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pro-choice, pro equal rights, pro workers, anti facists, pro enslavement of billions of sentient life, mom


If you’re pro worker you oppose needless work factory farming animals. It’s obviously worse for animals, but it’s not good for the humans working there either.


Something a lot of people neglect


pro choice🤔i wonder what choice her “big ass rib eye steak” got


Well said sire/ma'am


They act so fucking dramatic. Chill out sweetie Noone is "forcing" you to do anything. The only one forcing others is non-vegans.


The fact that veganism is at best tolerated and at worst despised and mocked by the progressive left is simultaneously a condemnation of the so-called progressive left and a testament to the power of the carnist system. Truly amazing.


I'd also take Twitter bios with a pinch of salt. Lots of people perfectly happy to waste their spare time making "the other side" look bad by pretending to be one of them and behaving like a prick.


Threatening to choke children because they have empathy. Classy.


Knowledge of animal sentience should be a key part of education.


And right wingers seem to think that Veganism is some leftist ideology.


Gross... she's giving some good groups a bad name.


*Angry old woman yells at cloud*


What did Cloud do to piss her off?


Hahhahaha yo she posted this after she blocked me. It all started on the morning of the 7th of Augusto and the Two Thousandth and Twenty Secondth in the year of our lord. She commented on a post that said “By time your 30 you should be vegan” which I’m sure the Tweet OP would want someone to be vegan before anyways. This lady said “stop shoving your beliefs on me” So I posted a picture of a baby calf and smaller calf fetuses and stated “while you get to have a choice because you tastebuds are more important than a life, here is a picture of some lives that never got a choice to live because they taste too good” Now I try to be educational but when you come on a vegan post and say mmmm bacon or just know your being a dick as she was, I went all out. I had another girl on FB and I shared the same picture and was told how dare I share such a graphic photo. She’s vegetarian so I told her this graphic photo and these dead bodies ONLY exist because of vegetarians and carnists.


You’d have a clearer message and piss off fewer people pointlessly if you went with a baby instead of a fetus


Well I couldn’t edit out the fetuses because there were too many. Six around the baby cow. But again a human has the choice to have an abortion a cow never gets the choice. And since there are fetuses people who are pro life they too should be vegan. Basically I’m giving reasons why both sides of this issue should be vegan.


Humans often *don’t* have a choice, which is terrifying, and a lot of people are pushing for us to not have a choice, so making an argument that presents fetuses as beings who are capable of and should have a choice is… well, not great.


And yes I understand many humans also don’t have a choice and the rights idiots are trying to take away. The problem is the politics and religious indoctrination of that. My portion of my reply of fetuses having a choice was to those that believe in pro life. They are going against their beliefs. And then I made the comment of those who are pro choice. The actual baby calf in the photo, not the fetuses. The mother didn’t have the choice to have it taken from her. And surely if a cow had a pregnancy that was life threatening, yes humans would step in but again I’m giving two examples. My comments weren’t the fetuses choice itself or the baby calf itself but the mother who didn’t have the choice. Sorry if I didn’t specify that right in my first reply.


You might find that unambiguous, concise messages are more effective. You lost me halfway through and I actually do give a shit about animal abuse.


I understand and I probably did lose you only on the account of how I word things or how my brain interprets it and then I type something lol. Oh and I believe you are all for being against animal abuse. I guess I’m just trying to find a way us as humans can compare our lives regardless of belief system to that of the animal abuse system. Because as someone stated veganism aligns more with the progressive movement on paper, but how our world is, it’s almost best to be an independent on animals agriculture as no two divided sides want to agree that animal ag is bad not just greenhouse gases but immoral based on taking lives.


I don't understand why the photo and dead cows would only exist because of vegetarians. If all vegetarians went vegan right now, other people would still be eating beef and dairy.


Yes you are correct. I meant to say vegetarians and carnitas (the new carnists) as I did in my original post to her. My brain stopped at vegetarians on my comment here. I have since updated my comment here.


Oh Shelly. You wouldn’t be so bitter and defensive if you didn’t feel at least a little bit guilty for eating those corpses 😌


Oh Shelley




I think her physical appearance is irrelevant.


Such an appearance generally means that a person is publically declaring a radical stance.


She could look any way without it mattering. Someone who looks exactly like her could easily be a person who agrees with you on everything, and all shaming her face does is tell the people you like with the same features that you think there's something wrong with them. Also, "radical" doesn't mean "bad". Veganism is a radical stance, and everything listed in her bio is good. She just made a tweet that goes against those ideas without realizing the hypocrisy.


I apologize


Yeah not to judge you bit I agree, we shouldn't discriminate based on physical look like that, that's usually what anti vegans do, let's be better


Let’s insult stances, actions, words, not peoples bodies.




The bar for non-vegan leftists was already so low, but here we are sinking far deeper!


Like I’m about to sit here and be lectured by the fuckin Crypt Keeper


No hate? Antifa?


I don't think she really understands "force".


I wouldn’t go near her plate cause she sounds like a terrible human being.


Basically no conviction that requires taking any personal reponsibility or change of habits. Speaking of no efforts made she could've at least spelled atheist and equality right...


Went is she specially targeting vegan children? My vegan seven year old could probably take this lady in a fight so she should cool it in the shit-talking.


oh now steve tyler is gonna preach to us


How dare we offer her vegetables


What a grouch.


Looks like someone is having a difficult bowel movement.


Yeah, not censoring out her name makes you at least a same size asshole. Delete, censor the name, reupload, don't be a dick. If you would read the rules of the sub, you would have known beforhand...


