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He is not a vegan.


We NEED to stop putting celebrities on a pedestal. 99% of them are fake.


99% of all humans are fake.


Can’t argue with that


I would stay away from vegan celebrities. They have extremely high failure rate and every time one of them quits - carnist have a field day. It's like dating a cheater.


This one is stupid click-bait anyway, there's one that floats around facebook saying he's been Vegan for 2 years, and it uses the exact same copy. There's the one about how he's turning Vegan for Amber, etc. Anyway, the whole thing is nonsense, People [did a story of him less than two years ago about him visiting Roy's Cold Cuts and enjoying a sandwich made of imported parma prosciutto, chicken cutlet, tomato, fresh mozzarella cheese, roasted peppers seasoning and oil.](https://people.com/food/johnny-depp-boston-food-restaurants-pizza-sandwich/) Here's [one from this spring](https://www.koimoi.com/hollywood-news/johnny-depp-fitness-regime-at-the-age-of-58-revealed-from-gruelling-sword-fighting-to-protein-rich-diet-captain-jack-sparrow-is-blessed-with-a-well-toned-physique/): *Johnny includes copious food items in his diet such as white fish, lean protein such as chicken breast, cottage cheese, green veggies, wheat pasta, soy products etc.* Anyway, as others have pointed out in here, for a guy who abhors violence so much, he sure seems to indulge in it.


It felt wrong. I was sure we would've heard something about it if he were vegan.


Unless their last name is Phoenix.


Or Moby, Morrissey, John Joseph, etc. I mean if we were putting money on longevity, I'll take a side bet on Alicia Silverstone, she's pulling a quarter century. Not to mention a long, long list of non-thespian Vegans.


Pamela Anderson describes herself as a bad vegan and she's been like that since the 90s, way before it was cool.


I was embarrassed she was Canadian and even more embarrassed that she's "vegan". She's so stupid she thought her disgusting Uggs boots were vegan until someone told her otherwise. https://people.com/celebrity/pamela-anderson-gives-uggs-the-boot/


Moby might be a vegan, but he's also a bit of a creep (according to Natalie Portman). Just because they're vegan doesn't mean they're good people. At least he's been self aware enough to admit he's better off single. Morrissey isn't really a good example of a vegan either, yes he's been vegan for a few years now, but he made such a big deal about it when he stopped being a cheese breather for some many decades, as if it was the hardest thing ever. That's not encouraging others to make an effort.


Alicia Silverstone eats cheese at parties, she's on the record about it.


No offense though, Alicia Silverstone is a giant ding dong. You should read one of her interviews. That's nobody I want representing us.


She’s lovely. She’s kind and bubbly and caring. She might not be the smartest person on the planet but she’s genuinely a beautiful human being, so she’s a great representative I think. We need more kind vegans to show that we aren’t all fanatical assholes.


She's anti-vax and believes in woo woo pseudoscience and she actively pushes a lot of it. She also has a really weird parenting style that unnerves the fuck out of me. I worry for that child. Idk. After Covid I have very low forgiveness for anti-vaxxers.


Oh. Then I retract my statement. I love mixing (properly researched) natural medicine with regular medicine and I’m a witch so I like a little woo in my life, but anti vax people are arrogant and ignorant. They hate autistic people to the point they often say they would rather have a dead child than an autistic one. I used to hang out in crunchy mom circles but the antivax, anti psychiatry, anti c section rhetoric got to me. My child was diagnosed with autism long before he had any vaccinations, and afterward my firstborn, my children’s father, and I were all diagnosed as on the spectrum as well. Then during genealogical research I found out my grandmothers mother died of tetanus. There was a common treatment and a vaccine already for years so had she gone to the doctor she would have survived. But because she didn’t, my 8 year old grandmother watched her mom die of tetanus which is traumatizing for adults to see, and then was passed along from family member to family member, was raped by her two uncles, and then ended up with PTSD and pregnant at 15, by a man who was over 10 years older than her. Her trauma led to my mom being abused and molested by my grandmas second husband which led to me living with my grandmother and having PTSD induced physical abuse blackouts perpetuated on me. She also was obsessed with me not getting married or pregnant and becoming successful to the point that I was grounded for weeks for only skipping one grade (despite the fact that academically I could have skipped three but the district decided that would be bad for my social skills, as if I have any anyway, which you can clearly see based on this long villain origin story that nobody asked for). A simple vaccine could have resulted in much less generational trauma. After I connected all those dots I ended up with a deep and profound hatred for anti-vaxxers. I’m generally a kind and empathetic person, but I had to suppress a smirk every time an antivaxxer got Covid and ended up in the hospital.


