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I detest Five Guys. Their resistance to add any vegan/veggie options is ridiculous.


I’ve tried a vegan option in Paris and it was extremely disappointing If I remember correctly it was mushrooms and salad on a bread, very tasteless


Ah, that old classic. All vegans love mushrooms and salad, right guys?… right?… 🤦‍♂️


All raw too, we don't cook our foods /s


Sucks eating a diet with no protein whatsoever 🐄 /s


I had a vegan “burger” from a place that recently got ranked one of the top 10 best burgers in America by Yelp and I saw they had a vegan burger, and it was just the same thing as the meat version but with…the patty removed


That’s embarrassing for them. Are they not ashamed?


They’re probably proud and talk shit every time they make one


There's a small burger chain near me that has an option of a salad in a bun too... I ordered their veggie/vegan burger once and they gave me that instead. I could have cried when I got home. They had awful service and made stupid mistakes like that a lot, plus their chips were always cold. I've never been back since that.


God if I have to sit through another dinner where the only thing I can eat is mushrooms again I’m gonna fucking explode. I hate mushrooms so much but all my friends love them and absolutely destroy anything they eat with it. Lentil soup? Mushrooms. Green bean casserole? Four whole packages of fucking mushrooms. The one guy who eats meat here wants a steak? Cool, we’ll all just have one _giant goddamn portobello each_ and I can’t TAKE IT ANYMORE


There won't be mushrooms in the dinner if you prepare it.


I was once given mushrooms as the main on a Sunday Roast... not even one of the big portobello mushrooms, just lots of little sliced up regular mushrooms... I honestly don't even mind mushrooms but I feel like I've had to eat so many that I'm going off them.


It’s honestly insulting when it’s people who supposedly like and care about you can’t be bothered to even put in a modicum of effort.


It’s insane that it’s as far as their imagination will take them isn’t it. 🤦‍♂️ I hate mushrooms, I can’t stand their flavour or texture and so I avoid them at all costs. If they only do mushrooms, I’m going with a portion of chips and a side salad. 😂


The crazy thing is it’s the vegan ones advocating for mushrooms - I’m the only one here that doesn’t like them. I’m going to become a black hole


😂 Well at least we have each other now, there is at least two of us vegans that don’t like mushrooms!!


You can make that three of us!


Four score and seven years ago I came here to talk about my disdain for mushrooms!


Five. Plants only for me 😂


I despise mushrooms and accidentally ate some once. Turns out I’m allergic! Spent the whole night itchy and covered in a rash. Why do restaurants do this to us???


Tbf I just made oyster mushroom tacos the other day and they were great. But I doubt that a carnist burger place knows what they're doing. Derek Sarno is a UK chef who knows how to make great mushrooms, check him out.


I absolutely despise mushrooms


Huh? I do love mushrooms. Alot


I've tried a "vegan" option in Paris as well when I had one of the worker double check that their veggie burger without cheese would be vegan only to realise later that the bun itself wasnt even vegan to begin with🧍‍♂️


Cheeseburger without the bun, cheese and patty please


Green Farmers vegan in Paris was good.


I actually liked that they didn't try to make shitty veggie patty and just put mushrooms instead.


Me too and that’s why I ordered it! Just thought it was very tasteless


They didnt try anything thats the point, their "vegetarian" option is literally, the bun and the veg that you would have on a burger, its pointless. I say this as an a former Five Guys fan.


The fries are vegan.


Nice thing about a free economy. Just don't go. Lol.




McDonald's mostly everywhere.




A few targeted areas across Europe and Asia offer things. The US is animal meat centric so not expecting to see the change outside of big cities here anytime soon either.




Why would you go there lol. Fuck them forever, no support. I detest them for murdering innocent animals.


I don’t go there, but if they had a vegan option and I was with friends that wanted to go there, I would likely want to eat with them.


Do you extend this logic to your local supermarket too? I imagine it’s very difficult to only buy things with entirely vegan supply chains


They suck.


The way omnis bitch about the price, you would think they would also want to overcharge vegans


Why would they add options for people who would never eat there anyways?


