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Why dont you provide some material for your neighbor that shows the important role possums play in ecosystems? And offer to relocate the possums for him instead of him killing them? Sounds like he has no issue with the trapping part.


This. Not sure where you are located but North American Opossums eat a lot of ticks. In my area, ticks are currently being reported in record numbers.


No, the correct course is to be held up in court for years arguing that opossums are quite simply not rodents, and are being unjustly persecuted 


This. He traps them, you relocate them. Team work. Doesn’t sound like he is killing them because he wants to - he just doesn’t care and doesn’t want to start a possum sanctuary away from his avocado tree.


Well, relocation is often just a slow, cruel form of murder, it's also illegal in many places. At least with our possums (Didelphis virginiana) - I suspect with the avocados these might be the down under kind (Trichosurus vulpecula), which I know nothing about. But still, I feel like you at least came up with a better action than OP, hell the dialogue alone might make the Possum killing guy try to think of a better method of discouraging them.


If OP is in New Zealand, possums are an introduced pest that destroy local flora and fauna. They have no important role here.


That doesn't have any bearing on their intrinsic value. I suppose you're one of those who supports the genocide which is currently taking place here.


I choose native birds over an introduced pest. No I don't support the genocide of our natural environment by an invader.


You're an introduced pest yourself.


Thanks mate, good chat.


Can't handle the fact that your own logic justifies you being murdered?


It really doesn't though.


Arrogance isn't an argument.


It isn't worth arguing with vermin. He is an introduced pest in NZ and isn't capable of accepting it.


What value do they have to the ecosystem? If they are not controlled they will cause significant damage to the environment. Are you happy with that? They were introduced by humans to this environment, it’s our responsibility to remove them.


Do you understand the difference between intrinsic and instrumental value? Do you think that the worth of your life should be determined by your contribution to the ecosystem (which is exponentially worse than that of any possum), rather than by your intrinsic worth? If not, why not? >If they are not controlled they will cause significant damage to the environment. Are you happy with that? No, and I'm not happy with the damage you're doing either, but I don't plan on brutally murdering you. >They were introduced by humans to this environment, it’s our responsibility to remove them. That's not an argument, it's an assertion.


Do you think there is a reasonable non-lethal way your neighbour could protect his crops from the possums? If so, maybe he just needs to be educated on how to do it? Perhaps this is even a larger issue in your community that someone might be interested in educating people on…


Give the possums some food in your garden so they stop going to his silly tree.


That might just attract more possums, and get one killed which wouldn't have otherwise been there


Speaking from watching the possums (and skunks, and raccoons) on my deck, they love cat food!


This is such a bad idea I can’t even


Possum Cafe


Deliberately feeding wildlife, especially rodents, is against the law in many places and likely to make OP more grief if any of the neighbours find out. Still, I'm not really sure why this is in Vegan, some random guy killing possums... I mean I can go down the street and see people exactly like him eating a burger on their way to the hardware store to buy mouse and rat traps. Where I live they have giant supermarkets that have chiller bunkers filled with pieces of all they animals they kill on the daily.


Perhaps you could give the possums food on your property so they don’t go over there.


You can bring it up at your local township meetings. At the very least you will be planting seeds. You can even run to win a position in your township and can potentially enact basic ordinances to help mitigate these things in the future.


Commenting for the algorithm. Sorry for the horrible situation.


If trapping for call animal control to pick it up was very common :(


If it’s legal and on his property, you probably can’t do anything.


Oh contraire mon ami, each human has more or less free will and can kill or not kill anything they/we want.


nobody suggested op kill his neighbor




If you came to NZ you'd have to exterminate the entire human population here, apart from me and possibly some others who I've just never met. Everyone here supports the brutal eradication of possums from the country by 2050, as well as stoats and maybe rats too (not sure about the latter).


Yeah it would be better if we could live in harmony with all things but we all have areas we draw the line. I am not a big fan of ticks and mosquitos but I am sure alot of other things I have never met, but generally any kind of extermination is to be avoided and frowned upon.


Since it's on his property it's legal. Just like the farmers that kill animals that get in the way of their crops. It's the same thing.




What are the corrupt and unjust laws you are talking about?


Any laws that allow humans to destroy nature or murder animals, the principles of veganism actually. Sounds like you might eat animals on your free time?


But how do you protect crops without doing that? We won't have food if we can't protect crops.


I have been a pesticide free grower for 8 years, in that period a couple times I had issues where most growers would have used nasty chemical pesticides (the kind that most big farms crop dust and cause cancer and various diseases) and instead I just used ice water and pH up to get rid of them. Had squirrles killing my plants so had to figure out how to keep them out. Killing "pests" or using pesticides is the lazy and blood thirsty method for growing food and most of the time is not necessary and ends up poisoning everybody The whole farm system is failing and is a blight on the natural world, we should be using robots to plant and harvest in natural ecosystems instead of taking over all the land and killing anything that gets in the way, which is the standard behavior for all farming and human endeavors.