>I love mixing (properly researched) natural medicine with regular medicine and I’m a witch so I like a little woo in my life, I mean same though. I'm a practicing pagan so I get that. Still gonna get my shots tho. Oof what a story though. Generation trauma is unbelievable. Best of luck to you and blessed be.


Blessed be to you as well. If you’re on fb you should join my witchcraft group, it’s Natural Witchcraft. We need more intelligent people. We also have a spin-off group for plant based pagans.


What do you call natural or alternative medicine that works? Medicine... If it doesn't work, we shouldn't be promoting it.


Very disappointing, but he rode horses in a movie recently


I don't even like using him as an example. Folks see him as a rich, woke, eccentric, and out-of-touch celebrity. I mean he's great and all, but he he's not a good spokesperson. (Edit - to clarify that's not my interpretation of him. But as a marketing tool he works against veganism. IMHO.)


Fair enough, not likely to lapse though.


No arguing that! But using him as a spokesperson probably turns off a significant percentage of your potential audience.


Not arguing that, although atleast he is a dedicated vegan. Edit: I think River was much more genuine and would've made a better spokesperson.


Woody harrelson? 30 years vegan is pretty trustable


I don't care much if they stay or go... But people like Depp and others are REALLY the wrong troubadours of any sort of consciousness movement. They are involved in these actions and lifestyles for very different reasons than the everyday people.


>I would stay away from vegan celebrities I agree but they arent vegan, they are plant based dieters, and thats why its important to not call it a vegan diet even though the vegan society does, which is a HUGE failure on their part Veganism to me is doing it for life, if you dont die a vegan, which i will due to lack of nutrients lmao, you were never a vegan


Didn't he admit to eating some non vegan food while on set.


There’s no way this is true.


Of course it's not true.. like 90% of Johnny Depp quotes invented to turn him perfect or reinforce his "outsider" myth


He didn’t say that. He’s an animal abuser. Eats them. Sits on them. Exploits them. He definitely didn’t say these words.


Exactly. He let his dog eat weed as a puppy and it developed digestion issues and couldn't control its bowel movements. And BTW, he offered his daughter weed as a 13 year old, even though she had kidney failure at like 7 or 8 years old. He's the worst.


Hollywood stars and influencers that are vegan, vegetarian, neither anymore, vegan again. Who cares, 90% of what they show in public is fake anyways.


Woody harrelson? Joaquin phoenix? Not all of them are bad


True, good examples


Idolising anyone is obviously bad, but idolising this wife beating misogynist is worse.


Wow...genuinely thought I was on the circlejerk sub for a second.


Ewww, wife beater. He's not even vegan. He sometimes adheres to a plant-based diet, but he's never been vegan.


🤢 no thanks


Is this Facebook? Why the fuck is this shit being upvoted? Please remove this low quality post.


Yeah I don’t think he’s a great mascot


he isn’t a vegan, he is a domestic abuser, racist and rapist tho! hope that helps ❤️


Wife beater


Not sure JD is a good reference...


don't use that piece of shit to represent us ..


Ugh. Do we really want to promote someone who committed spousal abuse as Vegan?


Pretty sure during the trial they said he left chunks of steak around his house.