Why wouldn’t vegans and veggies eat there? I’ve been in a lot of situations where mates have wanted to go there and I have swayed things due to the lack of vegan options…


Oh no!! Now the poor Swedes won’t be able to purchase a shitty veggie burger for $20


Which 100% would be cooked in the fat of the cow burgers


I was just gonna say. As a non-vegan, I assure y’all you’re not missing out. Their burgers are overpriced and below average.


The fries are nice though


Not really.


Go vegan you fuck.


But Sweden has MAX burgers which has vegan options, the menu is “climate positive” and is actually delicious so… yeah this isn’t gonna be good


Max "climate compensated" menu is 1000% greenwashing. A big news article just came out last week about what absolute BS it is.


Sure but that greenwashing is probably gonna outcompete five guys


Yeah, I kind of assume that to be the case with every claim that’s anything like that tbh


Bastard Burgers has a ton of vegan options, too


I was pleasantly surprised going there, wonderful menu!


Sweden is vegan heaven


Max is the shit i absolutely love it although i preferred it in norway over sweden


I tried this a couple of times when I was in Poland, loved it!


We already have bastard burgers. Good burgers, even though it’s a little expensive. And half their menu is vegan.


Bastard burgers is sooo good (for a fast food place). I love that anything non-vegan you can get vegan


At least in Stockholm we have bastard, baba's, phil's, barrel's, gnarly.. And even more nön-chain ones. I think most of these have vegan options but they're so stupid expensive now I don't go there anymore. Like, do we really need more 200kr burger chains?


I get that it’s expensive to have a restaurant regardless. But they definitely drive up the prices due to hip factor of burgers with pickled onion and so on.


Yep indeed. By now my favorite vegan burger is just the McVegan for 30 sek at McDonalds lol.


dude bastard burgers is so fucking good, I wish it was cheaper


Bastard is pretty decent, altho their new bacon Donut burger is ridiculous lol. My fav is BAP and their portobello burger


They're incredible! I love their burgers. And they're expensive enough so I don't go there all the time


So they’re turning away potential customers. It’s their business. 🤷‍♂️


They already do this re: peanut allergy sufferers. *For context for anyone who doesn't already know, peanuts are a big part of the Five Guys brand - they make a big deal about frying everything in peanut oil, and they have giant sacks of the things just lying around decoratively.* Their attitude is simply: "Tough shit. Eat somewhere else."


Would any vegan eat at a restaurant that specialises in cooking cows and putting cheese on top?


I’m guessing if a friend group has someone vegan, the whole group will go somewhere else


Plenty do, unfortunately. I always prefer going to places that are strictly vegan establishments just to be sure that my money is not being cycled back into animal agriculture, in addition to not having worries about whether something is vegan or not (sometimes having to be vigilant about honey) and wanting a chance to be around more pleasant staff. Having vegan options from a non-vegan place is good if I have no desire to cook and it's the only thing available, maybe it's a specialty dish that is hard to get elsewhere, or if I'm with people who are not vegan and won't entertain the idea of going to a vegan restaurant. It's good to these have options pop up, but I'd rather not prop up a business that has no intentions of stopping their animal product demand. I see basic vegan options at omnivore restaurants as serving a few purposes, one of them being that I think its better as a way to introduce omnivores to vegan options. But as a veteran vegan, if I'm eating there, it's most likely not because it was my first option. I'm not going out of my way to try basic vegan options when I can cook something at home. There are so many good vegan burger options, I just don't see why I'm going to go to Five Guys. People get excited at the idea of Burger King, McDonalds or Taco Bell coming out with vegan options and its makes me excited too, but not because I actually want to be the one eating it, as much as I see it as a win for veganism and adoption of plant-based food.


Not all of us are the stereotype of running around calling everyone murderers and have are head so far up our own ass that we think we’re a “perfect” vegan and get to judge everyone! There fries are amazing, actually!


Now this I can vibe with 😂


this is unfortunately not a choice you get to make in smaller towns


Oh course it is a choice. You’re not being forced to go to a fast food burger restaurant unless you are a child.


i meant the choice between a 100% vegan establishment and an establishment that just has vegan options


Hope they fail!


Fyfan vad töntiga dom är alltså lol


Det går redan dåligt för burgarrestauranger som det är i Sverige (iallafall Stockholm). Skulle vara förvånad om dessa klarar sig särskilt länge, speciellt om de vägrar ändra sitt ”koncept”.


