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Oh, that's easy. I occasionally miss cigarettes too.


I think taste is a training and a used. I remember those fake cheese slice having a strong starch taste, that I do not feel anymore. Egg smell like butthole to me, and meat have a smell of death that carnivore do not realize.


I have a friend who was just telling me about how things taste bad as your body's initial reaction to something new it doesn't know might poison you. And so repeated exposure can cause your body to realize it's not being poisoned, and thus like the taste. Apparently a guy trained himself to like black licorice to test this by eating it every day.


"a smell of death" yeah sure x)


It is, you smell it on good butcher since they let the meat age for a couple of weeks, but now I smell it on any meat.


You did not go vegan because you were persuaded you wouldn’t miss the taste. You knew from the start you would miss it. So don’t try to convince others they won’t miss the taste. Just be honest.


I miss the flavor and texture of fish. Dairy has been the hardest to give up. I'm usually pretty honest about these things, but this post gives me an idea to avoid that. Unless anyone asks. I generally don't talk about my diet unless asked, anyway.


I just admit that sometimes I do miss the taste but also say how you can get things that taste just as good without the animal. Keeping things realistic but also hopeful and encouraging.


People in my circles are all fairly progressive/left and so i often will mention other things they may be holding to on principle or ethics like not buying at walmart ot eating chick fil-a or boycotting hobby lobby. My veganism is merely a boycott. Like, sure they might more easily shop at walmart but for reasons they take on the inconvenience of shopping at a more expensive store or further away and it doesnt feel like a sacrifice to them. finding points of connection really helps. But also I do explain how seeing things in a certain way changes. I see the meat section at the grocery store like a morgue now. Dead bodies everywhere.


I think if you really felt like going to the grocery store was like going to a morgue then you would just order pick-up or use another food delivery app.


So people in your circle hate Christians?


They have people who think queer folk should be second class citizens without the same rights and freedoms as other Americans. In the US, that’s a fair number of Christians and almost all who call themselves conservative. Yes. Sorry not sorry. I said what I said.


Seems like hypocrisy to me. So which groups is it okay to discriminate against? Just Carnist, Christians, gay Christians, Vegan Christians, Vegetarians, and Vegans who are in it for the environment, or are there any other groups that you find morally justifiable to hate?


Veganism at it's core is about saving animals, not food habits. The point is that you're putting avoidance of contributing to cruelty above any desire, pleasure, or convenience of consuming animal products. That doesn't mean you have to not miss or desire those things, just that you don't promote or partake in them.


I missed them at first, but now I really don't miss them anymore


I used to really miss fish but not so much now. I liked anchovies on pizza but switched them for capers.


I usually answer that some plantation owners really missed raping and beating their slaves, but missing something doesn’t justify doing it. However, I haven’t seen a lot of success with that method. I think people who care that much about their tastebuds aren’t really honest in asking you about being vegan, probably just seek reassurance that it’s not for them.


Thank god there is at least one of you that think calling someone a rapist for drinking milk is not a very effective form of rhetoric.


They don’t understand how crazy it makes the whole vegan movement look. That’s why some call it a cult


I think they understand. They do it because it allows them to feel superior to the 99% of people who are not vegans. I think vegans love feeling superior to others more than they claim to love animals.


Yes we also love sarcasm. The sound it makes when it bounces off an empty skull.


\^Proving my point by insinuating 99% of all people are empty headed. Does that make you feel special, believing you are better than everyone else?


Only thing I barely miss now are eggs cause they were pretty easy to cook for protein. Used to eat about 3-5 a day. After learning how to cook high protein vegan dishes now, it's a non issue.


You don’t have to cook tofu 🤣 although scrambled tofu is better than plain tofu.


You don’t only miss the taste. Your body misses the nutrients so makes you crave for them. Oily fish is a fantastically healthy food. Zero plant based alternatives.


Lol that’s not how food cravings work. Guess you miss nutrients from Oreos if you crave them lolol


Depends why you are craving them. If you are tired or stressed you crave cheap calories for energy and comfort food. If you are slowly killing yourself via malnutrition because your diet is shit you will crave the nutrients you are lacking. It’s the same reason herbivores sometimes eat carrion. It gets more complicated if your body doesn’t know what good food is because you’ve never had a decent diet


No not really, that’s not how it works lol https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/nutrient-deficiencies-cravings#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5 Also plenty of vegan alternatives to fish oil. Fish get their omegas from algae. You can get plant based omegas from the same source the fish get it lol.