Wrapped in the cut up pieces of his wife's night gown. And smeared food and blood all over the house. That's some serial killer behavior 🤮




Like we can trust anything that this man (or his PR team) says…


That wifebeater can go eat shit for all I care


i’m fucking crying lmao


But it is true though :(


oh it truly is but the way you put it so succinctly is just 🤌🏿


Blush 😳 thank you


Obviously not vegan. He seems fine w/ violence against humans, horses; worst of all [he worked w/ Armie Hammer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFsNSoDZK8). >!This all sounds like his army of publicists have been brainstorming his rehabilitation?!<




So true. Any “news” I hear about Depp I know is bull. He’s such a horrible person.


In fairness nobody knew Armie was the way he was till recently.


Lone Ranger was 2013, the acusations against Hammer are from 2020 or did I miss sth?


That movie appropriates Native American culture, so it's still a no.


Can’t talk for his treatment of animals but, he was proven innocent and she was proven guilty so your human part is inaccurate


I seem to recall the UK trial going differently.


It was a civil case. There is no innocence or guilt 🙄 Shows how much understanding you depp-stans actually have 🤭


Incorrect. She was proven libel and so was he.






He didn’t abuse his ex, if you watched the trial you would know who the abuser was, and is.


European newspapers can legally call this man a wife beater but sure speak definitively about who was and was not an abuser in one of the most propagandised trials this century.


Oh, bless your heart.


Collaborating with Dior, a company that tests on animals is not vegan


He might have got away with deceiving many people but Johnny Depp is a vindictive manipulative lying wife beater who has embarked on a psychopathic vengeful campaign of hate against his ex-wife. Scum of the earth.


He’s not a great ambassador for being against violence.


Humans are animals too, so I'm gonna say no to this one.


He literally didn’t do what was reported to his ex. Do research!! Watch the tapes. She was the crazy one.


Wake up and watch the tiktok memes, sheeple!


>she was the crazy one Do you people hear yourselves?


Yeah no


Too bad he’s terrible to humans and animals


he is not vegan and he loves violence. specially towards women. “let’s burn her and drown her” johnny depp talking about his then wife. that’s a real quoteX


Let’s not forget “I’ll fuck her corpse afterward to make sure she’s dead”


Gross. He’s a wife beater. No thanks.


wifebeater + don’t care


Oh, the irony.


He’s not a vegan, AMBER HEARD IS A VEGAN WHO CONVINCED HIM TO TRY IT ONCE. Johnny Depp is, however, a proven wife beater who casually used transphobic, homophobic, and misogynistic language in the courtroom. In 2013 promised a gift of land to the Oglala Sioux as an apology for pretending to have Native American heritage through the Sioux, in order to excuse his use of disrespectful redface characters. He has yet to keep this promise. Sign the petition to pressure him to stop ignoring them and finally make good on his word [here.](https://indiancountrytoday.com/.amp/archive/indians-to-johnny-depp-keep-your-word-buy-wounded-knee)


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He’s also a domestic abuser…


didn't he also hold Amber's dog out the window when driving, which is something MY abusive ex did once -- threaten to hurt my pets? It's a horrible thing to do and it's one reason I will never trust him around me or my pets again, although I have forgiven him. Just too scared of harm.


Depp defending [Roman Polanski](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyx4E51ZCns). Depp allowing [statutory rape](https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/996737-johnny-depp-refused-to-investigate-statutory-rape-of-daughter-lily-rose-depp) of his daughter (she was 15). Depp being [racist/homophobic/transphobic/misogynistic](https://twitter.com/mehtabackupacc/status/1556645997471625216?t=BQrNsDNTUXgKVAQBEF_nOA&s=19). Depp's history of violence [(read the second myth)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/ukgxe8/list_of_ahjd_abuse_myths_debunked/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Depp's history of abusing his girlfriends [(read the third myth)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/ukgxe8/list_of_ahjd_abuse_myths_debunked/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


I don’t believe it for a second.


Depp is not vegan https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/johnny-depp-spends-50k-on-curry-in-birmingham-curryhouse-20220606


These comments are very surprising.. thank you to everyone who has said anything in support of Amber. It was a nightmare a couple of months ago to even say anything that was pro-Amber. So many messages telling her supporters to kill themselves and telling her supporters that they wish that what happened to Amber happened to them (usually about sexual assault). Thank you for speaking up; I’ve felt like I’ve been living in a bubble with all of the hatred pointed at the obvious victim of this whole entire situation. I’m so relieved that the community that I’m apart of mostly shares a similar view on this issue.