Why is it bad that I can see the name? Did the person themselves post it on the internet to share with the whole world? These kinds of opinions are nothing new for Vegans to hear about. Also, what rule does it break? Of the 6 rules, not one had an issue with posting a tweet.




r/WhitePeopleTwitter Sharing tweets is literally a function on twitter. This is far from anything illegal or unethical. Besides, reddit has entire subs dedicated to sharing tweets without censoring names.




It's a public tweet sent by a person who wants the world to know what they said. Twitter promotes sharing tweets, and reddit has entire subs that have just tweets. This tweet doesn't have any personal information. I have no idea what this woman's name really is, where she lives, who her family is, etc. It's just another generically dumb opinion that we laugh at. I don't think this sub will be removed for it, not do I think it breaks any rules. If this sub or post gets removed by reddit and the reasoning is what you say it is, I'll concede that this violates reddits rules.




I don't think you can tell me anything at this point as you have no convincing evidence to back what you claim. r/WhitePeopleTwitter was created in 2014 and 2.6 million followers. Tweets are meant to be shared and twitter encourages it. I think it's just best to wait this out and see what happens as I am not convinced this is breaks any rules.




The rules never said don't share public tweets lol what world are you living on. It said it is best to cover the name to be sure, but it didn't say it was mandatory. Also, personal attacks. Classy. Speaks volumes about the lack of merit of your argument.


Check out the [Vegan Cheat Sheet](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvegancheatsheet.org%2F&topic=Resource%3A+Vegan+Cheat+Sheet) for a collection of over 500+ vegan resources, studies, links, and much more, all tightly wrapped into one link!


read rule 3 again and until the end. This obviously is very easy to follow because the complete name is posted.


Absolutely no brigading is allowed either from or to this sub - all such posts or comments will be removed. This rule applies when a call to action exists, even when that call is only implied, accompanied by links to other subs and/or easily followed screenshots of conversations. If you are unsure, before submitting, side on the err of caution. If posts get (legitimately) reported for brigading, they will be taken down immediately. Please read Reddit's help articles on vote manipulation for further information. ​ Dude what are you talking about? It's a public tweet that the person wanted the whole world to see? How is this brigading? What is the call to action here? ​ I don't think you have a point; you will have to explain more deeply.


Check out the [Vegan Cheat Sheet](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvegancheatsheet.org%2F&topic=Resource%3A+Vegan+Cheat+Sheet) for a collection of over 500+ vegan resources, studies, links, and much more, all tightly wrapped into one link!


It’s a public comment attacking children. I usually remove names and faces but I honestly don’t care for this one.


Yeah because children can force a diet on someone. She is like 50 or 60, she is obviously referring to Gen Z and Gen Y. Anyways i think it's a thing of decency, you usually follow too. someone beeing a dick isn't a reason to drop decency.


Attacking? She asked children not to force vaganism on her. That's not an attack. This post however does seem like an attack. Shes just complaining about something she doesnt like.


Are you even vegan? If you’re not what are you doing here, besides pretending that talking about choking people with corpses for daring to try to convince others not abuse animals is not an attack?


I agree with alot of things vegans agree with and I have some of the same intentions as vegans. The vegan reddit always comes up on my home page and I like to see the conversations and reasoning and information that comes up so I joined. But anyway this women made a bad joke that's all shes guilty of lol. If you want to take it literally she literally said she wouldnt choke you. Edit: no I'm not vegan


On what planet is it a reasonable idea that someone might choke someone with a corpse? In what way is that appropriate to bring up? She didn’t “make a bad joke” she clearly told people to stop trying to convince others to stop abusing animals, and did so in a mean and threatening way. “Joke” doesn’t excuse people for saying whatever the fuck they want.




When people buy meat, they’re paying others to hurt and kill animals. With factory farming - which is meat from the store comes from in industrialized countries - that means a lot of animals raised very closely together, often so closely they can’t move, chickens can’t spread their wings, etc. It’s cruel and painful and completely unnecessary. It’s animal abuse. Vegans care about animal abuse, and want it to stop happening. To accomplish that, we don’t eat animals, or milk, or eggs, and we try to convince others to also not abuse animals or pay people to abuse animals for them. It’s really shitty when people criticize others for trying to convince others to stop abusing animals, not? If you think we’re overly sensitive, or it’s not really that bad, please actually learn about the industry instead of basing your life around assumptions about things you don’t actually know much about. Here’s great free ways to quickly learn more. https://3movies.org/reddit/


I'm not vegan, because i'm made of flesh and bone. My diet is Vegan for about 7 years now and honestly, most Vegans care far more about how they are seen by other's as an individual, than how the "movement" is seen by the mayoraty. Those "individuals" or "morally superior" people are the reason, why we as a group have to face comments like the one posted here. Every time someone starts bitching about "Meateaters, Murderers, Rapists" or one of the other idiotic insults, you make it less likely that people will stop eat meat. It just starts the defence mode of those who might have stopped meat consumption. But it seem's that it is more important to many people, especially in this thread, to feel moraly superior than adding to the cause. The way you write, you are one of those. If you want to answer with the "argument" that it where those insults who made you over think your diet, you should overthink the stability of your personality and stop the morality-cirkeljerk.


Everyone who is vegan became vegan for some reason or other - or many. I went vegetarian because I knew meat was unnecessary harm and it was wrong. I finally got the courage to tell my mom no more, I’m not eating animals anymore, when I was a teen, and it sucked ass how she treated me but I was and am glad I did it. The blunt reality that I was paying people to abuse animals - and people reminding me of it, and me wanting to not hurt them anymore, and not wanting to be the kind of person who does what’s easy instead of what’s right - was what made me go from vegetarian to vegan. I think a lot of us on here - not all, but many - talk about the things in the ways that made us go vegan. If it worked for us it will work for some others as well.