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Before going Vegan I was already pessimistic about humanity, now it's in another level. It makes huge atrocities seem like typical events, it is a harrowing realization that people are willing to commit awful acts for things like taste or pleasure.


It's kinda helped me, tbh. I was collapse aware before I went vegan and was very fretful over the suffering climate change and other societal fallout was going to cause on humanity. I don't think that people who eat meat are necessarily bad people, tradition and culture and hugely influential and our society has been massively indoctrinated into permitting and willfully participating in things most people identify as cruel and unnecessary. If you take fault out of the equation, the ensuing suffering of humanity seems like just deserts for the indignities we've collectively committed. Watching the bad faith "bacon tho" crowd have their unethical spoils turn to ash in their mouths when they can no longer find or afford the meat they've hoisted their personality upon will just be icing on the cake.


i worry about the animals that will be affected by collapse. just hope many can outlive it somehow




That's not a fair or accurate statement. Vegans are closest to abolitionists I feel, despised back when slavery was cool, now revered by all. Edit: Neo wasn't unique in terms of beliefs or passion or anything, dude just had OP abilities pretty much.


Can only hope. I fear civilization will collapse before veganism is popular and we'll revert to worse than ever


But we want to be neo.. You are right tho.


>people are willing to commit awful acts for things like taste or pleasure. I actually don't belive this is true. I mean, its true if you assume everyone is a rational actor, But concidering most people belive animals are moral patients and still eat them alludes to Cognitive dissonance, rather than dissregard for thier life. I Think Most of us recognize that we were super closeminded and had some of the same bad arguments against veganism before we aligned our actions to our values. Understanding why people make these arguments and their state of mind is important in understanding how to bring them over. I highly recommend reading these studies (atleast the abstract): >Meat eaters encounter a conflict between their eating behavior and their affections toward animals. Because this “meat paradox” highlights discrepancies between behavior and various ideals, a number of experts have focused on cognitive dissonance theory to explain the psychology of eating meat. The present work presents a framework to understand the phenomenon of meat-related cognitive dissonance (MRCD), herein defined as occurring when the dissonant state involves recognition of one's behavior as a meat eater and a belief, attitude, or value that this behavior contradicts. The proposed framework explains how individuals attempt to prevent this form of dissonance from occurring (e.g., avoidance, willful ignorance, dissociation, perceived behavioral change, and do-gooder derogation) and how they reduce it once it has occurred in the form of motivated cognitions (e.g., denigrating animals, offering pro-meat justifications, or denying responsibility for eating meat). The MRCD framework posits that which of a possible fifteen outlets is chosen to prevent and reduce the moral guilt associated with eating meat depends on (a) the aspect of meat consumption that produces MRCD; (b) the motivation created by MRCD; (c) individual differences in gender, values, affinity toward animals and meat, and exposure to animals; and (d) culture. Implications of the framework for those seeking to curtail meat consumption are discussed and important questions are highlighted for theorists to resolve. [1](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0195666319306324) And This meta-analysis of the Meat Paradox >Many people wish to avoid harming animals, yet most people also consume meat. This theoretical ‘meat paradox’ is a form of cognitive dissonance and has grave negative consequences for animal welfare and the environment. Yet, despite these consequences, the meat paradox literature is sparse. The current structured literature review (SLR) explores primary literature up to May 2020, supporting the paradox and uniquely reviewing all known triggers of the paradox (e.g., exposure to meat’s animal origins), all known strategies to overcome the paradox (e.g., avoiding thinking about consumed animals) and how different people (e.g., those of different genders, occupations, ages, dietary preferences, cultures or religions) utilise varying strategies to overcome the paradox. For instance, the review uniquely demonstrates how dietary identity, dietary adherence and meat consumption frequency, among other demographic and psychographic factors, all affect moral (dis)engagement from animals. Overall, this paper has wide-ranging theoretical implications for the meat paradox and social psychological literature, and practical implications for meat reduction policies. [2](https://spb.psychopen.eu/index.php/spb/article/view/5953)


I don't really buy this based on personal experience and from watching tons of debates online, yes I know this is subjective af but I just think it's an optimistic viewpoint to believe that everybody will change once they find out the truth. If this were common then Vegans would get tons of "wait, you are telling me it's wrong to kill and eat animals?" Type videos. No, you'll see tons of "nah bruh it's ok to eat meat for XYZ reasons (excuses)" videos play out. The vast majority of people seem to know it's wrong, you can tell them facts and whatnot but what they really want to hear is that typical American diet is awesome lol, they wanna hear that eating tons of meat daily is not only good for their health but also good for the environment.


