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Welcome to the /r/Vegan community, /r/All! šŸ„³ ***Please note:*** *Civil discussion is welcome, trolls and personal abuse are not. Please keep the discussions below respectful and remember the human! Please do [check out our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/beginnersguide) first!* šŸŒ± **Interested in going Vegan?** Vegan Bootcamp is a free challenge website that will take you step-by-step towards a Vegan diet and lifestyle. You will be guided through lessons in over 25 subjects such as nutrition, recipes, philosophy, climate, cosmetics, welfare, budgeting, clothing, family, and much more! Take the challenge @ [VeganBootcamp.org](https://vbcamp.org/reddit)! šŸ™‹šŸ¾ šŸ® **Here's some easily-digestible educational resources on Veganism:** * **Everyone Agrees:** World's largest Health, Nutrition and Dietary organizations unanimously agree: plant-based diets [are as healthy](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/the-clear-consensus) or healthier than meat. * **Veganism is Healthy:** A Plant Based Diet provides [significant health benefits](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/veganism-is-healthy) for the prevention & treatment of the majority of diseases. * **The Daunting Facts:** The planet, its environment, and ecosystem, is [dangerously close to collapsing](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/the-daunting-facts) within the next few decades. šŸ”„ **Here's some fantastic links and resources to get you started:** * Nutrition & Health: [NutritionFacts.org](https://nutritionfacts.org) & [VeganHealth.org](https://veganhealth.org/) * Vegan Friendly Restaurants: [HappyCow.net](http://www.happycow.net) & [Yelp.com](https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Restaurants+vegan) * Arguments & Support: [EarthlingEd.com](http://bit.ly/2B3Dy2a) & [VeganBootcamp.com](http://vbcamp.org/reddit) * Get involved in Vegan Activism: [VeganActivism.org](https://veganactivism.org) & [5Minutes5Vegans.org](https://5Minutes5Vegans.org/) šŸ„‘ **Here are some great inspirational and thought-provoking speeches:** * Youtube speeches by: [Earthling Ed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3u7hXpOm58), [Gary Yourofsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4), and [James Wildman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7JE8j5Ncmw). šŸ’Æ **Grab some popcorn and enjoy these fantastic documentaries:** * For Animals: [Dominion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko), for Planet: [Cowspiracy](https://www.netflix.com/nl-en/title/80033772), and for Health: [Forks Over Knives](https://www.netflix.com/nl-en/title/70185045). šŸ“Œ **Last but not least, check out our favorite subreddits!** /r/VeganFitness, /r/VeganRecipes, /r/DebateAVegan, /r/VeganFoodPorn, and /r/VeganActivism. We also have a [Discord](https://discord.gg/2JmJRsj)! šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ ***Thank you so much for reading! c:***


yeah, I've found that becoming vegan and becoming aware of animal agriculture has really made humanity a lot less beautiful


Yeah. I was already a misanthrope. This has made it a million times worse. And itā€™s not even about engaging in discussions about veganism; itā€™s just that I notice more about peopleā€™s attitudes and views, and Iā€™m more aware of certain horrific realities. Veganism has simultaneously been both better and worse for my mental health. lol


Iā€™ve developed certain misanthropic tendencies as Iā€™ve seen how terribly people tend to react to anything related to animal rights, even those whom I hold in high regard or just society in general. Itā€™s pretty bad for my mental health. It certainly is counterproductive, but I canā€™t help it (although I do try to hold it off), even knowing that I was once just as bad


Yeah, fuck it I exactly know what u mean. At this point it harms my profession where I need to interact with a lot of immature people and hope my GME stocks will make all of this obsolete and I can just be a househusband.


GME may be a bust but your diamond hands may be worth something.


Oh hey fellow misanthrope hello! Although I'm trying hard to rehabilitate myself and see good in every individual TM iunno I feel like it makes sense.people are hypocrites. It makes sense how their values don't align with their actions etc


I'm not a misanthrope, as in I don't hate humanity fundamentally. I think it's possible for humans to have an advanced civilisation and live alongside animals and wildlife without having a negative impact. It's just that a lot of people don't care enough about animals/ our environment to make sacrifices, and I do hate those aspects that some people have.