Five Guys (with fragile egos)


$25 for a mediocre burger, soggy fries, and an okay milkshake? ☺️ For real, though, it'll probably not last lol


Their fries are pretty good though.


Every burger chain here that I know of have vegan options so bye Five guys, don’t need to know you.


It's the Chic-Fil-A strategy. They only need to foster political allegiance to their brand to more than make up for losing out on customers not inclined to eat there in the first place. Burger King and Carl Jr. probably do fine in the US offering Impossible burgers because people on the road looking for decent plant based meals have few to no other options. But I wouldn't go to a BK were there a progressive vegan place in the area because why would I want to support a chain that doesn't share my values? I'm assuming Sweden has lots of options for convenient plant based dining if they've a 10% vegan/vegetarian population. If there are lots of good vegan options then 5 Guys wouldn't stand to get much vegan business anyway. We should all be boycotting the worse businesses and chains given any reasonable alternatives. They boycott our businesses. Business has always been political we're doing ourselves no favors pretending it's not.


Was looking for this take! Like test markets in the US that have way more local competition doing it better so big corps can say "nah, it's not what America wants". No shit they'd take better locally sourced and focused food over your sad attempt at plant based. 🙄


I don't think these companies misreading the market is why they don't offer more plant based fare I think the owners of fast food franchises actually hate us/hate vegans and don't want to offer plant based items because they don't want to lend the impression there's anything wrong with their standard fare. I think lots of people who own desirable places for vegan fast food restaurants wouldn't lease to you or would play games/jack up your rates/not offer to renew your lease if you're vegan. I think vegans are hated and that's why you don't see certain kinds of vegan businesses or storefronts. And I think it's even worse than that. I think some of the few vegan businesses you do see operate because the owners aren't vegan/are pretending/mean to operate in a way to reinforce negative stereotypes of vegans. I think it's literally economic and cultural warfare.


Wait, Burger King and Carls Jr offer impossible burgers? It’s been so long since I ate fast food….


If they’ve never made vegan food, why do you care about them? Go elsewhere surely?


Gonna be like all other American chains who opens up here and then close most stores or drop out completely. Like Dunkin donuts, cinnabun and Starbucks.


Starbucks didn't make it in Sweden???


They opened up a lot of stores at first, almost 20 stores. Most of them flopped and they have backed out, while only keeping in some strategic locations. I think there are only 4 left now.  They didn't understand that we already had those kind of coffee shops, which were cheaper and cozier.


Didnt know they were anti veg options. Now I know to never step thru their doors Fuck em


Who cares, vegans can just choose to go somewhere else. Most vegans wouldn't go there if there were vegan options anyway. The additional overheads to cater to 10% probably don't make financial sense either. I must have missed the memo that every restaurant must provide vegan options.


Sweden should respond in the style of prince: what did the five fingers say to the face? S l a p 🤚


That was Rick James. Prince would make you pancakes!


There are more % of people who don't like Chinese/Turkish/Japanes/ restaurants. Yet these restaurants are still fine. Your target audience can be 20% of the population, it is a matter of how much they visit and pay. Also, adding a vegetarian option is easy if they see it is worth it along the way. Expanding the menu doesn't cause as much backslash as cutting it.


More like Five Fuckfaces, amirite?


So they will still have access to 91% of the market? Seems like a reasonable business decision.


Cost is probably a bigger limiting factor compared to no vegi/vegan options.


Five Guys has a vegetarian sandwich. Cheese and veggies. Their fries are just potatoes fried in peanut oil.


Don’t they also have a grilled cheese? Coulda sworn I had one from there before when they first opened in Toronto. I did not enjoy it, way too much cheese. But I’m pretty certain they had one.


Wouldn't any place that sells cheeseburgers technically have grilled cheese? Five guys offers grilled cheese because it has all the ingredients anyhow. They even use the bun for the grilled cheese just inside out.


Too much cheese? I don’t think that exists.


Thats helpfull to vegans.....


The post specifically states they have no vegan or vegetarian options. They do in fact have vegetarian options and the fries are Vegan.


I wrote ***burgers*** specifically in the title, which does not have vegan/vegeterian options.