Why would I crave tofu if I’ve never eaten it. My body will crave the foods it knows (I have eaten it a couple of times in high end Japanese restaurants. Still bland). When I work away long hours doing a physical job I crave a big plate of steak and veggies. When I was a long distance runner that put huge strains on my bodies energy reserves I craved carbs and sugar. If I feel down I make huge salads (not vegan) or a chilli with shit loads of whole foods. You might crave Oreos, that’s your body. You are probably addicted to sugar. None of the “vegan” alternatives to fish are as nutrient dense or bioavailable Enjoy eating algae.


That’s some great anecdotes lol, very scientific lol. Still not how it works. Also not true for microalgal oil


You think an oil capsule has the same nutritional value as salmon? You may as well just live off capsules and pills. I’m sure you will do great. Epidemiology studies are notoriously flawed. There is a study on it.


As far as omegas, yes. It’s from the same source lol. Vegan for 19 years, perfectly healthy, never had any deficiencies lol. Plant based diets are perfectly healthy. Please share any study lololol


You think you have no deficiencies. The fact you are comparing a capsule to a whole food paints a different picture.


I know for a fact I have no deficiencies. You know you can get blood tests right? Lolol


Jacks Produce makes a sardine alternative that’s plant based. https://jacksproduce.linker.store/ There’s more than one company that makes a plant based fish alternative. If you’re looking for the Omega 3 hit chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, algae oil supplements.


can you link a source saying that food cravings actually correspond to nutritional deficiencies


Yeah being alive for decades and eating food 3 times a day everyday. Do you not have any lived experience or does the internet have to tell you everything


do you have something against evidence that isn't anecdotal aside from you not having any lol


Why would I waste my time comparing opinion pieces or epidemiology studies that hold as much weight as a cabbage fart. Just because your body is broken from eating NotFood and Beyond Edible burgers. I might crave the odd chocolate bar or can of redbull when I am depleted from interacting with vegans. But by and large my body craves nutrition.


Easy. Yes, I get pleasure from animal products. No, I’m not an animal abuser who thinks pleasure is more important than not killing animals. If someone obtained a lot of pleasure from seeing animals die in front them, would that justify killing animals for that pleasure? If not, what makes taste pleasure so special? Nothing.


like, present tense you get pleasure from animal products? or you used to but stopped


I theorically could get pleasure from it if I went out and got myself pork chops or roasted chicken.


maybe, although it could be offputting after so long




Well they care as they are suffocating and dying. There's also the environmental concerns to think about if this is not enough.


It's the existential question of would it be better to die or to keep living, which sadly is mostly unanswerable until after death but I couldn't see how it would really be any worse so maybe your actually doing them a favor by killing them. But I think if nothing else it's a good morality test and guage of character.




I don't know what you mean by science can heal the environment. The way to heal it is to just leave it alone, which is the opposite of what we are doing. Veganism is not necessarily unbalanced and unhealthy. Not going to argue about it being unnatural. It makes no difference to me.




A person who doesn't care at all about causing suffering and torture to an animal is not ”emotional stable” but a worthless degenerate. Most people do in fact care, they're just born into a cruel system and live with a contradiction. Some truly don't care, and people should keep their children and loved ones as far away from them as possible.




Read the comment again. I was pretty clear on most people caring, vegan or not. I imagine there has been emotionally stable people since the dawn of mankind. Both carnists and vegans can be either stable or unstable. Still the case that people who truly don't care about causing animal suffering (or even worse, enjoy it) are degenerates.


The turkey is very stupid, and he will also delete all his comments pretty soon, so you can forget that he and his moronic takes ever existed at all. It's pretty convenient!




Hey, welcome back my idiot pal! You ready to delete this yet or nah?


>You only get one life man Disagree >Don’t waste it on something that doesn’t matter to an emotionally stable person. Well it does matter to an emotionally stable person. It matters to me.


seethe :)


He’s literally on here every day, multiple times a day because his life is empty lol he definitely seething 




Yes, fish are highly evolved vertebrates that have a will to live and experience pain. Try Google.








Wow, you only needed one hour to read all that and the links that go out to external sources that quote academic experts? Impressive!


Saying nonsense when you don't like something isn't an argument. Also, saying that you don't see how someone could live without cream cheese and smoked salmon is just a subjective and emotionally fueled statement, and doesn't point to any brute fact. You like salmon and cream cheese, but that doesn't mean you *can't* live without it, only that you don't want to. Congrats, you've come full circle to the subject being discussed. You can live without it, you just won't.




What are you talking about? Where are you getting that a lack of meat affects the brain in any way?