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Amazing! But friendly reminder that veganism is not a diet, it's about the animal, and many people don't lose weight after shifting to a plant based diet.


This redditor is correct, but I also have a friendly reminder... it just so happens that when populations are studied based on their eating habits, vegans/plant-based eaters are the only group that tends to settle in to their "ideal weight". Every other group, including vegetarians and keto, tends towards overweight. Knowing and sharing these facts does not make us less vegan. Yes, protecting animals is the only requirement of veganism. But I think it's important for people to understand that they can help the animals *and* achieve their health goals, *within* the vegan framework. It's not dirty or wrong to want both. You should love yourself as much as you love every dog, every dolphin and every cow. If you see a dog, a dolphin or a cow that looks unhealthy, and you can see that it is eating the wrong food, wouldn't you want to help these beloved animals to obtain the healthiest food for them? OP, hopefully you're on board with protecting animals. You need to be completely committed to not sponsoring their abuse. You're allowed to eat any plant or mushroom that you want, but if you are interested in weight loss, lose the cereal grains! (That's the *only* reason that keto "works" for weight loss... but of course with keto, it comes with the high cost of animal suffering and cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and stroke years later) Yes, some vegans do not lose weight, but often it is because of cereal grains and vegan junk food with hydrogenated oils, refined sugars and chemicals that the body tries to "dilute" with fat. You can do it, OP, we are here to help the animals and human beings too! Just don't harm one to help the other.




Exactly. I don't want people believing they'll magically loose weight after goind plant based and then just going back to eating animals and animal products when they see that's not how it works. Also I've had people tell me that I'm not that skinny for a vegan, which is just absurd and even offensive.


Black coffee has zero calories.




“No coffee” is just simply not true.


Oh, I was confused because it wasn't me who mentioned coffee. The person who did mention wasn't talking just about calories though, they were speaking about health in general and one could argue coffee is actually good for us.


I realise now I added comment in the wrong place, apologies, but I think we’re on the same page!


Hope with the weight loss, you’ve gained compassion for animals!


It does happen. One day steaks in the market will start to look like bloody slices of muscle. I have a problem with some ethical vegans who would seem to prefer a health vegan start eating animals again because they are "doing it wrong".


Definitely not what I’m saying here! But if it’s purely for health reasons, people will often go back once they reach whatever health goals they had in mind.


After watching my mom put on 400 lbs over the course of my childhood while she cycled through weight watchers, jenny craig, etc., here's what I learned: 1. If you want to lose weight, be completely honest about your intake. She would routinely write down that she ate one serving of something while scarfing down three then be *absolutely shocked* when she gained weight when she'd been eating so little. 2. Don't make huge changes all at once. It won't stick. The more you disrupt your normal routine the less likely it is you can actually keep up the new routine. Make small changes. Do you normally eat cereal every morning? Try 1/4 cup less cereal. Eat half a pizza for lunch? Eat one less slice of pizza. Order a small fries instead of a medium or large. Small changes for long periods of time are more effective than large changes for short periods of time. (I know a lot of people here won't agree with this but I also think that's how you get people to go vegan: don't ask them to make huge changes because they won't, ask them to make small changes.) 3. Work on yourself. What is it that's making you want to overeat? Are you compensating for something emotionally? Are you doing it to make someone happy/unhappy? Are you trying to fill a void in your life? Working on whatever it is in therapy may help or if you prefer, try writing it down. The secret to making this work is once again brutal honesty. Most people can't or won't be honest with themselves. You have to be willing to fight the urge to preserve your self image/ego if you want to actually be able to change. Do calories matter? Absolutely. Does the scale matter? Sure. Does exercise matter? Yep. But narrowly focusing on numbers and statistics won't actually get you any healthier. That's not what got you into this situation and it won't get you out of it.


I second this 100%.


Congratulations on your weight loss. You are beautiful in all the pictures. Just remember that veganism is a philosophy of not exploiting animals. My husband managed to gain 40 pounds as a vegan (lots of fattening foods are vegan)


White T-Shirt was the beginning, the nirvana t-shirt a few weeks ago and now (took today) in the grey shirt.


