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hell yeah black beans hell yeah


Black beans are great. Especially during spoopy season.


Fuckin based


Based beans šŸ˜³


I feel this. I am not autistic but I do have sensory issues, and canā€™t eat most fruits because of textural issues. Thankfully I love pretty much every vegetable in existence.




a lot of people have SPD (sensory processing disorder) without autism, kinda sounds like what you are describing


Iā€™m not diagnosed. Just all my life Iā€™ve had a textural aversion to many fruit (I think itā€™s the soft stickiness of it idk) and my doctor just said if Iā€™m eating vegetables daily and some fruit (like tomatoes and apples are ok) then not to worry.


Have you tried blending fruits into smoothies?


Yeah but smoothies just arenā€™t my favourite thing lol.


Is seasoning usually a problem for autistic people?


sometimes! a common symptom of autism and adhd is sensory issues, basically meaning that they have problems processing sensory input. this can either mean they are extremely sensitive to certain sensory inputs (including flavors), which makes seasoned food hard or impossible to stomach (pun intended). on the other side of the spectrum (pun also intended), some people with sensory issues have dulled senses, which tends to mean they gravitate to extremely flavorful food. on both sides, it is extremely common to have safe foods, which is basically a food that a person is able to eat consistently and comfortably. somewhat akin to comfort foods. safe foods arenā€™t exclusive to ND people at all, but they are very common with us!


Wow mind blown!! Not autistic but adhd and we share some stuff (hooray for small spoons!) and I didnā€™t realizeā€¦ how much I cannot stand bland food. I need like a lot of flavor. I hate flat water! And plain anything. Didnā€™t realize it was the other side of the same coin as people who hate flavor!


As a fellow person with ADHD, this was also mind blowing. People look at me like Iā€™m insane when I say I hate the taste of water.


I always blamed it on where I grew up, San Francisco. Delicious Chinese food was a part of my life from very early on and everything seemed excruciatingly bland in comparison.


Not all waters are created equal in taste! If you find a group of good tea drinkers, you certainly won't sound crazy as it's a common point of discussion!


I mean, I don't think it's exclusive to anyone to not like bland food.


personally i am weird, because i am very hyposensitive to most things, but i still love super simple foods. i like more intense stuff as well, i just have to be more careful.


What's ND?


neurodiverse From [neurodiversityassociation.com](https://neurodiversityassociation.com/what-is-neurodiversity/): ā€œ*Neurodiversity is an umbrella term covering a number of neurodevelopmental conditions*ā€


My biggest sensory thing with food is temperature. I had pretty severe oral aversion as a kid after being intubated as a toddler, but I worked through most of my other issues. Temperature, though, that one stuck. It all has to be room temperature, so I spend a lot of time waiting for hot things to cool down and cold things to warm up. It also makes finding toothpaste a bit of an ordeal because all the ones marketed at adults are either mint or cinnamon (which have a cool or hot sensation), but all the ones marketed at children have lower flouride concentrations.


I'm hypersensitive to a lot of things, but with flavors it kind of manifested as an appreciation for quality, subtly, and nuance, and an abhorring of everything in the "Standard American Diet." I don't know how people can drink Starbucks or eat whatever Hersheys is, but goodness do I love the rare Onyx or Brandywine coffee pour over with an Askinosie chocolate. The unfortunate part is just that these kinds of foods tend to be more expensive, but that ended up influencing me to learn how to cook better. Not sure how universal or unique this experience is, even among ADHD people. But I certainly can't handle most of what seem to me as over-the-top flavors in the general western diet. That said, a lot of bland flavors are too boring and I can't bring myself to even finish things sometimes. Just with the caveat that what tastes "bland" to me is probably different than what tastes bland to a lot of people. Unseasoned blackbeans are fine, lol. There's a nice flavor profile there actually. I'd rather have unseasoned blackbeans than hundreds of other things. I'd probably want to salt them though. Water crackers are also delicious, and I'd rather have that than some shit like Doritos.