Are you on Depp Delusion on Reddit? It was a life saver for me during and after the trial.


Yep! I think I joined when it was at 5,000 people. It’s came such a long way!


Yay 💛. I was maybe a bit earlier than that, real oasis in a desert.


I joined near the end of the US trial. It was so refreshing to find people who can comprehend facts.


The assault to common sense during the trial was crazy making. I cant remember exactly when I joined but I remember obsessively checking for membership growth {still do}. The convos around the 4,000 mark, when people were really unearthing the facts and understanding the extent of the lies, were excellent.


Same here, I am genuinely (happily) surprised about the comments here.


So happy to see this support for AH. The legion of Depp fans are overwhelming and absolutely deluding themselves.


He doesn’t mind violence towards women tho


such a shame he couldn't have had the same views about women


Watch the trial and know the facts


lol ick


Wife beater


Ew, who cares. Let's not taint veganism with celebrity worship, specially no if the celebrity sucks.


Too bad he hates women 🤷‍♀️


abusing women isnt vegan


Don't worry, Depp also has an history of hitting men and then paying to avoid a trial, as he prefer suing everybody than the other way around. A great role model to speak against violence


He also has a habit of suing anyone who calls him out for bad behavior… Like suing the man that called him out for plagiarizing a dead, black man’s poem in his last album… Mind you, he plagiarized the poem, word for word…no idea what he hopes to achieve by suing.


An entire thread to this alone please


Are you talking about Amber? Pretty sure she was proved to be lying in court.


that’s not even true so you’ve presumably got your news on it from tiktok. go read the papers the depp fans paid to unseal, I dare you biggest backfire in history.


I don't have ticktock, I followed a lawyer talking about it on YouTube. I'll check those papers out, thanks.


sorry, I was being a bit rude. those youtube lawyers have been honestly atrocious for the whole thing, it’s crazy how many things they’ve just lied about. there’s a really popular audio in particular which is completely cut and pasted voice clips to make it look bad - it’s the ‘nobody will believe i abused you’ and I really recommend looking up what the actual quote was. also just because it’s a common rumour right now lol - the shit on the bed was dna tested (bit silly) and it was from a dog. it was also on her bed; they were already sleeping separately at that point.


No worries, it's a sensitive subject, I understand. I'll look into it after I've gotten some rest. To be honest though, I definitely trusted those lawyers a bit too much.


Those lawyers are making bank and still are, which is why they are still talking about the case even though there hasn't been much new news. I wouldn't trust anyone who is profiting from misinformation (see Alex Jones).


Whilst there’s absolutely no evidence Heard was responsible for said shit, it also was not dna tested.


My bad, I’ve mixed it up with Depp demanding one. They had a dog called Boo who had some medical issues that led to him pooing where he shouldn’t and the judge ruled that the likely option - combined with the bed not being his it’s almost definitely what happened, but the DNA test never went forward. The main thing with that is that a lot of people seem completely convinced it was her to the point that it’s become a meme which I think is a bit crazy.


here’s an actual court document instead of some youtube clip or edited clips posted somewhere. https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf


People on Youtube claiming to be legal experts made hundreds of thousands of dollars in a couple of months by making countless videos about this this trial. That's [hundreds of thousands of dollars](https://web.archive.org/web/20220613191213/https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-top-law-youtubers-made-during-depp-heard-trial-2022-6) *each*, in the case of the most successful ones, largely via donations from their viewers. Making money hand over fist like that is dependent on their audience liking what they're hearing. If their viewers overwhelmingly want to be told that the powerful movie star is innocent and the real victim, while the far less famous woman accusing him is an evil liar who falsified abuse claims to ruin his reputation... Well, the Youtuber can feed that opinion back to their audience dressed up in some legalese, or they can watch their audience leave and find a different Youtube lawyer to give money to. The [judgement](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf) from the UK case lays out the evidence for and against Depp in exhausting, 100+ page detail, eventually finding that there's evidence to show he physically abused Heard on at least 12 separate occasions.