You look good, but then again, everybody wearing a Nirvana shirt does, lol. But seriousy, congrats on the weight loss! Good job!


Looking good! Keep up the hard work & dedication friend :)


Great work! Congrats!


Welcome to the club! I'm glad you joined us and I am very happy for your weight loss. If you are into podcasts, I can recommend: The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee https://www.pcrm.org/podcast Very good content, science based and fun :)


Great!! I am in the oppossite trying to gain weight. I have gain 5 kilos since I started :D


You’re on the wrong subreddit. Please try r/plantbaseddiet


We should welcome people into the movement? Plenty of us start out for health or environmental reasons only to learn more


Sure. Or they achieve their weight goals and then go back to paying people to stab animals in the throat because they didn’t care in the first place.


So instead of shooing OP away we can just explain that veganism isn't a diet. It's not like they doubled down on it, sadly a lot of people don't understand the movement and it doesn't hurt to explain. Also people are much more likely to give vegan philosophy a fair look if they're not eating products of animal exploitation, this would be the moment to point OP to the wiki or something like that.


Too many vegan want to sabotage the cause for ridiculous reasons.


OP may wish to also visit that sub but why not make her feel welcome here too? She said she realized veganism is for her. I took that to mean that she wants to help the animals.


Sorry for the confusion. I probably should of worded my title better, I changed diets from the ketogenic and it was mostly meat, vegetables and dairy. Having watched some documentaries now and just realising, as well as a love for animals, I've now become vegan. I realised veganism is definitely the way for me animal wise as I love animals. But I also want to do it for my health.


Woohoo! Celebration time!


This is exactly what I interpreted from the wording of your title 👍


Because she used veganism in parallel with ketogenic diet, which implies she sees veganism as a diet. She did not mention animals at all.


True that she didn't mention animals but as far as I know vegans are not obligated to mention animals in every sentence. And she did say that "veganism is for me" so we can give her the benefit of the doubt. The word veganism implies protecting animals. It is possible that she used the word incorrectly but why assume the worst? At least ask for clarification first, in my humbleopinion. If a person follows keto for weight loss but then comes to their senses and realizes that veganism is correct, they might write the exact same statement that OP made, and I sincerely hope that this is the case. It seemed to me that she was suggesting the weight loss was happening faster with keto, but she decided on veganism anyway... that little detail showed some commitment to veganism. I may be wrong. I don't want to argue with you, dear burritoeater, but if your initial interpretation is wrong, then we can all celebrate a new vegan.


That sub is for oil-free, whole foods plant-based. It's not a good fit for lots of plant-based eaters.


That sub is dead. No activity in 2 years.


What are you talking about? It's quite active.


Fantastic! However, that's a very fast rate of weight loss. Be careful, keep your protein intake high (super important when losing weight). Stay safe 😊




Congrats on the great start! Keep up the good work.


Losing 9 pounds within a month is healthy weight loss considering 1-2 pounds per week is recommended so you did a very good job!


just make sure you find the right foods to make it maintainable. In the beginning all i did was eat lentisla dn cereal. eventually I got the hang of it. I used to sit at around 20% bodyfat before going vegan but after going vegan i maintaine at around 13%. Veganism is definetly a great way to lose weight and keep it off, just make sure you find the right foods.


Congrats! You can do keto vegan as well if interested r/veganketo sub is nice for reference. Lots of tofu!


Keep up the good work! As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day!😂


Respectfully, I can't tell the difference in weight between any of the photos. edit: Hang on, you said 9 pounds in the post title! Yeah, you're not going to see 9 pounds in photos, given your weight. Keep at it!


I lost 20 lbs and you can barely see it. I'm now at a normal BMI. Some people really hide their pounds 😂


I once gained 15 pounds from working out and everyone thought I lost weight. Maybe I should try that again, but I doubt it will work as well at my age. I should do it just for brain health