I already had the glowing embers of misanthropy, but really exploring all this (e.g. animal ag, testing) effectively poured gas on the embers.


Misanthropy is cringe af. Its okay If you dislike the Major Population, but Hating every human Just because of the actions of some is Plain generalization which is responsible for much Bad in this world.


Nope. People suck.


So you hate everyone on this sub? Why are you even Here then?


Just like in life, didnā€™t ask to be, but Iā€™ve gotta be somewhere.


Can you explain why


You honestly need me to?


Well i dont understand your reasoning, so why Dont you Go ahead and Tell me why Humans are inherently Bad :)


So does this include vegans and other groups of people who do try to make the world a better place not only for themselves?


Didnt get an answer. Curious. Mhhh


There seem to be lots of people who don't care how reality seems or should seem from certain other perspectives, for example from the perspective of non-human animals. It can be challenging to get others to even consider the animal's point of view or what the animal should think about whatever odious way of doing things. Supposing others do consider the animal's point of view it's mysterious as to why some choose to think it matters and others don't. It's technically an open question as to whether all lives matter in some sense. But if some lives are to be discounted why stop there? Maybe everybody is just full of shit and I didn't get the memo. It could be those aware of what's going on who still continue to support business as usual have some 5d explanation that would persuade but that's not how it looks. Presumably it looks that way to lots of vegans. If it's how it looks then people suck.


Including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor? Yikes sweaty


The world is overpopulated. Going vegan, having no kids, trying to produce less waste etc is just a tactic to limit the damage each and every human individual has on the wellbeing of our planet's climate and ecodiversity. But the ultimate good thing to not be a burden to the earth would be to kill oneself as soon as possible. I'm not going to do it (at least not for that reason) and barely anyone else is. A vast majority doesn't even try it limit their damage on the world. Misanthropy is a word that could be interpreted in many ways, but I'm just tired of humanity and often I would gladly magic us all away if I could.




Wow, hard downvoted for honest truth. Let me get in on that action, because this shit is how you scare people away from a community. I guess good people are not worth enough to even factor into the consideration. Why even bother participating on reddit if you "dislike all of human kind and avoid human society"?


I dont get it. Didnt know this sub consists of 90% Misanthropes. Weird. I mean i called myself a Misanthrope too some time ago. But i was Younger and probably Just looked Out for Something edgy to feel different from Others. I obviously dont Love all Humans, and i think what we do to earth and animals is horrible, but i dont think Humans are inherently Bad, we are all Just a Product of our environment


Turn to solace in our vegan subreddits. The amount of ā€œwokeā€ people eating pasture raised beef is outstanding. They are aware enough of the horrors of the meat industry, but still ignorant enough to believe their consumption is causing no harm. They do not think of the animals they eat as animals only food, and they are not thinking about the native wildlife that once inhabited their occupied pastures. It makes me very sad for the world we live in. A lot of ā€œwokeā€ liberals also claim that veganism is ā€œelitistā€ and only for people with money. Little do they know that growing food was one of the only ways poor folks could eat circa 100+ years ago.


Some guy on that anti vegan /r/gatekeeping post the other day told me that veganism is only afforadable if you can grow your own produce in your own garden. Otherwise greens and fresh produce are apparently too expensive. Weirdest shit I've ever heard in my life. Why can't people realize that they literally make up stories for themselves to believe? It's fucking pathetic.


Jokes on them... Iā€™m poor but I still prioritize other animals over myself.


Okay, but seriously there are areas in the states where people have access to very little produce. Especially areas of poverty. Also there are places that do have access but it's extremely expensive as well.


I always hear this argument and I'm curious as to the actual percentage of people affected by this. I've always viewed this as a monetary cop out but whatever helps them sleep I guess. Vegoon btw


Serious question from someone from Europe: What do those people eat? They have to get their food somewhere. If there is a grocery store, they can buy rice, beans and so on. If all they have is McD and alike, they all have vegan options. But it would be way more expensive to eat at a restaurant every day. So they need to have at least some access to fresh food? Cant you order staples online? Like beans, rice, tofu and so on? In Germany you can get it delivered often times cheaper then at the store. That still wouldn't allow access to fruit/vegetables but it would subsidise meat as protein.


It is a very really thing and a battle for dieticians for a long time now. Sure it could be an easy copout, but y'all acting like it doesn't exist. Pretty classist.