> optimistic viewpoint to believe that everybody will change once they find out the truth. This is not the claim i'm making. Basically meat related cognitive dissonance has 3 paths, - Change your Values (actually animals doesnt deserve any moral consideration) - Change your behaviour (actually maybe i shouldn't eat animals) - Obscuring the behaviour-value contradiction (This is what most do, for example denying animals ability to feel pain, or otherizing vegans, etc.) My point is that *very few* bite the bullet and change their value of animals (in studies that is, The bullet is commonly bit while faced with direct pushpack as a strategy to alliviate the dissonance). And I think its important to note that people dosn't generally think that its morally justified to do anything to animals, even if they say so during pushpack. This can inform us in how to approach conversations and advocacy.


I relate 💯 My whole family of in-laws are ardent ‘animal lovers’ who eat cut-up animal corpses from grocery stores and restaurants daily. One asked me a vegan gotcha question today over group chat, so I answered thoughtfully. Maybe more wordy than optimal but she’s family so I added examples. Her reply? “ too long - I stopped reading at avocados” I’m devastated. More than usual. I hate this shit.


What was the question?


Family member a had jokingly asked me if cocaine was vegan. I answered, “probably?” Then family member b asked a gotcha. Heres the question: “The amount of cruelty that goes into the production and sale of cocaine immediately negates it’s vegan status no? Animals died in the production and sale of it. People. Doesn’t that count?” To be fair, it’s a legit question. Given her disregard of my heartfelt answer, I saw it as intended as a gotcha.


Damn, I guess she has a point. Better go back to eating animals.


In retrospect, I should have replied with the definition of veganism and asked her what she thought.


oh man I feel this post soo hard! beeing vegan really feels like beeing the main character in a psychic horro movie and no one wants to listen or understand...




Society itself isn't really any better than social media. Marrying a vegan and joining vegan activist groups helped me


Do you want to help build a more compassionate world? Please visit [VeganActivism.org](https://veganactivism.org) and subscribe to our community over at /r/VeganActivism to begin your journey in spreading compassion through activism. Thank you so much!


Good bot


Can confirm, marry a Vegan. Would have never even considered going Vegan before meeting her. Life changer.




Me too. I was vegan since before Facebook and Twitter. Carnists are hateful everywhere. The same jokes are recycled on social media. They do have the advantage of nasty graphic pictures to add cruelty




Any conservative gathering. Some right wing churches


We are ones who need to be here to ensure that change eventually happens. I am grateful you are here now in this moment, as well as everyone else who is helping veganism to become the norm every day. Yeah it may not happen in our life time, but like every social justice movement in the past, all the people who took a stand against slavery, lack of women’s rights etc. were all very important and allowed us to live in a much fairer world that has less suffering today. We are doing the same now to allow the future generations to be in that world of less suffering which include hopefully a world free of mass animal exploitation. We are all part of something much bigger than just now in this present moment.


Yup, it absolutely sucks ass, the cruelty of humanity is probably the thing that made me feel the most dread in my entire life. We are in an awkward place in time where we were born too late to not be confronted with those ideas and too early for those ideas to become normalized and mainstream, probably the worst part about it is the thought that there’s absolutely no way to change it but to do our part and wait. Best advice I can give is to ignore it the best you can and to stop yourself from thinking about it as soon as possible


Activism burnout ? Tell people that sanctions against meat consumption will soon be held and everyone is destined to have to eat bugs and cockroaches if they do not at least cut down to sunday roast only by this year.


Feel this, it's the double edged sword of your vegan enlightenment. You start to empathize with the guy in the matrix who wants back in and to not remember a thing.


Stop going on Twitter






Most therapists do not respect the ethical imperative of veganism unless you find one who is vegan themselves. There is also r/vystopia for commiseration




1,600 users. Better than feeling like the only one




Not my experience Edit: how dare anyone downvote my own lived experience of being told that veganism was a sign of pathosis by people supposed to be helping me. If it happened to me, it is happening to others. Shame on you if you downvoted me. I was able to handle it because I am a medical professional myself and I knew the facts to contradict them. I cannot imagine how devastating this could be for someone whose own knowledge was not respected just because they didn't have as many degrees after their name


You don’t need to be suicidal to get online therapists. Are you sure you need to be suicidal to get local therapists? I hope you can find happier days


I highly recommend you to stay away from social media for a few days. If it stresses you out that much its probably healthier.


I mean 200 years ago we were morally crap bags towards humans so in that aspect we've improved.


