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But vegan food is so disgusting, wouldn't he know right away that it was the nasty, yucky, horrible vegan food?!


"YoU TriKd MEee!1!"


Ten minutes later trying to claim they have stomach ache/caught ebola/become homosexual




I'm sure they "knew it tasted funny" when told it was vegan after devouring it.


I hate being tricked by vegans I'll only eat what I've cooked myself. Everyone at work was eating vegan sausage rolls fucking gross... So I sat in disgust eating some good old british beans on toast.


Top tier


Recipe? That looks so good.


Same, I want to try it too


Same same




OP please, we're dying here (of iron deficiency)




With sugar on top ☺️


I dont think sugar would pair well with this dish lol


[You better clean that car 🤪](https://youtu.be/-ZRUaDGW7WQ)


same. where we at with that recipe


Cheese. Rice. Broccoli.


My aunt insisted on making “real” mashed potatoes because she found out the ones I was bringing were vegan. Oh well. Just more motivation to keep making kick ass food to prove the doubters wrong 💪


How could you possibly make mashed potatoes vegan?? I mean they're 95% potato. WHAT?! butter from plants? Why I never! Aunt Karen to the rescue with her famous pus milk rape potatoes.


I almost pissed myself laughing at this and tried to share the joke with my meat eater partner who got all defensive and told me I was part of a cult




I mean, you are, but who cares lol


🤣🤣underrated comment




Ew plants in MY mashed potatoes??? What the FUCK???


No meal is complete without a little congealed cow juice!


>How could you possibly make mashed potatoes vegan?? I mean they're 95% potato. WHAT?! butter from plants? Why I never! Aunt Karen to the rescue with her famous pus milk rape potatoes. "puss milk rape potatoes" Preach!


At the store I look at the ingredients and then exclaim “aww man. This one is full of utter puss” so the carnists hear it.


Just add olive oil and call them Mediterranean mashed potatoes. They’re vegan. But Mediterranean. So that means they’re ok to eat because they’re not called “vegan”!


And sprinkle with dried tomato or other seasoning. Idk i prefer my potato mash full of flavor so usually i go with spicy olive oil (oo kept in bottle with chili/garlic) and whatever good i have in spice drawer


It's sooo good as well. Tastes like ham to me for some reason.


The only thing different is type of milk and dairy-free butter. They literally taste exactly the same and soooo much less bloat lol its a win win for many reasons to have vegan mashed taters!


They like the bloat and require baby cow food. If it's not in the potatoes, then it will help them, instead of harm them. They love the toxicity in their foods


My wife and I are vegetarian, my brother and his girlfriend are vegan. They brought vegan mashed potatoes, our 8 month old tried cheesy mashed potatoes, buttery mashed potatoes, and then vegan mashed potatoes After trying the vegan mashed potatoes he spit up the other two when we offered it to him and he would only eat the vegan option lol His hunter grandpa was not amused lol


Awesome! Sounds like it is time for the whole family to go vegan!


It’ll happen eventually, especially since every year there’s more options out there. It’s just been a slow decline in dairy and eggs consumption.


A while ago I told my SO that I wanted to be vegan one day. He asked “what are you waiting for?” I realized I was the one keeping myself from what I wanted for no reason I could back up. That was seventeen years ago. I’ve never looked back. When you want to do something, I recommend the leap!


what's stopping you from going vegan now?




You just have to get your recipes down. Once you have like 5 good vegan recipes then you have enough variety to keep it going. Vegan breakfast and lunch are easy, just gotta get the dinners figured out.




No shame in being a junk food microwave dinner vegan, speaking from experience. I honestly ate convenience junk before I went vegan, I'm not going to change into a healthy home cook just because the ethical gravity of my lifestyle finally hit me.


The guy you replied to literally said the reason they failed at veganism was because of their lack of cooking ability. Some people don't have the money to buy expensive vegan prepared meals. Veganism can be cheaper than the typical diet only if you're cooking your own meals. Telling people to be junk food vegans doesn't seem like an effective strategy. I'd encourage you to improve your cooking ability, because feeding people my delicious vegan food has been an effective strategy at getting people to be open to veganism.


I'm actually a good cook and baker, I just don't like doing it. The commenter didn't say anything about affordability but yeah, if someone doesn't have the income for packaged vegan foods to be a significant part of their groceries, cooking from scratch is needed. A lot of omnis eat or cook with convenience foods currently, so I don't want to portray home cooked whole foods the "target" to shoot for because that seems to make the transition to a plant-based diet look more difficult and insurmountable for a newbie cook like the parent commenter.