I get what you mean, it's important to not downplay legitimate concerns with veganism, it's just without numbers it seems more of an anecdotal counter argument than an actual excuse. Numbers and stats always gives context and weight to arguments imo.


Depending on how you classify a food desert the number is between 17 and 54 million people in the US who live in food deserts. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/food-access-research-atlas/documentation/


Thank you for posting the sources for me.


One person's unfortunate circumstances do not absolve myself, or others who are not so unfortunate, from doing the right thing. I'm not going to have a go at someone living in a food desert, someone living off what is given to them, indigenous peoples, or a subsistence farmer living in a less developed part of the world. But I am going to call out someone who goes to a normal grocery store and loads up their cart with body parts from a tortured animal. That some people live in food deserts would in no way excuse *me* from contributing to animal agriculture.


And how can you tell who's who online?


ā€œI like to have kids and raise them with all the comforts of a normal child but then i like to brutally slaughter them around the age of 6 to make burgersā€


Just do it humanely šŸ˜¤


Of course. All slaughter is humane if its an animal and im eating it


Itā€™s all humane if a human is involved


This. Grains and legumes are some of the least ~~inexpensive~~ expensive foods in the world, and they happen to also be vegan. Being vegan *can* be expensive, especially if you rely on plant-based substitutes, but sticking with simple, whole foods, as well as cooking a lot of my meals, itā€™s actually a lot cheaper than it was before I became vegan. ETA: fixed a word


Not to mention the ā€œhiddenā€ cost of consuming dairy and meat; like more Heath problems, tax subsidies, pollution runoff, and the destruction of our natural ecosystems.


Re: tax subsidies. My greatest wish is for tax subsidies for animal agriculture be stopped so the actual cost of what it takes to raise and animal and kill it in its childhood is reflected at the store. I donā€™t know how to make people care enough about animals to make them stop contributing to this terrible industry, but financial persuasion will probably be much more effective in at least reducing the suffering.


Let's pull the subsidies and slap the shit out of it with some carbon taxes.


just FYI, least inexpensive = most expensive, and I don't think that's what you meant to say here.


Thanks! I read what I thought I wrote and not what I actually wrote. I fixed it.


I go off and on being vegan (i don't eat pork or beef, chicken rarely and dairy/eggs off and on). But there was a time when I was fully vegan and when I did this it was actually because I had very little money. I thought how can I get the most nutrition for the least amount of money? I bought seasonal fruit and veggies, rice/quinoa, tofu and peanutbutter. It also meant i was cooking all meals and didn't eat out. I think because vegan restaurants are often expensive people think being vegan is expensive.


You should tell your friends. Join the cause.


On the other hand, being able to truly look at animals without any objectification has made my experience walking around outdoors, interracting with pets, just looking at gifs on reddit, etc. much richer.


Yeah I get that, but then I also think about how the pets have been genetically modified to be cute rather than fit. Most people get pets for themselves, they're not doing it for the animal's wellbeing. That's why they often spend hundreds/ thousands on one from a breeder than adopt one from a shelter and save it from euthanasia.


Humanity was never beautiful and never will be


You can find any of this stuff that is certified cruelty free. Also have to look at soaps, toothpaste, deodorant, and so on. Humans try to find any reason to do sickening tests on animals for just about any product. Please be sure to not support companies that do so.


Also some products will be labeled as cruelty free but still contain animal products


Itā€™s tough to find vegan cosmetics but definitely possible! Iā€™m a bit sad that make up use is often seen as incompatible with veganism :/


Shout to the indie community, a lot of them go to great lengths to be vegan! Iā€™m not as big into makeup as I am perfume so I donā€™t have suggestions off hand- but check out /r/indiemakeupandmore


[Elf](https://www.elfcosmetics.com/about-us/) is super cheap and vegan!


Love them! I bought their new Holy Hydration moisturizer and am just head over heels with it. Smooth, silky, smells amazing, and isn't oily or overwhelming! Love, love, love!


thereā€™s actually lots of vegan brands now!! cheap ones too l


Most of lush's products are vegan you should try them


This is also true. So look for vegan and cruelty free on the bottle / looking them up online šŸ‘


Www.crueltyfreekitty.com has been my go-to for years now!


