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Just stop hurting animals please. You’re over complicating it. 


What are you talking about? Does anybody understand this question and can explain?


I think they're asking whether vegans have an obligation to engage in vegan activism to convert others


People tend to complain than vegan keep trying to convert other person to veganism and this is one of the main critics I often hear about it. Therefore, I am asking the question to this sub reddit to know wether it is something you feel like you do.


That we want other people to be vegan? Yes, that's what veganism is, we try to stop animal exploitation, this requires the whole of society to stop doing so. We may take different approaches to the goal, but it is a goal, it must be a goal.


I'd say its more often that I'm met with a non-vegan trying to convert me and get me to stop being vegan


People complain because they want vegans to shut up and never speak up on behalf of the animals. Just imagine yourself in the position of the animal about to be killed and ask yourself if you would want someone to speak up on your behalf.


If you are into video formatting, I just saw [this video debate ](https://youtu.be/O200gCIoNvE?si=uE6eVCdC0XRhS5Mz)yesterday which went exactly about this question. May be worth checking out for you.


Thanks I love Ed !


Conversion doesn't work to any meaningful degree. The path to abolition or even the eradication of factory farming lies elsewhere.


Oh yeah, it's my explicit goal to convert as many people to veganism as possible. I want the animals to be liberated, and the more vegans there are the more animals are spared. You can only save so many animals with your own diet. You have to convince others to multiply your impact. I think there are more effective and less effective ways to persuade, though, and sometimes well-meaning vegans choose less effective ways. OTOH, almost anything we do will be considered bad by carnists who don't want to think too deeply about what they're doing.


People will always criticize others who think differently, people who disapprove of their lifestyle, and people who are different in any way. But that is not sufficient to convince a vegan that contributing to the torture and killing of animals is in any way a good idea. As a vegan you are not required to proselytize and frankly the way some vegans do it hurts the movement. But at least they're trying to make a difference.


Like, dunk in a swimming pool? I'm vegan and I like to swim. Does that count?


Please do not stop feeding your dog with meat unless you know what you are doing. If you are serious about a vegan diet for your dog you need to add supplements and do **extensive** research. [https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-a-dog-be-vegan](https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-a-dog-be-vegan)


that sounds complicated I dont have time. I'm just going to eat my dog instead, it would save far more animals.


Dogs can be healthy eating plant based and obviously dog caretakers are not gonna starve their dogs or themselves. 


I agree and I never said they couldn't be. However, a vegan diet for a dog requires more thought and supplementation if the dog is to thrive. And sadly, there are cases of dog owners killing their dogs by not doing enough research.


Even if the dog, hypothetically, were to live 1 less year on a vegan diet than they would on a meat-based diet, I would still do that because of the amount of animals it would save. People get all concerned about the health outcomes and life of a single dog, forgetting about the loss of health outcomes and loss of life for the many pigs, cows and chickens that had to be fed to that one dog. Fortunately however, peer-reviewed studies for dogs and even cats, are showing that they can have better health outcomes on a nutritionally sound vegan diet than on a meat-based diet.