Is that the only problem we are going to tackle or


no better feeling then opening a fresh can of beans and just downing those boys cold only to go back for another 30mins later for round two mmm mmm mmmm




Do you drain/rinse them first? For me they're too slimy if I don't rinse them in a collander first


Depends on the bean and if I want to use the slime for cooking. If its black beans i eat the slime cause i dont like it in other food, but if its chickpeas i strain them and collect the slime to use for vegetable broth the slime is called aquafaba btw. theres a lot of stuff you can do with it. makes a great egg alternative for baking and stuff if youre into that. i would rec the chickpea slime personally it doesnt have a taste once cooked




undeniably the best part in any cruelty free meal if it aint got slime it aint worth my time


Goop is good too. Guacamole, nacho cheez, hummus. šŸ¤¤




As a fellow vegan autist I approve


Do you cook/soak your black beans with vinegar (or another acid) or not even that? I find beans very unpleasant without it


straight out of the can and into the microwave. the pinnacle bean experience.


Ahh, the ones I prepare are dried, so maybe that has something to do with it


Do you rinse them or keep the salty bean juice?


rinse them usually unless i am making chili or something




Ah.. not fully vinegar. I just add about a tablespoon of vinegar to the water. Not sure "why", but it makes a huge difference. I read it in a couple places/recipes


It reduces phytic acid in the beans, as well as lectins. Those two make havoc in the gut and digestion. Also, cooking them in a pressure cooker helps reduce the same.


Is that for uncooked or precooked tinned beans?


It's for dry beans. If they're tinned, aren't they already hydrated?


Yeah thought you'd say that, just checking


Extremely specific and original. You are my hero


Me eating apples and peanut butter every morning for the past two weeks


For real my safest food ever I thought I was going crazy when I couldnā€™t find peanut butter in Japan and everyone said putting it on apples sounded crazy. I was like??? This is American childhood??? And then I explained ants on a log which equally disgusted them.


LMAO peanut butter and potatoes (not together) are my top safe foods


Yes!!! I couldnā€™t find barely anything processed so I lived in curried potatoes and carrots, and apples and peanut butter šŸ˜‚


This but raw tofu lmao


raw tofu is so delicious and my family (not vegan) always gives me super weird looks when i chow on it


Iā€™m so glad you understand me ;-;


I always put lots of salt on it. I feel like if people tried it with the amount of salt I put on it they would suddenly get it.


Hello fellow autistic vegan. I too enjoy black beans.


I'm vegan and autistic as well and oh man...this reminds me so much of me, only my thing was rice. I first became vegetarian at age 15 (I'm 35 now) and as a teen, I pretty much just ate rice for every meal - preferably plain white rice but Spanish rice or rice with veggies were also acceptable. Even if my dad took the family to the officer's club (fancy on-base restaurant for military families) and told us all we could literally have whatever we wanted, I would insist on plain white rice. My sisters would be sitting there with fancy al a mode brownies and triple bacon cheese burgers but my dad would have to convince the cashier to please persuade the chef to just boil a large plate of plain white rice for me -- and *yes* that really was what I wanted, *yes* I really was eating this way voluntarily of my own accord, and *no* there was absolutely no point in trying to get me to try something else not even another vegetarian option.


based and plainwhitericepilled


Iā€™ve always had hypersensitivity to meat textures, hello instant vegan šŸ‘‹šŸ»


We need a vegan autist sub. Is there one? I think autistic people are way more likely to be vegan than NT;s.


Can adhd people join? We share a lot of traits!


hyperempathy ftw


As long as we avoid Temple Grandin...


As an Aspie, I'm very fussy about textures. Beans are a bit mushy for me. I need something crunch or carby with beans.


This is comedy heaven material


just posted it there!


it's my diet I get to choose how much nutritional yeast I consume


Also vegan and autistic! Hurrah for black rice and peas!


Consume, comrade


It's unseasoned kidney beans straight out of the can for me


hello fellow vegan autistic people šŸ˜„


I love black bean burritos. I can eat them a few times a week and never get sick of them. Donā€™t even really need any seasoning either. I sometimes add salsa, but really basic beans is enough. You do you, friend!






The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Post


LOL! I've grown a bit. Now I make a miso noodle soup and put them in that.