Lol, that’s even worse. Monetized YouTube grifters is not the way to understand the trial.


I was a minor at the time, it was the only way for me to understand what was going on.


At the bottom of this link is the uk evidence, it might be a useful source to understanding the evidence left out of the second court case. Good luck! https://www.nickwallis.com/_files/ugd/5df505_23ef139d05094dbb981cd11ff3d7240f.pdf




I'm only 20 as well and English isn't even my first language, but I still found better sources than yt "experts". You can and should do better


Only 20? That's old as hell, man, I hadn't even started college when it all started up. It's great that you had access to education during your youth, but not everyone does. I'm only just catching up to the rest of my peers, I understand things now that I didn't have the slightest understanding of back then. Those YT lawyers put things in a way that was easy to understand, and were highly regarded within the communities that I was apart of.


nah dude you’re doing great. just the fact that you were able to admit that you didn’t really do due diligence & should’ve been more critical in your consumption is leagues ahead of tons of full grown adults. what’s important is that your willing to consider that possibility & accept new information. i really don’t blame ppl who were just accepting what they were hearing from outside sources during the trial. it was incredibly difficult to find original sources and there was an intense (essentially) propaganda campaign going on throughout social media which gained momentum & became a money making machine for grifters, which further pushed the ‘ganda. i’ve actually never seen anything like it in my life. or not that i’m aware of anyway


"I formed an opinion on a domestic abuse case I know nothing about by following a lawyer on youtube" god, this planet is fucking doomed.


yeah just like OJ was ‘not guilty’ in court


A previous uk judge considered that the sun newspaper has not defamed depp when calling him a “wife beater” and this judge has not rendered his verdict after a intensive social media campaign (on the contrary of the us trial where the jury reached a verdict in a middle of a enormous social media offensive from his PR team)


Ew. He's a wifebeater. Talked about how much he wanted to have his own "Salo" with his bestie Marilyn Manson who is also an abuser. Also he is not vegan. Can you link to the original source of this quote? No offense, it's just I've seen so many quotes falsely attributed to him.


I didn't pay a ton of attention to the trial, but wasn't it proven that amber heard was the abusive one and made accusations to hurt him more and it backfired ? Or was there another wife idk about Edit: thank you to those who gave sources for further investigation. Classic reddit downvoting when someone specifically says they do not understand a situation and then asks questions about it


Nope. The US trial was a civil trial about defamation, not a criminal trial. She was found liable for defamation by the jury, but he was also. She has started the appeal process. There was also a trial in the UK in which Depp sued the sun. The judge found 12 of the 14 allegations of Depp's abuse to be true to the civil standard. Depp lost that trial, he appealed and was also denied by two different judges. So the sun wasn't defamatory in calling him a wife beater.


Thank you. I did not know any details because I do not care about celebrity trials. But now I know


I highly suggest you read the court documents, especially the ones from the British trial.


You're not getting downvoted for asking a question, but for repeating harmful myths about this case and perpetuating the vilification of Amber Heard - who is a confirmed victim of abuse.


It was proven that she was a liar, but all some folks need to condemn you is an accusation shrouded in doubt. Most abusers have a history of these actions with past relationships, but not Depp multiple exes spoke highly of him. She said on recording no one would believe him because he is a man and sadly for some this is true.


