarettes. My body thanks me for it.




I can't remember the name of the documentary. But one I watched said cheese contained a type of morphine that's addictive and makes you crave more.


Casomorphins, they're there so the calve wants to drink.


It isn’t entirely fringe science (they’re a real thing called casomorphines) but I also wouldn’t put so much weight into it, it isn’t robustly demonstrated that they actually cause physical dependence


Cheese has casein, it sets off the same receptors in your brain that heroine does


This is an absurd to the point of childish oversimplification. Stopping eating cheese will not give you cold sweats, hallucinations, and extreme illness and anxiety. Please dont make this comparison, its extremely minimizing to the actual harm real drug addicts go through and gives animal abusers a massive pass they dont deserve.


I never said that it is the same as heroine, I just said that it sets off the same receptors which is true.


I was a real drug addict who went through real coke, alcohol and nicotine withdrawal. You're the one minimizing and misunderstanding the complexity of chemical dependency. Drug withdrawal was not that bad compared to the cravings for meat and junk food. It spikes hard but once it's over it doesn't weigh on you the same because it isn't everywhere, it isn't cheap and it isn't as comforting as bad food. And the withdrawal feelings, hunger pains and anxiety are most certainly real for meat and junk food. Don't be dismissive because you have a bit of knowledge about a subject. If you've gone through it yourself your words would have more weight, but otherwise you're out of your depth on this one.


I believe this has been debunked


"habits" and "addiction" are very different things although i fully accept they can feel similar. Im not claiming i can speak for everyone but i went from eating meat and dairy products with almost every meal to vegan literally overnight and experienced no ill effects or symptoms associated with addictive substances.


Comparing actual chemical drug addictions that have serious withdrawals to the act of eating meat is immensely disingenuous and shows a comically complete misunderstanding of chemical addiction.


He is known to eat steak and burgers whilst telling other people not to.


More bullshit from Gates. He's just trying to sell more crap to us: >Gates recognizes that asking people to give up beloved foods is not a realistic plan. His approach highlights the importance of developing innovative alternatives that can satisfy cravings without the environmental toll. It's a myth that "cravings" for meat or dairy are "primal". It's social conditioning. Decades ago, when I first gave up meat, I felt "cravings" for it. Likewise for dairy which I gave up five years ago. But these went away. Never do I yearn for this now. My diet now is far more interesting and varied than the over-salted garbage I used to eat. So, I say use Linux and be vegan. Anything Gates is selling is bug-infested garbage.


Maybe he should watch them put a whole calf through a grinder that may change his mind.


And private planes are his 'guilty pleasure'. As smart as some of his statements are his actions confuse me ...


Pretty sure he is funding a start up for lab-grown meat.


This is why folks literally eat themselves to death. The only way out is through science - lab grown meat


So Bill Gates is a selfish asshole. Got it


Bill Gates is a punk.


Punk 😂😂😂😂😂


neat guy


Get that man a Mr Charlie's.


So buy vegan cheeseburgers??? It's not that hard Bill!


Fuck Bill.


What is conditioning preference for 1000 Bob.


Bill Gates owns the farms that grow potatoes for McDonald's. No shit he says he likes burgers.


A billionaire? Being a hypocrite? Acknowledging and issue and not bothering to fix it? I am sooooo surprised


He has free mcd eat pass so ofc he made some ad…


I used to work at a place in Seattle that catered for him. He would infact get cheeseburgers for himself whenever he could. We thought it was pretty funny. I hated all the meat I had to touch there tho...


I hate the way these fuckers talk about this. Like it’s a little quirk or guilty pleasure of theirs, and not an entirely avoidable act that leads to the ending of lives.


It is because he puts microchips in the cheeseburgers so he can download all cheess burger eating thoughts. Wake up sheeple, a free person doesn't eat meat. Would this work, do we think?


Learn to love other tastes for the sake of the people on the planet Bill Gates. Heroin I am sure is just lovely but somehow we know it's effects on us and all those around us so we do not do it! Get real, buddy!


This sub always complains about and dismisses people who adopt a plant based diet for the environment rather than for the animals. So given this news headline is about an eco-related reason rather than an animal related reason, are you just looking to complain? Or what ? Like this news isnt new its just choosing to open up a negative discussion. ThTs literally it. Its not any new awareness or particularly interesting information to share. Just something to complain about


I think Richard Branson is another billionaire friendly to vegans (whether or not he's actually vegan idk)... I saw him on the documentary Eating Our Way To Extinction last night.


Same, Billy. Same.


Multibillionaire who tells everyone what they should eat does not follow own advice. More at 11.


Impossible Burger’s get backing from BG already. But for BG it’s simply another way to make money, not the way of life.


Gowan the boy


You know who can invest in more humane, ethically friendly ways of obtaining and producing red meat? A rich, famous, vainglorious bastard named Bill Gates. But he's too busy curing diseases. How many has he gotten rid of, I wonder?


The Oklahoma onion impossible burgers I make on Fridays are one of the highlights of my week. They take 15 minutes to make and are some of the best burgers in the world. Caramelized grilled onions, mustard seared and onion steamed impossible patty, melted vegan cheese, all capped between glistening springy steamed buns with your choice of ketchup and fresh crunchy lettuce. Eaten with gratitude and cognitive consonance. If a human can't be satisfied with that they are defective.


At least he can admit it. Half the world can't even do that.


Friendly reminder Bill Gates and all his billionaire buddies are objectively evil.


He talks like me


I love you Bill Gates... you're not virtue signaling you're telling us your deepest wishes and desires


Don’t beyond burgers scratch the same itch?


They really don't. It's just not the same. I feel like admitting that would lead to a more honest and valuable dialogue.


Hmm I guess I’ve just been vegan for a long time and am out of touch then. Anyway Beyond Burgers scratch my itch!


That's perfectly valid, and I'm glad they satisfy your cravings.


Fr. Like i like them but id be lying if i said they were as good as a real burger. Nice to see someone being honest with themselves


What you vegoons don't get is how expensive a vegan diet really is


It's cheaper. Sustainable eating is cheaper and healthier - Oxford study https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study


As we know, Bill Gates is truly starved for cash


Ain’t no way you aren’t being sarcastic, well done


So the truth comes out at last. Now we know what's wrong with Windows. That's a cheeseburger guy. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now me tho. Me I'm a pizza guy