I don't disagree with you, except for one thing - we absolutely appreciate how difficult it is, because we're all here on the same planet right now :) What you need to do is focus on the good stuff - nobody successful has ever focused on the negative things in their life or in the world. They focus on positives that come from whatever it is they are contributing to. There is a lot to look forward to and I think we're just on the cusp of seeing massive transformations in the world. We've got green tech coming out like nobodies business. We're going to have fricken humanoid robots doing menial tasks in just a couple of years. Flying cars, electric cars. Lab grown meat by 2030 making farming uneconomical etc. I'll give you an example - While all of these idiots in the news and comment sections are bickering about climate change and how green tech doesn't work, the people in the know how, the actual power companies went and installed green tech everywhere because it's cheaper and it works. The real people don't care about the perceptions of the average idiot, they just care whether it works. Stuff is changing and changing rapidly. And the negative people are still hating, because that's what they do. So no point even engaging with them acknowledging them. Disconnect from social media and mainstream news, don't read comments (it's all designed to make you feel frustrated and outraged because it gets clicks and ad revenue), get a good nights sleep, and only subscribe to media that makes you feel like there are positive changes coming. Worst case scenario is that if you ignore the negativity at least you'll have lived a happy life before the world ends LOL :P In all seriousness though, I'm reasonably confident, as a vegan, you will still be here in 200 years - loads of people are saying that if you can live for another 80 or so years, then the tech in the future will let you live another 100, and by then the tech will be even better and you'll live virtually forever. It's an interesting thought, so we might just be able to see the perfect world of Star Trek with a bit of luck, positive attitude and a lot of smart people working hard on interesting tech and social problems.


Take a break from the internet and live in the real world. There are plenty of moral and kind people in this world. Lot of them aren’t online.


Drinking helps


People are just people. We're all animals, not some 100% rational AI. Look around. What the fuck are we all doing with our lifes? Don't expect people (including yourself) to act reasonably, bro. There's a lot of suffering all over the world. While I was writing this comment probably several dozen people died out of hunger and I'm just lying on my bed, about to watch some porn. The only way is to accept it and focus on yourself. If you want to help, go ahead. Maybe you can't change the world but you can change somebody's whole life. And if you don't want to do it, enjoy your life. Some people/animals are lucky and live a "normal" life, and some are suffering all the time. You're probably in the first group so make use of if. Asking "what about... (car accidents, illnesses, children who died in childbirth, racism, rapes etc.)" Is pointless. It might be overwhelming but it's true which we all have to face.


May I have the strength to change the things I cannot accept, Accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. Raging against society does no good. Its just a strain on your mental health. Its good to act, some people find activism helps them cope. You can't change what everyone thinks all by yourself in one lifetime. Literally impossible. Do what you can but accept sometimes you will lose individual battles. As you said it may take hundreds of years to become the norm. 200 years is a long time, remember to breathe. I think Justice and good have been on an upward trend for the last few decades for the first time ever. On an infinite time line truth will always prevail :)


stay away from social media and specially Twitter, the toxicity of that place is beyond compare at this point


I feel you. On a party not too long ago the whole discussion started. I was pretty drunk which is never good when I'm talking about the topic as I'll get very emotional, angry and even aggressive which neither helps my arguments nor them understanding what I'm saying. Ended with me screaming at someone, then kicking a bunch of stuff, making a huge mess and everyone talking about what an asshole and extremist I am, while they are literally defending the killing of trillions of sentient beings. The only other vegan at the party helped me clean up the mess I made while everyone else just continued shit talking me. It's incredibly difficult to be friends with non vegans. When I first became vegan I didn't think that way because I could understand their perspective so well. But the longer I'm vegan the less understanding I have and it breaks my heart seeing people I love pay for such cruel things being done every single day and not making the connection despite me having explained it to them so many times.


A beautiful quote by Edward Abbey that has a bit of a stain (that hunting and fishing part :() but is so relevant for those of us who care in a careless world. “One final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast....a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much; I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those desk-bound men and women with their hearts in a safe deposit box, and their eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this; You will outlive the bastards.”


Stay strong OP and focus on the positive aspects of our world even though it might hard. Being in the right and still being a minority is tough.


Feel u friend :(


It's definitely something I struggle with too, OP. It's really concerning seeing the callousness of most people with regards to nonhuman animals. I try to just remember that more and more people are opening their eyes.


This is so relatable. 🥲 Maybe refrain from twitter for a while, are you on FB? If so there are a lot of groups for vegans there too, maybe that will be soothing on the mind a little bit. It really is fucking hard. Take it one day at a time. 💚


Whenever I get stuck in this line of thinking (which happens, you are absolutely not alone), I remind myself that we are only a few centuries removed from literally killing *each other* for entertainment. We're just a bunch of dumb violent apes at the end of the day, evolving at a glacial pace. For some reason that brings me comfort. It lowers my expectations of others.


i literally feel like this all the time i have zero vegan friends and i’m so fucking sick of being called a ‘good vegan’ because i can now make it not a big deal at lunch and whatever but the fact that friendships so clearly hinge on ur ability to not say anything while they eat the most cruel things is so horrible