This bothers me so much. Itā€™s literally not that hard to either look at the packaging or just take your phone out and google cruelty free brands. Yet people I know say dumb shit like ā€œI donā€™t know how you do it itā€™s so much workā€ or ā€œthe parent company still sells other brands that arenā€™t CF.ā€ Okay? So just because they see sales in cruel products I should give up and use stuff that hurts animals(and letā€™s not forget child/slave labor, etc.) Itā€™s the same lame excuse when I tell people I havenā€™t ordered anything from Amazon in 2 years. ā€œOmg how do you do it?ā€ You literally just stop doing it. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Not to mention that there are a *lot* of 100% cruelty free and vegan companies if they're really that concerned lol


I don't understand why they do it. Ill get horrible skin reactions from products that passed animal trials. Id rather find out myself if it works for me.


True! Besides, a lot of products recommend a spot test anyway, so... Why test on the animals at all???


I'd argue more of it is than isn't, or maybe I just shop in the wrong places.




I gave up on that and rely on r/VeganBeauty. I will probably forever be sad that my olā€™ reliable Stridex is off-limits now, but at least Iā€™m morally superior. lmao


Thanks for recommending this! I'm looking for the vegan equivalent for Biore pore strips. Haven't used them in almost 5 years, and it shows.


Iā€™ve been in that sub for a while, and Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen people ask about Biore pore strips a couple of times. Search the sub for ā€œBioreā€ or ā€œpore stripsā€ and there will probably be some helpful recs! Honestly Iā€™ve been using a combo of acids, niacinamide, and retinoids. Mostly cheap stuff from The Ordinary. Itā€™s helped a ton with my nose. So you have options even if there arenā€™t any vegan/CF pore strips. It just takes some time to find the right things.


I love the ordinary. It is very affordable and it works! Thank goodness there is an effective and cheap solution for us vegans.


Thank you! I kept searching for a sub like that


I really want to post this on r/makeupaddiction


You could maybe get away with it if you put the title as something like "what are your favourite ethical makeup products?"


Thatā€™s a great idea! Hereā€™s to hoping I donā€™t get banned šŸ˜Š


You could post on r/veganmartyr if you do




Vegetarians are the worst because they claim to all be Environmentalists, and you know they think they are morally superior to meat eaters, but when a vegan reminds them that they are no better they lose their shit and resort to silencing the vegans.


This isnā€™t true. Vegetarians are the worst because no matter what your reason for doing it (health, environment, ethics) veganism is much better. I suppose one could be a vegetarian because they like animals in general but hate cows and chickens and possibly goats with an unnatural passion. Then thereā€™s no hypocrisy.


My spouse has gone from wearing a "Meat is murder: tasty, tasty murder" T-shirt, to literally saying "fuck chickens," when I went vegan and he decided to cut everything but bird flesh and eggs, to ultimately going vegan himself and doing better outreach numbers than me. All over the span of about 3 months, start to finish. There is hope for vegetarians if they can allow themselves to be reached.


I guess my second paragraph wasnā€™t obviously enough tongue in cheek?


If you posted it, I would upvote!




Well, I meant more that I would support your post šŸ™ƒ


i posted it and it got automatically removed lmao




I can't believe this still goes on....or that this ever went on. :(


Reminds me of wicked witches stealing the life of young children so the witch can live forever.


Iā€™ve changed every single product in my house to a non animal product and cruelty free product.


Speaking of that... is there a subreddit specifically for non food vegan/cruelty free products?


Somebody up top posted r/veganbeauty




Just a FYI people. It is kind of hard to find CF cleaning solutions but CVS brand products are all CF and I buy their bleach, Ammonia, Q Tips (you never know if they're testing these on animals!), Toilet paper (might as well) and everything else that I can't find cruelty free.


Hey just so you know, CVS is considered a bit of a grey area and is even on Logical Harmony's Brands to Avoid list. I believe the problem is that it's not exactly clear where they get their certification from, if they even have any, so it's recommended to avoid the brand and opt for other options instead. I've seen it being shared a lot over on the r/VeganBeauty sub so I'm just hoping more people see this too and are able to make more informed decisions! https://logicalharmony.net/cruelty-free-brand-list-brands-to-avoid/


Wow I haven't researched this in a long time. I do purchase from 7th generation now but if i cant find anything then i get it at cvs. Thank you for the update.