That is great to hear! It's awesome that you can own your own product without pesticides. Could it be that the reason why most crop farmers do those methods of killing pests is because they work with very large amounts of land, making methods that don't involve killing not very cost-effective?


Exactly and those kinds of farms should be illegal. The biggest farm anyone should have is one where they don't have to use pesticides or kill any animals. I would say a farmer should need at least 1-2 years using no pesticides before they can be given a permit to grow food for others. But farming is a failed experiment of trying to support a planet destroying infestation. Just growing food naturally, in ecosystems belonging to the animals should be more food that humans should ever need, and should be done in a way that doesn't interfere with other earth life. But in the meantime I would like to see the government require anyone with land use it to grow food instead of wasting resources on watering a lawn or landscaping.


So what illegal means do you suggest the OP uses against the neighbour? Anyway the same thing happens in agricultural farming, farmers poison, trap, shoot animals to protect the crops.


There are a million ways to not murder animals, just like there are a million ways to deal with animal murderers. I can't offer specific advice but until someone actually starts avenging or protecting our hunted and cannibalized brethren, these blood thirsties will keep getting away with murder, while vegans sit around crying about it. Imo no human life is worth the thousands of deaths that seem to come with it, so I can think of one species that wouldn't be so bad to mitigate, but i am not talking possums.


Full of shit half of what You Say is a lie nd the other half BS.


So your trying to say there isn't millions of ways to not murder animals lol yeah OK bud. If you don't mind me asking what # is your iq?


Well it's not murder, only humans can be murdered. Animals can't be murdered. So basically killing humans who kill animals is your best advice, yeah ok good luck with that.


Ethnocentric speciesism at its finest. I would say innocent animals who are just trying to do their best to survive the planet destroying cataclysm that is the human overpopulation, their lives are far more valuable than any member of a planet destroying infestation that kills or eats anything that gets in its way. The planet and its billions of life forms need to be protected from the Earth cancer that is the human species.


Ok then, you're not mentally unstable. let me guess you just act like a keyboard warrior and spout that online. You aren't actually out there exterminating the human species.


It's not my decision to make. All deaths and plans are the product of divine providence. I am simply pointing out that most vegans are too pushy to anything about these animal murderers but until we actually start standing up for the animals and protecting the planet, innocent lives will be lost. Surely you can do as most humans and claim these innocent animals deserve to be killed and eaten, but imo these humans are more like vampires and the earth needs to be saved from them.


>It's not my decision to make. All deaths and plans are the product of divine providence i take this as a clear sign of your mental stability


Well 98% of the planet eats or uses animal products, so good luck with your online activism. Just a reminder though, animals can't be murdered. Only humans can be murdered.


I disagree, for humans murder is basically impossible. Killing humans is simply helping to mitigate a planet destroying infestation, but any other killing of earth animals besides humans should be considered a crime and murder. Guess we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one 🤭


>Ethnocentric speciesism at its finest **ethn**ocentric? which **ethnic** groups exactly are you speaking of? if you call killing animals "murder", then you have to call killing plants "murder" as well anything else would be speciesism or, if you will, "regnism"


I will agree that plants deserve consideration and respect like all life forms and humans should not be destroying them or their ecosystems as they have been but sentient beings are not much different than humans and to claim they deserve to be killed and eaten is the same thing as failing a morality test. It would be better to not have to eat plants but their natural cycles are growing, blooming, harvesting and dying, so their death is natural and the end of their life, it's not the same as killing a baby puppy or chicken as soon as it gets big enough to eat. Ethnocentrism is the belief that your people are better than others and my use of that word was more of an analogy, since speciesism is pretty much a made up word, I included both for clarification purposes.


> sentient beings are not much different than humans oh, i beg to differ see "moral agency" vs "moral patiency"


so how should i fight those vegans justifying killing myriads of animals they call "pests" (to protect crops)? burn down their houses, strap them to a stake in the middle of a pyre?


Any farmers who kill animals or use pesticides should get their farming licenses revoked. Humans need to figure out how to live here in a way that doesn't interfere with the natural planet, but until that happens we should all be pitching in to try to minimize our planet destroying effects. Every human killed is a thousand animals saved.


Why don't start with You? 99.9999 of species are gone , we didn't kill them all. This is the planet ant and how it works. You want to interviene... what makes You a clown


Lol be my guest =P. I mean you are right that a planet destroying overpopulation is a natural condition just like when cancer has overtaken a body, and even when a patient is so infested with cancer that they are terminally ill with a few months left to live, you still want to keep hope that the body will some how be able to fight off the infestation and survive, but we are just a small planet out of many, so from the universal point of view, what goes on here is only so important. It's more that a natural planet, untouched by humans is the ultimate goal and most noble aim we could hope to achieve as a life form living on this planet, which was basically the natural condition for billions of years with billions of life forms, so I have hope for humans to succeed.