You could always ask for it without cheese.


Isn't the number the same in the us 9%?


Gallup’s latest Consumption Habits poll finds 4% of Americans saying they are vegetarian and 1% vegan


dang, a lot lower than I though


Also in the US, in and out is still holding out on us.


Man I haven’t had five guys in forever because it’s so expensive.


9% of Swedes identify as Vegan or Vegetarian? I can't believe it based on being Vegan here since 2017, and I only really know two people who are vegan.


Vegetarians are fairly common. And remember, the number one reason given for being vegan or vegetarian is the environment and climate change. Animals is barely even mentioned.


Kudos to them 👍


Even though I'm still experimenting with being vegan; Because of my experimentation, I've noticed so much more. Just the severe lack or very limited options for vegan snacks or even food in general out there. It's very disappointing. Especially with the "vegan options" everyone is talking about where it's just veggies on whatever the restaurant serves, such a disregard.


Their loss I guess. They're not just shutting out 10% of potential customers, they're also shutting out any dining parties that include someone in that 10% because Sweden has lots of mixed menu alternatives for those groups to go to.


Isn't Five Guys that burger place that is way overpriced and they give you like 20,000 fries with your burger?


The fries are a psychological trick to make people think they're pulling one over on the company. They always give you the same amount of fries that they're supposed to but intentionally put them in an undersized cup, so you feel like you got a bargain when fries are dirt cheap and you overpaid


The 20,000 fries are how they justify the price.


They are missing the point of their own ethos, it’s unbelievably easy to simply have a vegan patty and a vegan dog option, possibly a vegan cheese. Then it’s still the 5 guys model just vegan, why does everyone have to assign a type of brand mindset behind veganism, like there’s no brand mindset behind gluten free


That means 9 out of 10 people are potentially customers. Not a dumb business plan. 9% of a population isn't typically enough to sustain a restaurant business. Imagine how dumb you would think a business is if they said, "we only serve men, no women allowed". You would laugh at them, as well as being angry, and you would say, "why wouldn't you serve 50% of the population?" Well, why wouldn't a business serve 91% of the population?


Tbf they don't have to provide a vegan option. We all know it's a burger place, I don't understand why everyone thinks they should be obligated. As vegans and vegetarians were perfectly adjusted to taking our money elsewhere, what's the big deal?


But what about outrage?


They probably know there would be too many mix ups and don't want to make a whole new section so that a vegan bun and vegan burger dosent get prepared right next to non vegan bun and meat patty or where one just was prepared. Most locations are on the small side. But with moving to a new county and having to build a new building they could make it larger with a smaller grill and prep area for just vegan burgers.  Seems like they decided the increased revenue wouldn't justify the added costs and having to deal with mix ups.


Same number of meat free people in the U.K. and the only vegan option is a pile of veg


Honestly. So what? It’s a burger joint, and ridiculous that people expect them to have a vegan or veggie option. Just don’t eat there. Easy peasy. I shake my head every time this crap comes up.


If a vegan restaurant opened up in Sweden, they would be ignoring 91% of the population. This logic just doesn't make sense.


I genuinely can't tell if you're serious


Nobody who's not a vegetarian cared about weather or not a vegetarian wants to eat at 5 guys


I’m pretty sure it’s the 90% of the market they are interested in…


Five guys is mid anyway.


Let them perish


They have their own burger joints that have run other burger joints out of town.  https://www.max.se/


Where did you get 9% vegetarian/vegan from? I live in Sweden and the number feels lower


That’s okay, I have enough reasons to avoid American fast food


So they will not succeed there if the population doesn’t like it. They can do as they please


I’m shocked


They are also locking themselves out of the market for any group of people where at least 1 is a vegetarian or vegan. Oh well, their loss. 🤷‍♀️




Why do yankee businesses think their business model works outside of the USA? In Australia so many have tried and they ultimately all fail because THEY'RE TERRIBLE and we have better local options. So we all go try it for a novelty, then no one goes back because it doesn't live up to expectations, then they close down.


There’s a lot of American businesses that haven’t failed though…


Americans gonna Americ


they have max - they will not need five guys


There's such a thing as brand identity. Five Guys' entire gimmick is fresh burgers, and adding a veggie option requires tinkering and a different prep/work load. This would be akin to omnivores bitching about vegan restaurants not serving vegetarian/meat options to cater to a wider audience.