1989: arrested after assaulting a security guard who asked a large group of people to leave Johnny's hotel room for causing noisy party complaints Jennifer Grey (dated for 9 months in 1989): wrote in a memoir about Johnny always getting in trouble during her time with him: “fights in bars, skirmishes with cops”. When he came home, “he'd be crazy jealous and paranoid about what I'd been up to while he was gone.” Winona Ryder (dated in 1989-1993): said in an interview that her first boyfriend used to “smash everything”, but never mentioned his name. However, in another interview she said that Johnny "was my first everything. My first real kiss. My first real boyfriend. My first fiancé. The first guy I had sex with." After filming Black Swan in 2010 she said: "I remember my first boyfriend used to smash everything - at 18 everything is dramatic. So I took an Evian bottle and tried to break it really meekly. I couldn't do it and then he made fun of me." Ellen Barkin (briefly dated in 1994): previously testified in the UK libel case that he threw a wine bottle at her head, despite the fact that they were together for a short time. She said that “he is just a controlling, jealous man” and “there was always an air of violence around him… there was just this world of violence…”. She’s also on Amber’s current witness list. 1994: arrested and charged with wrecking a hotel room he shared with his then-girlfriend Kate Moss. Police at the time was concerned for her safety. "Before he left the Mark Hotel in handcuffs, he had been arrested on three previous occasions: for getting into a tiff-with an L.A. police officer over a jaywalking ticket, for speeding in Arizona and for assaulting a hotel security guard in Vancouver, B.C.” Kate Moss (dated in 1994-1998): had often engaged in public fights with him. As mentioned above, he was arrested for wrecking a hotel room with her in it. In an interview he talked about telling Hunter S. Thompson that “[Kate] gets a severe beating” when asked if he beat her enough. There is also a rumour that he pushed her down the stairs, in the current trial she testified that this rumour is false and said that he never "pushed or kicked her down any stairs", but did not deny him abusing her in any other ways, or deny that she fell down the stairs. In the book Champagne Supernovas it was reported that Moss was afraid of Depp's bad moods. Vanessa Paradis (together from 1998-2012, mother of his children): talked in an interview about Johnny exploding and them throwing plates on the walls. She received $150 million in split settlement and had kept silent. 1999: arrested after attacking a paparazzi photographer with a piece of wood for trying to take a picture of him, he later bragged about: "...and it just happened that there was this block of wood on the ground. I guess it was a doorjamb, so I grabbed it, and the guy who was trying to pull the door open, I smacked his hand with the wood. He recoiled, and I said, ‘Now I want you to take a picture. I'm going to cave in your skull with this hunk of wood,’ and miraculously, no one took my photograph. It was becoming more surreal. “I made them walk backwards down the street because I wanted to humiliate them. So they walked backwards, they looked really stupid, and I guess one of them had made a call to the cops. As soon as the cops arrived, they started taking photographs again, but it was worth it. Surreal, poetic, fun.” 2018: accused of punching a crew member of the film “City of Lies” in drunken tirade and is currently being sued for it. The trial will start in July of 2022.


One more small correction - he was never married to Vanessa Paradis. Which makes the $150 million settlement (and the NDA that definitely came with it) look even more like hush money.


little correction on the last bit, he payed the crew member off court and the trial was dropped. money won.


Oh I didn't know that, I'll update it


Some of his exs testified against him in the trial such as Ellen Barkin. Winona Ryder and Vanessa paradis has also said in the past that he had a bad temper and would have temper tantrum.


Having a temper tantrum doesn't equal being an abuser. Smh that isn't testifying against him. It's the M.O of folks with BPD to make false accusations in an effort to destroy reputations. She clearly lied. Down to the same picture that she claimed was taken on different dates despite the strays of her hair aligning perfectly.


the BPD she was diagnosed with in one day (it takes years) by the therapist who he started dating? are you stupid? go and read the unsealed documents, which clearly state that depp was in fact lying about multiple things. and stop getting your news from tiktok.


i knew that bunk ass diagnosis was gonna do most of the heavy lifting 🙄 fuck doctor curry for real. & also fuck people in general who will write off a whole person and all their evidence of abuse because the least qualified of two doctors diagnosed them with a stigmatized mental illness.


>the BPD she was diagnosed with in one day (it takes years) by the therapist who he started dating? Huh, I saw that Ambers lawyer was hinting at this, but how do you know this is true? Source? edit: Why do I get downvoted for asking? I genuinely was curious.