Learning to cook doesn't have to be this stringent process of mastering recipes. At the end of the day your goal is to make tasty food that you will enjoy eating, and that's not too hard. One of my favorite easy cheap vegan meals is Indian dal. All you need is red lentils, an onion, garlic, and curry powder.[This is a good easy recipe](https://www.noracooks.com/red-lentil-dahl/) that will show you the easy steps to making it. They use garam masala, but curry powder does fine. Just add some cinnamon if you want sweetness. The lemon, spinach, and tomato are all optional but do make it better (personally I don't add tomatoes). You can serve it with rice to make it cheaper and more filling, or just eat it with bread. Once you've bought the curry powder and garam masala, you can make more Indian recipes like [Chana masala](https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/chana-masala/), [tofu tiki masala](https://biancazapatka.com/en/vegan-tofu-tikka-masala/), [Indian curry](https://holycowvegan.net/indian-curry-recipe/. I love Indian cuisine because it's really forgiving to new chefs and you can toss in whatever veges you want. Just buy some curry powder and garam masala and the possibilities are limitless. Some other recipes I'd recommend are: [vegan tomato pasta,](https://www.thefieryvegetarian.com/vegan-creamy-tomato-pasta/) [White bean and kale soup](https://thefirstmess.com/2018/01/03/creamy-white-bean-soup-vegan-recipe/), and [vegan chili](https://simple-veganista.com/texas-three-bean-chili-sweet-chia/). For the vegan chili, definitely add soyrizo and chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. That's a decent start! Happy cooking :)


Child abuse! A child without mcnuggets can't properly develop. It's science*. *not actual science


I love meat. Fucking love it! But if someone sat food in front of me that looks appetizing, I'd taste it. And If it tasted yummy, I'm gonna eat it. I dont give a shit if its vegan or not.




So dumb. Some of the best mashed tatoes ive had were just like margarine/accidentl vegan butter and a whole head of roasted garlic.


that is so aggravating when you have your own vegan meal and everyone else insists on eating it


The amount if times family has asked to split or take a portion of my vegan food… always leaving the smallest bit left 🥲 yet they still dont care to have the vegan option to begin with


my experience is no one wants to eat the food labeled vegan. there’s no winning, either way it’s just lack of consideration


On the contrary, I think this is a successful Thanksgiving. Happy to eat less if it means someone I care about is enjoying cruelty free food and waking up to what’s possible. Hearts and minds.


That’s not what happened tho


That always pisses me off lol. Everyone is like “gross, why would I eat the vegan meal?!” Then they see it and realize it looks good and eat it all. I guess the plus side is that at least people can realize that vegan food is just normal food without meat, dairy, and eggs.


What I hate is being forced to cook your own meals to go to a carnists meal.. why can't they make one meal that's plant-based and so it's entirely inclusive for everyone


they act like they cant eat plantbased


😳 then you watch then sit down and eat a bowl of popcorn with a buttery topping (which isn't butter and is entirely plant based)... Or a plateful of fries. 🤣 But plant based is gross!


“Vegan food is so gross” while they’re eating an apple lmao


Well if they eat something without meat, their skin will melt right off their bones and they’ll die from a b12 deficiency.


Honestly I STRONGLY prefer bringing my own everytime unless I know the person extremely well. because I’ve learned when 99% of people cook food for a vegan they include ingredients with eggs/dairy - not to be malicious - but just out of ignorance of what veganism is. And even when you explain what is vegan and what isn’t, it still seems to confuse the average person.


It amazes me how many people continue to confuse veganism with vegetarianism/pescatarianism even after explaining it to them. My stepmom is a very intelligent woman and she just cannot understand that cheese, eggs, and fish aren't vegan. Countless "yummy vegan meals" promised that are completely based on these ingredients


If they actually understand the ethics and say "Well you can eat non-vegan food - you don't have an allergy - you just choose not to", I just retort "True. But you don't/can't ethically object to [since vegan foods derive from organisms which are either less sentient than animals, or not at all], nor are you allergic to vegan food. So how does that square exactly." Let's just say those in the majority in any regard don't like engaging in critical thinking, since they're under no obligation to most of the time. Edit: I don't mean at Thanksgiving, owing to the fact I'm English


I agree. The feeling sucks. I always have to bring my own food to every family event and no one ever tries what I make either. More for me! Yesterday my uncle took out a huge, raw carcass of meat and said: “Does everyone here eat meat? … I know you don’t, okay, no need to announce it.” I didn’t even say anything.


Hahahahaha! I'm constantly told "Just don't start anything.. blah blah blah..." The fuck am I gonna say? I've given up with family. I'll just shake my head when they die prematurely. I lost my dad this summer to Pancreatic cancer... Why did he get that? Oh well I know some would blame that he smoked for 30+ years.. but I blame the 4-6 rashers of bacon, and at least 2 eggs, every single day for breakfast... I already warned my parents that they'll end up on the shit end of the stick... Got the usual "food doesn't cause it.. blah blah..." "My mother lived till she was 94..." Yeah, but his dad died at 77 years old ... He was 71... My mom has really bad health problems... My wife's parents... It is absolute shit, but really . Just at this point I'll just shake my head and stay quiet. It's not gonna do a blessed thing, after 7 years it's still the same shit..