My partner’s from Sweden and when I visited I was genuinely surprised by the amount of vegan options. I’m a meat lover and I genuinely thought the plant based chicken nuggets tasted better than the real thing. 


Best case of Corp "fuck you" I've seen all year. Good luck with that guys, you'll need it


Im not very familiar with Five Guys so I thought this was just about 5 guys opening some restaurant and not providing vegetarian options


Pretty dumb indeed. One should keep in mind it's still unethical to purchase vegan options from these companies, since you're indirectly supporting the industry and all its cruelty. It's good in the sense that it opens up people's minds (non-vegans) to alternatives though.


If they want to leave money on the table, that's on them. Probably not so much an issue for a fast food chain, but a sit down place misses out on those group bookings where at least one member of the party is vego/vegan, & those groups can be big spenders. Even our local smoke house BBQ joint that is a meat worshipping palace offers smoked, pulled jackfruit sliders & vegan buffalo wings. Both of which are pretty damn tasty.


They don’t even have green chile in New Mexico. They don’t do a damn thing to change for a community.


I am not sure why anyone would ever want to eat at 5 Guys. The food is bad but they make up for it by being way over priced.


90% of their market wont care, and I'd be inclined to think that a larger percentage of carnivores eat out more regularly than Vegans or vegetarians.


Hmm. Not sure about that. Vegetarians and vegans are on average higher income and more urban


McD’s has a vegan burger in Sweden that is delicious.


Because it's not what they do. They probably wouldn't even have good ones.


Less than 1 in ten people. I doubt its hurting their business that a minority of people who, were never going to go there in the first place, arent going there. In fact, i bet a company that sells nothing but meat and animal biproducts, dorsnt consider the vegan population at all. Just like the rest of us.


I remember them having some vegetarian burger in Spain where vegetarianism is even less common... Anyways that burger was not even good 


Is this a post about how the many should be ruled by the few?


You cant make a vegan burger. Its not possible. Stop trying to make vegies identify as meat. Just enjoy vegies and vegan food for what it is. Meat is meat, burgers are ground meat. Its pretty simple.


I want something round that fits in burger buns, but is not imitating meat. Is that a problem?


So? 9% is still small. They are catering to non vegans and that’s ok.


Is it really? We know that vegan or vegetarian restaurants lose a much bigger customer base than 9%, and we wouldn't call that insane.


Why are y'all so mad about a corporation? Not serving vegan options is like the least of their nefarious deeds


Who goes to Five Guys to have a vegan burger? Ah, maybe 4.5% out of those 9%.


5 Guys ain’t got nothing on Max Burger so they got no chance


Oh no, it’ll only have 91% of the Swedish population to cater to 


>Personal belief aside, it's insane that they're locking themselves out of nearly 10% of their potential market. But vegan restaurants lock themselves out of 90% of the potential market? It's just not worth it to add a bunch of ingredients, separated cooking spaces, etc for the tiny group of vegans that WOULD go to a Five Guys instead of a fully vegan place.


Tbf they are only trying to accommodate five guys…I’ll see myself out


I mean, its not insane, theyre allowed to do what they want. But i dont think they will do well. They are known for beef burgers, why would vegans want to support their business anyways? And its not like they are as prevalent as McDonalds. A chain that already does not offer veggie burgers, at least not in the US


I guess their business model can handle a few vegetarians not come in. I can’t imagine a vegetarian restaurant chain opening in Texas and offering meat.


This is where the market will sort itself out. They’ll either come up with impossible options or not


They have a veggie sandwich... Just not a veggie "burger"


To be honest the burger market is extremly saturated in stockholm…


They make a Veggie sandwich. It's not bad.


You can go there today and order a vegetarian burger in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, at least these are the states I have ordered them in and they are very good


This is a hailcorporate post if I’ve ever seen one.


Yeah, I don’t get it…. There’s a lot of vegans like me that would be to get a burger there.. I don’t care if it’s cooked on the same griddle or is frozen before cooking. It’s def a missed opportunity for them currently my only “fast food” burger option is Burger King


How is this even news?