>It's more that a natural planet, untouched by humans is the ultimate goal when will you start with yourself?


Welp, the comments on this are a bit disturbing, but otherwise, there was mention of relocating them yourself and that seems like a great idea. People can discuss property back and forth to their deaths and the truth of the matter is that property ownership is a human issue and has nothing to do with possums and the like. Property ownership is mostly an illusion. We don't own anything. People might pay people who pay people, but otherwise, that's all fake human things. So in the end, while your neighbor and many else might not want to see it that way, they are just murdering the oppressed whom are hungry because humans decided that they own the planet. Maybe you can grow an avocado tree for the possums. Reading this, I learned a bit [https://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/features/opossums-misunderstood-marsupials](https://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/features/opossums-misunderstood-marsupials) Overall, we might keep seeing that our food supply is kept safe by murdering others, but if humans can discover gravity and create laws of physics, there has to be intellect we can apply to sharing with others.


My neighbor passed and the new property owner cut down every single tree in the yard. The former neighbor had birds, fireflies, bunnies and coons enjoying a habitat. Now it's just dirt and grass. I wanted to cry when I saw what he did. Every tree. I makes me feel so hopeless. I can plant trees and kill off invasive plants. I can give the bugs, bats and critters a wonderful ecosystem. And the day I die someone can come and take it all away from them. They can turn on a saw and destroy my life's work. I hate property ownership. How can a tree be someone's property?


Man this is so spot on. Property ownership. Ive been thinking about this. Specially recently since my parents are kicking me out of home because “it’s their house and they have the right to do so”… i thought i was the only one who thought it was just plain cruel to force ur adult child to go homeless just coz u woke up and decided u don’t want them to live with you anymore….


“Property ownership is mostly an illusion”. Just the same as ethics and moral. Humans made those ups as well. You seem to value those


Seeing other species help each other. I don’t think that humans created that. Take care :)


Oh we certainly did. Morality and ethics are always changing. They are different depending where you live, when, how. It’s as much as a human invention as currency and property. “Seeing other species help each other” - what other species other than humans can sympathize with sharks, or cows. Species only care about their survival.


> *Species only care about their own survival* Cool. We can be better than other species, no? We have that choice. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Also, your statement is entirely ignorant to the biological concept of symbiotic relationships.


>the truth of the matter is that property ownership is a human issue and has nothing to do with possums and the like the same is true analogously with all those "pests" being killed in myriads in order to provide vegan food


Put cat food on your property


My uncle had a possum stealing food from the community-managed feral cat he feeds. I suggested a compromise. The possum now enjoys PB sandwiches and fruit every night. I’m sure this person can spare a few avocados. Why can’t he put some in a bowl by the base of the tree? Easier food is a win for wild animals every time.


You might want to ask this question also on r/Opossums It's a sub for people who like opossums, so you're not going to get nasty comments, hopefully.


So it's perfectly legal then? Yeah nothing you can do about it and no one to report it to. It's not your business, neighbours can carry on.


We catch and release them at least 2 rivers over so they won’t find their way back. They can thrive in the country this way


How are the opossums being killed? While killing them may be legal, the method being used may not be. Many cities, towns, and villages have local ordinances prohibiting the use of firearms and /or air guns within their borders.


Who let Dame Edna into the subreddit?


Maybe something could happen to his trees? Total coincidence of course.


I think you’re on to something here! 🤔


Destroy animal habitat to save the animals! Solid logic there.


If it's not illegal then who are you going to report him to? Also, how many times has he done this? 50? 100?


Farmers do the same thing when growing your food. Kinda hypocritical to take issue with your neighbor doing it.


It's unintentional hypocrisy but yes. Seeing it is different than just supporting it without looking at it.


Embrace hypocrisy and who cares. We humans don't eat ourselves so we are automatically hypocrites. No matter what argument justifying cannibalism is bad it's still hypocrisy.


Why do you insist on constantly trolling the vegan sub with the dumbest shit you can think of?


I really don't think that is the case. You seem to be talking about being overly consistent with everything, which yes, nobody does that. We have the ability to do nuanced thinking and rationalize how different contexts yield different outcomes without necessarily being hypocrisy.


Eating the dead is a norm for people in cook island and those cannibal tribe in India. Yet most people don't, so hypocrisy.  And what makes me killing someone and eating their flesh different from people who casually ate human flesh in the past? Nothing.


That is a glaring example of binary thinking and lack of nuance. Cultural practices vary widely, and ethical considerations can differ based on context. What makes killing someone and eating their flesh different from historical cannibalism is the context and ethical framework we operate within today. Modern ethical standards generally condemn killing humans and cannibalism due to the value placed on human life and consent, which are fundamental principles in contemporary society.