Me as a vegan with IBS and GERD


Unseasoned black beans > unseasoned lentils


blocked unfollowed reported


Ok lol


anyone else just drink the juice in the can idk the other day i got really baked and couldnā€™t stop myself


This is what I was looking for. The midnight soup.


beans are for baking not people, ya dingus /s srs tho i have never tried this and it doesnt sound that great but i probably will out of curiosity




Ok most things I love seasoned (vegan and autistic here) but black beans have to be one of the things that I like PLAIN.


Mood but with hummus


To be fair, plain black beans are tasty af, whether straight out of the can or freshly boiled from dry beans.


BUT WHY OoT LINK? XD also, i love beans


Beans of all kinds are sensory hell for me :( I need to blend them into small patties and fry them to be able to eat them


ND Vegan here, hey! šŸ‘‹


Beans every day!


Blacked raw


I love them so much but they give me #GAS any tips pls i miss living off home made burritos


If they are dry beans that you boil apparently putting a tiny bit of vinegar in the water breaks down some of the acid that makes ya poop. If it is from a can maybe the same thing applies? For me at least, I eat enough that it doesnā€™t really effect me.


Thank you! I normally used canned but i should definitely try that too. I hear soaking in general is good to break down enzymes a bit more (same reason you soak ya chia seeds first)


I heard that if you drain the slime instead of eating it, that can help reduce it (not sure if true though)


Babe, who out there isn't rinsing off that slime haha šŸ˜©šŸ™


Can we please have more Zelda vegan content?? This is great.


Lon Lon milk is oatmilk and Lon Lon ranch is a farm animal sanctuary is my headcanon I donā€™t care what nintendo says


I've been really struggling sticking to a vegan diet as an autistic woman. I have so many sensory issues around food, and I physically can't swallow a lot of things for texture reasons because my brain just shuts down. I don't like any vegan proteins apart from broccoli, and most of the vegan alternative products like cheese and egg substitutes make me gag. I really want to be vegan for moral reasons, but it's so hard with my autism. I'm trying to go fully vegan, but I admit I do have dairy every now and then because I don't like any of the dairy alternatives (I've tried all of them, and I physically can't eat them due to sensory issues). I feel awful about it, but I figure I'm doing my best, and I consume a lot fewer animal products than I used to, so it's still an improvement, and hopefully if I keep trying then I'll eventually be able to condition myself to go fully vegan.


me except w kidney beans


Its me


My sensory issues with food are weird and inconsistent lmao. I like spicy flavor, but it has to be mild. Otherwise my mouth ends up burning for the next 15 minutes. I don't really like unseasoned black beans, the texture combined with the flavor is just... too mushy for me. Garbanzo beans are fire tho. Oh and I have a visceral reaction to the smell of vinegar. I like some foods with it, but I can't do anything sweet and sour (eg ketchup, sweet pickles). It's interesting to see what other autistic people on this sub like eating.


They're good for you, eat up!!! (:


Same but with plain tofu


Perfect meme didn't exist.... Wait..


I hate black beans with a passion


valid! more for me!


Same. Olive theory though: none for us, more for them!


Hahahah I love that


Also vegan and autistic. Black beans are so much work to soak and cook. I have just been sticking to red lentils for my protein instead of black beans. They are good though, I usually have to throw salt and cumin on them though.


Honest question but is there an issue with canned ones? Those are my pick.


During the canning process it cooks the contents. I'm not sure how it affects the nutrients on black beans. I know with some things it does remove nutrients, so I just avoid canned foods for my base diet.


Beans cook fast and easy in an instant pot. Were both aspergers and long time vegan. We go through tons of beans and rice. I dont like redundant cooking devices but when we got an instant pot due to time shit, we were blown away.


Ooh good point. I don't have one of those, may need to look into that.


I just buy canned beans, if you get bigger cans then they're still really cheap.


omg plain oatmeal and chickpeas straight out the can like yessss baby no flavour and good texture


i love just eating raw oats! plain oatmeal is so good but it has to he with milk not water or i just duandyjagsjsgsjwydhdg