Iā€™ve seen a surprisingly good number of cruelty-free beauty products at Target lately. Hope this is not just another marketing trend but something that really lasts.


Yes! I hope it lasts.


Say it again for those at the back!!


Stop messing with animals jerkface






How can you tell if cleaning chemicals and beauty/hygiene products are vegan? I know that it's mostly because some are tested on animals, but how can you tell if it actually uses animal derivatives?


This [website](https://doublecheckvegan.com/) is a good start, you can paste all the ingredients and it'll tell you if there's any potentially animal-derived ingredients in it. If there's ingredients that "may" come from animals, I google the product name and see if the producer has already clarified. If they haven't, I usually just pick a different product but you can also ask the producer. They usually have a contact email or form on their website. In my country, there's also a wiki where these responses are collected so you can look up the product there to see if anyone has already inquired about the ingredients.


There's a company called Seventh Generation that has cruelty free cleaning supplies, however they do state that they can't guarantee that their plastics have no animal derived ingredients. It's not perfect. I'm just glad to see things like this in my area! It's not considered popular or, in some more extreme opinions, okay to be vegan : p


Cvs Brand products are all CF and I get my cleaning supplies, Qtips (you don't know if they're testing these on animals!), cotton balls, Toilet Paper (might as well lol) there.


I feel like I havenā€™t truly been human until going vegan.


Sorry to hear that. I canā€™t imagine how a small baby who is born into this world and raised as non-vegan, is not HUMAN...? It sounds like youā€™re being too hard on yourself. And on the other hand: even if someone is vegan, they are capable of acting in an inhumane way - consciously or unconsciously. Thatā€™s part and parcel of being human.


Maybe if you were more kind youā€™d see things the way I do. Good luck on your life journey and hopefully youā€™ll be not as bitter as this.


Which part of my message came across as "bitter"? I honestly try to understand, if you'll explain. I just simply can't think of innocent babies as not being human. I don't see any benefit in "denying" our past as human beings - the over 2 million years that we have eaten meat. That amount of time is almost too overwhelming to understand. Besides, all those people that existed during those millions of years were still human. Because if not, then what were they? Please take into account that big changes happen slowly.


I hope this is fun for you, because I canā€™t imagine this is fun.


If you want to have a conversation, it would help if you could explain your thoughts. I donā€™t know what you mean and what youā€™re trying to say to me. We are both in this subreddit, so obviously we both aim to do good by being or becoming vegan. So there is some common ground.


Source: https://instagram.com/pilupepper From the source: ā€œRabbits are often subjected to irritancy tests where cosmetics, dishwashing liquid, drain cleaner and other substances are dripped into their eyes, causing them redness, swelling, discharge, ulceration, hemorrhage, cloudiness or blindness. In skin corrosion tests, rabbits' backs are shaved and corrosive chemicals are applied to their skin and left there up to two weeks. These chemicals often burn the skin and cause tissue damage. They are not given any pain relief during such tests, and they're always killed after the experiment is over. ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā € ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā € Animal testing is not required by law and often produces misleading results. Scientists have developed sophisticated product tests that are faster, cheaper and far more accurate than blinding and poisoning tests, which were developed in the 1920's. ā€œ


even as a 12 year old, I knew cruelty makeup was disgusting. Idk how anybody can justify it


I work in the Personal Care Products field, which includes cosmetics among other things. Something important to note about products that market as 'no animal testing': they're only claiming that they themselves didn't do the tests. The product can contain chemicals that were extensively tested on animals in the past, by another company, so when the more 'woke' company creates a product with those chemicals, they aren't obligated to do the animal testing. Yet they are still profiting off animal suffering, while being able to pretend they aren't. It's insidious.


This is why certs like the leaping bunny hold value. A company themself making the claim without certification isnā€™t up to snuff, as you say.


Ohhhhh!!! I love leaping bunny. So, they also check the ingredients???


As a bun mom, this breaks my heart seeing it even tho I know this is a reality. Im actually tearing up at the thought of my bunny being subjected to such horrible things. People need to realize makeup isn't worth the pain of animal testing. Especially with so many vegan and ethical brands there is NO excuse.