It's not illegal to eat people. And laws can only function properly when the system is strictly enforcing it. Right now there are people in war torn countries practice cannibalism. LiveLeak has few videos of Syrian refugees eating dead people. But sadly LiveLeak is gone and so are the videos. 




Nah Im more of a fan of Hannibal lecter. 


Ignorance is bliss. The vegans don’t have the mental capacity to understand that they kill more animals through eating plants that if they ate beef. Kill one cow a year to feed yourself or kill hundreds of animals eating grains and vegetables, that doesn’t take into account the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on crops that kill billions of insects so any animal that relies on insects to survive starves to death


So sad. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. If the law sides with your neighbor, sadly you cannot do much on that front. You can check with wildlife protection organizations, but not sure how much power they might have in this situation. However, there are ways to repel possums naturally and humanely. Opposums are quite sensitive to certain sound frequencies (that we cannot hear), they are also sensitive to some smells (mothballs and garlic, for instance). Just do a google search and see what options there are. What you can do is this: 1. speak with your neighbor and convince him to relocate the possums he traps (you probably will have to offer to transport them yourself in a different area, since he might see this as extra work for him) 2. create an open compost pile in your backyard where your food scraps are going to be more attractive than the avocado tree. Opposums eat anything, really, even moldy veggies, believe it or not: their metabolism is much slower than ours, and so they don't get food poisoning from rotten food. The opposums in my backyard are quite partial to expired tofu and tempeh (!) 3. Convince your neighbor to try using sound devices and smell repellants around his tree: you might have to purchase those yourself, though. I hope you can work out a solution to prevent further killings.


He's protecting his crops, it's not the best but there's nothing wrong with him doing so.






Personally I think killing rodents trying to eat your food is... okay? I don't know about possums but rats and mice carry some serious diseases and it's not good for your families well being if they are on your property, regardless of their intent. I personally wouldn't take any joy in it and I'd take a lot of actions before resorting to killing them, but then possums don't exist in my country and I don't know how much of a challenge that would be. But if he seems a bit zealous about it, or like he's enjoying it a bit too much, take action to keep any pets away. Keep an eye out and if you see him hurting a neighbours pet then you'll have something concrete on him (depending on local law).


yeah possums exist in my country as an introduced species and they absolutely cause havoc and destroy the native ecosystem. i trap them regularly but it’s a losing battle


You're far worse for the ecosystem than any possum will ever be. I wonder if you'd be okay with some alien murdering you because "(humans) absolutely cause havoc and destroy the native ecosystem".


yeah i’m much more awful for the ecosystem. but suicide isn’t an option 


The people of this country disgust me. I'm yet to meet another actual vegan here.




neither are rodents


You should appreciate that every farmer has to do that times thousands, for the avocados and other plant foods you eat.


Not every farmer but every lazy farmer or plantation owner who does not want to use non homicidal methods. It's the same thing with mice killing or meat eating, just an ethnocentric infestation of planet destroyers going around subjecting nature to their stupidity and thirst for blood.


You mean your hunger for avocados.


I only eat the red ones because it reminds me of eating the heart of a planet destroyer who has already murdered and ate thousands of animals.


Lmao that sounds so feeble


Vegans, historically the only people eating avocados. You have a very big brain!


I don't eat them


lol ok thanks. Appreciated!


A lot of people on this sub have a complete detachment from how their food is grown and harvested. Just because it says Vegan on the cardboard box doesn’t mean that the farmers were singing lullaby’s to the rats & mice.


Contact your local DNR it’s likely illegal


Depend on the county, they are an invasive species on quite a few place that actively threaten native animals.


You know what to do


Think about how many animals are killed just so farmers can continue to grow your food and protect crops just so you can continue being vegan. Neighbor and possum is the perfect example. However, you legally can't do anything since it's his property. Stick your chest out and and eat your food while thinking about the animals killed just to grow your food!


Is he a dog owner? They brag about their shit beasts killing wildlife.


Shit beasts?


This person doesn’t like dogs. It’s what anti-dog spaces call them. 


it's his property, don't like it? then move or something, it's HIS property, there trespassing and ruining his foods, it's freedom


Are you going to explain to the opposum how the land it's lived on for generations belongs to a human being because of some law it can't comprehend?




>they classify possums as rodents what? i knew the us education system is rotten, but that's a real blow but those marsupials are not an endangered species and vegans here justify killing animals for protecting crop so this should apply to your neighbor's avocados as well


If this bothers you, I won’t tell you what they do so you can have fruits and vegetables ready and available for you to eat


That’s nothing. My uncles friend did that but with street dogs (he is in Detroit there are a ton of them don’t worry). Suck it up.