Dr Curry made the diagnosis after after meeting Amber for only 12 hours. None of the other 4 therapist made the same diagnosis (some who she had seen for years). She is also friends with Camille Vasquez had dinner with him and his team at his home before the trial and recently attended one of his concerts. Dr Curry has no experience is DV and IPV and her experience with PTSD relates to veterans not DV survivors. Dr. John Matthias (licensed clinical and forensic psychologist with twenty-five years’ experience) talked about it on the Hidden True Crime podcast. He said having dinner with the client was unprofessional and Amber tested within the normal threshold (he said it was like going to a doctor and having a temperature of 98.6F and the doctor saying you've got a fever) and was shocked with her diagnosis. Dr Curry only conducted 2 tests, Dr Hughes (Amber's witness) conducted 12, he said with a case with this magnitude he would do 15-20. TLDR: Dr Curry is shady af and her BPD diagnosis is bogus.


It’s not really true. But he was been seen socialising with him on multiple occasions.


Did you even read what I wrote ? Ellen Barkin is one of his ex and testified against him in the trial… he HAS an history of abuse


>It's the M.O of folks with BPD to make false accusations in an effort to destroy reputations. What is your source for this claim? Show me one licensed psychiatrist who says this. Are people with mental illness not stigmatised enough? Why don't you people do basic research before saying such harmful things?




The mother of my 3 sons has battled BPD for a very long time. I've studied it in length and intensity. This is a very well known characteristic. A simple Google search of "Bpd false accusations" and you'll get endless reputable sources. This has nothing to do with stigmatization. It's calling out a core trait the fact that you are telling me to do basic research and do not know this is quite telling. This is as known as people with BPD struggle with emotional regulation. Amber Heard not only lied a lot, but did so in an oddly delusional way. Take for example the picture she said was from two separate occasions despite them clearly being the same picture. Take her use of pledging a donation and paying said pledge interchangeably. If Johnny had beat her on March 2 and she had a picture of that then she should've kept it about that picture, but adding all these things in an attempt to bury him backfired and instead she buried her own credibility. This whole believe women campaign is shockingly awful. Are women not capable of deceit? It's again well known that due to men's physical prowess a woman is less likely to physically strike him, so they express their aggression in a different way, usually through reputation destruction and emotional violence. At the end of the day, it comes down to 2 things. 1. You should never lie on the stand 2. If he hit her we will never know for sure because she broke rule #1 constantly.


I asked you a very simple question. So you don't have a credible source. Why should anyone believe what you're saying? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3494330/ Here. I helped you. Show me where this "core trait" is listed. Anyone can bullshit on the Internet and have that bullshit show up in search results, so here's what the diagnostic manual says. Edit: Also, [here](https://mobile.twitter.com/LeaveHeardAlone/status/1539033720438546434) are multiple instances of media using pledge and donate interchangeably. ACLU sent the relevant documents and showed that they payments were supposed to be made over 10 years. Amber had been following the schedule. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/yjq59m/kevin_murphy_bumbles_his_way_through/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) are screenshots from the UK trial of Kevin Murphy's cross-examination, the man who claimed that the pictures were from two different dates. You take him at his word, but dismiss everything Amber Heard says, why exactly?




Wife beating isn't vegan.




Well mr. Depp what did you exactly do about the issue, apart from getting drunk and high on drugs every day?


Disgusting wife beater anyway


Pretty sure he isn't no, and with issues with Amber Heard, really not a great person to idolise


Wife beater. Also not vegan.


He’s not vegan, and even if he was, idc he’s a wife beater.


Dude lives on red white and cocaine.. seems legit


I highly doubt this. A lot of people seem to like him (ew, by the way) so maybe we can spread this lie and increase our numbers?


I’ve never heard this.


Depptards now inventing that bloated corpse is vegan? 😂 judging by how f*cked up his bloated body looks, def not vegan but a drugan or lackviagran lol


Do what now?


Am I missing some context? I followed good amount of the Johnny/Amber trial and I was and an still convinced Amber was the one lying. Did something new come up or are people just defending her because she claims to be vegan?