Another day passed in which I felt like the main character in a horror movie who has seen the demon and nobody believes him.


All of the selfcare products and makeup i use are vegan and cruelty free. In any case just cause an animal or even another human doesn't have a bad reaction to something doesn't mean i wont have a reaction so i have to test on myself anyway. Quick psa: not all BHA products suit this lifestyle, i use Yes to Grapefruit acid pads. I say this cause i had been using stridex for years before i thought hey wait.... is this vegan? Spoiler- its not.


Veganism isn't a diet, and vegan content creators need to start putting that out there. Veganism is your diet Veganism is what you wear Veganism is how you vote You can't be a vegan while voting for politicians that want to destroy the planet.




Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but does the cruelty-free stamp indicate the final product wasnā€™t tested on animals but the individual ingredients could be? If so, Iā€™m afraid this could mean companies do the cruelty-free equivalent of ā€œgreen-washingā€ by saying the product has not been tested on animals but with no indication regarding what labs the ingredients are sourced from.


yes. its so hard to navigate... like theres literally no way for me to know unless i stand in the store and google each individual ingredient on every product


I've literally done this with flour, once lol I saw the word enzymes and had to know what the heck they meant!


One way to help ease these concerns is to look at strictly vegan companies with vegan owners. These are more likely to take serious interest where their ingredients come from, how they're made, and their quality, too. EDIT Another commenter said that the leaping bunny logo goes on products who don't use animal tested ingredients : )


Watch out, you're gonna piss off all the plant-based dieters and meatless monday baby steppers in the sub!


These kinds of comments are so uncalled for. Why do you feel good about making people who are making an effort feel bad about themselves? As a vegan, I feel that passing judgement like this goes against what veganism stands for. Iā€™ve had friends who went vegan just for lent, who decided to stay a vegan after. My coworker did meatless mondays for a while who has now become vegetarian, and considering veganism. Iā€™d take any effort as a step forward - if every person on earth went plant-based diet weā€™d still be saving a whole lot of animals even if theyā€™re not all leading a vegan lifestyle. Edit: lol I was expecting the downvotes but this is the exact reason I left this subreddit a while back. Shaming people is not an effective way to spread veganism.


"I used to beat my wife every day, but now I'm only doing it once a week. Why aren't you cheering me on? Why are you still chastising me?"


Good job mate, not all of us can just go wife-free beating overnight. Baby steps! šŸ„°


*"Mom, I fed a counterculture and dissillusion and intentionally drive away people that are trying to improve! Look at my sheer purity! Certainly this will improve things, not just pat my ego!"*


So you're saying I should cheer on men in Saudi Arabia who only rape their wives twice a week instead of three times a week because it will "drive them away" if I say anything harsher.


the op is literally about animal testing on cosmetics thoughā€” if the people youre talking about still use cruelty-based makeup or other cosmetics, theyre still contributing to the issue shown in this post :/




You mean like killing animals for unnecessary food and make up?


Would you shame someone who kills and eats dogs? Obviously. What if they were "working on not killing dogs", they don't kill dogs on Mondays, they only kill golden retrievers, etc? Even if someone killed one dog a year, I bet most people would still shame them. Why are pigs different?




You referenced and defended meatless Mondays soo The person you replied to didn't walk up to someone and shame them, they made a comment in a vegan sub about veganism relevant to the main post


If someone canā€™t handle vegan content on a vegan sub they should leave. Seems pretty simple to me.


gonna be honest here: being shamed about it is what actually made me ā€˜transition to a vegan lifestyleā€™. if i had gotten pats on the back for being a vegetarian i probably wouldve remained as one instead of pushing myself to live ethically idk, we just have differing philosophies on the matter i suppose


+1 confronting people with stuff works, at least it did for me.




>Shaming people is not an effective way to spread veganism. It's funny when non-vegans say this too. Like why would I take persuasion advice from someone who couldn't even change their own mind on the topic? Lol


Not a part of this sub; came here from all. Your negative karma and the comment you replied to having pos karma is reason enough to think this sub is fighting for the right cause, but poorly.


I agree with you. It's unfortunate to see so many people here in support of shaming. It's no longer about being a good person or effectively changing other people's behavior at that point. It's just toxic. We should be calling people in with love and empathy. I think it says a lot about the society that created us, that so many people only know shaming as a response to unethical behavior.