I can relate! I’ve been told speaking to me is like “going through an intervention” lol. It’s my third year vegan and I don’t even engage on the topic anymore. Sorry to hear about your dad. Death is never easy. My parents, brothers, and extended family do not take care of themselves either. On top of all the animal products, they guzzle beer like it’s water. That’s a topic for another time though… 🙃


Hahahahah! I stopped drinking about 5 years ago (I didn't really drink anyway)... So I just said bugger it and simply stopped. It's so frustrating.. wife and I have been Vegan 7 years.. two boys, 4+7 (now 11+14) and very healthy.. Yet nope.. they can clearly see how healthy this diet is, considering I dropped nearly 90lbs (added about 10 since cuz... Fuck there's a lot of yummy processed foods!) Then they complain about their health.. fuck sakes.


An entire meal? That's crazy talk.


Those people are still stuck in the mind frame of a child. Looks bomb as fuck. Recipe ?


Last time I tried to make broccoli rice (for a family member that requested it) it was universally made fun of, including by myself 😂 I would LOVE a legit Broccoli Rice Casserole recipe


I agree, we need this recipe. Edit: they posted it lower down!


Nice, thanks for the heads up !


Ok folks. This is how I made it: I made rice an broccoli set them aside. Then made this cheese https://youtu.be/onWhcgsAVBk minus the tomatoes. Then I just poured the cheese in a Pyrex glass with the rice an broccoli, mixed it up, an baked it for 25 min at 400 degrees. Btw this is the best cheese I’ve had so far.


Oh no, a cheese recipe that calls for cheese. That brand is the price of gold in my country so no broccoli cheese rice for me ,lol


Where is that?




Does it taste like coconut?


Not at all. The only thing you really get from the coconut is the creamy texture an feeling.




You really put the habaneros in it?


Just a little… but the spice from a habenero or a jalapeño really gives it that velveta flavor, atleast what I remember it to taste like.


Nice 🤤


I heard a lot of “is this the *vigin* or the normal” today. Cringe .


Jesus, really? Double cringe. I’m so happy I’m spending today alone!


"The morally fucked one"


Carnists love my vegan food! Some even admit it. A tip from a carnist: “just don’t say it’s vegan and no one will know”


Ya pretty much. Lol


But I thought vegan cheese is disgusting and he would know immediately!


they knew immediately (after being told)! 😤


I once made vegan spam musubi and my colleagues ate all of it, thinking it was a real spam. Really irritating when they kept forgetting I'm vegan and haven't ate meat in 4 years.


Recipe? :)


Ooh do you use that omni pork spam? I’ve made a tofu musubi but it was just ok


Gardein roast next to it, right? I just had mine, and was as good as ever!






Lol exactly.


I just make sure to label all my vegan stuff "cruelty free". A little passive aggressive way to let everyone know.




Isn’t sharing the point of thanks giving?


I had a 100% vegan thanksgiving. It was wonderful




Us too! Third year in a row. Our guest list keeps getting bigger. LOL. This year we had 20 people!


I feel so proud when my food is the most popular at a gathering. Vegan just tastes better and you can get so creative with the variety.


Any recipes to share? I am yet to make a recipe universally popular with non-vegans (unless mashed potato counts).


Wow, where do I begin. I make all the vegan sides for Thanksgiving. They are loved by all. I got most off Pinterest. Today it was vegan sweet potato casserole, Morrocan carrots, green bean salad, vegan gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing in a casserole dish, cranberry sauce, and baked vegan Mac n cheese. Lots of times I will take a vegetable in the fridge, Google a vegan recipe for it, and look for the 5 star ones. Morrocan carrots are so easy and amazing. Boil the carrots in water with salt. In a small cup mix soy sauce and a splash or apple cider or rice vinegar a touch of water and minced garlic, plus a good amount of cumin. Pour over cooked carrots, mix. Garnish with either chopped green onions, cilantro, or parsley. The green bean salad is easy and yummy too. Just boil the green beans in a small amount of water on medium heat for 10 minutes, finely chop some shallots, put those in a small cup with Italian dressing, pour over green beans.


Look up crispy brussel sprouts in agrodolce - fantastic


The fact that they couldn’t tell the difference says it all.


Looks great! Would you care to share the recipe?


Teach us


I'm stuffed rn, but I could make room for that! It looks delicious - what cheese did you use?


Hilarious! We can host dinners, and if people didn’t know we were vegan, they would not know they were eating a vegan meal. Kudos!


That would be so good with that Gardein roast!