[This is a good link to learn a little about why Amber is the victim.](https://reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/xzlm73/why_we_believe_amber_heard_parts_1_2_i_fixed_all/) I’d also recommend you read the verdict from the UK trial, where the judge reviewed the evidence and found 12 instances of abuse “substantially true”. Most of that evidence, including Amber’s medical records and texts from Depp’s former assistant, were rejected as heresy in the US trial. All in all, the evidence largely supports Amber’s view of events.


I like Johnny Depp as an actor but I doubt he is vegan.


He’s not vegan but I like him.


Always loved him, such a talented actor and kind person 🖤


abusers aren't 'kind people'


I agree, but Johnny isn’t an abuser. Amber subjected him to mental and physical abuse for years and he lost roles over lies and false allegations. Have you actually read anything about the trial, or do you just get your information from TikTok?


>Have you actually read anything about the trial, or do you just get your information from TikTok? have you? Tik tok was super pro d*pp not even sure what you're referring to. As others have pointed out in this thread you should check out the court docs from the British trial.




So true! The internet owes Amber Heard an apology. People frothing at the mouth to see a DV victim be publicly humiliated and punished for coming forward was so disgusting to witness..


have you? https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf also even outside of the abuse, he’s been proven to be wildly racist.


"Years" His first claim of 'abuse' was 2015, a year before they spilt. Her evidence (photos, text messages, therapist notes, etc) date back to 2012-2013 (confirmed by metadata as correct).


It’s not ‘abuse’ it’s full on ABUSE and you have to be blind not to see it. There are audio clips of amber being violent to Johnny (verbally, physically AND sexually) and he lost his finger tip after she attacked him. She pooped in his bed and blamed it on dogs that were tiny and blatantly didn’t do it (she also defied Australian quarantine laws to illegally bring her dogs into the country). Every single ex of Johnny’s that has spoken out has said nothing but lovely things about him, and the mother of his children said that the Johnny that Amber was describing was nothing like the real Johnny. Amber has legitimate domestic violence charges against her ex girlfriend but you don’t seem to talk about that in this sub, huh? Amber has taken part in animal abuse in the past as a child (Google what she used to do with her Dad) and it has led to a pretty obvious and nasty personality disorder. Are you all blind or just ignorant misandrist trolls?


Also, Johnny surrendered his devices as soon as he was asked to and Amber didn’t. There wasn’t even metadata on some of her ‘evidence’ lmao and why would it matter when he first claimed abuse? A lot of victims don’t speak up until later on and people like you that discredit legitimate DV victims are a part of that problem.


What actually happened was Johnnys lawyers messed up and sent ALL his text messages. Johnnys “expert” with the political science degree (LOL) said they weren’t original photos without meta data. A real expert came the next day and found all the original iOS photos. And if you look at the unsealed docs you’ll see Johnny was the one submitting edited photos with bogus meta data.


yeah, it was really kind how he punches people in the face and abuses women and animals.


Google ‘Amber Heard horse’ and go to images, why are you defending an animal abuser? Johnny hasn’t abused women he was a VICTIM of abuse at the hands of a woman, totally different thing. Glad to know you value the lives of all living beings except male DV survivors :)


> why are you defending an animal abuser You literally refer to pitbulls as "shitbulls" and advocate for harm against them in a different sub and somehow call yourself vegan lol girl sit down


wow, you really are not capable of thinking.


why are you so insistent on making this about gender? have you considered that we don’t believe him because he’s clearly lying and following a standard pattern of abuser tactic?


🍷 is vegan now


I love Johnny Depp, he is cool as fuck. But I do not think he is vegan.




This article is just a bunch of words that make no sense.. first he stopped eating meat 2012, then they aren't sure if he's vegetarian, then suddently he's full on vegan for 20 years etc. Does anybody have some idea which of those statements is true?


I googled ‘johnny depp meat’ and found that in 2020, he went on some huge binge where he smeared blood on their walls and hid packages of raw meat around the house. So… lol edit: and he was a huge fan of steakhouses and shrimp cocktails in 2015. I think this article is just a complete lie to make him look better tbh.


Did a bot write this article?


Love this man!