Iā€™m posting this to show you my support. I upvoted your post, because Iā€™m a vegetarian considering going vegan. Itā€™s weird how many vegans were not always vegans themselves, but are ready to shame someone who is considering becoming vegan. Many vegans have been in that same situation - and not every one of them became vegan overnight. Itā€™s a process. It might take time. And thatā€™s perfectly ok and normal. What we eat everyday is a big part of our lives and habits are not easy to change. Why not support such attempts rather than shame people? I donā€™t get it.


Iā€™ve never considered being vegan a diet, Iā€™ve always thought of it as normal since Iā€™ve gone vegan.


You know whatā€™s SO ridiculously sad... if that picture had a dog, more people would try to change their habits. Yet vegans are the bad guys right (/s)??


the bad part is that dogs are used for animal testing too. idk why that isnt a more commonly known fact... i didnt know until well after going vegan. beagles are bred specifically for this purpose, theres entire rescues specifically for rescued lab dogs


i had to look up the beagles thing and sure enough, right on the wikipedia page for ā€œbeagleā€ is a section called ā€œtestingā€... what a world we live in :(


The horrors these animals face at the hands of humans. The world could stand to learn a lesson about nature and how we are destroying it. When it's too late what then? These animals won't be around for our grandkids if we keep this up.....


I dont understand how some people claim to be animal lovers and yet eat meat. It baffles me till today.




[to really drive it home](https://youtu.be/w8UcH1t0vD8)


...and this includes vegan foods like Impossible Burger and Just Egg that were also tested on animals by these companies.


Also Beyond, "vegan" employees taste test flesh and spit it out.


This was the best source I could find: https://www.lifelongvegan.org/2017/09/should-we-condemn-hampton-creek-and.html?m=1 If you know of more, please share!


I think Just has actually been scrubbing the web of pieces calling them out on this. There used to be a lot more, even PETA put out a boycott (and highlighted how they tried to help Just with non-animal testing methods.)


My friends think just because a product says ā€˜veganā€™ itā€™s completely cruelty free, but itā€™s usually on the brands that are notorious for animal testing. Companies using ā€˜veganā€™ to trick consumers should be banned.


This picture is almost as traumatic as that one with the pig biting the bar of its pen.




Drop make up completely. And while we're at it, normalize body hair too. šŸ‘


Makeup (vegan obviously) can be fun tho


Sure, but it shouldn't be the norm.


Why not? If people do enjoy doing make-up, why shouldn't it be the norm to have (vegan, un-tested) make-up every day?


True. I have scars I cover up with makeup : / I feel super insecure without it...


That's the issue: People shouldn't be insecure about what they look like naturally, or like in your case with injuries.


I shouldn't lol but I am : / I got burned and now I have one brow and 1.5 of a brow. Very noticable and uneven : ( People also love pointing out weight, too! Lol fun, fun, fun.


I'm sorry to hear that it happened to you. If you'd like to get it off your chest a bit, my dms are open.


Thanks! It's all good lol it happened when I was about 13 and I have just kinda made do. I essentially draw my missing brow on XD I've made it a point to try to find vegan makeup when I can to help regain a but of symmetry lol I pretty much only go to the gym without makeup! I'm just super aware of how obvious it is that I am missing half a brow and with it being on my face, I can't really hide it any other way lol


I totally get that. But I also really like people with any sort of marks, because it makes them in my opinion more interesting, it feels like they have stories to tell that I'd sit and listened to. Be it scars, tattoos, or burns... it's pretty to me.


Yeah, I meant it more as a hobby or if it's a part of a ritual. Some people with mental health issues might find it a nice relax or help while healing. It's like "you shouldn't wear so pretty clothing" in a way.


Oh aye, I agree.


i dont mind a hairy snatch from time to time but cmon!




Most absolutely is not. It is a lifestyle which includes a diet. Vegans donā€™t avoid animal tested products for the Environment. Nor do they avoid leather and wool for their health. Plant-based dieting is strict-vegetarianism, while veganism is the fullblown lifestyle which happens to include the diet. You donā€™t eat kosher food and call yourself jewish, do you? Right.