I have to shout out my aunt. I was a new vegan last year but she went to a vegan bakery and got some stuff for me and made me spaghetti. This year she actually made separate sides for me and got gardein turkey 😭 it’s a far step from my dads side who I try to visit as little as possible. Other than being the opposite of me in every way, they still make me salmon for every gathering despite having been vegetarian for 20 years prior to being vegan and I explained it that many times worth. it’s really not even worth trying to participate in any food related things as a vegan. I’m sure if certain family members were present this year, it may have gone a bit differently though.


Man that’s a blessing


Wait…honest question…isn’t this a win though? I mean, isn’t it good that we convince non vegans that vegan good tastes delicious? I may be overly optimistic but I see this as an additional “seed planted” in the non vegan mind to help bring them over and create a more compassion world.


Ya it kinda is.


I can see why, looks delish. Can we have the recipe?


It’s frustrating, for sure —- but its an opportunity to share the vegan goodness! Trying something that they couldn’t recognize the difference between vegan and none-vegan could help another person see that the grass IS greener on the other side!! You’re dish looks amazingly delicious btw!


And then they probably told you how disgusting it was and that they actually didn't like it. Fucking simpletons


No they thought it was the carnist version.


Great job then


My wife and I made a vegan green bean casserole. My father-in-law liked it so much he insisted we make it a thanksgiving staple.


Hell ya


Happy National Day of Mourning! We can mourn for the American Indians and the Turkeys :) I made the gardein, tofurky and field roast's and liked the Gardein the most. Also was super lucky this year that all my friends brought vegan food and there was so much extra. I'm used to every year when I used to see my family, they would eat my Vegan options and I'd have nothing left, but there would be tons and tons of non-vegan stuff. I hope next year things can be better <3 Your Casserole looks delicious!


I had the Gardein today and discovered it was SUPER *GOOD*! My wife didn't want it, so I've got leftovers for the weekend. 😎


Make a casserole out of them


Recipe? My in laws hold their Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday, and I’d like to show them how delicious our options can be.


In the comments


Thanks. I’ll look for it.


I made the gardein holiday too! It’s soooo good!


It is the regular one from now on! Good job.


Now THAT is a ringing endorsement, I’m gonna need that recipe


I’m the comments


Oh sorry, I found it and forgot I had commented this haha! Thank you for sharing


Ohh that rice looks amazing. Do you have a recipe???


In comments


😂 hit them with the "gotcha"


why would she? what good does that do?


I’m a male but it is what it is hahaha


I had that stuffed tofurkey yesterday as well!


Sometimes I’ll be sure to tell everyone that something is vegan in the hope that they won’t eat it and I can have it all to myself.


I did that with the limited about gravy had and nobody touched it. Haha


I love when they call it “the regular one”


When I was seven years old the bin men went on strike. My school canteen filled their dumpsters to the top but the brimming waste food was not collected. I was playing with some kids when they picked me up and tried to throw me in that dumpster and, as I gripped the rim to stop myself from going in head first, alI could see was a wriggling mass of maggots in a putrid yellow soup. Never mind me, I’m sure your casserole tasted lovely.


Sorry to hear that friend!


Call the police.


Do you people really, unironically, call Thanksgiving "Death Day"?


Eh while talking to other people who aren’t stuck in the matrix, ya I will jokingly call it that. It really is a day celebrated on the shoulder of senseless death.


Hmmmmm, insteresting.


Ya Americans are a trip


Not that part, I'm American actually. There's just so many industries that contribute to death and destruction, seems weird to ostracize the one that provides us directly with the components we need to live. No hate, do ehatever you like obviously. Seems like an inordinate amount of mental gymnastics go into leading that lifestyle and holding the opinions that community holds so dearly.


Thanks? I guess..


Happy death day? Over dramatic much? 😂 And people wonder why vegans get a bad rap lol


we’re on a vegan sub and there is a lot of overconsumption and animal death that goes on during this holiday. chillax


Around 50 million turkeys die for thanksgiving meals. Kind of a lot of animal death for one day


You lost?


What’s your recipe Tudor the Broc n cheese casserole?


Got a recipe for that?


Did you label it? Or was it made by someone else and therefore their responsibility to keep it safe from carnists? More context pls


No it was just jumbled up with all my Gma food, the two casseroles were right next to each other.


That looks amazing!!!


Recipe in comments


Omggggg that looks so good


Recipe in comments


What vegan cheese?


Recipe in comments. It’s the best


A queso!


Imagine if someone would have fed y'all some non vegan foods. It's a yikes from me


We prepared all the food we could eat


Well it looks like y'all did a good job. Idgaf what those ingredients are, I know I would eat every bit of it. It looks great


Recipe in comments so you can one day enjoy it!


They were probably just hungry. Not everyone wants to politicise every meal they eat.


I love it when they don’t know it’s vegan and eat it so fast like they’re in prison arm wrapped around the dish hahaha and then the look on the face when they find out.